Epsiode 173/174

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Man: Are you alright Kamakiri?
Kamakiri: Don't worry about me! Pay attention to your surroundings! Look!  I can see the cloud-covered Giant Jack! The ruins of Shandira are near! Enel is at the top!
The man was screaming
Kamakiri stoped.
Enel: you called? I'm right here. Do you want something?
He had the man in his hand burnt.
Kanakiri, warrior of Shandora.
Kamakiri: Enel! Damn you!
Enel: Who do you think you're talking to? I am God, you know.
You seem absolutely baffled as to why I've appeared here.
Kamakiri: Mantra?
Enel: Laughs. I don't need that to see what's written all over your face!  I don't blame you, though. Normally, I would not need to bother doing anything personally. But I happen to be a player in this Survival game too, you see. Plus, I will soon be leaving this land. In fact, I just finished saying Goodbye to Gan Fall.
Kamaikrir: You think this is a game? Like hell, it is!
Enel: You look like you really want to get rid of me. Sure. I will reward you for all your hard work as a warrior, as an act of God's charity. How does Five minute sound? I will sit right here for Five minutes.
Kamakirir: What?
Enel: I will neither dodge your attacks nor strike back. Go ahead and do your worst.
Kamakiri: Why, you...!
Enel: But once those five Minutes are up you will come to learn what God is from the bottom of your heart.
Kamakirir: Damn you! Time to die, Enel! He went to attack.
Nami and Gan Fall were able to defeat the Two Brothers Nami did feel terrible after all the Dail did have a giant effect on her.
We protected the ship and crew!
And The part where Asia Coins and Pagyam were able to meet up with Nami and Gan Fall. I have bigger fights to do.
Many of the Shandoirans were injured. And Aisa just felt pain.
Kamakirir was able to have the spear into Enel's Head. As electricity went into the spear and Shocked Kamakirir.
Sorry. I must've dozed off there. What's wrong? You seem to be in pain, Kamakiri. As I promised, I haven't done anything.
Kamakirir: I...can't...beat you?
Enel: Yes, that's right. Now do you understand? I am lighting How can a struggling man defeat lightning as a native of Sky, you've surely seen distant lightning before. Since ancient times, man has replaced all his face nature with God, to flee from the terror he could not comprehend, with the belief that all supernatural phenomena are acts of God beyond human understanding. The disasters from the heavens, which all of mankind accepted as being unbeatable...They are me. Now do you understand What God is?
Kamakirir took out another dail.
A breath Dial?
Burn Blade! He cuts The tree in half For Enel's body to be electrified
He jumped down on a board and went to get away
I must tell Wiper! There's no point I'm fighting him! He'd only die in vain! Even if he risks his life, a reject dial will have no effect!
Enel: so now you choose to run.
Kamakiri: I got to retreat and think! As things are now. As things are now.! He then stops to see Enel in front of him.
Enel: Did you think you could move faster than Lightning? Laughs. Your five minutes are up. Now it's my turn.
One-Million-Volt... Vari!
Kamakiri: Run! Wiper!
There was lightning everywhere.
His body fell limb as his glasses broke.
Goat: what was that? They were also shocked as well as some of the Shandorains.
Asia: No!
Name: What? What? What's going on, all of a sudden? What happened?
She goes to her.
Aisa: their voices... are disappearing!
Enel: Whoops. It seems that electricity traveled t.tgalong the Miky road. Twenty voices disappeared after that discharge. Fools... The 82-man upper-yard survival game..  two hours have passed  Fifty-Six has dropped out. Thirteen Of God's army remain. Six of the Straw hats remain. Seven of the shandirains remain.  That makes a total of 25 left. There are more left than I expected. No matter. I'll corner them all slowly but surely.  Who will get to accompany me in the end? Smiles.
Luffy and Stella found some gold.
Luffy: This necklace is made of gold! Is the gold we're looking for inside this cave? Here you have it. He gives it to Stella.
Stella smiles
I'd rather be inside a Yakiniku shop right now. Geez! Where are we?
Nami's part is skipped.
Luffy is holding his stomach.
They walked around.
Luffy had a crown on his head.
Man, what a day. This is no good... I'm hungry, But I left my bag outside and the trees are rotten and fruitless. All I can think about is eating that delicious breakfast that Sanji made. What a weird cave we wound up in. I can't find the exit anywhere. I wonder if everyone is at the City of Gold by now. I bet it's pretty and shiny All made of gold... and they probably make all kinds of good food here, I can't wait to get there and find out. Right Stella
Stella: As Long as we're back with our crew then I'm fine. I'm skipping Zoro's part too he gets into a fight with a South Bird about His food and is trying to get away from it even though the way the bird was facing was the right way and he ends up getting carried by the bird to where the others were.
Enel: Soon, only five of the eighty-two people on this island will be standing.  Only one hour left until the time I proclaim is up... The current number of Survivors" is twenty-five.
Man: This can't be! What is God Enel doing here?  He's going down!
Enel was behind him as he said that.
There was electricity every.
Twenty-four left.
Robin was on the ground.
Yama: Oh, my. You're nothing but talk, Missy... Stomach Mountain!
