Sky island Ends Episode 195

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Outfit stella is wearing. Without the guns and all.
A/n So what I said in the last episode actually comes into play for this one if you wonder what that is just read the last episode
Usopp: So did we lose them?
Sanji: Looks like they gave up! I don't see anything.
Usopp: Oh really that's good. To be honest, their giant cannon really scared me! Where were they hiding that thing, and how come they didn't use it against Enel
Robin: Their Cannon?
Usopp: Yeah, you know, that huge thing the warriors was caring towards us didn't you see it?
Robin: Oh, you mean that thing.
Usopp: Yeah that thing! What's wrong with you? It's not funny why do you think we're running?
Chopper: Yeah, Robin! Usopp's right! Don't laugh!
Luffy: we made it! There's nami and conis!
Sanji: Where? Nami! Hey, conis! He ran into a stick.
Robin looks back and
Are you okay?
Stella: 5,4,3,2,1
Sanji: oh, yeah! He got right back up.
Robin: How did you
Stella: I'm a captain it's important to know my crew by now. Especially him.
They were on the boat.
Conis: Okay! We're almost there! Everyone! See that up ahead? That's cloud end.
Usopp: Whoq, lemme see
They all went to see.
Luffy: Whoa. So that's where we go back down from?
Usopp: we got here sooner than I thought.
Luffy: Aww we really have to go back already.
Sanji: You know, it sounds crazy, but I'm actually going to miss this place.
Zoro: I think it's time we said goodbye to the white sea.
Chopper: Sky Island sure is fun, but scary too
Stella: I have to agree with Zoro my back is killin' after fighting with Enel.
Nami: Mind oh yeah. I have to ask Stella a few things about that.
Sanji: I could give you a nice massage for your back
Usopp: We just have to go through that gate, and there'll be a Milky Road that'll take us to the blue sea huh!
Nami: Wonder if we'll ever visit this place again.
Usopp: Well you never know.
They were getting closer.
Pagaya: I'm sorry, but this is as far as we can go! Goodbye, my friends
Conis: Take care of yourselves!
Nami: We will! Thank you for the escort!
Sanji: Conis don't forget about me, angel!
Usopp: Say goodbye to the other for us!
Luffy: It was nice meeting you guys
Thanks for everything!
Conis: No! You got it wrong! We're the ones who should be thanking you! We'll never forget you! Thank you all
Luffy: Goodbye, conis, old guy, furball!
Paygaya: Now take in your sails and hold on tight! You're in for a bumpy ride
Usopp: Right! Let's do as the man says! It feels like we're already picking up speed!
Luffy: Yeah, and we're sliding down from thousands of feet in the air.
Stella: Huury up
Crew: aye.
Southbird call
Group: Huh?
Usopp: what the?
The bird landed on Luffy.
Chopper: He says "Don't leave without me"
Nami: Oh that south bird we brought up here with us.
Stella: oh comes after the big old fight and expects us to take him home. Unbelievable.
Nami: Captains! It looked like the log pose had the coordinates for the next island!
Luffy: Great let's go. Once we go to the bottom, we're gonna start a new adventure! Who's up for finding some gold?
Stella:Guys get ready! Blue sea, here we come!
Group: Aye.
The ship went down a hill
Conis: Everyone grab hold of something! The freefall's about to start!
Group: Freefall? Then they were in the air.
Conis: Heso!
[Group screaming]
Conis: Just hang on. One octopus Balloon is on the way!
Whistle blown
The octopus went on top
Usopp: Octopus!
They all fell onto the floor
Nami: Oh! That hurt.
Luffy: what happened? Hey guys! Get a load of this!
They all looked up
Zoro: What the hell is this?
Chopper: A balloon
Luffy: yeah! Ain't it great?
Nami: We're not falling!
Usopp: Oh good. For a minute there I thought we were gonners!
The bell started to ring for the.
They all looked up.
Aisa: Come back so Luffy!
[Narrator] When you look up, you see the sky. Though some believe it to be only a legend, there is an island floating thousands of feet in the air if you listen carefully, you can hear the tolling of a bell. It rings today and it will ring again tomorrow. That bell rings from the heavens, from a land that wandered. It sings of its pride and proclaims to the rest of the world, "We are here."
Luffy: This is so great.
Usopp: Tell me about it. What a way to travel! I love it!
Cricket was done with finding the city of gold and was ready for a new adventure.
Group: Gold! Gold! Gold!
Luffy: We finally struck it rich! What should we buy with all this loot? Hey? I know! A huge bronze statue!
Usopp: Moron. Only an idiot would exchange gold for bronze! How stupid. What we need are more cannons. Ten of them
Sanji: Nami, I want to buy a refrigerator with a lock!
Luffy: uh-uh. If you get one with a lock, there'll be one way I can have any more midnight snacks!
Sanji: That's exactly why I want one, you pig!
Nami: Would you guys just hold on a second? We need to land first. Then we can divide up the treasure.
Chopper: please buy me books!
