Foxy Davy Back Epsiode 207/208

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Episode 207 will be skipped. It will be just going to an Island where everything was long and meeting an Old guy named Tonjit and finding about more him that he was on the Banbo stick for 10 years and that his people Move to a new part every 3 years and he thinks he has to wait 20 years and had a horse wait for him for the last 10 years for him. And while the
The place where Luffy and Stella both fought. Bellamy! He was fighting Sarquiss but they were forced to fight by one of the Warlords
Doflaningo because they were making a fool out of the symbol they were given and it ended up with Bellamy's head getting chopped off by Sarquiss
And was told to watch out for the new generation of pirates. Not making a whole episode on that. So it will be when they meet Foxy.
And the Straw Hats were asked for a duel in which the captains had to agree to.
The group was happy that Tonjit was reunited with his horse after all these years.
[Loud gunshot]
Shelly was down
Usopp and Chopper went to check on Tonjit.
Usopp: Shelly! What happened?
Chopper: we heard a gunshot!
Usopp: What's with the net? Here! I'll get it!
Foxy: Feh-feh-feh-feh.
He does that laugh a lot so I will not be doing it every time. So yeah when he does that I'm going to say [Laughs]
Sorry suckers, but that horse is mine!
Porche: Yeah! You tell them, boss! Put those losers in their place!
Luffy: Whoever you are, you'll pay!
Foxy: "Whoever you are?" You don't know?
Porche: My goodness! How rude!
Hamburg: Puh-puh-puh....
Foxy: Don't tell me you've never seen this face before!
Luffy: The only thing I know about your face is that I'm gonna break it!
Stella: And I'm kind of Glad I don't know that face.
Foxy: They really don't know me.
Porche:Oh no, don't get depressed, Boss! They just saying that! It's a joke! Everyone knows who you are!
Ham: Like they'd have any reason to know him!
Porche: You're going to make him, cry Hamburg!
Foxy: My name is Foxy! What mine is mine and what's yours is mine, too! Laughs! You should see the looks on your dumb faces! What kind of pansy gets so worked up over some stupid horse? If I didn't steal that thing myself, then somebody else would do it!
Luffy: That's enough! Gum-Gum...
Stella: Do do it.
Foxy: Hold it, Luffy, not yet!
Stella: How did the Hell did you know his name?
Foxy: Because, unlike some people, we did our homework! Monkey D. Luffy, with a 100 million Berry bounty. Roronoa Zoro with a 60 million bounty.And the beautiful Stella with 105 million Berry bounty. Porche:A lump of clash like that is nothing to scoff at, especially considering that you only have eight crew members.
Foxy: Now, with the introduction out of the way, as Captain of the Foxy pirates, I challenge you Straw Hats to a "Davy Back fight"
Luffy: I don't know what that means, but if you want a fight, bring it on! I'm sick of hearing you talk!
Usopp: Huh? Wait! Now it all makes sense! I bet that messed up crew we saw on the way here got challenged to a Davy Back Fight, too! That's bad I got to stop them! Luffy, Stella, no. We're gonna end up losing our crew!
Luffy: What are you talking about Usopp?
Usopp: I know this guy is a jerk, but you can't agree to fight him!
Foxy: Laughs. Aw, too kid, but no take-back! You already agreed, remember? "Bring it on" I believe you said. Ain't that right, Porche?
Porche: Oh, that was definitely a "bring it on" I heard! And once you say bring it on," there is no turning back, that's the rule.
Ham: Should have kept your mouth shut.
Foxy: What's wrong? Don't tell me you aren't man enough to keep your word.
Luffy: Am too!
Stella hits You're falling into his trap!
Luffy: But what about the horse? Come on!
Tonjit: Shelly.
Chopper: You landed on your back pretty hard! Don't push yourself.
Tonjit: Both of you step aside!
Usopp: Are you crazy?
He had a gun in hand
Tonjit: Shelly waited 10 years for me to come back! I won't let you take her
Luffy: I know that you're angry, but those are pirates, old man!
Nami: you said the fight's already started?
Foxy crew a: That's right. A Davy Back Fight begins as soon as one captain accepts the challenge from the other captain. No take-backs!
