Epsiode 209.

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Usopp: Jerk.
Nami: You landed us in a real mess here Luffy.
Luffy: But it wasn't mean who called it was Stella.
Uospp: Well. Didn't you see her face she was crying when doing so. Do you want to do this for fun?
Luffy: All we gotta do is win
Foxy: You're forgetting something. You gotta fill out your team roster. Our party organizer needs it. You each get to participate twice. And once you've picked your lineup, it's set in stone.
Zoro: It's got the events listen: A race, a ball game, and a team contest.
Sanji: What's that say? Well, it looks like we can all take part in the race. Four for the ball game and then Four of us for the team contest.
Luffy: Cool. You can go ahead and sign me up for all three.
Robin: no, can't do that. The rule says that two is the limit.
Usopp: We can't lose this thing. I just know they're gonna take Captain Usopp if we do.
Nami: No, they aren't. They're gonna take me. I'm the cute one.
Tom: And it's time to announce the rosters each team has chosen to represent them in today's events. First up we got the Straw Hat pirates.
Even though the flag did change it I will keep it the Straw hats.
Participating in round one, The Donut Race is the entire Straw Hat Crew!
Usopp: I ever tell you I got a disease that prevents me from racing?
Nami: I don't wanna do this stupid race either, so just man up.
Tom: Participating in round two, the Groggy Ring, are Roronoa Zoro, Sanji, and Tony Tony Chopper.
Zoro: You better not slow me down.
Sanji: Right back at ya.
Chopper: I'm going to try my hardest.
Tom: And participating in round three, the Run Roller Round we've got.
Monkey D. Luffy, Nico Robin, Nami, Usopp and Stella!
Foxy: Two captains, a swordsman, a navigator, a sniper a cook, a doctor, and an archeologist. So touch, but I do have to decide who It is I'm going to take. I believe it'd be that one right there. Yes, that is the one I want!
Tom: All right, let the merciless Davy Back begin! A winner will be crowned while the loser will be forcefully drowned! I am itomimizu. You may know me as The Foxy Pirates party organizer, but today I will be your commentator! Our first event of the day is round one, the Donut Race!
Robin: How do you guys think we should team up?
Sanji: Hmm... Considering that some of us have Devil Fruit power it'd make sense to split into two teams of four and four people.
Tom: Legal boats for the Donut Race can only be constructed from two oars and three empty barrels. You will be disqualified if you use any other materials. This is the perfect chance for the shipwright to show off. If you left your empty barrels at home, come on up here and get some! All for free course that's how generous we are!
Robin: I'm not entirely sure if three barrels are enough material to build a boat enough to hold all four of us.
Zoro: Right! We better go with three teams. Consisting of...
Sanji: What the hell. Ya can't just bust them up like that!
Luffy: Sure I can just watch. I am gonna make us a killer boat.
Tom: Alright, I'll take this time while everyone's preparing to explain how the race works. The course consists of one lap around Long Ring Long Land. It may sound easy, but believe me, it's not! If your boat sinks. Your team is immediately disqualified from the race. Oh yeah! Weapons? They're allowed! If that sounds unfair then you've got no right at all to call yourself a pirate!
Usopp: I'm kind of amazed I finished.
Tom: And time is just about up! I hope everyone is ready! Oh! Gather around folks, the final odds are in! I'll announce them in order of their popularity.
You know I'm not doing that.
Nami: Hold on You've got a shark pulling your boat.
Porche:I didn't hear him mention any rules forbidding the use of sharks.
Nami, Stella, Usopp, and Robin's boat was in second.
Foxy Crew C: That chick with the orange hair is smoking hot!
Foxy Crew D: I am praying that the dark-haired babe joins our crew
Foxy Crew E: I'm liking how the Girl in the Bandana is looking
Tom: Well, sounds like the only thing our Foxy crew cares about is the pretty girls! What a bunch of horn-balls!
Nami: You're sure this won't sink?
Usopp: I told you. I am not a professional shipwright. Okay? But I know it's at least better than those abominations.
Sanji: Just cause it floats doesn't mean it's a boat. It's more like flotsam!
Luffy: Laughsn Flotsam!
Zoro: You've got to do that the whole time?
Chopper: Yep! It's a good thing I enjoy running, huh?
Robin: It's a miracle they float.
Nami: It's all on our shoulders. If our crew's gonna win this race as usual.
Stella: Sanji, Zoro. You better make sure
Tom didn't mention Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Chopper Boat for popular.
