Episode 133

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Sanji was making food
Simmer three nights and two days to take off the bitter edge. Nami, Robin, Stella, just you wait!  A special breakfast for three special ladies.
Usopp: Damn, this fog it's too thick to see through. I can't see ahead of us.
Luffy! Do you see anything?
They were all outside
Usopp used his goggles. Wait a second I see something! Hey guys! There's a giant ship right in front of us!
Nami: Sanji, get to the helm! Hard to the starboard! Now!
Sanji: Nami! I make something just for-- he saw the ship
Usopp: This bad! We're stopped by the Marines, aren't we?
Luffy: Amazing!
Name: Not even the Marines can move around in this kind of fog.
Robin: Exactly. It might be best for us to escape under the cover of this fog.
Stella: You're right. Keep headed forward. Everyone keeps quiet. Essentially you Luffy!
Luffy: Right!
Sanji: Nmai. Is that? Kid standing there?
Nami: A little kid! What's he doing up there?
The kid saw the pirate ship got scared dropped and pot and fell after it
Sanji: Hold on
Robin: Allow me! She uses her hand to catch the boy.
They went past the Marines.
Chopper: He's coming around. The smell of the last seems to be working.
The kid woke up to be around by All but Sanji and Stella
Boy: Where am I
Usopp: on the ship of the straw Hat pirates.
Boy: Pirates
Nami: Don't you remember? You fell overboard off a Marine Shipm
Boy: Stay back! You're planning an attack against the Marines, aren't you?
Usopp: What's with him? And after we recused him too
Robin: You can't blame him. He's marine
Stella gave him a plate
First, eat something
Boy: Keep it! I don't need help from pirates
Stella: You won't have any soup made by the chef on a pirate ship. And it's the captain. It is not poisoned or anything. If we wanted to die we would have left to fall and have the Marines come find you but in the fog, they probably wouldn't have found you in time.
All: Stella!
Sanji: You'll settle down once you've got a little something in your stomach
Boy: This soup looks amazing! I can't imagine making a consommé as clear as this! He eats it.
Thanks that was Great
Sanji: Sure you're welcome. Stella-sama Helped
Tajio: I'm Tajio. I'm a probationary cook for the Marines.
Sanji: I'm Sanji, the chef. And she's the Captain.
Luffy: What do you think? Pretty good, right
Tajio: Sanji! Stella! You're too good to be a pirate cook and captain on a run-dom ship like this! You two can do better.
A/n Like I said Stell has Four brothers but she could for two of them. She can cook. But she mostly does deserts and all.
Luffy: What did you say? This ship is not run down!
Usopp: Yeah! This ship is from Ayrup village where I used to live
Chopper: Is it a sweet village
Usopp: No, no like that. There was a girl, Kaya.
Nami: Hey take it easy!
Tajio: As it happens. I... He told them he dropped the curry the chef made and the head Chef told him to remake it if he was that sorry.
Sanji: The chef was right! No question
Tajio: I worked hard and tried to make it again and again, but it never turned out right.
Nami: Tajio, do you have experience cooking?
Tajio: I only started being a probationary cook six months ago.
Stella: That's long enough to learn something.
Tajio: No, it is not! All I do every day is wash dishes and peel things! I haven't been made any food yet. What's worse, all of the ship captains have a tradition of getting together once a week and having curry for lunch. This week, my ship was supposed to host.
How is my curry supposed to meet the state of the Marines' big shots?
Robin: The Marien Curry is famous. I hear the chef on each sip compete with all the others, and each one has its own flavor for this their ship.
Luffy: Oh yeah? That sounds yummy
Sanji: With six mouths in the galley, if you don't have any confidence in yourself, then go back and apologize to your chef again. He walks away
Stella: That won't do anything
Tajio: No way. If I tell him that, he'll put me off the ship!
Luffy: Does it have to be that ship? Is there any reason
Tajio: Well... The All... Have you heard of the All Bule?
Sanji stopped walking
A/n You heard from Sanij what it is many times.
As a cook, it's a sea of treasures that I'd like to go to sometimes. The senior cooks laugh it off as a dream. But I believe in it! I'm sure the All Blue is out there! If I'm aboard a naval warship, there is a good chance I'll go there. So I can't afford to be out of the ship
Usopp: That sounds familiar
Stella: You idiot.
Nami: I'd really like for us to get out of here as soon as possible
Usopp: Yeah, if they spot us, they will surely fire at us. 
Stella: But we have to do something about Tajio. We should get him to the ship, right Sanji?
Sanji: I'm just taking him back to his ship, that's all. Luffy gave us a hand
Luffy: Gum-Gum Mooring Line!
Hey, Sanji, I've got a hold.
Stella: This fog will surely clear up once the afternoon comes.  You can't risk handing it around any longer than that okay?
Sanji: That's long enough.
Stella walks to Sanji
Sanji: Oh is my Stella-sama giving me a good luck kiss?
Stella grabs his shirt and pulls him down.
Stella: Sweetly. If Luffy gets caught. It's your ass. Okay.
Sanji: Yes my dear Stella-sama.
Tajio holds Luffy.
Usopp:How much will you help him?
Sanji: What do you mean? I'll just go have a look at the gallery of a Marine Ship.
Luffy: Sanji
Sanji: Yeah! He holds on
All right, hold on tight! He gets them to the ship.