Foxy crew B: In other words, your captain fighting our captain, whether you like it or not! All you can do is sit back and deal with it!
Zoro: I don't get this. It's a fight, why do I have to sit and wait? Let's do this right here, right now.
Sanji: You don't know anything, do you? It's not a real fight. It's more like a sports match between different pirate crews.
Zoro: Hmm?
Robin: Supposedly, the game originated in. Foraway place called"Pirate Island" as the name implies, it's a sort of secret paradise for pirates. At any rate, the main purpose of a Davy Back Fight is to plunder desirable members from another pirate' crew.
Nami: Pirates plundering other pirates?
Robin: Yes.
Foxy Crew A: No wonder your puny little crew only has eight members! A Davy Back Fighy is the best way to pull in some new recruits!
Foxy crew B Since you're so clueless, I'll tell you how it works. After each match, the winner can take any crew member they want from the losing team. And once that person is chosen, they get to pledge their undying loyalty to their new captain, on the spot. Both crews take their oath in the name of Davy Jones the Pirate of the Deep.
Nami: so if you lose, you lose a crew member?
Foxy crew A: Now you're getting it!
Foxy Crew B: Also if the losing team doesn't have a member worth plundering, the winning captain can add insults to injury by robbing the ships of its jolly Roger!
Sanji: So you're not just betting on your crewmates, but the pride of your ship, too. Winning might make you stronger but losing can leave you with nothing at all. Might as well be beating your life.
Nami: I see, That explains it. That ship without a captain or a navigator or sail, they must've lost everything in A Davy Fight.
Foxy crew A: Oh? So you saw the Fang-Frog pirates or what's left of them at least.
Foxy crew how about we give you a chance to admire our handiwork in person? Here! Let's have a round of applause for our brand-new recruits!
The crew introduced themselves
Zoro: What about your crew, huh? You don't care? Just join a new ship and leave them out to dry?
Sanji: Yeah, no kidding. Those poor spas got a one-way ticket to a watery grave.
Man: Watery grave. That's their problem. Don't look at me! You're nothing but scum.
Nami: We're not playing your stupid game, got it? There is no way we'd ever sink to your level!
Foxy crew A: You can say that all you want, but it ain't the crew's decision to make! The Davy Back Fight begins The second captain agrees to another captain's challenge.
Foxy: 2: What's the matter? Don't you have faith in your captain? If you don't agree with the decision he makes, maybe you're better off joining us after all!
Sanji: Sorry Nami, but they're right.
Nami: Huh
Sanji: All pirates take an unwritten oath to follow their captain to the bitter end. If we turned our back on this fight now, we'd be sailing away in disgrace.
Nami: So? Who cares? That's better than losing!
Zoro: Maybe for you, but I'd rather die than live in disgrace.
Sanji: The sme gose for me.
Nami: Are you kidding? Get over yourself!
Robin: You know how men can be. There's no point in arguing with them.
Nami: Well it doesn't matter we have two captains. So what about that?
Foxy Crew A: Never heard of a crew having two Captains. But the rule still applies. Only one Has to agree to the challenge
Nami: Ugh! I'll stop Luffy by force if I have to! There is no way Stella would agree to this. She went to go off
Foxy Crew A: Don't bother. It's too late. All that's left now is to sit back and wait for Captains to fire a shot! To signal the beginning of the match!
Nami was still running.
[Gunshot] [gasps]
Ah, no way.
Sanji: Hhh.... Guess that settles it
Zoro: Well, I'm not complaining Robin:should sound interesting at least
Foxy: He's agreed to the game!
It was Stella who shot the gunshot.
She had tears in her eye
Usopp: what did you do you could end up losing your crew and-- he saw her cry Stella fell to her knees.
Usopp: I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry. I believe you and Luffy can win this he held her.
Flash back
10 year old Stella was getting ready to fine her young brother Ace.
Ryō: Stella you will be back
Stella: Yeah. I'm sorry to leave but I promise I'll come back and when I find my brother we can be a big happy family.
Ryō looked at her with his two color eyes. Big sis we'll she each again right.
Stella: she goes to his size. He was only 7 years old.
I don't how long it will take and I truly know if I'll come back but you know I will never forget to come back for you. Do you trust me.
