Episode 5

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Buffy: I'm starving...
Nami: Boss! You and your girlfriend came to save me!
Stella: What?
Buffy: Who're you?
Nami runs away. Sorry, but they're all yours now!
Man: Hey! The girl got away!
Man 2: That's okay! Her boss and his girlfriend are still here!
Man 3: Ah; trying to cover for your crony, huh?!!
Buffy: Say, is there any place to eat around here?
Stella: Is that all you're thinking about right now?
Man: Quit screwing around kid! He then punched Luffy's face. Then Shanks Hat flies up.
Buffy then punches I'm back harder.
Stella gets the hat and places it on Luffy.
Luffy: Don't touch my treasure!
Both: Bastard!
Nami: Wonder if they killed them...
The men ran after them
Buffy: Gum-Gum pistol! The two men then fell
Nami: Wow. You're really strong! The two looked at her.
You beat people with sabers barehanded!
Luffy: Hey you're that...who?
Nami: I'm a thief who steals from pirates!  The name is Nami! Hey, wanna team up with me?!
Luffy: No. I don't feel like teaming up with you.
The two walk away.
Nami: Hold on! Wait, I said!
Luffy's stomach started to growl.
Luffy: Oh. I just remembered! I'm starving...
Nami: Shall I treat you guys to some food?
Luffy: Really?!
Nami: Yeah
Buggy: They still haven't caught the thief?
Man: T-They should be pursuing her as we speak, Captain Buggy! Yes! 
Buggy: How did the map get stolen so easily in the first place? Huh? Just when we're about to enter the Grandline and go on a rampage!
Man: A-Actually, the shack was unlocked so it was easy to take for foes...
Buggy: What did you say?
Man: Ah, I said, it was easy to take for foes...
Buggy: Who has a fake nose? He goes up to him. Do you find this nose funny? Just like a fake nose?
Man: you have it all wrong!
Buggy: It's huge and all red?! The man backed up
The others watched.
Man 2: H-Here it comes... The Devil Fruit power...
The man was then lifted up by something invisible.
Buggy: What happens if someone defies me?
Man: A Flashy death awaits them. Please forgive me! I'll never say it again!
Buggy lets him go.
Buggy: I'll overlook your verbal slip-up and forgive you just this once. Now get that map back! Screw up..and you know what happens.
Buffy eats a whole Burger.
Stella just had some Fruits
Luffy: Yum. Do you live alone in this house?
Nami: I don't live in this town. Everyone here ran away because of Buggy.
Luffy: Then you're a sneak thief. How rude!
Nami: I'm a thief who only steals from pirates. Don't compare me to scumbag sneak thieves!
Luffy: But a thief's a thief.
Nami: My goal is to earn 100 million Berries no matter what it takes.
Luffy: What do you jes that much for?
Nami: It's a secret!
Luffy takes some Bread and eats it. While giving some to Stella.
But with a map to the Grand Line, 100 million is a real possibility!
Luffy stops eating.
A map? Are you a navigator?
Nami: Much more skilled the your average navigator!
Luffy: Oh, that's perfect! Do you wanna be our navigator?!
Stella doesn't show any emotion of happiness about having another girl knowing how Luffy is she won't join just because of what he's saying.
Stella: Mind Here it comes
Nami: Really?
Luffy: Yeah! Our pirate crew member!
Nami: No! So you guys are pirates
Stella: Mind And there it goes.
Luffy: Yeah. We swore to the person who gave me this Straw hat and Stella that Pendent...that we're gather a crew and become a pirate!
Nami: There is nothing I hate more in Than World than pirates! I only like money and tangerines!
Luffy: Hey, Be our navigator.
Nami: I said no. She walks way
Buffy: No?
Stella: Why did you mention that we were pirates to her?
Luffy: I wasn't going to lie.
Man: Hey! Did you find her?
Man 2: where'd that girl thief go?! We're in trouble if we don't get that chart back! They ran off.
Nami: Mind I gotta do something about them. She looks at the two. Well, I might consider it if you guys agree to a certain condition!