There was a boat worse than theirs and it was bigger than all the boats.
Stella: You're kidding me... The oars can't be long enough for that thing.
Chopper: And how are they supposed to steer it?
Man: Yeah, you guys are sharp. You're right the oars. Though. Way too short and the dammed thing is filled with saw water too
Luffy: Not fair! These jerks.
Sanji: Wait. No way that thing is just three barrels.
Man 2: Sure it is!  We pieced together the three biggest barrels we could find. There ain't nothing in the rule book about how small your barrels gotta be.
Tom: Okay. All of the boats are not at the starting line! I'll continue to provide commentary throughout the race with a bird's eye view of the action from atop Chirp Chirp, a rare South Blue Super Sparrow.
Nami: That's it we have to win this now.
Robin: Drowning is fair play. It's in the rules.
Porche: Wow. They think they have a chance of winning.
Capote: let them think whatever they wanna, think Porchem we'll sink them right off the bat Right? Monda?
Chopper: I'm excited about this!
Zoro: What? About losing?
Sanji: Now pat close attention, Usopp. If anything happens to those three ladies, I'll eviscerate you.
Luffy,v We are gonna win this race, I know it!
Foxy: Fool! He honestly thinks they're going to win. What a riot! No one's ever beat the Foxy Pirates! I doubt this race even lasts five minutes. Am I right?
Ham: You know it.
Tom: To ensure you don't get lost, we're providing each team with an Eternal pose.
Nami: Get lost.
Stella: What could he mean by that?
Tom: Try not to wander too far from this island's coast.
Nami: What's this doofus talking about? Why would we leave the island?
We're taking the inside track the whole way!
Usopp:I'm afraid it won't be that simple.
Nami: What, why not?
Usopp: Take a loom. Excluding the big one in the back. All the other boats are on the outside track. Facing out of the sea. It's a little suspicious
Nami: just tell me why it won't be simple!
Usopp: Trust me! Hey, listen up! Get away from the shoreline as soon as the race starts!
Tom shoots a gun.
Nami: Tell men why.
Foxy: Scheme.
Name: I've got a terrible feeling about this! Quit babbling and tell us why already!
The big boat releases the Sea water with other Barrles coming out of it.
Sanji: Huh? What's with the barrels
Usopp: oh, no we didn't get far enough!
Name: What's the big deal? It's just a barrel she went to poke it.
Usopp: No, Nami! Don't
The barrel exploded.
The crew went flying until they crashed down.
Luffy: Dumb bombs. I'll knock them all back. Now, Gum-Gum..
Sanji: Cut it out Luffy. Stop! Are you trying to blow us all up?
Luffy:Clam down! We gotta do something.
Zoro: Yeah but what can't involve touching them? Luffy, pass that oar over here.
Chopper: What're you doing, Zoro?
Zoro: Stand back and watch?
The spins the two ora. He was able to get enough power to blow them back into the big Ship. And blow it up.
Sanji: Oh, crap, Nami! Robin. Stella! Look! Hit the deck and hold on tight! We got a wave
Usopp: We can't ride that!
Luffy: Yahoo! This is awesome!
Sanji: Damnit she starting to break up with us!
They were all riding the wave
Tom: I can't believe it. The Strae Hat team is zipping their way to the front of the race
Porche: No way they're about to catch up. Let's go, Monda!
Capote: We can use some backup here.
Chopper: It's finally dying down.
Sanji:Oh man, that didn't exactly leave the raft in the best condition.
Luffy: Oh, boy that was awesome. I hope something causes another wave right?
Sanji: shut up another wave and we're done because of this lame boat you built. I just hope the girls are okay.
There they are!
The other team distracted The four of them.
Sanji with girls. Luffy chopper with food and Zoro with Boze.
Tom: upadres! It looks like the Pleasure Boat, and the Harem Nocturne have made a move!  The party Distraction! And they've lured in two Straw Hat Boats for the Ko!
Luffy: yum! I'll take seconds, please!
Nami: Come on! We're right in the middle of a race you jerk
Porche: Hah! You really shouldn't concern yourself with those other guys. If I were you, I'd be more worried about my own boat right now. All right, Capote give them a taste of your Fish-man Karate.
Capote: Yeah! Surface Spmitter! He was able to split the sea. Making part of Usopp boat split.
Stella: Damnit they broke the boat apart.
Sanji: Nami! Stella! Nami! C'mon! The girls need our help! Let's go!
Zoro: Chopper! Let's move!