Ryō: Yeah. I have someting for.
He ran
Ava: You be safe. And you know you always have a home to come back to. I'll be here for you. Maybe If you find shanks you'll find me.
Stella: Really.
Ryō came back with his gift for her.
Stella almost cried.
So the marines won't know it's you they won't know it's you.

Stella: Thank you Ryō

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Stella: Thank you Ryō. I won't take it off unless im in a serious fight so it won't get dirty.
Ava: And you have my gift. Don't lose it.
Stella: I wouldn't think about it. This whip will be with me forever one day I'll beat the warlods with this and it will be all thanks to you.
Ava: I'll be honored. Stella.
Luffy: Yeah. We're going to win.
Foxy: Now the Davy Back Fight is officially underway!
Luffy: Good! The sooner I can pound your face in the better!
Foxy: Laughs... I'd like to see you try!
Luffy: All right! Bring it on, Split-head.
Foxy: He doesn't like my haircut.
Porche: That's not true! Hey! Apologize to im. Our boss is sensitive about his looks!
Usopp: Luffy, now listen, I'm as angry about the old guy's horse as you are, but this is madness.
Tnjit: Good! Use that anger to thrash them!
Usopp: What's going on I thought to hurt your back!
Luffy: Leave it to me and my sister.
Foxy: You don't know what you're getting into.
Itomimizu: It's time for the opening ceremonies! Everybody simmer down,
Foxy Crew I: Come on let's hear the ods!
Foxy CrewB: All competitors get rady!
Luffy: Split-head may be a jerk, but he sure knows how to party! And check out all the people he invited is that his crew? Wow? There's so many
Tonjit: Five jumbo yakisobas, please
Usopp: Whose side are you on, huh?
Porche: Now, let's calm down, boys!
Since our challengers have never played this game before let's go over the rules, okay? First of all, whatever you lose in one of the matches, whether it's your crew, your jolly Roger, or anything else the only way you can take it back is with another Dayy Black Fight. Second, any crew Member taken by the winner must swear undying loyalty to their new captain on the spot, no exceptions.
Luffy was eating. While Foxy was looking at Stella.
Third, if your jolly Roger is taken, you can't ever fly it again! Never ever!
Sanji: Nami! Robin!I got you some cotton candy!
Nami: I don't know how everyone can be so calm at a time like this!
Zoro: It's already seltted. So you might as well stop complaining
Porche: Finally, if you happen to break any of those rules, you'll be landedled as a disgrace to all pirates, and banished to Davy Jones' Locker! So do you swear to uphold them?
Foxy: I swear!
Luffy: I swear!
Stella: I swear!
Foxy: Alright. Straw Hat, I'll let you choose your fate. One coin? Two conis? Three conis? It's all up to you, kid! Laughs
Stella: What do the coins do?
Porche: Decied the number of games. The boss is letting you choose how many matches you want to have. You can quit one or you can do as many as three if you're feeling lucky.
Luffy: well the more games the more fun we'll have, right? So let's...
Usopp and Nami: luffy!
Luffy looked to see they held two fingers.
Luffy: I got it. Kay! Then I'll take three!
Both: You idiot! Why did you add them? Why'd you cont an enemy, too!
Ham: That was too easy
Foxy: Then it's stelled. Three coins, three games, orthodox rules! Let Davy Jones be our witness! He threw the coins in the ocean.
Chopper: Huh? So who's this Davy Jones guy?
Robin: A pirate who was cursed by the devil and forced to spend all of eternity at the bottom of the sea.
Chopper: I've never heard of people living underwater!
Robin: Well, that's what the legend says. And all the ships and treasures that sink beneath the waves go to his locker, never to be seen by anyone again.
Chopper: I knew the ocean was scary but that's crazy! Yummy! He was eating cotton candy.
Sanji: Davy Jones has been taking his picks from all sorts of pirates for as long as anyone can remember. That's what they we call It a "Davy Back Fight" in honor of the pirate that may someday claim your crew as his own.
Foxy" The stage of battle is set. Straw Hat! Bandana Scarf
Are you ready?
Luffy: You bet! Let's go
Stella: Fine by me.

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