Luffy: Really? I'll do anything!
Stella: Depends on what it is.
Nami: I want you to come with me to see Buggy the Pirate. But. She has two ropes and ties them up.
Stella: why are we tied up?
Nami: It's just rope. Is there a problem?
Buffy: Oh well! I was hoping to meet other pirates! Let's go!
Buffy walks fast.
Nami: Hold on, now!
Buggy: Yells What. The thief got away?
Men's: Please forgive us, captain!
Buggy: All three of you are pathetic! Die Flashily!
Man: Captain Buggy!
Buggy: What is it?
Man: The thief from earlier came back on her own!
Nami walks threw and Stella and Luffy.
Man: That's them! She's the one who stole the chart!
Nami then pushes them both on the ground
Nami: I've captured the thieves, Captain Buggy the Clown! Here a your chart back!
Buggy: I appreciate it. But why the change of heart?
Nami: My boss and his Girlfriend and I fought! I'm fed up with them.
Stella: Mind Why does she keep calling me his girlfriend? Please let me join your crew!
Man: Captain Buggy is angry!
Man 2: He's gonna use his Devil fruit power!
Stella: Devil fruit?
Buggy laughs.
Fed up, huh? You're hastily amusing girl. I like you! You can join my crew!
Nami: Mind Infiltration successful! Pirates are so dumb and easy to manipulate
Luffy and Stella are in a Cage.
Luffy: Why are we in a cage?
Buggy: I feel great today! Girl! What name do you go by?
Nami: Nami
Buggy: Alright! Let's hold a welcome party for Nami here! Celebrate Flashily!
All the men celebrated.
Buggy: What's Wrong? This party is in your honor! Eat up!
Nami: Yes: Thank you! Mind I'll just keep my eye peeled for a chance to take the chart back. And maybe I'll swipe all of Buggy's treasurer too, while I'm at it!
Luffy tries to get a piece of meat using his Devil first
Luffy: I wanna eat, too! It does work and his Hand comes back making him fall.
Stella: You just ate you can survive.
Buggy: Men! Prepare a special Buggy Ball!
All: Yeah.
There was a Huge Cannon.
A man brings a Big red ball.
Man: All set.
Nami: What's about to happen?
Buggy: Observe the Might of Buggy Ball! Light it.
Everyone looks
The ball then destroys Multiple houses
Zoro: What was that explosion?
Man: One of Buggy-san's beloved Buggy Balls!
Zoro: Buggy balls?
Buggy: Flashy with Buggy ball and Devil fruit powers. I can conquer the grand line! Right, Nami?.
Nami: Yeah of course!
Stella: Huh. They looked at her.
We're the one who's gonna rule the Grand Line!
Buggy: What?
Stella: We're going to be Queen and King of the pirates!
Nami: you idiot!
Buggy: I see why you're sick I them, Nami!
Nami: They take the world too lightly...and misunderstand everything! I couldn't put up with it anymore...
Buggy: naturally! In that case, I'll give you a buggy ball to blow away your old bosses! It'll also serve to prove your loyalty to me. Do it
The men got the cannon ready.
Stella: You know what I think I can handle only boys on the crew if I don't have to deal with this with every girl we see. She lay on Luffy's Lap
Nami: No, that's okay! Come on, this is a welcoming part! Let's have fun!
Buggy: Do it. This is my style of welcoming party. He gives her some matches.
All: Fire, fire!
Nmai: if I don't shoot, I'll be killed! But if I do shoot, I'll wind up no better than pirates!
Buggy: Alright! Light it flashily!
Nami just stood there.
Buggy: Nami! Don't wimp out on me now!
The two looked at her.
Stella: What the matter? Your hands are shaking! That's what happens when you take on pirates with half-asses resolve.
Nami: Resolve to do what? To kill people like it's nothing?! Is that a pirate resolve?
Stella: No! The resolve to put your own life on the line!
Men: Fire, fire
One man takes the matches
Man: Hey, new chick! Quite being a tease! This is how you light it! He was about to light it when Nami used her stick to knock him down.
Luffy: What the?
