Foxt Davy back ends.Epispde 219

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Foxy: Why can't you just stay down? You'll kill yourself!
Usopp: Stella.
Nami: Stella!
Luffy: Yeah! Stella!
The crew was rotting for Stella.
Foxy: You idiots! Jeez! Don't you realize you're cheering for the enemy?!
They went back to cheering for him
Just you wait! I'll end this soon! Slow-Slow Beam sword! She dodged it
You'll have to do better than that!
She fell.
Usopp: Oh no! She can't dodge! Her poot legs are too worn out to run!
Chopper: It's too cruel! I can't stand to watch! He turns his head to face Robin.
Foxy: Here let me put you to rest! He pulled a lever slow-Slow Beam
He slowed down a cannon
Tom: Boss Goes on the offensive! He slowed down a cannonball, but to what end? He had a small wooden airplane and used the Cannonball to move around with it.
Flying Foxy Fighter! Watch out for my flying fist! They're gonna knock out at the speed of a cannonball!
Tom: He's using the Flying Foxy Fighter to finish his foe, now it may be slow now, but once the beam wears off, there's no escape!
Sanji: Listen He used his beam on you a few seconds before the ball! Dodge it as soon as you're back to normal!
Stella: I can move.
Tom: Oh! Bandana Scarf Recovers but is it too late?
Foxy: Nice try but I'm too fast!
He was able to land a hit on her.
He then jumps off the plan
Usopp: Watch out, that thing's about to blow!
Foxy: Here you go a parting gift.
Tom: A direct hit! Ow! I don't think Bandana Scarf will be getting up from that one!
Chopper: Oh no Stella!
Nami: That jerk is he trying to hill her!
Sanji: this is not how you treat a lady.
Stella was back up.
Man: But how? Stella fell down. She sat up. Looking at something.
You're going down.
Foxy: is that so? And how do you plan beat me if you can't even stand up straight? But never mind, if that's how you want it. Then I'll just have to pound your face in u till you're down for good. Magaton Nine Tails. Rush
Stella: Damn it. Gum-Gum Gatling.
They both matched each other punches
Tom: Such intensity! Both fighters are unleashing a flurry of fists at lightning speed
Usopp: Go! Slaughter that Fox!
Chopper: You can do it!
Luffy: Beat his ass
The others are wondering how she's doing that.
Foxy was getting hit.
Slow-Slow Beam!
[Crowd Gasps im surpise]
Usopp: He stopped moving.
The slow Beam affected Foxy and not Stella.
She fell to her knees.
Tom: I think Bandana Scarf is near
No, wait! She's on her knees, but she's still moving! Unlike our boss, who's standing but strangely frozen in place!!
Nami: How did she?
The glass fell from her gloves.
Tom: It's a mirror. A piece of a Mirror has fallen from Bandana Scarf's hand!
Stella: It was stuck between my outfits.Won't say where. I got it when I broke the Mirror.
It was stuck between her chest.
She then got her fist ready and then punched his face. She then walks away.
She then gets on top of the Fox's head
Zoro: Ha! Eight seconds.
Usopp: Ha? Huh!
Sanji: Seven seconds.
Name: Till what?
Robin: six.
All: Say it ain't so!
Usopp: hahahah! Five! Come on guys don't just sit there count along with me! Four! All right we're almost at the end--everyone together now!
All: Three!
Foxy was going to feel the punch
Foxy was flong into the air.
Stella: Yeah!
Nami, Usopp: All right!
Robin picked up Chopper and walked downstairs.
Foxy went outside the line.
Tom: Let's hear it for Bandana Scarf Stella!
Chopper: She won! She did it!
Sanji went to kiss Nami
Nami: Stop that tickles.
Bell dings.
Man: Our boss really lost.
Tom: We've seen it all, today, folks.
It's the end of an era! The Davy Back Ginat has been toppled and the girl with the tiny crew and the sexy outfit.
Has seized the day in grand fashion!
All the crew went to help Foxy out of the water.
Usopp: You little showoff! Who do you think you are? Take this! And this! He was poking Stella who was unconscious and bandaged up by Chopper
Chopper: Hey stop that! She's really hurt! You'll poke her to death!
Nami: Yeah outfit power, my butt. That was a close call If I've ever seen one.
Sanji: Whoa, hey! Let's not disrespect the outfit, here.
Chopper: Look! She's waking up!
Stella: Where am I? What happened? Is it over? Did I win? That wasn't just a dream, was it? It'll break my heart.
Zoro: You don't need to freak out. You beat him.
Stella: What a relief.
Usopp: Everyone else says you'd lost but not me.
Sanji: You're a bad lair. Guess it would be a real pain if you'd lost. Imagine beginning stuck on board with Foxy. Screw that.