Nami holds his face if we buy everything you guys want, we're gonna be broke again in no time.
Stella: I have to agree with Nami.
Robin: Miss Navigator? This ship is just exactly where is it headed exactly
Nami: Where else? The next island, of course. She looks at the log post.
Usopp: You okay
Luffy: What's wrong?
Sanji: need a hug Nami?
Nami: Damnit! We've been blown off course! We must have hit an air current!
Usopp: Huh! Well I definitely feel a breeze
Luffy: Is that a bad thing
Nami: Of course it is! Now we have no idea where we are or where we're gonna land! And with this octopus, we can't set the sails are control the ship.
Usopp: What are we gonna do
Luffy: Hey don't worry about it. Once we touch down we'll just head to the next island, easy as that!
Nami: There you go, running off at the mouth as always again.
Sanji: Hey.
Stella: Sanji what is it?
Sanji: Nah. Guess I was wrong.
Usopp: huh? About what?
Sanji: No never mind.
Zoro: [Gasps] We've got a problem!
Stella got her whip ready
Zoro: Yawns. Oh, yeah, it was just a dream.
Nami: Thanks for scaring us!
Sanji: I'm gonna fillet you for that! I swear!
Luffy laughing.
Usopp: the sun's completely set now.
Chopper: It's still a nice view.
Stella: You're right. It really is.
Zoro: Um morning
Usopp: It's still evening dummy.
Robin: This is taking longer than I expected.
Nami: I agree. I'm really worried about how far we've drifted. We can be anywhere
Sanji: What if I sang you girls a romantic song to take your mind off the?
Nami: Buzz off!
Usop: You know what? I bet we get blown all the way to Raftel!
Chopper: Do you really think so?
Robin: uh guys unfortunately that's impossible. We'd have to sail across more than half the Grand Line just to get there.
Usopp: Un... Yeah, un. I knew that.
Zoro: This conversation's boring. How much longer is this going to take?
Usopp: Go to sleep.
Luffy: Hey Zoro. If you're really bored, I've got something you can do, and it's fun
Stella: Uh? Luffy where's his voice come from?
Nami: Good question. His voice did kind of far
Sanji: Hey Luffy!
Luffy: I'm up here! C'mon, guys! This thing's a blast!
He was on the octopus
Usopp: What is he nuts
Luffy: Whee! Awesome!
Nami: Hey don't do anything stupid. All our lives depend on the balloon! You hear me Luffy
Luffy: Don't worry!
Stella and Sanji were looking up at the Octopus
Sanji: Luffy, stop! Get down! Right now
Nami: Sanji, what are you yelling about?
Stella: The octopus is shrinking! We we don't do anything, we'll fall!
He went up to get Luffy.
Hey Luffy!
Uospp: What up
Nami: The Octopus is shrinking!
Robin: You know now that I look at it does look smaller than it did before.
Nami: what are we gonna do? We're still really high up in the air!
Sanji:Luffy! Something's wrong! You've gotta come down now!
Luffy stopped and fell down bringing Samji down with him
Luffy was able to stop them both from falling
That was scary. Wonder why the octopus isn't bouncy anymore.
Sanji: I told you it was shrinking bonehead.
Everyone signed that was when the ship was falling faster.
Luffy: How did the ship get below us?
Nami: we're falling! We're gonna hit the sea so hard we'll sink to the bottom!
Stella: Only if the ship doesn't shatter first!
Usopp: Shatter? No way!
Chopper: Usopp what are we gonna do
Usopp: What I always do. Save our lives, of course!
He went on the rail
Nami: What are you doing? Don't be crazy, Usopp!
Usopp pushes himself off the ship
And sticks to the bottom.
Breath dials! Do your thing!
Now float! Yelps
Sanjj: we slowed down.
Chopper: Are we safe now?
Robin: It sure seems like it.
Usopp: Just leave it to usopp to save the day
Chopper: Usopp, you're so brave!
Luffy: I was actually scared there for a second!
Nami: Me too. Looks like we're finally safe!
The octopus went small
Stella: Or not!
Group yelling as the boat went faster down
Luffy grabbed Usopp
Everybody hold onto something!
They landed in the sea.
Agh! That's cold
Sanji: Stella! Nami! Robin! Are you alright?
Nami: That was really scary!
Luffy: what happened to the octopus?
Robin: Guess it ran out of air.
Sanji: Wonder how that happned.
Luffy: Hey come on don't whine. We did make it down here alive!
Sanji: You're right. And we got to see an incredible place.
Robin: Now that we're down here, it looks so far away!
Nami: Like something from a dream
Chopper: Think we'll see it again!
Zoro: well, you might see someplace similar when you die.
Usopp: Not you. I doubt you're going any place good! You jerk
Sanji: You guys keep discussing the afterlife! Me? I'm gonna go put on a pot of coffee
Luffy: Make dinner instead Sanj!
Sanji: Are you never hungry
Have some coffee first and be patient will ya!
Luffy: Okay. Hey by the way...
Lights were flashed on them
Does anybody know...just where the heck we are?

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