Epsiode 191

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Enel: So this is it. Splendid! At last the grand belfry that was once the pride
Of the legendary city of Shandora! Now it's mine! A prize befitting a God of power and glory! The fabled bell, the one that heralded the start of this land's 400-year-old conflict. How pathetic. To think they carried on their pointless little battle for centuries only to see everything be destroyed.
Luffy was hanging on a broken branch.
Nmai: Luffy, you can't catch up with him!
He falls down
Enel's ark hasn't moved from that spot. That can only mean one thing.
Nami: Enel has been up there for a while. He must have taken the golden bell by now. No matter how hard you stretch your arms, there's no way you can make it.
Luffy: if he took it, I'm gonna take it back! Give me that waver.
[Engine running]
He goes up there only to fall and have the water fall on him
Stella: Think about this.
Nami:[ Mind ]He's too far from the top of the beanstalk. What can we do? How can we get to him? There must be a way. The others
Enel: Every inhabitant of Skypeia will suffer my terrible wrath! All will perish, including the voices directly beneath you.
Nami: That's right everyone is still down there but how do we let them know we need help?
Stella: Nami this
Nami smiles
Usopp: Watch out something's falling towards us again!
Take cover.
A leaf came down right on Chopperm
Aisa: A leaf. Hey, look there's something written on it. It's a message from Nami, Stella, and Luffy!
Usopp: What does it say?
Robin: Cut down this beanstalk and make sure it falls through the west
Usopp: But...What'll happen if we do that?
Zoro: Hey, Knight? Which way is what?
Usopp: what do you mean we're really gonna do it? I mean... Which way is west?
Gan: There in the direction of the cloud where Enel's Ark is currently moored.
Enel made a bigger storm cloud.
I've accomplished all of my objectives but one. So now... it's time to destroy this pathetic land and the Cumuleregalis clouds it reasts on, and set off for the endless Vearth. Laughing
I'm actually gonna miss toying with the Skypiean's lives!
Wiper: Enel
Gan: Damn him
Usopp: Do you see that?  This one's even bigger! Maybe we should get out of here while there is still some place to get!
Enel: Say goodbye Skypiea
Luffy: it's even bigger than the last one! That bastard
Nami: Now that he's got his grubby hands on the bell, he has no more use for Skpiea!
Stella: That creep's pretty easy to figure out!
Nami: Well, don't just stand there Luffy! Stella! We can't let him get away with this.
Stella: Wait we? But weren't you gonna escape!
Nami: Yeah well. I can't leave now with what's at stake. Besides you guys want to ring that bell, right? 
Luffy: we got to. For old Timmer.
Nami: But with your arm, you can't drive the waver. If I left you two you'd keep trying to jump up so leave the driving to me and I'll get you two up there. Listen. You two got to promise that you'll get us out of this m3ssin one piece.
Luffy: Yeah you got it.
Stella: Thanks.
Nami: We've only got one chance to get this thing right!  I just hope they got Our message and understand. At what was attempting to do
Usopp: They gonna jump from the beanstalk to the ark.
Zoro: You got any better ideas?
Usopp: Well they can't be serious
That's crazy.
Zoro: Fine, then I'll leave it to you to climb up there and stop both Luffy and Stell
Uaopp: They won't listen.
Zoro: Look, I don't care how crazy it sounds! We have no choice we've gotta let them do this!
Another bolt struck them
Robin: Long nose.
having extra hands to grab Sanji
Usopp: I got him.
They went back
Zoro: If we stay here, we're just gonna get pushed down to the ruins below.
Get away from the beanstalk! He threw Chopper at Robin.
They all ram
I'll take care of this. All I need to do is cut the vines down towards that ship, right?
Usopp: But.
Zoro: That maniac is about to wipe this land away, and there are only three people who can reach him. Before he stets that thing off!
Usopp: Zoro wait
Zoro: Nami! Luffy! Stella! You better be ready! He ran
Enel: You fools from the blue sea just don't know when to give up do you it's far too late to change things now. The minute you entered the survival game, your fatestbwere cast in stone
Anything you do is futile
Usopp: Okay this is going to be fine. Zoro buddy you're the only one who can do this! It's up to you
Enel was trying to blast Zoro
Zoro: Enel, I am so sick of you!
Yells he was able to cut one side
Enel: You worm. He then landed a blast on him
Usopp: He did it and got zapped
Robin: The vine's not falling!
