Episode 179

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Conis was crying. She hugged Suu. She remembered what the man said. I can't. I can't just sit here and cry. There's no time to lose. I must take action. I have to do everything I can. I have to tell the people what's going on. She gets a bazooka and gets on the boat.
I want you to stay and take care of these two, Suu. Because there's something important I have to do.
I have to warn them no matter what it takes. I won't let your death be in vain, Father.
Suu: Suu Suu!
Zoro: Huh. That took a lot longer than expected. Guess I need to do a little more training. Especially when Stella offers to train with her. That's weird. Got quiet here all of a sudden. He looks back to see Holy went to attacked him. He was able to jump just in time.
He looks and sees the dog sitting.
Huh! Do you mean this dog obeys anyone?
Signs. In that case, just knock yourself unconscious.
Holy does so.
There's no time to waste. I gotta take care of that snake and bazooka guy. 
Wiper: I don't have time for this fight to drag on forever. Why don't you just die already? He jumps. This battle ends now! I'm through dealing with you! He used the bazooka. Only for the snake to attack him.
He jumps away. No matter what I do I can't seem to damage this thing.
Zoro: I guess it's up to me to put an end to this. He jumps up
Yells. He uses his sword. And goes down.
That attack didn't even faze him.  Damit. It's like his scales are made of steel
Nami: Jeez... What in the world is going on out there? If this keeps up much longer I don't know if we'll be able to make it out of here.
Luffy: Hey! Someone help me! This is killing my face! Get me out!
Zoro: Nami had better still be alive in there.
Enel is back with Robin.
Robin: What exactly did you just do?
Enel: I showed mercy. A pitiful worm was in a great deal of pain, so I saved him by releasing him from his torment. I performed my duties as God. It seems the young woman is still behaving desperately. But desperation is the most interesting emotion.
Soon enough, true despair will be something everyone fully understands.
Robin: [Mind] This man, he has Logia power!
Enel: And now, I must say that what little time we have left here is coming to an end. I will now set into motion a series of events that will reveal my ultimate plan
Robin: What plan? What do you mean?
Enel: The sky Lord is calling to you! Heed my call lowly beings and come to me!
Robin gasps
Sango! He electrified Giant Jack.
Zoro what the...?
Robin: What are you doing?
Enel: It was I who brought you and your friends here to shandora. I beckoned you.
Robin: I've never seen anything like this before. This man possesses such tremendous power.
Zoro: The whole place is falling apart
Wiper: It's Enel. He's the only one powerful enough to do something like this.
Zoro: I better think of something. Gasps. Chopper! He goes to save Chopper from falling
He falls further. He goes back he was close until a Piece of the building fell on him and then floated up. He was able to get Chopper.
Wiper: What's that? There's a hole in the base.
Enel: And now this brings us to our climactic finale.
Gan: I suggest we attempt our escape now.
Robin: Right. Yeah. It's now or never. Luffy get over here and grab hold of the waver. I'm going finally get us out of this snake
Luffy: Right. Hey, you, hang on to me.
Stella and Aisa were on Luffy.
Ready. Start the engine...
Nami: here we go.
Luffy: Yay. Can't wait to get out. The three of them were hit with water
Gan: Man overboard! We can't leave them!
Pierre, go back! You have to save those three! Pierre let Gan fall.
They were outside.
Nami: How'd we get so high up?
Gan: I have no idea! Pierre! Don't worry about me! You have to save the others!
Pierre goes back.
Nami: So what are we gonna do now that the bird's gone, weird old man
Gan: My name is Gan Fall.
Nami: I don't care just save us.
Robin: What just happened? Why did all these ruins fall out of the sky? She looks to see a piece of building moving
It was Zoro
Zoro: Today is not my day.
Robin: Don't tell me you fell here with all of this.
Zoro: Yes I did and it almost killed me.
Robin: I'm amazed. Are you sure you're all right?
Zoro: Yeah. Good to see ya, Robin. Where am I?
Robin: It's the city of Gold we've been looking for.
Zoro: City of gold. It doesn't look much different than the ruins up above.
Did you find the treasure?
Robin: I didn't. There's no evidence that gold was ever here.
Stella, Luffy, and Aisa screaming.
They all crashed.
Luffy: Wow! That was one crazy ride if I do say so myself. I think I wanna go again.
Aisa: Are you stupid?! Smack.
Stella was the one that hit her.
You have no right to talk to him like that. You don't know him enough to say that. Why did you let go?
Luffy: Sorry sis.
Aisa: Everyone else manages to escape and we've been left behind because of your stupidity. It's all your fault!
Luffy: eh. Don't worry about it.
Aisa: Get us out of here!
