Epispde 163

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Usopp: What
Sato: Come out! Dragon Ball!
Luffy: oh, it's a bunch of surprise clouds put together. Are we supposed to be surprised by that?
Sato: I'll have you know, it is made up of surprise clouds containing explosive or sharp objects.
Usopp: What? Then that means...
Sato: You touch any part of the firebomb ball and it's over. One explosion will cause another, and its gigantic mass will instantly cause a huge explosion! Surprise balls! Go, Dragon Ball!
The Dragon Ball went to attack
Luffy: Gum-Gum pistol!
Usopp Stella: No! Luffy, wait! They both stopped Luffy.
Usopp: Whatever you do, don't touch that thing!
Stella: Didn't you hear? If you lay even one finger on it, we'll be blown to bits!
Luffy gets up
How are we going to fight it if we can't touch it?
Usopp: Exactly! Forget about fighting that thing! Our only option is to run!
The dragon came at them.
The three of them ran away.
Luffy: So we just keep running?
Stella: For the most part. Yes.
Usopp: Here it comes jump.
They all jumped.
Only to land on a ball
Usopp: Why did we have to land here? It exploded
Sato: You're quite the stubborn ones.
They get up
Usopp: Okay, now you're just toying with us.
Sato: Correct! If you didn't experience the full Power of the Dragon Ball.. it wouldn't be as fun!
The girl was on clouds. She jumped and went through. Only to fall on more clouds. There was a whole town here. Well, just tents.
Aisa! She fell
Man: Where have you been?
Girl: Kamakiri!
Kama: Upper Yard again? That's very in your bag, isn't it?
She hid her bag.
Don't go there too often. Or you'll lose your life.
Girl: Don't tell me what to do! You haven't even been able to beat Enel Yet! She runs away.
Kama: That dam Brat!
Man: A Chance?
Man 2: That's right. For some reason, Gan Fall entered the Upper yard.
Man 3: That old geezer thinks that he can settle everything in Skypiea Peacefully.
Man 2: He's got it all wrong. Win or lose... Those are the only two outcomes in a battle.
The great warrior Kalagara told us to light the fire of Shandora.
We'll follow those words. It doesn't matter who we have to fight, the former God Fall, or Enel. As long as they reign as" God," no matter what their differences are, to us they're the same! They all have to be eliminated!
Woman: Wiper. A rebel against Enel appeared on Angel Island. I heard it's a young woman. It's been six years since Enel Started reigning, and this is the first time.
Wiper: so what?
Woman: Since Gan Fall saved her from judgment, Enel now has a reason to judge even the former God. Gam Fall had never harmed any of us, not only as the sky Knight but also as the former God...nor has he tried to directly confront Enel, either.  That very man finally stepped into Upper Yard.
Wiper: And if he and one of the priest kill each other, that'd be great. Or do you mean that Gan Call is no longer our enemy? When men have a common enemy, they get deluded into thinking the one next to them is an ally. If you have doubts then stay out of the fight, Laki! He stands up
You'll only be in our way!
The girl was there
Aisa! She fell.
Aisa: what? I didn't go to Upper Yard!
Man: Don't go into the tent yet. Wiper, or rather, the man descended from the great warrior Kalgara, is angry.
Aisa: Yeah, that's scary. They looked at a statue.
He's scarier than God.
Pagaya wanted to help the Straw Hat.
Gan and Shran were fighting in the air so fast Chopper didn't know what was going on
I can't believe how fast they are... Amazing!
Gan: I no longer think diplomacy is an option!
Shran: Diplomacy is for the weak!
Chopper: What an intense battle!
Man; Heavn's jundment...
That young woman did something Foolish.
Man: We are never to anger God Enel.
Gan rode Pierre and Shran Rode Flaz
Gan was able to get a hit on him.
He then stopped.
Shran: I've got you. Is something wrong, Gal Fall,
Gan: What did you do? Why can't I move?
Shran: You won't need the answer...when you're dead! He placed his lance in Gan as it lit on fire.
Profound mystery... Ordeal of string!
You may enter Upper Yard, but you must face difficulty ordeals from us, the four priests!  You were foolish to think you could beat us!
Chopper: No!
Gan falls
Someone who is glorious and distant.
That's right. The sacred ground will sing again. Someday, for sure....
Chopper: Sky... Sky Knight! He falls into the cloud.
I have to save him. I have to save him!  There are sky sharks here! The sky Knight will be eaten by them!
Shran: Think of it as Enel's anger!
Chopper: But how can I save him? I can't swim, and I'll be eaten by the sky sharks, too.
Shran: He says not to harm his friends. He says not to damage the ship. He says he doesn't want to die. What a dilemma. Such a selfish animal! He really irks me! If you want to live so much, then why are you so weak?
Chopper: Damn you!
Shran: Sky Knight? Hah! You were forced out of your position as God, you old fool! In the end, you were no match for us, the priests.
Chopper: Sky Knight! He jumps in.
Shran: You're a zoan, aren't you? You are stupid? You can't swim!
