Epiosde 68/69

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Nmai: Oh. The Wind stops again. Just when we should be rising Straight to Little Garden, too. We're temporarily stopped again.
Vi: Time is running out as we speak, too...
Nami: Don't worry. I know we need to get to Alabasta as soon as possible, but...
Luffy: Alright! Let's go fish, Fish!
Sanji: Hey, anyone see the bait? He held a bucket
Luffy:Bait? Oh, the stuff one there? I ate it.
Stella: You are it! There were bugs, you know!
Luffy grabbed the last bug. Yeah? They taste good!
Uospp: Don't eat stuff like that!
Sanji: Now what! We can't fish now that you've eaten our bait.
Luffy: Use this, then!? ( I don't know what he picked tell me in the comments )
Sanji: We can't catch anything with that!?
Luffy: Really we can't?
Stella: Then how about the duck?
Sanji: Oh. That sounds okay.
Karoo ran and screamed in while the boys chased after him
Stella watches the whole thing. They step on Zoro
Zoro: Damnit, you guys! Knock it off
Nami: But can't you guys be a little worried, at least?
Luffy: Worried about what?
Sanji: oh! Nami-san is lovely when she is angry too
Nami: Honestly, now!
Vi: But it's strange m. For two people with 30 and 35 million-Berry bounty, they don't seem that terrible of a person at all...
Nami: Yeah, it might be hard to imagine, but they beat many big names. Arlong, the fishman who bent on ruling the East Bule... Luffy beat him. Pirates Fleet Commodore, Don Krieg... Stella beat him...
Captain Kuro, an unknown pirate notorious for his Cunnim methods... Luffy beat him
Stella: You forgot one. A navy freak who wields a huge axe hand.
Nmai: Oh! Axe-Hand Morgan! Both defeated then
Vi: Axe-Hand Morgan? I've heard is him before. I heard he a navy Captain who's freard in the East Blue. For his overwhelming domination. You're saying that they even beat him.
The boys were trying to get the such while Stella laughed.m
Luffy: Oh! The old Axe-Hand guy! That reminds me, I wonder what that guy with him is up to now...
I wonder if he's still at the Navy base...
Nmai: Who's he"
Stella: Yeah! His bane is Coby! He's our friend!
A/n I'm sorry I'm skipping this. Summary of Coby. Coby had a dream of being a Marine Captain and he was on the sea. That's when Morgan cane the sea and tried to attack him but Stella saved him by defeating him. Stella picked up Coby and told him how brave he was and a good captain he was. Coby blushed. He then woke up in Helmp's bed. After that, they went to work cleaning the roofs. Coby was talking About how cool Luffy and Stella were but Helmp did not seem to agree with him so they fought on the roof which led them to get in trouble they were forced to watch a man pay for his crimes What they didn't know that man was Axe-Hand Morgan Helmo father After all that the Navy caught Axe-Hand and went to put him in jail but Axe-Hand got away by holding Helmp hostage. The Marines went to shoot at him but Coby got in the way. Telling them to not shoot him. She went swimming in the ocean to see his friend after getting beat up by Morgan and left to drown in the water but they were able to make it back to the boat and that's when they met Garp a Navy captain who took them in to train under him.
Usopp: Ahh! I can see.  A million Little Garden residents are out to great Captain Usopp! The girl's high-pitched cheers...kisses being blown all over the place... Rallt,  I'm so popular that it's almost a crime. Don't fall in love with me, Mademoiselle. It's not. T fault you get burned.
Zoro ate an apple.
Are you stupid or what?
Usopp: Stupid? Hey, I heard that, Zoro. He was kicking the ship's wall
Nmai: cut it out! Keep it done, you guys! Seriously. Sorry about that. So...?
Vi: Oh, yeah, so it's like I was saying. There aren't any islands, but it's said to hit reefs due to the elevated coral.
Sanji was making food.
Nmai: I see... Thanks. That was helpful.
Vi: You are welcome.
Stella: Wow, it smells good
Sanji: Thanks for waiting. This today's dessert, Tarte auc Poires he put down a plate and there were three. Bon Appetit.
All: Wow! It's looks delicious
Usopp was there.
Sanji: You are over there!
Usopp: Hmm. Okay! Geez... Hmm? Where Luffy?
Nami: Oh, I asked him to draw some water earlier. I want to take a shower.
I think he's at the water-drawing machine.
Stella: No wonder he's been quiet.
There was a loud bang
Stella: I spoke to soon.
Luffy: Ahh. That's scared me. That's things is dangerous!
They all went out to see what happened.
Usopp: Ahh! Luffy! Why'd you have to break it?
Luffy: I was just trying to draw the water faster.
Usopp: Oh, boy... The belt',# been burned and broken. Stella jumped down.
Luffy: Yeah. I wonder how that happens.
Stella hits the back of his head.
Stella: it's because of your ridiculous strength.
Luffy: But you have it too
Stella: I would have been gentle about it
Vi: Can it be fixed
Usopp: Well, we have to materials from somewhere.
Nmai: In any case, I probably should ask him to do anything. Usopp, could you get water from the other water-drawing machine for me?
Stella and Nami walk back upstairs
Usopp: Yeah... What? Nami! Have you ever considered doing it yourself?
Luffy: I smell food!
Usopp: And you, Show a little more remorse!
Luffy: OK sorry. But there's another one, so what's the big deal
Vi: Nmai-san, Stella-san look.
Usopp: Saying something like that shows you're not sorry.
Nmai: Oh, the newspaper courier.
Zoro: Shut up! I can't sleep!
Usopp: That Stupid Nmai...
Theater we're in the kitchen eating
Stella:At any rate, I can't believe they delivered the morning paper at snack time...
Nami and Stella were reading the newspaper.
Vi: That can't be hoped since we're traveling in the Grand Line. We should feel lucky we can still get the news.
Nami: I guess you're right.
Nami and Stella saw something in the paper.
Vi: Did something catch your eyes?
Stella shook her head to Nami
Nmai: What! At, no not really.
Vi: I see.
Luffy: Ahh.
Stella: What is it? Here! Zoro, look!
Nmai: What? This is just a picture of the Navy.
Stella: I see now. But the guy in this picture isn't just anyone. They Saw Copy and Helmp crying while hugging
Zoro: Hey, it's Coby!
Nmai: Coby..? That's the friends you guys were talking about the other day?
Luffy: Yup! So what does it say?
Stella: Lest we.. Vice-Admiral Garp's warship has arrived at Navy Headquarters. The pictures were taken right after they crossed over Reveres Moutain. Just as expected, Vice-Admiral Garp has a relaxed, imposing look;  how were there were some young marines whose faces froze with fear."
Luffy: Whoa... So Coy has entered the Grand Line.
Zoro: It said Navy Headquarters. Not bad.
Luffy: No matter what people say, he's a man who'll be a Navy Mayor
Zoro: Why would he want to become a mayor? Officer! A Navy officer!
Luffy: Yeah, that's the one...
Stall: I see... So he's trying hard, too... I hope we get to see him Again.
To shorten it Coby and Helpm went through hell just to get Garp to train them. They are now training under Garp to get stronger that's all there is to say. They also found out about Stella and Luffy's adventures at lougtown About them. I'm sorry if you want details just watch the episode yourself.
Eyeobe was sleeping
Nami put the Newspaper in her dresser.
Stella saw but did not say anything

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