Luffy: I've got an idea. Why don't we make our way down to the back of the snake to escape its butthole?
Aisa: Think agian jerk! That's not going to happen. She punched him.
Again she hit herself
Stella: I don't hit kids but you're pushing my limits Aisa keep your hands and thoughts to yourself
Pierre came back.
Luffy: The horse
Laisa: That's a bird!
Luffy: Are you trying to tell us to get on your back?
He turns into a horse.
Aisa: How in the world did he do that
Stella: Maybe if you cared to learn and Not kill Gan you would have known
Luffy stretches his arms
Aisa: You're a freak too!
Luffy: I ate a Gum-Gum Fruit and it turned me into a rubbery person. That's why I can stretch myself out like this
Aisa: Freaks! The both of you are freaks of nature
Luffy: No, I'm a pirate. Stella is too.
Stella: Your waiting time. She pulls Aisa on.
Better hold on tight, Okay? I may or may not catch you.
Luffy: Now, I think it's time we made our escape lets go, Horse! Full speed ahead and don't stop till you see the sky
Aias was holding onto Stella
Nami: Ow. Thanks, Mr. Weirdo.
Gan: We just got lucky when we landed on these Clouds.
Nami: We left Stella, Luffy, and Aisa behind.  I hope they're okay.
Gan: Pierre's gone to fetch your friends. And when comes to shove he's a reliable bird or horse.
Nami: Hey. Where did we end up? What is this place?
Gan: Well, to be perfectly honest I have no idea where are, but it looks like we fell through the clouds. He helps her up
Nami: Thank you very much.
Gan: I've traveled all across the Upper Yard in my lifetime, but I've never seen this place before
Wiper: Could this be? Is this really our homeland?
Light fire to the shandoran.
We're going back to our homeland. I've finally found what I've been looking for!  The proud city that my ancestors protected
Nami: I think the snake is looking for something. Or Luffy is doing something to bother it
Huh. That snake sure is acting strangely.
The snake starts to cry
I think it's crying
Enel: What's the meaning of these ridiculous outbursts? Just what are you getting yourself so worked up about? You've always been an annoyance to me. But no longer.
El thor
He socks the snake
Nami: Stella, Luffy.
Wiper: Aisa.
Zoro: oh, No Nami she's dead! There's no way she could have survived that!
Nami: Robin and Zoro? When did you guys get here?
Zoro: Waitz what are you doing there?  How'd you get outta that snake stomach
Robin: Phew, glad to see you're all right Navigator
Nami: Yeah. I think I'm all right, but I'm not so sure about...the other. Luffy and Stella were still in there
Zoro: What? What were they doing in there?
Nami: I tried to get them out but they fell out the waver.
Zoro: Uh! That brat is nothing but a pain in the ass and bringing Stella down with him.
Nami: How am I supposed to know?
Wiper: That's all it took. Enel destroyed him when my bazooka couldn't even scratch the snake. And Aisa. I can only hope she somehow survived.  He went to attack Enel only to miss
Enel: Ball Cloud!
Wiper: Enel.
Enel: That's no way to treat your host now is it, shandorian warrior? I thought that you'd be happy after all, it was I who brought you here  and returned you to your homeland.
Don't get so worked up. There's time for that later
This is the beginning you don't want the fun to end soon, so do you?
Wiper: This is a game Yes.
Enel: And a truly petty game at that. For all of you will be competing against each other for my entertimante
They all meet next to each other
Well done. I'm so happy that you all made it this far. And now the fun truly begins. This is a survival game to see how many people out of an original 82, including me, are still standing on this island after 3 hours
The last person left will of course be the winner. Among you are a few participants who entered late into the game, but ai decided to let them stay. It will make it all the more interesting now the five of us will continue on in tye final stage of the game.
Nami: Mind Did he say Five people
Zoro, Robin, Gan Fall, Bozooka man, Enel. That's exactly five people good thing he hasn't noticed that I'm here.
Enel: In just a few minutes the three hours will be up. Which means that the six people we have present here are one too many
Nami: He knows.
Enel: The one thing I know is that God's prophecy will never falter because he is absoulte. I'm curious to see to see how this person is going to die. Will you kill each other or will you gang up one of the weaker ones?  Of course, you could all resit your fates and force me to pick.
Zoro: What do you want to do Robin I'm not going to kill anyone.
Robin: I won't either
Zoro: I won't compete in your sick game.
Wiper: And I too refuse to take part
Gan: I will not participate. They look at Nami
Nami: Why do you gotta drag me into this? Gaps
They all have their weapons out.
All: You're the only one dying today!  They were pointed at Enel.
Insolent Fools.

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