Episode 235

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Shit is about to go down and I've decided. To switch Luffy out for Stella arguing with Uosppp and some part of the fight man Uospp is about to be the biggest jerk to Stella in this one. I can't for Luffy reaction to this.
Chopper: Hey! Ueopp's finally awake, you guys!
Nami: That's one less thing to worry about
Sanji: Huh... Robin still isn't back yet.
Nami: You know I oughta punch you for scaring us like that!
Sanji: Yeah no kidding. Though it looks like you've taken enough punches already. To me
Chopper: What were you thinking taking those guys on alone?
Zoro: You can't just run off and fight whoever you want.
Sanji: Oh, that's a good one, coming from you!
Usopp: This wouldn't have happened if I was strong like you guys. I'm sorry.
It's all my fault I'm so ashamed of myself. He hugs Zoro's legs.
Zoro: Hey hey, stop! I get it I know you're sorry, but you don't have to get all toughy-feely on me okay?
Usopp: But all the savings. All that trouble we went through! What about the Merry?
Chopper: Take it easy! You shouldn't be out of bed yet!
Nami: Stop your whining and listen to the doctor!
Usopp: So is there a chance we might get our money back after all?
Luffy: Well maybe. We won't know for sure till that Franky guy shows up.
Usopp: I see. I'm sorry.
Luffy: Hey, even if we can get the rest back,  we still have hundreds of millions of Berries left over! Don't worry!
Nami: Yeah. But he lost twice that much
Stella: Nami.
Nmai: Eh. Sorry, Usopp.
Usopp: No it's fine. More importantly, is Merry gonna be okay? I mean can we get her repaired with the money we have left? We're lucky we have all these awesome shipwrights to work on her. But I know things are gonna get rough out there so I want her to be stronger than ever before. We gotta do a lot more than just a little touch-up.  So do you think these guys still do a good job if we only have 100 million to pay with? You talked to them about it, right?
Stella: Um yeah. But we aren't having them repair it. We decide to get a new ship instead. I know that we probably should've asked you first but we didn't have much of a choice. Either way, Me and Luffy made up my mind
The Going Merry has taken good care of us. But it looks like our journey with him has to end here.
Anyways. Iceberg gave us this ship catalog to flip through. There are all kinds of different ships we could pick from here. And if we decide to shop for a used Model. We could go bigger than the Mwrry
Usopp has no idea how much it hurts her to say that.
And still, keep our budget under a hundred million.
Usopp: Wait. Just stop. I get it, Stella but the joke's gone on long enough, okay? See? Chopper doesn't know you're kidding! Look how upset this is making him! Jeez, Stella even Luffy knows better than to treat your crew like that! Come on Nmai, back me up here. Hold up does that mean, we don't have enough for the repairs? It's cause I lost the 200 million, isn't it?  And now we can't afford the work of the Merry. Is this what this is about? After all, a first-class shipyard is gonna cost a lot, right?
Stella: Would you stop and listen to me?
Usopp: What is it? Tell me! Don't try to sugarcoat it!
Stella: I'm not okay with this. I don't even care that you lost all the money, that's over now!
Usopp: If that's how you feel, then what's with all this crap about buying a new ship?
Zoro: Both of you stop it!
Fighting isn't gonna help. Just calm down for a second.
Usopp: I  don't see what I'm doing wrong! She's the one saying all the dump stuff
Sanji: Don't talk to Stella like that.
Name: I Know how you feel, but you shouldn't get worked up right now.
Chopper: Listen to Nami, Usopp, if you don't get any rest you're not gonna get better!
Usopp: Who cares about me? Hoe can you just sit here when she's making jokes about getting a new ship?
Stella: I'm not joking about anything,  this was a hard decision for both of us!
Usopp: Oh yeah, I feel really sorry for you guys! He takes the catalog. Already window-shopping for a new Toy!
Stella: you trying to pick a fight with me?
Usopp: I don't want your damn pity, got it? If you tell me it doesn't matter that I lost the money, then why are you talking about buying a new ship? Just spit it out already. We can't afford the repairs cause I screwed up, then tell me. Don't show me some stupid catalog. And change the subject! I want to know the truth!
Stella: The Merry can't be
[Loud wave crash cover dialogue]
Usopp: What did you just say?
Stella: You Damn well know what I said. I told you. The Merry can't be repaired anymore. No matter what we do we can't fix her. Otherwise I wouldn't say something like that.
Usopp: You mean this ship? This ship that we're riding on right now is broken?
Stella: That's right. It's only a matter of time before she sinks. I'm not risking my crew.
Usopp: What's talking about Stella? That's nuts.
Stella: No, I'm serious. The shipwrights took a look at the Merry themselves. They said she wouldn't even hold out until the next island. And it's settled? So that's it?
Usopp: A bunch of strangers tell you to scrap your ship and you don't even ask any questions?
Stella: That's enough
Usopp: I understand that these guys know what they're talking about, but this is just wrong. Don't give up on the Merry! What about all the advantages we have together? What about all the battles we've fought? She's our friend! She's one of us! Are you gonna abandon her for another ship without a second thought?! After all, we've been through id that how little The Merry means to you Stella?
Chopper: I know you're upset Usopp, but you need to calm down.
Usopp: Sorry, but no. I'm not backing down till we settle this.
Stella: What? So you know better than the shipwrights? If we had someone on the crew who knew about this stuff, we wouldn't have asked them in the first place!
Usopp: Then forget them. We don't need those guys telling us what to do.
I'll repair the Merry myself just like before! We've made it this far so there's no reason why we can't go on that way. Here, I'll get started right now. Come on guys, help me out.
