Alabasta Saga Episode 64

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Nami: What in the world is with the snow? It was warm just a few minutes ago.
Luffy: All right! Done! This is the man who fell from the sky, Mr. Snow Barrel!
Usopp: That's such a crude snowman...
Usopp made one of a woman
Look at my soulful artwork, the Snow Queen!
Luffy: Whoa! That's incredible!! Okay then! Snow Barrel punch! He takes the head off usop snow woman.
Usopp kicks his Snowman.
What the hell are you doing?
Luffy: Ahh! Mr. Snow Barrel! How dare you..! They began throwing Snowballs at each other.
Nami: How come they're so energetic when it's this cold?
Stella: Oh I think it's cute. I'm glad they are having fun.
Sanji: Nam-san! How much snow shoveling of love would you like me to do?
Nami: Please continue till it stops snowing, sanji-kun!
Sanji:Yaay! Nami-san!
Stella: I feel bad.
Nami: Come on captain you deserve a break.
A/n Like I said Where Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday came that part was skipped this is where they are captured
Mr 9: Hey you. Does this ship even have a heater?
Miss. Wednesday: I'm cold. They were sitting down with a blanket over them
Nami: Shut up! You guys aren't guests! Go help shovel snow or something!
Lighting strikes.
Stella: Lighting? What on earth going one with earth is going on around here?
Nami: It was sunny up until recently. The next moment, it's starting to snow, and now lightning... The seasons, are well as the weather go around randomly. It's just like Crocus-san said.
Miss W: That's how it is in the Grand Line.
Mr. 9: It seems that you guys are careless about the Grand Line.
Miss W: you have been steering for a while now. Is that really okay?
Nami: I checked the direction. She screams
Luffy: What's the matter
Sanji: What's wrong with, Nami-san?
Name: Turn the ship around 180 degrees! Hurry!
Usopp: 180 degrees? Why are we going back?
Nami: Did you forget something? The ship has turned around and is going in the opposite direction! When I looked away from the log pose for a second...! The waves were calm earlier...
Stella: It's okay. It's okay we all make mistakes
Miss W: Are you really a navigator? In the sea, you can't trust the winds sky, waves, clouds...anything... The only thing that doesn't change is the direction that the log pose points. Do you remember that?
Nami: Can I captain
Stella: If it will calm you down.
Nami then kicks the two outside
Stop bossing me around in those code blankets and go help already! They go outside. Brace the yard! Reecevie the Wind from the start board! Turn the ship 180 degrees to the left! Usopp! Take care of the sails!
Usopp: Got it
Stella: Sanji! Take the helm!
Sanji: Leave it to me Stella-san & Nami-san!
Nami: You guys! I'm counting on you!
Mr 9. She is such a slave driver.
Usopp: Hey wait! The winds have changed.
The pull goes away.
Mr Nine: it's the first spring gale!
Usopp: Don't just sleep there while the snow accumulates on you! He yells at Zoro
Luffy: Hey! I saw a dolphin jump over there! Let's go there.
Nmai: You keep quiet!
Usopp: The waves are getting high! I can see an Iceberg in the 10 o'clock direction!
Sanji: Nami-san! It's getting foggy!
Nami: What the hell's with the sea?
Usopp: Were we're gonna crash
Naming Sanji went to pull the helm together.
They were able to turn the ship to the left from crashing into the ice.
Luffy: Hey! Water leaking at the bottom of the ship
Stella: We have to patch it right away
Usopp: Got it!
Nami: The clouds are moving fast!
Dark clouds came over them.
Name: Wind's coming!:
Luffy: It's strong!?
Stella: Unfurl the sail! That wind is too strong! If we take it directly, we'll overturn it.
Sanji: Everyone! Eat this! Let's gather our strength!
Luffy takes two at a time
Sanji: You are eating too much
Nami was Stella was holding the sail. But then it rips a little
Usopp: Oh Crap! The sails are gonna be torn!
Stella: What about hints up here go fix the bottom of the ship!
Miss W: There's another part of the bottom of the ship damaged
Usopp: Damnit.
Everyone was doing their part to get passed the weather.
The weather was calm.
Zoro: Ahhh, they felt good. He walks to see everyone lying down.
No matter how nice the weather is, you guys shouldn't be so lazy. We'd better be on the right track.
Three: You...
Zoro looks at Mr 9 and Miss W.
Why are you guys on the ship?
Luffy: We're heading to their two right now. It's called Whisky Peak.