Usopp: but he cut it!
What is that thing made of? It looks like a plant but it is solid as a rock!
Wiper: Pathetic. This is what you outsiders get for butting in!
Aisa: Wiper! What are you doing?
Wiper: Quite. We Shandorians ate the descendent of Kalgura, not that kid in the straw hat! Or the girl with the Bandana!
A/n Okay but Why were Noland and Kalgura fine though?
If anyone is to ring that bell, it should rightfully be us!
Usopp: Don't listen to him, Robin! He too banged up to stop us.
Besides. Nami, Stella, and Luffy are counting on us! Our only priority right now is knocking that thing down! Speaking of which Zoro's already cur through half of the stem!  It probably shouldn't take much to cut through the rest of it. My awesome Dance of the Exploding Stars should do the trick. After just one hit, even a gentle breeze will knock that thing over once again it's up to me. The last line of defense in our merry band. Robin leave all the dangerous stuff to me! You tend to our fellow comrades
Robin: They look like an oka leaf mochi cake. Hmmm
About that bell... Four hundred years ago, an explorer from my world said he stumbled upon a city of gold.  People laughed at him and called him a lair be he had a descendant today who still believes in the stories, and has spent years searching the Blue Sea for any evidence of this city of Gold. If that golden bell can be rung, everyone will know the city of Gold is in the sky and not a myth. That's the reason Luffy and Stella are up there. Now do you understand?
Usopp tried to use his starts to break off the stem
Noble, isn't it? Trying to vindicate a man he never met?  He's had a chance to escape. But he's stuck around to see this thing through. That guy is nuts.
Wiper: What... What is the name of this explorer's descendent?
Robin: Montblanc Cricket. Why?
Wiper: The name of his ancestor who came here. He starts to cry. Please tell me. Was it Noland?
Robin: How?
Aisa: Wiper? Why are you crying?
Wiper: Is this a sign from you? Or a miracle? What is it, great Warrior Kalgara?
The snake pushes the Vine a little
After a memory
Usopp: What did it? Guess it doesn't matter cause it couldn't even budge the beanstalk
Maybe one of my triple explosions will do the trick.
Wiper: Move. He pushes Usopp's head down and walks to the stall
Kalgara. The descent of your best friend from the Blue Sea. He waiting for it.  The ringing of your golden bell!
[Sniffling] It's time we rewarded his patience! Reject
He blows a hole in the beanstalk.
Gan: That fool. A reject dail.
Wiper: Now fall, giant jack. Fall!
Usopp: Guys! We've got to run away!
Nami: This is it! Get on, Luffy! Stella!
Luffy: Got it. Let's go
Nami: I should mention I've never revved this waver's jet dial to maximum power before. I was a little scared to see how fast it would go. I guess we're gonna find out now if it'll be too strong for me to control, huh?
Stella: Go for it, Nami!
Nami started the waver.
Luffy hung on to Nami and Stella hung onto Luffym
Nami: Hang on, Luffy! Stella!
Both: we are.
Usopp: Way to go Nmai. Good luck! We're counting on you! If we let this place be destroyed, we'll never get to ring that bell and cricket will never hear it! He helped us, so we gotta help him! Ring that bell and ring it loud! Jump to Enel's ship and stop that guy! Do it
Everything is up to you guys now, you got it?
Aisa: Yeah.
Enel: My my. Now why can't you wait for the completion of Raigo like the rest of the insects? Their impatience will be their undoing. Very well, then.
Nami: Something coming!
Stella: Don't slow down! We'll take care of whatever it is!
Lightning bolts come down
Luffy: that shot was pathetic!
Enel: That you should even try to reach me now is insolent and far beyond the point of stupidity! Now pay for your folly! Mamaragan!
He shoots more bolts
Nmai: That creep! He's trying to destroy the base of the beanstalk!
Luffy: Do something Nami! Stella!
Nami: Like what
Stella: We're going too fast and we're too high up!  If this thing loses its foundation it'll crash before we get to the top!
Nami: We won't reach Enel and we'll fall to our deaths!
Usopp: Luffy! Stella! Nami!
Luffy blocks a light from coming at them.
Enel: Lightning may not harm you, but your abilities are absolutely useless if you can't reach Maxim! Now fall and face destruction with the rest of Skypiea! Say goodbye, Boy!

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