Episode 110

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The crew was running.
Man: Captain, aren't you going after them?
Smoker: No. I'm top tried. It's no use going after these guys. Tell them to stop. And have everyone assemble here. Contact HQ, too. Tell them to have all military vessels in the vicinity of the Kingdom of Alabasta gather here, to this land.
Man: You're calling for reinforcement? But Captain, I'm not sure our superiors will be willing to move these ships against such a small number of pirates
Smoker: When did I ask for the opinions of our superiors?
Man: Er, yes, sir! Right away! He ran to the others. Why come back? Come back here!
Chopper: Hurry! Mm-hmm, this way. The scent of Nmai's perfume is getting stronger. He and Lashes are on a giant crab
Usopp: Hey, we're not, by any chance just going to run all the way to Alubarna like this, right?
Nmai: That's right, Lashes! Where has Lashes gone
Luffy: Now that you meant it this town as a stable or something!
Let's get a horse!
Vi: But the Marines are in town.
Nami: Not to worry. Look in front of you.
Chopper: Hey, guy
Usopp: Screams. A crab?
Stellar Chopper
Vi: That's moving Crab!
Luffy: Looks Yummy!
Awesome! Awesome! That's awesome!
Chopper: Hop on board!
Luffy: We get to rid of it? Woo-hoo!
He jumped on its eyes. The pleasure's mine!
Nami: His face looks kind of iffy, doesn't it?
Sanji: And you've got yet another amazing thing in town, huh?
Chopper: He's Lashes's friend. They were going on. Lashse was born in this town and has a lot of friends in the area. He is the kind of a pervy, though.
Vi: Amazing! Moving crabs are always submerged under the sand, so that's very nearly phantom crabs!
Zoro: Rhia guy's pretty fast, isn't he?
Chopper: Guy, hang on tight! All right, let's go! We're off! The crabs were moving fast.
There was a hook that came for Vivi.
They all saw it
Zoro: Stop, Chopper.
Stella: It's him! Why, you...! She uses her whip to grab on the hook. Grabbing Vivi and throwing her to the others. As she was pulled by the hook
Zoro: Stella
Sanji: Stella-sama! Why
Vi: Stella-sama
Stella: You guys go on ahead! I can handle this myself.
She fell in the sand
Make sure you deliver Vivi back to her home! Make sure, now!
They all look at her.
Stella: If anything bad happens to Luffy you will all have to go through me when I get back.
Zoro: That idiot... Hey, go, Chopper! Keep going, to Alubarna!
Chopper: G-Got it. He looks sad. Are off!
Usopp: Hey Zoro, are we leaving her behind? Hey, that's cold! That's cold of you! From now on, you and Luffy have to protect me got it?
Vivi: Stella-sama!
Luffy: It's all right, Vivi! She'll be fine! I feel bad for other guys. After all, there isn't a single person that Stella has gone after before and has come out all right.
Zoro: Listen to me, Vivi. She will keep Crocodile under control. The moment that the rebel started running, the time limits on this land we set. Once the royal army and the rebel army meet, this land, the lingdoke of Alabsta will be gone. If you are the only hope to prevent that, then you have to survive,  no matter what. No matter what might happen to any of us, from now on!
Sanji: Vivi-chan, this is a fight that you started. You are the one who ran out of this land many years ago and challenged this unknown organization to battle. However...don't go thinking that you're fighting alone anymore.
Usopp: Vivi- don't worry I'm gonna...
Vivi: Stella-sama! We'll be waiting for you in Alubarna, Okay?
Stella: Yells Okay!
Miss Sundym Day an crocodile looks at Stella.
Miss: Princess Vivi got away from us, huh?
Crocodile: Either way, the Agents are scheduled to gather in Alubarna. Contact them at once. You've taken your nonsense a little too far, Bandana Scarf Stella.
Stella turns around.
Stella: She tries, you see, to help everyone she sees, despite how weak she might be. She takes off her scarf around her neck. She can't bear to abandon anything so she is always in pain. She doesn't think that anyone meds to die in this revolt.
Crocodile: Nobody needs to die? There are many maudlin in, peace-loving fools like that. That's because they don't know what a real fight is. You think so to don't you?
Stella: No. But as long as you're around she's going to go at you until she does. So I'm going to put you down, right here!
Crocodile: That's worse than nonsense. You're the salvageable fool here. This is a good example. You get close to someone and then die because of it. I've forsaken tons of people like that.
Stella: Well no. That's my brother you're talking about. I didn't want to do this at all but was kind of forced for reasons. I would die for certain people but Vivi not so much.
A/n Now don't give me hate. She is not great friends with Vivi for a reason. I won't say. Stella would die for her crew some people she knew and people she would meet in the future. Stella could change her mind. But not likely.
Miss Sunday: Mind Then why is she fighting for her?
Stella: But I'm not a fool you are.
Crocodile cigar broke.
Miss Sunday chuckle
Crocodile: What's so funny?  You want to die too, Nico Robin?
