Episode 230

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Luffy: This is great! Hey! I'm counting on you!
Usopp: Amazingly, such a convenient creature exists in this world. It doesn't rock much. It's comfortable!
Nami: this area seems to be a residential area.  This town really is built around canals.
They got help from a man to find the shipwright
Nmai: Backstreet shopping district...
We'll turn right ahead of here.
Man: Oh, my beasutiful mademoiselles ! How about dinner with me tonight?
Woman: Don't worry about him. The guy around here says that's like a greeting.
Usopp: At any rate, people in this town are generous to outsiders ... Oh should I say they're overly friendly?
Stella: It's nice so stop complaining Usopp.
Usopp: Ah, a hill is coming up. We're gonna go against the flow. Is that okay? Can we go up?
The Yagara went left
Nami: Wait! Wrong way! Go right!
Luffy: So it doesn't matter even if the wager is running downhill, huh? Not bad, you guys!
Stella: Whoa. The canals even go above the rooftops.
Nami: But we're going the wrong way! We must go to the shopping distracts first!
Luffy: Oh, don't be so hasty. This is a rare opportunity let's stroll through the canals. Hey, look ahead.
Usopp: That's right we're at the top of the hill! Which means... they go downhill fast
Luffy: This is fun!
Usopp: This is fun but scary!
They were all screaming
Usopp: Are we flying?
Nami: We're falling.
They fell into the water.
Nami hits the Yagara.
Don't get full of yourself!
She looked to see where they were
Stella: Things have gotten lively! We ended up in the shopping district!
Nami: Could it be you took a shortcut?
The yagara had a tear
I'm sorry. You guys are actually smart, huh?
Usopp: I've never been to such an energetic shopping district!
Luffy: Hey, look at that! That's a huge bull!
Nmai: With that size, I wonder if it's a king but.
Usopp: What the heck is that? Mask...
Nami: Wow they're pretty. They're gorgeous.
Usopp: I wonder if there's a party or something.
Luffy and Stella Yagara were smiling at something.
Luffy: Both look yummy! Yagara, go over there.
Nami: Hey, where are you two going?
Usopp: Hey, Luffy! Where are you going
Luffy: Ask the Yagara!
They went to get food.
Luffy: They're so good. They...are...so...soft!
Usopp: What? Is it that good? Het Luffy gave me one!
Luffy: No! Buy it yourself!
Hey Nmai! Pull the boat over to that shop!
Nami: More mask... Now that I look closer they seem to be everywhere in town. Those people with masks.
There was a problem with some Pirates at Dock 1
Man: Kalifa, what's going on over there?
Kalifa: Yes, Lcebarg. They're the customers for Dock 1. Now that the work has been completed they won't pay. That's sexual harassment.
Iceberg: Well... That is sexual harassment.
Yeah skipping this part they get their ass beat by some of the well know Shipwrights.
Man: Sir, it's wise not to tease shipwright like that.
The pirate way of doing things doesn't work on shipwrights' turf.
Nami: Now... We're finally going to go to the shipbuilding island by using a watergate elevator.
Luffy: A water gate elevator?
Stella: That's the tower we were looking for.
Zoro: who are you calling "Moss head?"
Sanji: Hey, Zoro.
Omg Sanji called him Zoro
Where's Robin? She isn't on the ship.
Zoro: Right, she isn't. She went out with Chopper earlier she said she was going Shopping.
Sanji: What the hell? Then are you the only one on the ship? What a boring environment!
Zoro: You got that right.
Sanji: All right, then. I'll go grocery shopping, too. So make sure you watch the ship.
He went back to sleep.
Well, fine. I'll leave the ship to you.
Luffy: We're here! So this is the world's No. 1 shipyard Downtown Water 7
Name: As expected, I see more ground around here.
Luffy: Things are huge all over!
Usopp: I've never seen a huge town like this.
Nmai: Seeing those fountains up close makes it look especially big!
Stella: What's with that crowd?
Usopp: Aren't watching the shipyard?
Woman: Hey, look over there! It's Lucci! He's so handsome!
Man: Isn't that Paulie here?
Man: Lulu's here!
Man 2: Who's manlier than Tilestone?
Luffy: Hey Pops. Did something happen
Man; Yeah. It seems that some Pirates caused a ruckus at this here Dock1. But well it ended when the craftsmen knocked them down. There's no end to these fools.
Luffy: Shipwrights beat Pirates up?
Man; Oh, you must be a voyager. That crowd is well. Busybodies. Those shipwrights at the Galley-La Company are admired by all the residents. They're strong....and skilled. They're the pride of water 7.
Luffy: I'm looking forward to meeting them!
Nami: Hey Luffy! Let's hurry up and go to the money-changing shop. We can come back here later.
Robin: It says we're in the backstreet shopping district. They call a place this lively"The backstreet"?
Chopper: They have places where we can walk around?
Robin: The water is clear and the town is beautiful.
Chopper: This place is full of Sanji's...
What's that?
Robin: It's a mask shop. I've noticed people are walking around in two. Wearing those masks.
Chopper: So they're wearing masks? I thought those were weird faces.
Robin: It sounds like they're holding a costume carnival every day right now so San Faldo. An island you take the sea train to get to.
Chopper: What? How come you know that?
Robin: People walking by are talking about it.
Chopper: I'm surprised that you can hear them.
Robin: It's a habit... since my childhood. I've lived by trying to judge people's feelings and listening in on them
Chopper: You're amazing Robin. Doctor. Over there's a bookstore. Cbopper ran in his reindeer form
Choper: Really. Can we stop here?
Robin: Of course! Let's go inside.
A man went past her.
Chopper: Robin! I'm gonna go in okay?
If I'm in my human form... it may be okay.
Woman: Wow, what a cool mask! What are you dressed up as?
Chopper: A human reindeer.
Woman: If you're having fun, that's what's important.
He went back outside
Robin? Hello? Robin?
Some people went onto the ship
Man: I thought we could attack you in your sleep.
Zoro: Who are you,bastards?

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