There were hiding
Sanji: By the way why did you come along too?
Luffy: How were you going to get back?
Sanji: Just here and behave yourself
Luffy: Sure.
The two leave
Tajio: Thiabis the galley
Sanji: Yeah. Might as well have a look as like as I'm here
They go in
That's the Marines for you. This is expensive stuff. What's more, it's all in good shape. There was a ruckus.
Tajio: It's coming from the panty. They look and see what happen
Luffy: That startled mem
Sanji: Luffy! What are you doing in here?
Luffy: Sanji! Recon! I'm exploring. A change like this doesn't come along every day. He comes our I'll just go explore somewhere else.
Sanji: Do as you like, but if the Marines find you, they won't go easy on you.  Wait. Whatever you've got stuffed down your pants, leave it here. Apples, right
They were back in the kitchen.
Tajio: This is what's left of the curry. He takes a small bowl and gives it to Sanji
Sanji: I was a cook at a maritime restaurant.  The owner Zeff, never taught to me anything. He told him how he started out washing dishes and how he had to learn from what he heard.
Tajio: I get it. Chef has me in here to let me Steal his cooking skills.
Sanji: Cokkikf isn't something that can be taught.
Tajio: Sanji, I'll give it a try!
He was in front of the ingredients. Okay. What was it chef said?  The basic curry recipe is broth, vegetables, and seasoning.
Sanji lifted the pot. That's aroma... They take ready-made curry powder and add in some fresh gram masala.
Tajio went to open some powder
Chef: Only a lazy cook uses ingredients that salt around for days!  The flavor of a spice diminished by the days.
It's freshly gram Masala! He gained the spices up.
Sanji: Mind Well, it's a start at least.
A/n You know how Luffy is.
Tajio: For the bullion, I can use the ready-made stuff that is thoroughly boiled. Time to prepare the ingredients. First to cut up and brown the beef. He cuts the meat. And put them in a pan
Sanji States the curry.
There's a type of beef curry where the best juices are sealed within the beef itself. However, from the taste of the recipe. I can tell that the beef is used to favor the curry, so the meat juice should have been dissolved in the broth. In this case, this kid is messing it up right from the start.
Taijo went to put the meat on his own when Sanji interrupted him.
Is something wrong
Kid, cooking is not something you should rush through.
Chef: Remember everything in cooking depends on preparation. It's vital to take your time. That's is everything. He poured season on the meat. Include garlic...ginger...turmeric, and add some yogurt. He mixes the meat together. He headed tomatoes to a boiling pot and cut up some onions.
And put them in a pot. He took the water out for the tomato and took out the inside. He had each thing in a different bowl.
That takes care of the preparations. Next, I have to sauté the onions.
He had the fire in a middle of Sanji and noticed this. He went to the site and lit his cigarette.
Smokkijg where I'm preparing food? As a cook do you think that's okay? Earlier, I said you were too good to be a good cook on a pirate ship, but I take it back. Stella is probably better than you.
Sanji: My, my, I signed my hair. He walks away and leaves
Chef: Remember, you first saute the onions over a strong flame.  Keep it moving so they don't get scorched.
Once the onions are soft, lower the flame. until they're golden brown. Got that men?
Sanji was telling me about the heat level. He turns it higher
Luffy got caught
Melt some pork lard. Then add the flour. Gently so as not to scorch it. Put the curry powder in and add fresh gamma masala to enhance the flavor.
Sanji came back in
Finally, put all the ingredients tougher. Add in the bullion. Tomato.  Add the sautéed onions. And then the marinated beef. He moved it all together.  He gave it a try
It is wrong. It's so weak. He backed away.  I was right. I can't do it. Sanji then eats an apple
Subtle flavoring.
He leaves.
Sanji was on the ship
Sanji? Thank you so much.
Sanji: What do you mean?
You don't have to thank me I was just looking around.
Tajio: Sanji, you said you were stopping by to look at the galley, but you were trying to teach me about cooking
Sanji: What are you talking about?
Man:: Over there! He ran in that direction!
Luffy: Sanji! Let's go!
Sanji: That idiot...
Gum-Gum... Mooring Line! He created onto the ship
All right I got it!
Sanji: Tajio. I think it's out there too. The All Bule,
Luffy: Sanji Grab on
Sanji: Right! Luffy gets them back
Man: Jey Tajio you seen pirates
Taijo: No the Fog must be playing tricks on you.
They kept looking for him.
Sanji was stuck on the wall.
You did this on purpose, didn't you
Luffy: Sorry
Sanji: Really? You don't look very sorry.
Luffy: That's why I'm sorry.
Sanji: I'm gonna fillet you.
Nami: Luffy, what's the matter?
Usopp: Did you guys seriously damage the going Mery again
Luffy: Yeah, I'm really sorry!  The Marines saw me, so we had to come back I'm a hurry.
Nmai: The marine saw you? You can let this happen!
Usopp: We got this ship from Kaya! I must take care of it! How many times do I have to tell you that?
The four were on the inside when they heard the yelling
Nami: We can't stay around like this
Usopp! Sanji! We're leaving immediately!
Sanji: Yea, Nmai, My love!  But I can move
Tajio did the curry well and said that he'll be a great chef One day.
Wouldn't Sanji make a great Dad? I think he would

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