Episode 88

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Thing 3: What? He can't be stupid!
Luffy: Hey reindeer. I'm gonna beat these guys up now. What do you wanna do?
Wapol: What are you saying you, idiot? If you wanna protect the flag that bad, stay there forever to protect it! He went to shoot a fluffy
Sanji: Why don't you stay right there? He went to run but stopped
Kureha: Looks like your backbone gave out... That's just natural. You're moving around too much! Stop, doctor's orders! She then kicked him.
Wapol: What's you idiot doing? Just stand there and watch! I'll blow him to bits along with that flag! Time to get blown away Straw hat!
Chopper: Stop it. He went to attack.
Luffy: That's the idea! Get him, reindeer!
Thing 3: Wapol-sama! Watch out! They blocked Cooper's punch.
Kureha: The little brat is showing his guts as if he's a fully grown man...
Stella: I know Chopper can win.
Thing 3: Sorry, I won't let you lay your finger on Wapol-sama! Chopper changed into his small size.
Really, there are some strange creatures in this world. Seem like you're that "yet" the citizens got worked up about at their own time. You just really have spent your while liked by everyone. You poor monater. Why's a loner like you trying to save this country? Don't make me laugh!
Chopper: Shut up! Even if I don't have friends, I can still fight! As long as Doctor's flag exists, I will.
Both: You do have friends.
We're your friends
Chopper looked at Stella & Luffy.
Luffy Stretched his arms to get to Chopper while Stella walked.
Luffy ends up knocking down Thing 3 and Wapol.
Chopper: Straw Hat! Are you okay?
Luffy: I'm just fine....since I'm a rubber man. Hey, reindeer. Can you if she is that guy? He points to thing 3 I want Stella to rest.
Stella: I could still fight.
Chopper: Someone like that is a piece of cake.
Luffy: Then it's decided. My opener is that annoying mouth!
Stella: Seems like I get no say in this
Kureha: You can just sit and watch.
Wapol: How dare you, straw Hat, flying around like that!
Chopper: I won't hesitate any longer!
Thing 3: You can take me down? Huh, you monster?
Sanji: How dare you. Old hag! I will fight... She steps on him harder
Kureha: Shut up and watch! If you keep moving around, you won't be able to walk on your own anymore. Don't worry. When push comes to home my reindeer can handle things
Stella: And Luffy hasn't let us down yet
Chopper: My name is Tony Tomy Chopper. It's a name that the world's greatest doctor gave me! Even if the doctor forgave you. I won't forgive you for laughing at how he lived!
Thing 3: I'm the one who'll show no forgiveness! I'll stomp you!
Chopper: Rumble ball. He takes a small yellow ball.
The effects of the Rumble Ball's last 3 minutes. I'll take you down in 3 minutes!
Thing 3: You can't defeat me at all, much less in 3 minutes!
Luffy: 3 minutes that's amazing.
Stella: I would love to see him do that.
Kureha: We're about to see something amazing.
Sanji: Damnit! Let me fight, too!
Chopper ate the ball.
Thing: What can you do? He lit up an arrow. Marimo's snow-melting Arrow!
Chopper: Walk point! Leg boost! He turned into his reindeer form and dodged all the falling arrows.
Thing 3: Gumph! Just a transformation I was expecting something more. In other words, you have the power of a debit fruit. Zoan-type, just like Dalton! A reindeer human, huh?
Stella: Mind I wonder what my devil fruit name is.
Chopper: Heavy point! Weigh Boost! I'm a human reindeer.
Thing: Same differences. I know everything about the three-form transformation you Zoan-types use. Marimo's super surprise Quattro Hammer! I've seen all your forms. Looks like you're a power fighter like Dalton. But there's no way you can.
Chopper: Jumping point! Jump Boost
Thing 3: Outpoer me.
Chopper jumped in the sky.
Stella: Oh he jumped high.
Thing 3: What's what's the from? Wasn't his Human-animal form" the little reindeer form earlier? How impudent!
