Epsiode 171

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Usopp: Damn him! He killed Sanji!  There is no use! His heart isn't
Beating at all! Hey! Sanji! Sanji! Damnit! If only Chopper were here!
Nami: Wait, Usopp! That's his right side! The heart is on the left!
Usopp: Yikes! It's beating! Thank goodness! He came back to life!
Nami: But he's seriously injured. He could die!
Usopp: what? Oh, crap. This is bad!
Gan looks at Enel...
Enel: There's no need to be indignant it's been so long since we last met.  Why don't you cheer up a bit, Gan Fall? Laughs.
Usopp: Hey! What the hell did you do to Sanji? Just try something else! My 8000 subordinates won't sit by quietly! Here. If you run away now. I'll forgive you. What do you say?
Nami looks to see Enel gone in a flash.
Usopp: He ran. Next thing that happened Usopp was also shocked by the lighting.
Gan: Damn you!
Enel: Remain silent and I will do nothing. Got that?
Nami nodded yes
Enel: Good.
Nami: Who is this guy? What did he just do?
Gan:Just what are you thinking?
Enel:Your men that I captured when we invaded this island six years ago are working very hard for me.
Gan: My Divine squad...
Enel: They're also very strong. They have truly great talent. But it appears that their six years of hard labor are about to end. Also, I'll no longer have any need for this island once they're done, so I thought I would come to bid you farewell. That is all. However, the denizens of Skypiea are all ignorant fools. They only view this island as a clump of vearth. You see.
Gan: What do you mean?
Enel: The reason we forcefully took this island away, the reason the Blue Sea Flise stepped foot onto this Island, and the same reason the Sandians are intent on returning to their home are not at all different.  In other words... there is but one thing everyone seeks on this island! It was because everyone desired the great relics of Shandora, the legendary city of gold that prospered in the Blue Sea long ago!
Gan: Gold? What is that?
Enel: Laughs. That's what I mean by ignorant! No one living here knows of gold or its value! Funnily enough, this game is the final battle. The winner of this survival game will make bountiful gold on his own. He walks to the rail.
Can you hear it? The sound of the lively festival... As a matter of fact, I'm a participant myself, so I must be off.
Gan: Wait, Enel! The Divine Squad... Are you going to free them?
Enel: God only knows.  Then he's gone
Gan: Wait, Enel!
Nami: He disappeared...
Usopp!  Thank goodness! His heart is still beating somehow...!
I'm skipping this fight. I already Hated Satori. There is no way in hell that I'm going to do his brothers we all Know that Nami and Gan Fall beat them with a little help from Gan's gloves Dial. And they are so annoying so That's a double no.
Wiper kept shooting at Luffy only for Luffy to do the same thing.
Stella: Try all you want, it's no use! Not even cannons or guns work on Luffy. You're just wasting time.
Wiper: Apparently not. So I'll change the style!  He added a dial to the gun.
Having a blast of wind at the sibling. Lufft Vest While Stella Coat was being blown.
They held their nose
Stella: What's this smell?
Wiper: Gas is stored inside the breath dial of this weapon, which is called a Burn Bazooka. The Bluisg flane that rides on the expelled gas burns prey to a crisp! Wiper then blew a blast at them
Stella grabs Luffy and Moves him out of the way just in time they fall on the ground
Luffy: What the...? It went right through that giant tree!
Stella: That Will be us if we don't fight right.
Luffy: What? He disappeared!  Bastard! Where is he?
They looked to see that Wiper we behind them and went to kick them Only to miss
Luffy: Gum-Gum... Pistol! He was able to punch wiper and Stretch his hand on a branch while Stella used her Whip.
Luffy: stay here. He the. Jumps off the tree. Gun-Gun Stamp! Wiper blocks his kick. Only for Luffy to punch him multiple times only to miss
And have the gun in the face.
Stella: LUFFY! She was able to use her whip on him to bring him up
Luffy: That was close.
Stella: Too close. Maybe I should fight him.
Luffy: Nom he's destroyed you. I got this. Gum-Gum... Spear! Wiper went up into a tree. As Luffy was going down Wiper grabbed him by his feet and flipped him over. Into the ground.  And pointed the gun at him. Luffy stretches his hand to dodge him
If it's a bazooka you want, you can't bear mine!
Wiper: Straw Hat!
Luffy: Gum-Gum..
Wiper: Burn...
Luffy: Bazooka!
They were both blown back.
Wiper: Straw Hat.
Stella went down to Luffy
Luffy! She saw him all burnt up. She helps him up
Luffy: That bastard!
That blast destroyed multiple tresses
What's Wrong Straw Hat? I know you haven't kicked the bucket yet!
Luffy: Of course, I haven't
Stella and Luffy walk back up.
A giant snake came up behind the two and ate them
Both screaming
Luffy: What the...? What the...? They go deeper.
Wiper: What happened? Where did they go? No matter. This is no time to waste energy on them. I need to see some strength... and make it to Enel! One more reject and my body probably will be blown to bits. I'm coming for you Enel!
Genbo: How do you like that?
Goat: Damn it! We absolutely won't let you go any further
Genbo; Shut up! I'm after Enel's head! Out of my way! Ge shot at them again.
It was a cannon.
I have no business with Divine Sildier's small fries!
Yama That's one rare ammunition you have there. Heavy matter that doesn't normally exist in the sky... The vearth Mineral, iron? it seems you've taken down many of my men, Shandian.  Your Genbou is one of the main forces, yes?
Genbo: Divine Commander Yama! Get out of my way.
Not doing this. We all know who loses. Genbo lost and Yama won.
Nami's fight will be skipped.
Stella was helping Luffy get his head unstuck from the ground.
Luffy: It finally stopped...
They looked around.
They saw water and all kinds of treasure.
They got up.
Where are we?
Chopper: Hey! Guys! Is anyone here? It's me! If you're here, say something! I guess no one's here.
Ged: Where did it go?
Man is stupid like his eye rolled all the way back is supposed to scare someone.
Goat: Gedtsu, your eyes are rolled inside your head.  You cannot see ahead of you like that.
Ged: How careless of me!
Goat: Have a look at this photograph.  Here it is. That puny creature. He's with the Blue Sea People!
Gen: What? Isn't a raccoon dog?
Goat: Raccoon Dog? No, it's not a wild aniaml. It is unquestionably a creature from the Blue Sea!
Chopper: Luffy! Where are you? Zoro! Are you sleeping again? Robin! Hurry over here. Stella! Someone has to be brave for me. Where is everyone? I'm feeling insecure! Hey! Guys, it's me!
Geb was right behind him.
Chopper looked behind him. He poked him with a stick. He then moves back. And hides
Gen: Where did you go.
How is hea priest is like Enel is giving the job to anyone?
Chopper: I'm so scared! What is that?

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