Episode 95

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Man: Fire Fist Ace..
Smoker: To think you're Straw Hat Bandana Scarf Brothers... Spark!
They were in the air.
The straw hat looked back.
Chopper: What in the world is happening?
Vi: It's a fight between flame and smoke?
Sanji: He did say he ate the Flame-Flame Fruit.
Nami: But Luffy! Stella, is it true that guy is you guys, brother?
Luffy: Yeah! His name is Ace!
Zoro: You guys having a brother isn't that surprising but what's he doing in the Grand Line?
Luffy: Ace is a pirate! He left the island three years before me to find the one Piece!
Stella: Information he forgot to tell me. Anyway, let's hurry back to the ship! Let's escape before anyone comes after us!
Sanji: Yes, Stella-sama
Luffy: Still, I never thought I'd see Ace in a place like this!
Stella: I never thought I'd see Ace again.
The two were walking backward
The fire and smoke became a dark fog
Usopp: The path is split into
Nami: Usopp, left! Her me, guys
Sanji: Yes, Nami-san! I hope you wherever you go!
Zoro: Enough, pervey cook!
They all went left but Luffy and stellar
Luffy: Cool! The fireball goes even higher!
Smoke: It seems there really is no end to a fight between flames. Though it was already obvious enough.
Where did the Straw Hat crew go?
Man: They're gone! So is Ace! We've lost sight of him!
Smoker: I caught Straw Hat and Bandana Scarf for the first time on the Grand Line. But Portags D.. Ace. You simply had to get in the way.
Nami: Hurry and load the Stuff! We're leaving right away!
They were packing up
Set the sails
Chopper: Say. Are we leaving again just after we finally reached the island?
Vi: Yes. We only stopped in the town to get what we needed. Now we're going to head up to the river into the interior of Alabasta. Our next destination is Erunalu, the city of green.
Chopper: Erumalu?
Nami: Hurry! Pick up the pace!
Usopp: All set
Nami: Okay! Let sail
Usopp: I get the feeling we're missing two people
Vi: So do I...
Nami: Yeah. We're missing approximately two people.
Zoro: That moron!
Sanji: Once again he's bringing down Stella-sama.
Luffy: That's weird. Why are we the only one here
The two sat on a barrel
Where did they go?
Stella:  I need to stop following you sometimes.
Ace: Sheesh! I guess my meeting you escape was pretty much pointless.
They looked up
Luffy: Ace!
Ace jumped down
Ace: I haven't seen you in a while Luffy!
Luffy: You too, Ace!. They put their hands on the barrel.
How many years has it been?
Ace: Good question. But, Luffy. It looks like you still go at your own pace, just like you did since you were a kid.
Stella: Mind Kids did they live together and they both forgot to mention it to me? Oh, we're going to talk about this.
Luffy: You too, Ace! I was surprised you are a Devil Fruit, besides that, you're the same! Luffy arms were taking Ace down a little. Like when you'd sneak into the fields, eat 100 watermelons, and then spit the speeds out like a gun and run!
Ace's hand did the same to Luffy. That's wasn't me! That was you!
Luffy:And they you got big bumps right here!
Ace: That was you, too! I watched and laughed! They continued to do so until the barrel broke and none of them lost.
Luffy: I guess we're both the same
Ace: Yeah
Luffy: That brings back memories!
Stella: You both lost at the Arm wrestling. I'm not surprised.
The two looked at her.
Ace walked up to her.  It's finally good to see you in the flesh
Stella: I would say the same about you. But how do I truly know you're the same little boy I have conversations with through messages?
Ace takes off his hat to reveal a picture of three people. Stella, Ava, and a baby boy.
Stella: it really is you. She jumped into his arms
Ace: It's okay Sis I'm here. He looks at Luffy. Say, weren't your friends looking for you two?
Luffy: Yeah. But, Ace. What at you doing in this count?
Ace got a canister of water
Stella and Luffy are next together
Ace: Huh? You mean you didn't get the message I sent to Drum?
Luffy: Drum
Ace: Yeah, it's no big deal it anything, though. I'm just in these waters on minor business, so I thought I might look you two up.
Stella: Minor business?
Ace: I'm a member of the Whitebeard Pirates now. He gives the water to Luffy
Luffy: Whitebeard pirates??
Ace turns around this is the mark of the Whitebeard pirates it's my pride.
Ace: Luffy! Stella. Won't you join the whiteboard pirate? Your friends can come too, of course.
Both: No.
Ace: I figured not. Just thought I'd ask. Whitebeards is the greatest pirate I know. I wanna get him to be the king of the pirates... And not you, Luffy.
Luffy has the water to Stella.
Luffy: That's fine! Then we'll just have to fight! I'm gonna be king of the pirates. And since I brought Stella to you she will be Queen of the Pirates. That's our deal.
Stella: Yeah I always keep up with my deals. I guess you just have to pass both of us
Mr 11: Something must've happened in town. Smokers and all the markets left the ship... But.. This is perfect! I'll use this chance to escape somehow!
Man: Mr. 11.