Chopper: Guard Point! Fur Boost! He changed into a giant fluff ball and was able to stand the punch that Thing 3 gave him.
Thing 3: Can't be I hit him dead on. I was sure that Zoan-types had a limit of three forms. What the heck are you?
Chopper: The Rummble Ball is a drug that messes up the wavelength of the devil fruit transformations. During my 5 years of research, I found 4 more transformation points. 3 transformations plus 4.
Thing 3: Seven-form transformation? What is the big deal with the number of transformations?
Luffy: A seven-form transforming interesting reindeer!
Kureha: What's the matter him
Sanji: Look like his happiness exceeded its limit after hearing a seven-phase transformation.
Stella: Oh please he gets like that when he sees meat.
Wapol: You bastard... What happens to your fight against me?
Thing 3:To hell with a seven-phase transformation! I won't be decided by such a sham! They went to attack
Chopper: Arm point! Arm Boost! He turned into his reindeer form with larger arms and was able to break a weapon he had. Thing 3 went to hit him with the other one, and Chopper broke that one as well.
Chopper: Let me tell you one thing. Mt iron hours can snag even rocks!
Thing 3: How impudent, you bastard! This'll show you! Marimo's Surprise. Quattro Axe! Snow-splitting Blade! They attacked and broke part of the castle
Sanji: hey.. The castle wall for hollowed out!
Thing 3: Tsk! He dodged it. Then, how about this? He ran to attack. Omnidirectional Snow splitter. Chopper dodged every attack they had on him.
What happens to your high spirits from earlier? You can't win if you just keep, dodging, you know!
Chopper: Brain Point! Brain Boost! It's not that I was just dodging. I was looking for your weak spot. This will finish you, Scope! He put his hands together
Luffy: a beam! He'll definitely shoot a beam!
Sanji: He won't you idiot.
Luffy: Shut up! It's definitely a beam!
I don't care what anyone says, it's a beam! What else could it be? It's a beam
Sanji: Hie can you know? huh?.
Luffy: I just know! It's a beam! Beam
Sanji: Then what kind of beam?
Kureha: Boys.
Stella: Oh please I have to live with them. This is not close to how annoying they can get.
Wpaol: I should use this chance...
Thing 3: you were looking for my weak spot! So what? I don't have a blind spot! Wpaol was able to sneak in without anyone noticing. Tags what he thinks. You transforming idiot who can't even attack. You're the one who'll be finished!
Chopper: I found it. His jaw.
Thing 3: Where'd he go?
Chopper: Hoofprint. Rose! He uperpunched them. The changed back
3 minutes.
Luffy: All right, reindeer! You're pretty good, reindeer! Amazing!
Chopper blushed. Shut up.
Dalton got injured but the 20 MDs were able to save his life. And now he wants to fight Wapol even in his injured state
Sanji: hey, Luffy! Where is that guy?
Luffy: That guy?
Sanji: He's not here.
Luffy: Which guy?
Sanji: that tin bastard! He's disappeared!
Luffy: Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! He looked around for him
Kureha: He came up on the-haired hippo. We wouldn't go down on his own.
Luffy: were on earth did he go
Sanji: While you were fascinated by the transformation, do course!
Luffy: That bastard! I'll finish him right away and finish him off!
Stella: Oh wapol he's in the castle.
All: what.
Stella: yeah he went behind you guys' back to get there
Luffy: I'll beat that bastard.
Sanji: That's bastard! If he lays his hand on Nami-san, I'll gut him 100 Times he calls away from Kureha
Kureha: Geez, does he want to die?
Chopper: Doctorine.. They called me... They Friend.
Stella smiled
Luffy: Where're you, annoying mouth?
Name: It seems like my fever is coming down quite a bit. At this rate, I can likely go back to the ship soon. What am I doing? This is no time to be in bed creating here Vivi is waiting for me!
Wapol: What the hell is going on here? Is this really my Drum Castle? What have they done to my castle? They won't get away with this! I will chew up every single one of them!

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