A/n Wait untill you meet Stella. The only person in the world to swim with having a devil fruit. But How you may ask.
Oh, yeah, you're a zoan, too. How inconvenient... why don't you follow your master? He wacks Pierre down as well.
How absurd! I can't stand how weak they all are. If this was a bottomless river, there'd still be some hope. But unfortunately, this river does have a bottom. Let's see. I wonder if the three escapes have already been hunted.
Robin was able to fill a tube with dirt
Zoro: is that well that strange?
Robin: Yes. It's unbelievable that a well would be struck underneath a tree. The balance between civilization and nature here is off.
Zoro: Well, in any case, unless we come up with a way to cross this cloud river, we can't walk around this forest. We're far from meeting God
Robin: The Civilization couldn't estimate the growth of this tree. I've never seen a case like this before.
Zoro: Hey, Nami! Can you see anything from up there?
Nami was on a tall tree.
Nami:This island where God lives, Upper Yard...
Zoro: Hey! Say something! Did you find God?
Robin: I wonder if she saw something.
Nami: This island... It can't be...
Sato: You're pretty much dead. Hurry up and rest in peace. I'm a priest. There's no way you can win.
Usopp: I can't go anymore! My heart can't take any more surprises.
Stella: Oh come on. We need to get back to the others.
Sato: Soon, you'll be out of options. Your boat has nearly reached this forest's exit. When that happens, it's all over for you! Unless you suddenly learn to fly, you won't be able to out of here. You'll wander around in this forest and die of exhaustion. He goes up on a ball
Luffy: That won't happen! He punched him only to miss
Sato: Nice try! Surprise Balls! Dragon Ball! Now, it's show time!
Stella moved Luffy out of the way. As they ran from the ball.
Which one is the firebomb ball? Touch it and there'll be an astonishingly huge explosion!
Usopp hides behind a tree.
Usopp: Good, now's the time. We can still make it! I'll leave things to you Stella! Luffy!
They saw a tree
Sato: You're going to climb up that tree to escape?
Luffy: It's like he's reading my mind!
Stella: I'm surprised he's not questioning either of our minds right now.
Luffy: Stop it! Don't follow us!
He and Stella hold onto a string
What are you two doing?
Stella: Oh, I see! He's controlling it with this string. We'll take care...
Sato: No, don't!
Luffy: Of this thing!
They break the string.
Sato: I can't control Dragon Ball anymore! What impudence! Just hang on and come to me! He pulls the string. Which pulls Stella Luffy and the dragon to him
Don't hang on with the other hand, too!
There was a big explosion
Usopp: There it is! So I was right! There's no doubt! That's the exit! Of course! Why didn't I think of this sooner? We fell from such a high place. It's only natural that the existence is at the same height! Now that I know where the exit is, the boat rule doesn't matter anymore! I have to hurry. I'm worried about that huge explosion. They'd better be okay! He goes down the tree.
There was a hole where the explosion was made.
Sato: That was close! What an unbelievable idiot! No, they might've been determined to take me with them. This isn't good. I have to intensify my training! A weakling like them can't take control, not even for a second!
What he didn't know was that. Luffy and Stella were on his back
If I can't stay calm over a little thing like this, it'll hinder my mantra!
Stella: You're right!
Luffy: That was close!
He looks for them.
How are you two still alive?
Get off me! You idiots! Let go of me right now! I said get off me now! You idiots!
Sanji: Don't let him go, Luffy! Stella, can you hold me like that?
Sato: You too?
Luffy: Sanji! You're still alive
Stella: Sanji. She smiles
Luffy: I almost died because of you! Pay more attention to others! Well, in any case... You keep saying "ordeal this" ordeal that," but frankly, it's got nothing to do with us. However, we accepted that stupid sky ordeal... because two helpless ladies were waiting for me to come to their rescue. And wanting Stella to get off of you as soon as possible.
So, I'm proposing this... An Ordeal of Love!
Sato: is this guy an idiot, too?
I said, get off me! Luffy wraps his limbs around him
You maggot! Damnit! Let me go!
You guys play dirty, attacking them against one!
Sanji: You creeps kidnapped our friends. You made a cute angel cry and tried to kill her. You have no right to say we play dirty.
Stella: He's right. Amazingly, you can predict our movements. But even if you can predict them it does not mean anything, if you can't avoid them, does it
Sato: Idiots! Stop it! I'm one of the priests that serve God!
Sanji was on a ball
Let me go! Hey, are you listeing? Not accepting judgment by a priest is a first-degree crime in Skypiea! Now listing here! Attacking me means you declare war on the almighty god Enel!
Sanji: Shut your mouth! Or the flavor will escape. You don't need to be a chef to know which dish is best served cold. This dish is quite simple, actually, you musy beat the meat to tendedize it, roughly and without hesitation. He jumps off the ball
Then, the flavor confined inside will be wonderful.
Sato: You can't do this! Stop thia
Sanji spins
No, don't hurt me!
Sanji kicks his head hard.
Sato's glasses break.

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