Episode 117

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Vi: Stella-sama's dead...? You're lying?
Corodile: It's not a lie. Bandana scarf is buried in the sands of Rainbase, Miss Wednesday. If only she hadn't gotten involved with you, she could've lived a long life.
Vi: There's no way she could be killed by someone like you!
Corodlile: Well, it's thanks to their sacrifice tags you're about to rant right Now. Give them your deepest thanks so at least the dead can...
Vi: Where's stella-sama? Why're you here?
Crocodile: ...rest in peace...
Nmai was hiding.
I can hear the sounds of battle from here....so she wasn't able to atop the rebel army at the entrance... I wonder if Vivi and the others are okay... They're all fightingwotye hm their very lives... And yet I'm...
She asked Usopp to make her a weapon because she wanted to fight just like others. Usopp agreed to make her one. A plank fell and Nami got scared. What am I doing.... getting scarce by a noise like that...? When I grandly boasted in front of Usopp like that... I'm prepared, aren't I? To fight for Vivi... That's right... Usopp kept his promise. She had a Three-stick she could turn into a longer stick/pole
In any case, I'll fight! If it's just that woman, I should be able to...!
Someone came through the wall and stayed Nami from behind on her shoulder. The things made holes in the wall to her through.
Nami got her weapon
Miss DF Came through. It's no use running girl.
Nmai: Mind. Miss DF! What was that spear-like weapon she just used? Does she also have Devil Fruit powers?
Miss DF: Do you get it now? I'm a spike person with Spike-spike fruit powers. I can release spikes from anywhere on my body.
Nami: Mind. Spike's that can easily pierce through stone walls... If I get caught even once she'll pierce my entire body with those spikes and that'll be it for me. She gets up.
Miss DF: Oh? Don't tell me you're going to fight me...
Nmai: That's right? She begins to put her pieces together...
Usopp: Sometimes, it calls forth clouds other times it makes the rain fall... Yet other times, it produces wind...! This miracle take causes catastrophes when it is re-arranged!
Nami: Take this! My new weapon, climb Takt!
Miss DF: what on earth...
Nami: First sunny weather! Fine Tempo! She made her weapon into a triangle. Yellow smoke came out.
Wow, amazing! Doves flew out? Laughs. That was stupid! She threw her weapon on the floor. A dove came on her head.
Miss DF: Are you...okay?
Nami: The first shot is often like this... We start by getting the enemy's guard down, right? I get it Usopp. She used her weapon to represent a gun.
This time, it'll be the end of you! Cloudy Tempo! She shot at her. Only for pink Smoke to come out and flowers.
Wow! What pretty flowers! Laughs.
No way I can win like this! She throws her weapon again.
A dove came by and she grabbed it. What the heck is this? Say something?
Miss DF: I don't know her situation...but what a poor child...
Soldiers we're banging trying to get in.
Man: Hurry up! Vivi-sama is in danger!
Cannons! Bring cannons here! Destroy the gate! Hurry up!
Miss Sunday's eye glow. Dieciseis Fleurs! Flower petals fly and hands go through the door.
Man: What the... He went to check. A hand grabbed him. And another took a weapon and used it against them
The me flew downstairs.
Miss Sunday and Corodile go through the door to meet with Vivi and Chaka.
Miss Sunday: I hope we can have some peace now.
Spikes came after Nmai.
Nami was able to dodge them
She thought she was bleeding but when she checked it was a barrel full of wine. Miss DF kicked the barrel out of her way. She went to stab Nmai but Nmai dodged the attack as part of her cloak was ripped. 
What a stubborn girl. Don't you think it's pointless to work hard to dodge my attack? You are no chance.
Namj: You're wrong! She got a piece of paper out. According to the instructions, there are tons more attacks. She picked up a dove. Her weapon was by Miss DF.  My Clima Takt! When on earth...did you
Miss DF: it wasn't me. You dropped it here...
Nami: Give it back to me!
Miss DF: sure, I will. I'm not a magician, so... I do have enough power to fight shutout depending on a thing like that.
She gives it to Nami.
Now be a good girl and stay right there. Then I'll be able to kill you without causing you much pain. Nami picked it up. You still wanna continue your fun magic show?
Nami: The weather forecast is thunder! Thunder Tempo! She shot at her once again. But this time a Boxing Glove came out but didn't hit her.
Thunder tempo... Thunder tempo...
Miss DF: stinger.Finger! She slashed Nmai's face.
Nami: No! She ran to hide behind a barrel.