Nami: Crap! I didn't mean to.
Buggy: Nami! What is the meaning of this?
Nami: I'm sorry!
Buggy: What! Apologizing won't fix things!
Luffy: Huh? Now you're saving us?
Nami: Don't be stupid! I only did it because of the situation! I just didn't want to wind up like these in human pirates!
Luffy: Oh, the solution!
Nami: Pirate took the life of a person dear to me! As if I'd ever be one!
Luffy: Oh, so that's why...Huh? He looked up to see it still lit.
Buggy: Keep your ridicule to a minimum girl! Kill her flashing!
Some men went to attack
Nami uses her staff to block them off.
Nami ran to the cap non
Luffy: water! Water Not good!
Nami had her hands over the fire.
The fire went out.
Luffy: Behind you!
Men friend to attack from behind
Zoro came in and stopped them.
Zoro: Hey now. How many of you are taking on one girl at once?
Luffy: Zoro!
Nami looks
Zoro: You hurt? Are you hurt?
Nami: no, I'm fine...
Luffy: Whew what a relief! How did you find us? Hurry up and get us out here!
Zoro: what do you keep playing around for? First sple bird runs off with you two and now you're inside a cage? It's pretty interesting, actually.
Man: Zoro? That's what he just called him right?
Nami: Mind The crew member he mentioned..was pirate Hunter Zoro? What's going on?
Zoro walks to Luffy & Stella.
Buggy: So you're Zoro? What do you want? Are you here to take my head or something?
Zoro: Nope. Not interested. I gave up pirate-hunting.
Buggy: I'm interested, though! Killing you will increase my name.
Zoro: I would try it. You'll die.
Buggy has two knives.
Zoro: guess words aren't enough for you...
Buggy: Get I'm, Captain!
All:Captain Buggy
Zoro uses three swords.
Buggy went to attack first.
Zoro cut his Stoumch.
Zoro put his swords away
Buggy fell
But there was no blood
Zoro: He had no resistance to him at all...
Luffy: Whoa! He's weak.
Nami: No way.
The men stared to laugh
Stella to Luffy. He is not weak that must be part of his devil's fruit see how he's not bleeding
Luffy looks again.
Nami: Their captain has been killed... But they're laughing!
Zoro: Hey what's so damn funny
Buggy gets back-up
Zoro was stabbed
Stella: Yells Zoro
Nami: Whars that arm?
Buggy: The Chop-Chop fruit... That is the name of the Devil Fruit I ate. I'm a Chop-Chop person who can't be cut! laughs
Nami: His body retracted itself! I thought the Devil fruit was only a rumor!
Luffy: A Chop-Chop guy? You mean he's a monster?!
Coming from a Rubber Person.
Buggy: I didn't hit any vital spots, but that's a pretty serious wound! I win!
Nami: Crap! The table has turned! If we don't do something quick, me and these three guys are dead!
Zoro: That one hurts a bit...
Stella: YellsStabbing from behind is unfair Big Nose!
Nami: You idiot! Don't call him that!
Buggy: who's got a big nose?!
Buggy then throws a knife at her.
Stella: Buggy! She had the knife in her mouth. Me and Luffy will kick your ass! She then breaks the knife.
Buggy: Kick my ass? You're a real riot!
All four of you are gonna die here, you know! How should I have my ass kicked in this situation?!
Nami: It's no use. It's all over...
Luffy laughs
We refuse to die. Run! Zoro!
Zoro: What!
Nmai: wait he came here to save you guys! What're you gonna do?
The two just look at them.
Zoro: Understood.
Nami: Nothing makes sense anymore. This is why I hate pirates!
Buggy: Impudent fool! As if I'd let you escape! He went to attack Zoro
But Zoro blocked him off each attack.
Zoro attacked his Stomoch and then threw it
Fool! Your three-swords style does not affect on-- hey! Listen when people are talking! Zoro then lifts the Canon backward at them
Zoro: Hey! Light it! Hurry
Nami: Right
Buggy: Wait there is still a special Buggy ball in there!
Nmai lits it.
The cannon then does off.

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