Episode 10

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Kaya: Actually, Klahdore, these people are--
Klah: That can wait for now. I can hear all about your reasons later. Now leave, all of you! Or do you have something to say?
Luffy: Well, actually we want a ship!
Klah: No! Usopp-Kun!I heard all about you. You're well-known in the village. I heard you've been on many an adventure. It is impressive for someone so young.
Usopp: You can call me Captain Usopp, too! Since you admire me so much!
Klah: Captain, huh? I heard all about your father, as well.
Usopp: What?
Kaya: Klahadore! stop!
Klah: Yiur nothing but a the son of a filthy pirate!
Stella looks at him.
Nothing you do will surprise me, but I ask that you stay away from the lady of this house!
Usopp: Filthy?!
Klah: She and you are from completely different worlds! Is it money you're are after? How much do you want?
Kaya: That's enough, Klahdore! Apologize to Usopp-San!
Usopp: Hey, now! Be careful, Kaya!
Klah: What reason is there to apologize to this save man, my lady?  I am merely stating the truth. I feel for you. You must truly hate your great idiot of a father for abandoning his family and village because is his lust for treasure!
Usopp: Don't you dare insult my father anymore! He jumps from the tree.
Klah: What are you getting unnecessarily riled up for? Why not simply tell another of your special lies at a time like this? About how your father is really a traveling salesman, oh how you're not really related by blood...
Uopp punched him
The kids and Kaya are surprised.
All: Captain!
Klah: See! You immediately resort to violence!! Like father, like Son!
Usopp: Shut up! I'm proud that my father is a pirate! I'm proud that he's a brave warrior of the sea! You're right, I am an exaggerator! but I'll never lie about my pried to be related by blood to a pirate! I am the son of a pirate.
Klah: A pirate, a brave warrior of the sea? That's quite a twisted way of putting things... He gets up. But you're the undeniable proof of his saved blood! You run around spouting lies, and act violently when ere you are angry! And to top it off, you cozy up to the lady of this house so you can get her fortune!
Usopp: What! I only
Klah: The fact that your father is a pirate...is more than enough proof that you'd hath such a scheme!
Usopp grabs him. Damn it, you still won't up
Stella: Usopp stop it. You're only making this worse. He wants you to attack to give him more reason to prove he's right. If you stop now you know you're not as bad as he says.
Usopp lets him go
Klah: Leave this place! Never come near this mansion again!
Usopp: Yeah, I get it. I don't need you to tell me! I'll never come back here again!
Stella was crying a little thinking about her past.
Zoro held on to her.
The kids walked up.
Carrot: You stupid butt-ler jerk. Out captain not that kind of guy!
Pepper: Srupid-head.
Luffy: Stupid-head!
Zoro: why're you saying it too?
Zoro had to hold him back.
The kids ran behind Stella.
Onion ran on top of her chest he was so scared when Klah looked at them.
Stella: It's okay.
Klah:  You will leave at once, too!
Nami Zoro was with the kids.
Luffy & Stella went to find usopp
There was a man who could hepatite people.
Luffy: Yo, Here you are! Luffy was hanging from the tree by his feet.
Usopp: Oh, it's just you! At least say something, will ya?
Stella: You mean like this. She asked from behind.
Usopp: So what do you want something?
Luffy: Not really. He drops down.
Stella: You rely are a lot to handle. She takes his hat and ruffles his hair
A/n Only Stlla is allowed to touch his hat.
Usopp: That damn butter, insulting my old man like that!
Luffy: Yeah, I hate guys too! No matter what anyone says, Yasopp was a great pirate! 
Usopp: Yeah, huh?! In this day and age where pirates are everywhere, I'm proud of my old man for living with his life on the line at sea! Yet that bastard stopped all over my pride. He'll pay for that.
Luffy: But you're not gonna go see the girl anymore?
Usopp: Yeah, I dunno...if that butler comes and apologizes to me, I Might consider it.
Stella: You Boys are weak. She leans back.
Uaopp: What do you mean?
Stella: You want someone to apologize to you for what they said so that you can go see the girl you have known for a long time. You know how stupid that sounds.
Usopp: What would you do if you were me and you couldn't see Luffy anymore you go mad if someone was talking about your father
Stella: I wouldn't care. No one is keeping from Luffy no matter what comes my way.
The three heard Klah plan to Kill Kaya and take all her money with Jango
Usopp: This is bad.
Luffy: Hey, what's going on? This sounds kind of bad.
Stella: Of course it's bad. This is a lot to take in.
Usopp: Caotin Kuro is said to be the smartest and most brutal pirate of all. Word had it the navy caught and executed him three years ago... but Captain Kito is alive! As Klahadore, the butler! He's been after Kaya's fortune for the past three years straight! They gonna attack the village! Kaya is in danger, too. Bad! This is seriously bad.
The two look at them and back at him
Stella: That's what they always say about all the pirates.
The two get up.
Usopp: Hey, Don't stand up! They'll see you.
Luffy: Hey, you guys! Don't attack that girl!
Jango: Who're you?!
Usopp: You idiot: They spotted you! Hurry and hide before they kill you!
Klah: Oh... If it isn't Usopp-Kun.
Usopp: They Spotted me, too!
Klah: Did you hear anything?
Usopp: No! What do you mean?! We just got here now, so of course we didn't hear anything!
Stella: We heard everything!
Usopp: Hey, you!
Stella: it didn't matter what you told him he would have killed you no matter what you said.
Klah looked at Jango.
Jango: oh, all right.
Jango half something out. Hey, you guys! What this ring closely!
Luffy: What?
Usopp: This is bad! It's a throwing weapon! Dodge it!
Jango: At the count of "one, Two, Jango" you will get sleepy. Ready.
One, Two...
Usopp: Hide! He's gonna kill us!
He sucks down
Stella: Mind I remember all this too Well. Thanks to my little brother.
She closed her eyes
Jango: ...Jango!
Luffy Titls a little
Jango falls on Klah
Klah: Hey! Wake up, Jango! Have you still not fixed that habit yet?!
Luffy falls over the Hill
Stella: Luffy.
Luffy landed head-first in the ground.
Jango: Head-first... I didn't mean to kill him, but he couldn't have survived from that height....
Usopp: Mind Damn it! He killed him! That bastard! Damn it! Is Stella going to be okay?
Jango: What about the other Two? Shall I take care of them?
Klah: No need. No matter what he does it won't matter.
Jango: And the girl.
Klah: Same she's new here no one will believe her.
Usopp: Tomorrow morning, Jango. Attach the village at daybreak. Tear up the villager's homes and good amount, and make certain Miss Kaya's murder look like an accident! Tomorrow!
Klah: You heard me, Usopp-Kun. There's nothing you can do to stop my plan.
Usopp: Damn it. Stella.
Stella: You go warn your village
Usopp: What about you?
Stella lies on the grass. I'll wait here for Luffy.
Usopp: Mind I'll tell her later maybe she needs a little more time. He runs off.
Jango: You sure about him?
Klah: Of course my plan are Flawless.
Usopp was running to the village t want them
Klah or Kuro was waiting for his Boat
Stella was waiting for her brother Luffy to wake up so that they could beat him together.
A/n I am sorry for my Poating For the past two days I know I was supposed to Post The TNMNT 2012 Friday and do these two episode yesterday. But I was hanging with Family and that is more important than anything but to make it up I'll do Twice as much next week to catch up on the work I missed I hope you guys can understand and until next my friends

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