Sanji rowed the boat so fast.
Usopp: Our balance we gotta stay balanced! Eat this! Eat flame!
Capote: No thanksm.
Robin: All right, Ocho Fleurs.
Robin has hands on him as she flips him off onto the shark
Nami: perfect! Now's our chance! Usopp! Jump in the water and pull the boat! Hurry!
Usopp: are you crazy!
Come on! Paddle!
Foxy: I think it's time we got to work, Ham.
Ham: Really? Oh boy, I was hoping you'd say that.
Sanji: Nami, Stella! Robin, just hang tight, I'm gonna save you!
Luffy: I just had the best idea ever! Hey Sanji! Throw me that board.
Luffy was able to make the boat go faster.
I'm on my way ladies just hold on.
Zoro:we're getting nowhere here. I'm pretty sure it'd be faster if we paddled.
Chopper: Well the thing is. I used the oars to build the handle.
Zoro took out his sword and cut off part of their boat to stop one of the boats spike from attacking them.
He then jumps on their boat
Not even a "Hello" huh?
Man: Not our style. We believe in winning any way we can.
Zoro: Really, well in that cause...Bull needles!  He cuts their boats in half.
And fell into the water.
One of the man used their last spear to take out their boat which led to Chopper falling into the water in which Zoro had to save him. And they were all disqualified.
Zoro: Are you okay.
Chopper: That really stunk. Thank youz Zoro he was crying
Usopp: You hear that? They're out of the race
Nami:which means we're our only hope.
Stella: Hey wait a second. Why don't we just use one of your dials?
Usopp: Good idea. We can give this Breath dial a shoot
Nami: we were going faster before!
Usopp: Don't tell me we used up all of the wind while escaping from Navarone.
Nami: Well. Do you have a jet dial on you,?
Usopp: Come on you know those are rare
Robin: Why not not use an impact dial?
Usopp: You know I think I must've left it back on the Merry.
The girls look at him
What, you don't believe me. Oh, come on do you genuinely think I'd lie about something this important? We're talking about losing a crewmate!
Robin: I didn't say anything.
Nami: He's right. We can't lose here. There's just too much at stake. If we lose, I know they'll denfinitely take me first, I just know it. Oh, why am I so cute?
Usopp: Whatever. You just keep dreaming.
She hits him
Robin! This isn't the best time for reading.
Robin: I'm rowing too.
Nami: Well yeah, your hands are,but you're not relly focused on it.
Usopp: She's right, Robin. You don't wanna end up like me, right? Better work hard.
Robin: I am working hard.
Usopp: Yeag, working hard at archeology.
Porche: What do you think. Should we head for the finish line or should we enjoy sinking them first?
Calote: I enjoy casually storlling though the finish line as much as the next guy, but I wanna make that chick suffer. Simply winning this thing ain't gonna be enough for me anymore.
Nami: Fancy meeting you here see ya chumps!
Porche: What? How're they even going as fast?
Luffy: No more strength.
Capote: They stopped.
Luffy: Gum-Gum Sxrew fast but no more, sleep now.
Robin: I think he's given all he's got.
Usopp: Hey we better start padling before we lose our edge.
Porche: Thanks for heading first place to us
Nami: aw man we just passed those guys.
Cap: And that's the last time you'll even see us. What the
Robin multiple hands on their boat
Robin:How's this work for you?
Stella: Excellent Robin
Cap: Let go! He went to use a sword to cut her hand.
Nami: It's too bad they already noticed.
Cap: They're gonna pay.
Stella: Are you ready to go again? Luffy?
Sanji: I got the feeling he's gonna be like this for quite a while.
Usopp: Let's just keep paddling with all we've got! We gotta try and catch up to them before they get an even bigger lead on us!
Nami: You're right. Let'll paddle!
Porche: Well then I guess I'll be sinking them after all.
Tom: Oh there now approaching the most fearsome obstacles of the course! The Long Coral Reef! And just beyone that foreboding and difficult patch is the dreaded Long Ring whirpool of Long Cape! Cab they overcome thse hurdles. And! Oh! Well I'll be what now? Talk about unexpected! It's Full Dash" Ham at full speed! And riding atop him is the Master of Obstruction himself! The scourge of fairness and the greatest scoundrel of all time! Our boss, Foxy!
Nami: It's him.
Foxy:I've just come up with an evil idea.
A/N two out of the six games will be skipped. Only because it takes two episodes to finish one game and that's too much for me.

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