Episode 114

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Merry C: They're over there? When did you have time to move?
Chopper was in his Rainedeer form
That's form...! I get it, you're a Zoan type, aren't you? I thought you weren't just a normal person.
Chopper: Are you okay, Usopp?
Usopp: Thank...you saved me...
Merry C: So what if he did? Our advantage over you hasn't changed a bit! Let's Go, Mr 4! Here we go! Off we go now! Now we go! You lunkhead!
A/n I could never be partners with her. Not 1 million berries.
Usopp: She went underground. Again
Chopper: Usopp, you'd best consider yourself done for if you stop moving.
Usopp: I get you. You mean, if we stop they'll fire dozens more at us, huh?
Tue dog shoots multiple balls at them.
Here they come! They moved out of the way.
Mr 4 comes from underground to see the balls coming at him and Chopper.
Chopper: If I can just knock you flying....! Merry C them bought his leg.
Wait up. If we don't have a better the game won't be any fun, will it?
Mr 4 hits all three balls at chopper
Usopp: Chopper. Cooper get small
Whew, I can do that. Why you dirty mole! He went to hit her. But missed. He went to hit Mr 4. But missed as well.
There were different Holes on the ground.
Damn, if they keep running away through these mole holes, then even if I use Rumble Ball time will run out right away. Huh?
Merry C: eh? Just where does the guy with the long nose disappear to?
Chopper; They're right. Usopp is gone!
Usoopp: I should warn you guys...! My goodness,  imimptsees you could create all these underground tunnels without it becoming tiresome. Good work! Then again, there can be some literal " pitfalls"  when it comes to fighting like this you know?
Merry C: Where are you? Where did you go? She looked at the hole. He wouldn't...!
Usopp: Yes. You took the trouble to make these underground tunnels. You're not the only one...who can move around on them. He jumps up. Usopp
Merry C: You bastard! You were in one of these holes?
Pound! He bangs a 5-ton hammer on Mr 4 head.
Merry C: A five-ton hammer?
Where does this kid keep that kind of power?
Chopper: Five tons...! Wow. 45 tons extra he came to be like Stella
Zoro and Steall as training.
Sanji I bet Stella-sama can beat Moss's head in lifting
Zoro: Huh.
Stella: I would love to try it.
Zoro: You're on
Luffy: Go Zoro
Nami: Go stella
Chopper: Wouldn't Zoro win seeing how he's bigger than Stella?
Usopp: Well yeah he's right.
Sanji: You shouldn't judged based on how people look. I said this to prove to you guys Stella is better.
After a while zoro was getting tired at 40 tons
Stella was still going
Luffy added 10 more tons
Zoro gave up. While Stella was able to do ten sets. Of 50 tons
All: Way to go Stella.
Zoro: good job
Stella: Thank you. You I could do more if I wanted to. But didn't want to embarrass you
Zoro's face was red.
Stella: Good workout. Now let's get back to the plan
End of Flashback.
Merry: Who are you?
Usopp: Travelers of the world oceans,  crusher of notorious foes as I go, and sinker of countless ships. Out if fear, people call me the Dynast of Destruction.".Remember my name well. Captain Usopp!
Chopper: Awesome! Awesome! That was awesome, Usopp!
Usopp: Yeah, thank you, thank you, baby! Thank you. I'll be signing autographs later.
Chopper: I've understated your ability up until now! Stella would be so proud.
Usopp: He's not moving. Could I have hit him that hard? No, hold on. Either way, this is my chief,  huh? You, to penguin! Take this Five-ton hammer! Usopp Pound! She went underground. Tach, she got away! Where are you, penguin?
Merry C: I Rold you, I'm a mole, you "ba!
Usopp: There you are. He went to pound her but every time she ducked into the ground.
Usopp got tired after some time.
Damn, you're all over the place...?
Merry C: Ha! Ba! You "ba? What's the point...if you can't hit me?
Usopp; Let me inform you of something.... You must have heard that a good number of Baroque works staff have been eliminated by us, right? The truth is, it was all my doing! And wants more... I have 8,000 men under me!
Chopper: Really?
Usopp: Five tons! Five tons
Chopper: wow awesome!
Mr 4 got back up.
Usopp: What, just now!
Chopper: Whoa! He took a five-ton hammer, too! He's a monster!
Merry C: she doesn't have the slight bump, does he? He took a direct blow to the head by a five-ton hammer and he uninjured?
The dog blew a Ball at him revealing what I'm the inside of Usopp's weapon. Two frying pans
Chopper: Papier-mâché? Hey, that was a fake?
Usopp: I course it was fake! Do you think I can carry five tons? Only Stella and Zoro can do that and even more. I have to give up after 5 kg! This is a light-folding model! I made it out of frying pans and sticks!