Nami saw the small blood she had on her hand from the cut. My cheek is bleeding... Ahhh...I wonder if I'm going die like this... I'm gonna die, aren't I? If I die, I'm gonna cure him... That long nose...! Long nose! Why didn't he make a real good battle weapon?.. She looks at the paper.
Miss DF: well, then, I'll kill you now...okay? She was hanging from the bridge
The nami looks up. She's standing on the underside of the bridge...! Why..?
Miss DF let the spike from her she go.
Stinger...Hedgehog! She smashed unto the Bearrle
And started to roll throws Nami
Nami: Hey, hold on! Stop! She started to run. I said hold on! Hold on a bit! A minute! Would you give me a minute? Hey! I'll get caught if in an open space! She looks around. She got thrown a window.
Miss DF Follows her.
This is it for you. Time to get Skewered!
Nami: No...Thanks, she takes off her Cloak and wraps it around her.
Miss DF: Well, well... It seems like she isn't a total amateur in battles...
Nami hid San she tried to get more info on her weapon.
Nmai: What was that? I think I read something ominous in these Clima Takt instructions earlier. Where was it
UsoppThey it! I'm sure that if you use the techniques I wrote up sonar at parties, people will love them and the last will really heat up!
Nami: You gotta be kidding me!
Usopp: Also, I'll write ye configurations, for battle on the back.
Nmai: the back? She looks for it.
Miss DF: Well, I wonder where you're hiding this time, little kitty?
Namj: Hey! Laughs. I won't run or hide anymore. I may not look it, but during the eight years of my life as a this, I survived life-or-death crises all by myself! She ripes part of her skirt
And her necklaces. I can't be treated like just an or ordinary girl.
Miss DF: really... I'm sorry, then... What's got you so confident all of you sudden...?
Nami: Listen up, I'm gonna show you my real ability now! The battle configuration of the Takt! First understanding the characteristics of the three takta!
Each of the takes can shoot off air bubbles by shaking or blowing. The first shoot-off hot air...
Nami blows. A heat ball!
Miss DF; what is this? If feel warm.
Usopp: The next shoots off cool air...
Nami blows.
A cool Ball!
Miss DF: it feels cool
Usopp: And the last one shoots off electricity...
A thunder Ball!
Miss DF: Oh, no... that tangled.
Usopp: These techniques aren't complete yet so if you use them at parties......
Nami: Then don't write them down
Miss DF: Are you happy now?  She gets taller because she the spikes of the bottom of her shoe.  Sewing stinger! She runs
Nami runs
Please, sometimes I can use! Not for entertainment, but some techniques!
She gets stabbed in the leg.
Make her fall.
Miss DF when to his for the final blow
Stinger step!
Nmai used her weapon to go against her. Pushing her back.
Nami: Oh, I get it! The heat ball and cool ball! When they stop spinning the air bubbles jot each other, creating an airflow and causing a tremendous wind. This is incredible Usopp!
Usopp: The Cucole Tempo isblooe am ordinary bothering. If you go outside after a part and play with it...
Nami: He doesn't seem to understand it himself... But with this, I might be able to...
Miss DF:  She uses a dmsthagr weapon...! She gets up.
Nami's back is facing her.
Pay attention until one of us wins! She went to attack. To show your back to your enemy during battle... Aren't you a tell to the death too lightly? She went right through her. Dove came down and went through Nami. And she disappeared.
Nami: I changed the air density by using the cool Ball. Abnormal refraction of light due to a considerable temperature difference...in other words...
Miss DF: A mirage..., I can't be... When was it this close...
Usopp: We can't win with powers, at any rate, survive by using your brains!  the how we fight, right?
Nami: If I use it efficiently even a miracle that can happen! Looks like this is the perfect weapon for me! Now I've figured out the Claima Takt! Just give up.
Vi: Father!
Cobra was nailed to the wall.
Chaka: Let His Majesty go, Corodile
Crocodile: Hey, hey.. Do you really think that I'd agree to let him go? After going through all the trouble to immobilize him like that? Seriously try and use your heard....
Cobra: Ok sorry, Vivi... I couldn't make full use of the chance that you risked your life to create...
Vi: Father...
Corodile: Good grief...is this how a father and daughter talk after being repeated for so long? Anyways, Miss Wemdmsday....
Vi: Don't call me by that name!
Corodile: let me tell you sometime first. I don't intend to keep you and your father alive. When a kingdom does out, it's just natural for its royal amilybti doe a well. Right. However, before I take the throne, there is something that I need to ask you, the current King. He walks to him on the fact this is indeed my biggest goal... Cobra... Where is the plugin?
Cobra: How do you know that name...?

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