Miss Sunday: If you feel like it go right ahead. Besides didn't you promise not to call me by that name?  She also off
Crocodile: Where are you going?
Miss Sunday: I'm going on ahead to Alubarna.
Crocodile: I can't figure that woman out. It took out a time glass. I'll give you three minutes. I don't have time...to mess with you longer than that. You don't mind, do you?
Stella: No, that's fine. She went to use her whip on his head. Only for him to turn into sand. He appears in front of her ready to attack with his hooked hand. She dodged it just in time. She went to use her foot to kick him and he turned again
Stella fell on her back making her covering come off.
A/n Look back to see what episode she was wearing the outfit.
Crocodile: I should warn you, Bandana Scarf Stella, that no matter how hard you try, there is no way you'll ever beat me. Stella went to use Gum-Gum Gatling with her whip only just to poke holes in him. And the sand just to fill him up
Listen here, Bandana Scarf Steall you can continue these mosquito-like attacks of yours forever, but you will never-- she went to attack only to have turned into an all-around her.
Stella: why can't you just stay down?
He appeared behind her.
Crocodile: I too you, that won't work. No matter how hard a normal girl like you try, there is no way... Stella went to punch him. She had tears in her eyes when he said that. You'll ever peat--
Stella: Peat! What was that you were just trying to say?
Crocodile: I think that's is just about enough fun and games, Bandana Scarf Stella.
Stella: I've been taking this seriously the whole time! I'm going until you fall down or you die. But he's got me. I can't slug him at all like this. He's too dry and grainy.
Crocodile: There's a difference in the level of pirates that you and I are. Desert spada! He attacked from underground.
Stella was able to move away from the fast attack that made a hole in the ground.
Nicely judged. If you'd taken that, it would have gotten more than an ow from you.
Stella: Did you just spilt the desert?
Crocodile: Depending on one's training and how they made used Devil fruit abilities can become a means of fighting as powerfully as any. I'm not like your brother and other fools, who are only preoccupied with their abilities. You can refer to defying me as much as you want, now. His and was a sand that was spinning  Desert Girasole!
Stella then fell to the ground.
Stella: What? What? She was sinking in. She tried to get out.
Is this some kind of man-made quicksand?
Crocodile: You seem to know more than I thought. You should know it's handy desert coffin with no need for a tombstone. The sand is drowning. Down into an underground waterway. I can detect where those are. No one in the world can stand up to me when fighting in the desert.
Stella: I'm not about...to let myself be buried alive in the sand! You bastard! She was able to get herself out. If I can't slug you, then how about a catch you? She had her whip to catch him.
The crocodile used sand to drag her down.
Can't you learn anything? That won't work. She used her legs to kick him
Are you planning to keep doing that? He pulled her in.
He then used his sand to go through her arm.
Crescent cutlass!
Stella fell. My arm. She looked to see it was dried. What did you just do?
Crocodile: Because of the sand. The hydration in your arm has been sucked out. I could go on wringing the water out of your whole body like that until you shrivel up and die. Such is the essence of the desert.
Stella: You've got to be kidding me! She got up and ran to the water. She drinks the water that she took from Luffy's neck.
A/n What an amazing thief.
Crocodile: that was worthless.
Stella: That wasn't worthless. Todo in Juba won't be all night preparing this water for Luffy.
Todo: Luffy-kun, take this with you.
Stella: He told me... Yuba wasn't going to give in to the sand. She went to attack.
Crocodile: Are you still planning to do something? She went to the to get rid of his top half.
Die. You, along with the indomitable land of Yuba. Your three minutes are up. Like I said from the start, I don't have time to hang around with you any longer. Sales! He creates a sandstorm. The sand is nice a dry.
A/n Like your lips
Man: It's a sandstorm! I can see a sandstorm in the sky to the south! Take shelter
Man 2: Wait, the stand storm isn't coming this way! It's headed for south!
Tashigi: Captain Smoker, over there!
Buffy: Vivi, what wrong
Vi: There's a sandstorm over towards Rainbase! It's him.
Nami: Stella....
Sanji: Stell-sama. Please be alright.
Corodile: Listen here, Banada scarf Stella. The prevailing winds here are always from north to south. If this baby sandstorm of mine were to catch one of them and go throw south, where do you think the larger sandstorm would hit?
Stella: South, you say! Yuba.
Why? She walked to him and grabbed his jacket. Hey, you! What are you doing? Stop it! This fight is between you and me.
Crocodile: Look. Little by little it's started to head south
Stella: Todo has nothing to do with this! Stop it. Stop up, bastard! She went to storm only to be pushed back
Corodile: Give it up,  it won't work. That sandstorm will look up strength, and obtain wind speeds that even I can't stop.
Stella: You've gotta be kidding me!;
Corodile: Yuba is finished
Stella: Stop it! Right now! Stop--
Corodoile: Who do you think I am?
His hook was in Stella Stoumch.
There are any number of rookies like you who are nothing but talk, You are weak, a child, useless without strength. In the grand Line.

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