Robin: Chuckles
Stella: Luffy you gave me your vest
Luffy: You looked Cold thought you could use it.
Stella: Best brother.
Man: Boss, wait! You gotta take it easy!
Foxy: Hey Girl, I was pretty attached to my win streak of mine. I'm not pleased about you ruining it.
Stella sits up
Man: Boss, no!
Foxy: I'm kidding, Sister. Let's shake.
Man 2: Wait a minute he's the best!
Stella put her Scarf back on her head.
Man 3: You're too kind, Boss!
Porche and Ham were chuckling
Foxy: Hi ya! Taet my shoulder Throw of Spite! He went to flip her over only for Stella to flip him over and his Hand behind his back
Zoro: This guy's a real piece of work.
Stella: If I ever see your face again after this I will end you right where you stand you Porche, Hambuger I will not stop until all the people you love will follow the fate you face
Foxy: You forgot the rules already? Come on you've got 500 new crewmates to choose from!
Tom: He's right. We haven't made the final Exchange yet!
Stella: Chopper! Robin!
Chopper: Sobbing hysterically!
He jumps into Stella's arms
[Stall chuckles]
Chopper: I'm so happy! Thank you.
Robin: Here is your mask you can have it back now.
Tom: Bandana Scarf Starts out with two obvious choices. The question is, who's next? Don't leave us hanging!
Stella: you can choose the everything else I just wasn't able to hold Chopper for a while. She starts to kiss all over his face telling him how she is sorry
Sanji: Stella-sama.
Luffy: Guess I'll take your flag!
Foxy crew: What?
Foxy: You monster. You'd strip my poor crew of their livelihood without a second thought?
Luffy: I don't need your sail! You gotta use that thing to go places, after all.
Man: That's nice but I'm afraid it's not that easy, we have a flag on our sail too.
Foxy crew I: We don't need your pity!
Stella won fair and square so take it!
Luffy: I got a plan I don't actually have to take the sail off the boat as long as I can take the mark off the sail and I can do that with paint. Once you have a new flag, you should be fine, right?
Foxy: Thank you Straw Hat. You're kindness is...
Luffy: There he drew the flag
Foxy: ahh!
Foxy crew: It sucks!
Luffy; Aw you don't have to bow to me!
Foxy Crew: We're not!
Luffy went to leave.
Tom: Whoa, hold on a second! You still have another 497 crew members to pick!
Luffy: We don't need any more.
Foxy: The rules are the rules! I don't care if you need them or not. You're going to pick those crew mates right now!
Luffy: Aw.... Do I have to?
Foxy: Of course you do! Stop complaining!
Zoro: Hey, Luffy, Stella, A crew follows their captain's orders no matter what, remember?
Stella: Yes, good point. That makes it easy.
Luffy: We got it. No problem. Now. Let's see. You.
Man: Me? Really?
Luffy: Yep. Everyone from you... to you.
Tom: Me. He didn't pick Ham, Porche, or Foxy
Luffy: How many people is that?
Tom: We have 500 total. So excluding our Boss Hamburg and Porche that should leave us with-- oh, that's four ninety-seven exactly. Well, there you go, it's settled. Captain Luffy, Captain Stella!
Luffy: Nice! Thanks!
[Fireworks blasts]
Well, folks, this is Itomimizu signing off for today and signing on as th3 Straw Hat's brand new Mc!
The crew thought to use Foxy boat to sail with The Straw Hats.
Foxy: You'll do no such thing! The sexy Foxy is my ship you miserable ingrates!
They were kicked off their own ship into a smaller one
Foxy: Hey girl. I'll make you pay for this! Just wait
Zoro: That's supposed to be a joke right?
Stella: Oh is that So. Just don't forget what I told you if I saw you again I always keep up my promise.
Okay, listen men it's time for your first job as members of the new Straw Hat Pirate crew! Are you guys ready?
Foxy Crew: Yeah
Stella: You're all dismissed
Man: You mean you're kicking us off?
Stella: Yep. You got it
Zoro: A captain's orders are absoulte so I don't wanna hear anyone complaining.
Stella: We don't care if you join your old crew again or if you go back to split, Head, but whatever you do you can't stay with us! So long
They all went back to go with Foxy
Nami: well, that worked out nicely.
The crew went back to Tonjit.
Luffy: We brought you a souvenir.
Tonjit: You're sister hurt. Is she alright?
Stella: Oh this? It's nothing.
Tonjit: Thanks for your help.
Nami: is that why you accepted the fight? Because you wanted to help him? And here I thought you were being stupid again
Luffy: Man, you're rude.
Tonjit met with his nephew and they all had a laugh and hung out before the Straw Hats left for their next adventure.

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