Robin went to dodge the attack.
She movies back.
A runic statue! Veunte Fleurs! Calendula! She had multiple hands on her arm and stopped his attack. She wasn't able to fully stop the attack only to keep the attack from Getting messed up.
Yama: How long are you going to keep protecting this withered old city?
Robin: You don't seem to have any respect for the vestiges of our ancestors.
Yama: I have no care for the past!
Robin: Foole always says that.
Yama: Who do you take me for?
Punch Mountain! Robin Dodged his attack.
Robin: I need to move away from the ruins before the imposition destroys it all! She runs away.
Yama kicks the Ruins.
He destroys everything in his way.
Robin: Back then, I thought my goal had been lost with the underground temple of Alubarna...
When Stella saved her.
Having lost everything, I decided to travel with Luffy and Stella. But these ruins could hold clues about the unspoken history that has been lost to the world below!  She ran only for Yama to destroy more things
How long are you going to run?
Every step he took he destdestroyedrything
Yama: I don't understand it, did you finally decide to face me?
Robin: yes. It's too late for you.
Yama: Too late
Robin: Even if you repent. I won't forgive you!
Yama: you won't forgive me? You certainly do adore those shabby ruins.  A pile of rubber that doesn't even belong to you.
Robin: That's right. Those Ruins don't belong to anyone. I don't feel like talking with you anymore.  She took off her hat and Bag
Yama: Don't worry. You won't have to anymore, because you're going to be crushed to death underneath me!  Drop Mountain! He rolls to her.
Robin: I can go all out here! Treinta Fleurs! He has hands-on trees to hold him.
All you can do is rush forward like a bull... with no regard for the weight of the history you destroyed! Hang! 
He crashed into a tree
His body is too heavy! He drops down.
He sits up. He then flips to her.
Take this! Ten-Axe Combo! Axe Mountain!
Robin held her hands out for her to cover his eyes.
Mt eyes! I can't see! What are you doing? Wait? You turned the dials backward! You're going to kill me!
He then went into a tree while the dials had a harsh impact on him.
Robin then Lifts his head up.
What you went around destroying our great, priceless treasure Relics so rare it's impossible to measure their worth. History may repeat itself, but people can't go back in time. You don't understand that.
Yama was babbling
You bastard. I won't ever do it again. Please forgive me.
Robin: I will not.
Robin is my favorite.
Yama: In that case, I just need to kill you. He went to grab her
Only for Robin to bend his finger.
My finger! My fingers!
Cien Fleurs! Delphinium! There was a line of hands on the ground.
Yama: What? Stop! Wait! Where are you? Stop. He was dropped off a cliff
It's too late for you, right? He was then Choked. As he fell on his stomach.
Clutch! There was a loud Crunch. It's just awful.
She was walking. This should be the center of the city,  but it doesn't match up with the map on the monument at all. Did everything get broken up in the shock of coming into the sky? She walks into a ruined Building.
Cobra: I don't get it...Then why did you come here?
Robin: What one expects and what one hopes are different things. What I was seeking was the Rio Poneglyph. The only stone that tells the real history of the pobeglyhs that are scattered throughout the world. That's the Rio Pineflyph...
Corba: What do you mean by the "Real history"?
Robin: I give up. I've searched for it for twenty years and I'm out of clues. This place was my last hope and a failure. Dying here like this would be a fitting end for me. Living like this has exhausted me. All I wanted was to learn the history. But there are too many enemies to achieve my dream.
She reached the place where Chopper was.
She finds more history and writes them down.
It's so strange. Is this really the City of Gold? The size and topography are all completely different. And what's most unnatural of all? She goes up a tumb.
The only entrance is at the top. Could it be? She ran in she was looking in and was digging
I think I can go below. She goes down.
And lands On cloud.
It's so vast... These ruins actually go much deeper!  I thought it was strange how Blue Sea ruins had island clouds for ground... The ruins above are nothing more than the upper parts of the city, eaten up by the island... there's still more below! She walks around. Light? She goes to it. Almost falling off she see more Tombs. And sist down. Eight hundrend years ago, the city of shandora auddenly collasped.  It hardly seemss that way. It's still majestic and grand! I've actually found it. This is Shandora, the city of gold! She walks around. It can't be!
Cobra: Let me ask you a question... Is it possible for our lost history to be uncovered? Are you saying that the poneglyphs hold these records?
She looks at more.
They wrote with the ancient poneglyph symbols with such ease! But only the ones who made the poneglyphs could read them! "Hold our true motive in your heart and speak not of it" we are the ones who weaves history, with tye sounding if granf belfry". That's right. Noland's logbook did mention a giant gold bell being here. But if it's true where could it be? All of the city's writing were burned... The city history was eradicated!
Coins was taking care of Usopp and Sanji
Nami: They'll manage somehow, right? They've been through worse before.
Zoro: quit following me!
Stella: It sure goes down a long way.
Robin: A poneglyph was carried into the city!  There's no question about it! This city fought against hostility! Shandora, the mystucal city of Gold fought and fell trying to protect that poneglyph!  In which case, the grand belfry located in the center of the four altars might contain the Text if the True History.... The Rio Pobeglyph!

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