Merry C has a red aura coming from her. Why, you tricked me didn't you?
No more mercy! Mole art of escaping! Mole fish.
Usopp: She went into the molehill again! Watch out for the holes. What's she planning to do at the time? She looked around where are you, you bastard? Where did you go?
Merry C: Watch out for the holes, you say? That won't do any good. Under the ground is like a swimming pool to me! Laughs
Usopp: A pool! He looked down to see a hole forming under him. You mean...?;
She came from behind him. and slashed him
Merry C: Mr. 4 Lasso! You guys take care of the reindeer man! Show off your 400-swing punk knocks.
The dog shot out multiple balls.
Chopper: Mind. It's no use! I can't take an attack like this anymore! It's all for nothing! I'll have to use these three minutes to think of a way to beat this guy!  She runs as he does the balls.
Mr 4 was able to hit all the balls
Brain point! Scope! The balls exploded around Chopper.
Vivi was running. Koza, where are you now? She then tripped. She got up
Cobra: Remember, the people are the country.
Vi: Father...
Sanji: You still have a rebellion to stop right, Vivi-chan?
Luffy: You want it so nobody does int is fight. Don't you think that's Soft-hearted?
Vi: Stop talking like that!
Zoro: If you are the only hope for preventing the rebellion, then you have to survive, no matter what.
No matter what might happen to any of us here.
Stella: Look bad things happened. But you can't stand around and expect things to get better you have to make choices even if it costs your friends or your life to go to save others.
Karoo squawk
Stella: You guys go ahead
Vi: We'll be waiting for you in Alubarna okay
Stella: Okay
Corodile: It will be...this pathetic little kingdom that does.
Vi: I'll stop this! No matter what I have to do! She continued to walk
Chopper almost fell over but was able to get back into his stance.
Merry C: Is this the time for you to be concert about someone else? I tell you, no more mercy, You "b"! Il torment you as much as I like and turn you into desert-dried fish! Mole Banana! Here goes! Usopp was able to don't her claws. From under him
Usoppp: You can't go after that spot on a guy!
Merry C: Quit your criping, you "ba'! 
Usopp was running. Terrific! There are ruins of a walk over there! If I keep dashing at this site towards it she'll hit the part of the wall buried under the sand with a major crash!
Come on, come on, now bash your head open. He jumped before she could get him. But she stopped just before. And she went through it. Uospp was able to go to a broke building but she broke the building on top of Usopp
Chopper: Usopp He looked. Mr used his bat. And made an explosion on Chopper.
Chopper: Usopp... He went back to his scope. I don't have time for that. The Rumble Ball will only last for two minutes. Usopp will be fine. It will take more than that to beat him. Right now, finding their weakness comes first. Otherwise, we're going to get beaten here. Yeah, it's just like Usopp said, isn't it? Right now, I'll do whatever I can!
Mr 4 was ready.
Usopp got up. He looked around for her. Laughs. Got crushed, did you? You old penguin hag! Serves you right!
Merry C: I told you, I'm a mole! Molehill Highway! She went under and dragged Usopp wherever she won't from the top.
Uospp: what are you doing? Let me go! Stop it! This is dangerous to be out here if you go too fast, you'll-- Wah! In front of you! Looks wall! A wall in front of you! Can't you see that? Stop it
Merry C: Mole-Mole Impact! She went through it causing Usopp to leave a mark on the wall she did it again this time letting him fall harshly.
Chopper: I see it. I know your weakness! Shopper runs the opposite way. To the dog. He used the dirt on the dog's face. The dog was sniffling Now she held the dog face down into the house. Usopp! Usopp, can you get up,!Usopp? Get away from the mole and her holes
Usopp; You don't have to tell me! They were running.
Merry C:What are those guys doing now?
Each of the holes lit up as an explosion happens.
Vi: What?
Copper: The Moleshill weakness..is that all of the ttunless are connected.
He looked at it.
They're alive! This is bad. My rumble Ball effectiveness is already half gone.
Usopp: No more... No more! No more! We're going to be killed! He ran
Chopper: Usopp!
Usopp: You've gotta be kidding me! There is no way we can beat these monsters! They're still alive after that!
Chopper: No, we can, can't just run away! Not from the guys? Usopp!
Merry C: he's right! She grabbed his feet. That was an insolent stunt for you to pull! After going that far, you can't just run away, you know! Usopp was screaming Ha! I guess if the captain is that feeble, her crew must be wimps, too!
Usopp: Captain...? What about Stella?
Merry C: If you mean Bandana Scarf Stella, she got killed a while ago, at the boss:a hand. The rebellion had begun, and all... You guys picked the wrong parole to mess with.
Chopper: Steall...is dead...?
Usopp: Don't you dare lie to us!

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