Episode 192

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This episode is short
Nami: You know. I think he's trying to make sure you don't go near him again!
Stella: Too bad he's ours.
Usopp: He's destroying the clouds cover the ruins!
Gan: He pans to destory the gund itslef!
Aisa: But wiper lying on the ground down there!
Usopp: So is zoro that bastard.
Robin: The ruins
Wiper: it won't work Enel. This city will never fall to you. This land of Shandora was home to proud race warriors. The ancient city preserves and protects their memory.  What's more, their memory protects this city.  That mighty power will never fall to you. No matter how much forest you burn.
This land won't fall!
Everyone was surprised
The beanstalk didn't fall.
Aisa: No wiper. She went to rum
Robin: It's too dangerous!
Aisa: Let me go! Wiper. Yells.
Enel: I can still hear the little fools whining down below. Laughs. He shines a bright light.
Everyone feels the power of it
Gan: The Vearth. Of course!
It must be the vearth is so powerful. What fools we've been. It was never something to be fought over!  We've spilled too much blood. And lost so many countless lives. How could we be so blind for 400 years?
Usopp: Get outta there! The Beanstalk's coming down! Move it.
Wiper: Now go. Go! Straw Hat! Bandana scarf! 
Luffy: Here We come Enel
Enel: Those fools never learn.
Stella: Give back the Golen bell! Right now
Enel: That's enough. It's ready now to disappear along with this land!
Raigo. He was bringing the ball down
Luffy: Thanks for your help.
Stella: It won't be for nothing!
Luffy lets Nami go and fall on a cloud
Nmai: Stella! Luffy! The ark over there. No! Don't do it, please! The air currents and lightning discharge in there could kill even you two.
Enel: What do you think you can do against this kind of power?
He then shocks them.
The bean stock fell.
Namib was scared.
Luff: you ready
Stella: If I fall. I'll kill you myself
Luffy: Got it.
Stella stretches her arm to interlock with Luffy's arm with the ball
Gum-Gum Fireworks! Golden Peony!
You with your thunder and lightning! We made it all the way to Sky Island,  and you had to come along a ruin the weather!  You electrical freak!
Nmai: uh, What with all the crazy lightning bolts?
Enel: I forgot. The gold ball stuck on his atm is s natural conductor! Well, then I'll just drop it before you can discharge the electricity!  Let everything be destroyed!
He was bringing the ball down
Gan: The song of the island. When our ears hear that again, the war will have ended.
Conis: I wonder... Are we doomed? Maybe if I'd had the courage to stand up to Enel...our friends would have been spared all this. Oh sure. Does God Exist? If he does why doesn't he save us? Please. If you do exist... you must protect those brave people and keep them safe! Please give us a miracle
All the Sky people were praying.
Both: Clear the sky!
The Giant Thunderball broke
The sky becomes bright once again
Both yelling.
Usopp: Yeah! It's them, Luffy! Stella!
Wiper: Now ring it Straw hat. Light the fire of Shandora!
Usopp: Go, Luffy!  Go, Stella!
Gan: Let me hear it Straw Hat. Bandana Scarf. The song of this island
Enel: You destroyed my Raigo! Insolent Blue Sea Ape!
Stella: You're next. We'll ring you along with the bell!
Enel: Two hundrerd milliom volt... Amaru! He becomes bigger
Luffy: What the hell is that?
Enel: Ring the bell is that what you said? You must be one of these fools who believe in the old legend that when the bell rings, it will mean the end of the war between Skypiea and Shandora! I am God
He shoots at the.
I don't care how strong you are.
You're still just a parameica type!  You could never match the might of my Lohia power no matter how hard you try no matter what you might do!
Stella: That won't work for us and quit calling yourself God!
Luffy: What kind of God destroys everything and saves nothing? Fake he kicks him
Luffy grabs the staff.
Enel: Well done, Rubber man, that was very agile of you. You bribed it before either of you could be impaled!
But what will do now?  You have nowhere to run!  The pull of the golden bell on your arm will draw you deeper and deeper onto my trident and if you should let go you'll fall to your death below! I admit I'm impressed you made it this far. But this is the end for you. Guys.  And this land. Everything! I can easily create another Raigo! 
Luffy flips the over
So you prefer to fall, do you?
Nami: Luffy! Stella! No
Stella: Nami. Get out of the way. Hurry!
Luffy: Gum-Gum... Rocket!
Enel: Are you going to try that same old trick again?
Luffy: I'll keep trying till the bell rings!
Enel: This time I'll skewer you, fool!
Stella and Luffy's arms were in a spiral together
Stella: Golden Rifle! They pushed the golden ball into Enel
Enel: To fast
Luffy thought about what everyone said that got them to this point
He was blown back by the impact.
Usoppe: They did it. He was celebrating
Chopper, Sanji, and Zoro got up
Both: Let it ring. Can you hear it?  The city of gold is here! For 400 years the city of Gold
Bell rings
Has been in the sky!
If you guys are wondering how Stella fought with Luffy she was om his back the whole time and had her hand interwind with Luffy arm as he contorl the attack only having more power to the attack with the.

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