Sanjo: That's not going to work.
Usopp: That's right we don't have enough lumber do we? I netter go nug some at the shipyard. We've got a lotta work to do.
Stella: You're not a shipwright Usopp. Do you hear me?!
Nami: Stop it, Stella!
Usopp: Yeah, you're right! I know. But so why? I don't see why you're so hung up on everything these stupid shipwrights say! If they knew what she's gone through they wouldn't give up on the Merry so easily! They just want your money! The merry's our ship, so it's our job to take care of her without someone else butting in! I'm not giving up. I won't let them take the Merry away from me! This is stupid. You got fooled by a bunch of salesmen trying to pawn off a used boat. The Way I expected Luffy to cave into some star pitch in front total stranger! She believes in the strength of the Merry and the strength of her crew. But here you are, acting like you know everything and ignoring me ignoring your friends! He grabs his coat.
I can't believe that the kind of Captain you turned out to be! I thought you were better than what
Sanji: What the hell are you doing Let go Of Stella.
Luffy: You're not being fair usopp, Stella and I felt the--
Stella: Stay out of this Luffy. We talked about who would deal with it. There's nothing you can do can do. We're getting a new ship whether you like it or not. This is the end of the road for Merry!
Uospp: I'm not leaving her here I don't care what you say! He pulls her closer
I know you're always trying to about the future, but not everyone on this crew is like that! I see the Merry as one of our friends, got it? And I won't abandon her when she's hurt!
Stella: Don't be stupid. Even if she is our friend, that doesn't mean you can't make sacrifices for yourself.
Usopp: I don't care about me. And she still has the strength to live! But you wouldn't appreciate that. Cause all you care about is getting a new ship to play with!
Sanji: All right, that's enough, both of you! Just calm down and we can settle this latter
Stella: Would you listen to your self she jumps on him
Sanji: Stella
She grabs his overalls
Don't act like you're the only one who's torn up about this. We all feel the same way!
Usopp: if that was true, then you wouldn't be looking for the new ship!
Stella: All right fine. If you don't like the way your captain does things why don't you go ahead and get off--
Luffy kicks Stella.
Damn sibling fighting
Zoro: Luffy.
Luffy: This is going way too far! What the hell is wrong with you? If you don't watch it, you're gonna say something you can't take back!
So clam down
Stella: I was worked up. Forget what I said
Usopp: You don't have to apologize 'cause that's how you really feel. Isn't it?
Stella: that's not true!
Usopp: Just get rid of dead weight and move on before they can slow you down. If you're gonna throw away the Merry, might as well throw me away too.
Luffy: Hey, I know you're pissed off but don't say stupid crap like that.
Usopp: No, I'm serious. I've been thinking about this for a while now. It isn't like it was before. You guys are just too strong for me. I can't keep up anymore. I mean look at today you can't even trust me with your money?  There's no point in keeping me around if all I do is cause you trouble. You don't want weak people on your crew, do you? Stella.
I still believe that you and Luffy will be king and queen of the pirates one day. But as for me. I'm lucky I was able to make it this far. Even back when we first met and I was going to set off alone,  you probably invited me on your ship out of pity. That's the only reason I'm here. There's no sense in traveling together if we don't even have the same goal!
Sanji: Hey! Usopp, where are you going?
Usopp: Wherever I go, it's my business. It's nothing to do with you anymore. I'm sorry guys. I'm leaving the crew. This is goodbye.
Nami: Don't just sit there Stella! Who knows what he's gonna do out there! Go say something to him! Stop him before it's too late! We've come this far together. We can't part ways like this! Usopp's not just a crew Member.  He's one of our friends too. Isn't he? Get up and stop him! Stella, what's wrong? Please. You're the captain. Aren't you? She stays still
Fine. Have it your way,then. Uospp
Get back here! It shouldn't be like this! Come on we can talk!
Chopper: I want you to stay!
Stella walks out.
Usopp: Stella. I'm sorry I can't follow you anymore. And I'm sorry I was a pain till the bitter end. I know that you and Luffy are the Captains of this ship, so the Merry belongs to you. That's why I want you to fight me, Stella. I challenge you to a duel!
Nami: Huh? Whoa wait! What are you saying?
Usopp: At ten o'clock tonight. I'll be back. So you better be ready for a fight. Captain. I can't stop you from destroying your own ship but If I win,  I'm taking the Merry and leaving. Either way when we're done the last bond between me, you and Luffy will be broken.
Nami: What is wrong with you would you stop this nonsense already!
Stella was lying down.
Usopp just got worked up because things were moving too fast right? That's not a reason to fight with your own friend, especially when he's hurt! If you give it some time, I'm sure the both of you will see how silly this is.
Stella: He has till ten o'clock to change his mind. He made the duel not me.
Nami: There's nothing stopping you from apologizing and talking it over ons more time!
Stella: and he has nothing stopping him from apologizing. Nami he called me a terrible captain If he thinks that what else is on his mind about what else I'm ter
Stella: It's ten o'clock. Usopp'll be here any second now. Listen up! I don't want any of you leaving the ship! You got that? Usopp came
Chopper: Please don't fight!
Sanji: You shouldn't fight a lady
Stella: so you didn't lose your nerve after all. No matter how this battle ends, you can't regret it. This is exactly what you asked for.
Usopp: That's perfect. Don't go easy on me. I won't be the underdog this time.
In fact. I've already figured a way to defeat you.
And that wpuld usopp down fall. In this fight witch wich wil not be the same. In which I decied not do because all his tricks won't work and I don't know how to put it in words but something special will happen. Ps last episode for today and possible

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