Mr 11: You must be members of Baroque Works if you know my codename. Are you millions? Hurry and untie me?
Man: Yeah, we are members of Baroque works.
Man 2: But we're Billions. Meaning were candidates to be Number Agents.
Man 3: Mr. 11. You're bearly an agent. You are not much stronger than us.
Mr 11: oh I see. Sorry about that, Billion. But could you hurry and untie me?
Man: Don't be silly. He pointed a gun at him. With you gone, one of us can be promoted to a Number Agent.
Man 4: So let's empty one of the Agent's seats!
They got off the boat. The man ran up to them
Man 5: Hey. Fire Fiat Ace is I'm this town!
Man 2: Fire first Ace. The second Divison Commander of the white beard pirates?
Man 4: If we can take down Ace, we're guaranteed to be number one Agents!
Ace: Anyways, let's look for your friends. Getting spotted by the Navy is always a pain.
Luffy: They might've done back to the ship.
Ace: Which harbor is you guys ship I
Luffy: Actually, I can't remember at all
Ace: Pirates chip captains usually remember where they leave their ship.
Luffy: Laughs don't worry about it.
Ace: You are the same as ever. Say what kind of crew do you have?
Stella: I can answer that. A swordsman who wants to be the world's greatest sword master. He was wearing a haramki. His name is Zoro. A navigator while like maps, tangerines, and money! Her name is Nami!
People with guns were trying to sneak attack them
Then there's this cook who makes amazing food... I could probably do better if I had the chance. His name is Sanji
Oh, then there is an amazing Sharpshooter. His name is Usopp and there's this adorable reindeer named Chopper. You'll love him when you meet him.
Ace: That's quite the variety you guys got there.
Luffy: We also have a princess and a duck now! They're all so interesting! Ace: I say you guys are probably the most interesting of all, though. Still, only a handful of people for a pirate crew... That's just like you guys
A/n Ace is going off what he remembers of what Stella used to write to him.
Luffy: I also want a musician!
Stella: That's what he wants hot me
Man: Stop right there, fire Fist Ace!
Many men surrounded them
Man 4: As you can see, there is no place for you to run now! Fire Fist Ace! Your head is mine! Prepare yourself!
Chopper: Is it okay to set sail without Luffy? And Stella?
Name: The Navy will be all over the harbors. We need to hide the ship first
Vi: There should be a cow ahead that's hidden from view!
Sanji: So we'll wait for this to cool down, then look for Luffy. And Stella-sama.
Usopp: Yeesh! He's always, always causing trouble like this!
Zoro: He's a really reliable Captain... Well, he has Stella so he should be fine.
Man 4: Fire Fist Ace! Your bad luck ends here!
The men and woman had two swords and guns out
Man: Heys! Is that Straw Hat Luffy? And Bandana Scarf Stella?
Man 2: Now that you mention it.
They are worth 30 and 35 million berries! Together 65 million barriers
Man 4: Talk about luck! Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Luffy, and Bandana Scarf Stella. Once I have your heads, our promotion is a hop, slip, and Jump away!
Ace: Anyways, let's find your sips. Let's go to the shore...
Both: Yeah.
They walked past them
Man: Hey you hold it
Man 4: Bastards. Get them!
A few men attacked Luffy. He dodged them and kicked one of the
Ace dodged them as well and made one of them fall with a sweep kick.
A few surrounded Stella
Stella: this doesn't seem fair. She took out her whip and grabbed them all.
This shouldn't hurt and tell me how the view. She threw them all up making them land hard.
Oh did I forget to mention it does spikes on them
Luffy stretches his arms
Man: What the? His arm stretched!
Man 2: He has Decuo fruit powers
They all shot at him
Luffy: Don't scare me that, you jerks! He shot them back at them.
The Man got out his sword and went to attack Luffy.
Ace uses two fingers to stop it and heat it up a little
Man: Oww! Hot!
Gum-Gum Bazooka! He pushed him uphill.
They were on their way.
Man: Don't let them escape after them
Luffy: Oh the ocean
Ace: you see your ship Luffy went to look
Man: There is no escape.
Stella: You guys just never learn
Luffy: Oh, there it is! Hey! Over here! Guys! He jumped down.
Hey Luffy go. Oh never mind.
Nami: Oh! There he is it's Luffy!  I found Luffy!
Zoro: You did! Yeah. That stupid face is definitely his.
Luffy held onto Stella's hand and used his one arm to get back.
They landed on Sanjin and Tony...
Zoro: Not again
Luffy: Sorry, about that Sanji, Chopper!
Sanji grabbed Luffy's shirt.
Do you not! Known how to learn your lesson? I might get you whole!

Nami: Yeah! Do you have any idea how much trouble you two caused?
Try to act somewhat like a captain's!
Stella helped Chopper put his hat back on
I'm sorry
Chopper: It's okay thanks for the help
Luffy: Sorry. Oh, that's right! Ace!
Zoro: You guys brothers were with you, !.
Usopp: Is it okay to just leave him there?
Luffy: I guess he'll be okay! Ace Is strong!
Chopper: Ace is strong
Luffy: Yeah! He had eaten the Flam-Flan fruit a long time ago, but I still never beat him in a single fight! He's really strong, Ace is!
Nami: There another Fleah-and-blood person you could never beat?
Luffy: Another. Who's the first
Usopp: I guess the big brother and sister of a monster is an even bigger monster...
Luffy: That's right! I lost to him all the time! Laugh.
Stella: He always lost to me as well.
Luffy: But I'd win boring we tried!
Zoro: I assume that's another groundless claim
Ace: Whom... He jumped on the railing
Can win what now?
Luffy: Oh! Ace! This is the crew Stella was talking about!
Ace: oh! Thank you for taking care of my Little brother and older Sister
All; Eh? Oh, not at all
Ace: He might be a bit much I'm for you to handle too, but..
All: No, not all.
Ace: Okay what about my older sister
Chopper: She's Helpful.
Zoro: One hell of a fighter.
Usopp: a great listener
Sanji: The most amazing woman you'll ever see
Nami: A great thief. Not as great as me but close enough.
Ace: Take good care of them
Sanji: You probably have lots of catching up to do. Why don't you come in? I'll make some tea.
Ace: No, uhh, that's okay don't do it on account of me. He lit his cigarette...
Zoro: Talk about the unexpected.
Usopp: I would've expected him to be as reckless as Luffy...
Nami: No, this sensible man can't possibly be Luffy's brother. Stella, I can see
Zoro: He's a nice guy who cares about his brother and sister!
Chopper: Siblings can be so wonderful
Sanji: The sea is just full of surprises...
Vi: Come no, everyone
Luffy: See! Aren't these guys neat? Laughs
Vi: Baroque Works! These are the Billions
Man: Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Luffy, and Bandana Scarf! Don't think you can get away!
Luffy: Thisw guys again?
Ace: Luffy! Stella! I'll clean them up.
He jumps on his small boat
Nami: What's he going to do
Usopp: Especially in that little boat...
Zoro: Let's see how skilled this second Divison Commander of gue white beard really is!
Stella had Chopper on her shoulders so he could get a better view
Man: just try abet past five of our ships, if you can!
Ace jumped making his boat go underwater
Nami: He jumped!
Man: Shoot him into the ocean
Ace had his foot on fire and he files over the ship and landed on his boat
Everyone was surprised he did nothing.
Fire fist. He burned all five ships with just one blown
Everyone was shocked
Stella and Luffy we're excited
Tashigi: Captain Smoker. The Straw Hat crew and their crew are nowhere to be found.
Smoker: What do you think, Tashigi? Vivi was with them.
Tashigi: Vivi? Princess Nefertari's vivid was with the Straw Hat? She must be a hostage. They abducted the Princess for some short scheme
Smoker: No. Vivi was acting like she was part of their crew. Something really is happening in this country.
Man: Smoker. I'm sorry I 11 was down in by some while he was tired up on the ship! We still haven't located the straw Hars, either
Smoker: No need to fret. I have a good idea of where they are headed. They're after Crocodile.
Tashigi: Crocodile! One of the seven Warlords of the sea the pirates given government approval?
Smoker: You know I hate the seven warlords. Especially that desirable man.
Tashigi: But standpoint, he's a Navy and government ally!
Smoker: He's always been a clever pirate. He has never been the type to just quietly obey the government! Tashigi! All you need to remember is one thing! A pirate is a pirate no matter where he goes. Bandana Scarf will show up wherever the Crocodile is. This should become clear if we go there. And next time you won't get away. Bandana scarf!
Usopp: Ace is one of us now!
Ace: Who said I was joining you..they counties to drink.
Usopp: Here to delicious drinks.
Nami: Don't worry about it. They're always looking for an excuse to drink too!
Luffy: Ace! Are you sure you won't join us? Stella would be happy if you did.
Ace: I'm chasing a certain man. His name is Blackbeard.
Usopp: Blackbeard.
Stella: He's the pirate who attached Drum Kingdom!
Ace: He usesdbtibhe a member of the 2nd Division of the Whitebeard pirate, one of my men. But he committed the worst possible sin on a pirate ship:  he killed crewmembers and jumped ship. So, as the commander, I got to find and get rid of him.
Usopp: So that's why you're chasing after him?
Ace: I came here because I caught word that Blackbeard was seen in Yuba.
Nami: Then your destination is the same as ours! She takes out a map. We've just entered the Snadira River.
First, well land last Erumalu then head into the interior of Alabasta to reach Yuba here.
Vi: The leader is the real army is in Yuba.
Ace: I see. So you're headed to Yuba next.
Sanni: I'll follow Nami-san Vivi-chan and Stella-sama where they go!
Zoro: Get lost, love cook!
Sanji: Say what you--
Nami: Anyways! It looks like we can talk together for a short while
Usopp: Yeah, yeah! His brother is more than welcome here
Stella: Let's have a fun time. Ace.
They all had their drinks together.
All: Yeah!

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