Zoro: You mean we're taking them back? We don't owe them anything.
Stella: Your right we don't.
Zoro: Well, not like it matters to me... He goes down to them. Yeah, your faces say that you're thinking bad thoughts. What were your names again?
Mr.9. I'm me.9.
Mrs W: I'm Miss Wednesday.
Zoro: Right... Something has been bothering me ever since I first heard your names... I feel like I've heard them somewhere before, or maybe not... They got scared Well, either way. Zoro gets hit on the head
Nami is behind Zoro
How dare you sleep comfortably all this time...? You kept sleeping no matter how many times we tried to take you up
Zoro: What? He looks at her.
Zoro ended up with three Bumbs
Don't let your head down, everyone! We don't know what else might happen. I was finally able to realize the danger of the sea just now. I was far from understanding the reason why it's called the Grand Line. There's no doubt about it m, since my navigation skills don't work at all.
Usopp: How blunt... Are we going to be okay?
Stella was rubbing Zoro's head.
Zoro blushes a little.
Nami: We'll be fine! Things will still work out for sure. In fact... Look! Our journeys are over. She points to Whiskey Peak.
Luffy: It's an island!
Sanji: So this is Whisky Peak... Buts urs really funny-looking island
Luffy: Those can't are huge
Mr 9: well then, we'll be leaving now.
Miss W: Thanks for taking us home honey.
Mr 9: If we're linked by fate, we'll meet again!
Both: Bye-bye, baby. They go into the water
Nami: They just left
Luffy: Who cares? We're landing.
Stella: There is a river at the front looks like we can go inland by ship.
Usopp: Isn't it possible that there are monsters or things like that?
Sanji: It may be the Grand Lime.
Luffy: if we come across monsters, we can just leave the island.
Stella: Hold on a second. Don't forget that we have to stay on the island for a certain period
Luffy: Why
Stella: Unless we store the magnetism of the island in the log pose, we can go to the next island. Since each island requires a different amount of time to store the log, some islands only require several hours while others require days.
Usopp: Then even if this is a monster island that we want to escape from right away, it's possible that we have to stay here for days until the log is stored.
Nami: That's right.
Luffy: Well, we can think about that's when it happens. Let's go already!
Zoro: Luffy right. Let's go. It's now with thinking about it.
Sanji: No matter what happens. I'll protect Nami-san and Stella-san
Usopp' Hey, wait. Listen, everyone. My chronic illness is suddenly... My " do not get the island" disease is...
Stella: Then we are going in. Listen. Make sure you are prepared to run as well as fight.
Sanji: I wonder what'll appear...
Man: Hey it's a pirate ship. Pirates are here!
Luffy: Huh? Something is moving.
Sanji: Humans? Humans are there!
Stella: Everyone be careful.
The people were cheering for them.
Usopp: Far from Monsters, we're being welcomed.
Man: Pirates welcome to our town!
Sanji: whoa! Yheete a lot of cute girls
Woman: Ahh! Looks this way! They're handsome.
Usopp: Maybe pirates are the people's heroes after all
Stella and Nami look at each other.
Man: Welcome to. Ma-ma-ma... My name is Lgarappoi. The mayor of Whisky Peak.
Luffy: Okay, Luffy. Nice to meet you. Pop, you won't overboard on curling your hair.
Mayor: Whisky Peak is a town that thrives on making liquor and music. Hospitality is the pride of our town. As for pt proud liquor, it's as bountiful as the seawater. Would you allow us to throw a party for you so that we may hear your tales of...
A/n: I'm not doing the Ma-Ma-Ma ever this man can't speak
Your takes on the adventure!
Three: We'll be glad to!
Stella, Nami, and Zoror were left.
Nami: Three idiots...
Stella didn't want to party.
A/n you guys know why. If not go to the End of Arlong Park and you'll see why.
Nami: Say, by the way, how long will it take for the log of the island to be stored
Mayor: Log? Forget such boring stuff. Please just rest after such a long journey. Now, everyone! Prepare for the party! Sing it, entertain the adventures!
All: Party Time.
They were inside a building playing music and drinking
Usopp: Then I said with the otter coolness "Sea King" don't touch my friends."
Woman: Wow... Captain Usopp!. Yire so amazing
Usopp: Well, regarding the clam Belt, even I trembled a bit, through. A tremble of excitement, that is.
Man: Cheers to usopp-san.
Mayor: Now, please don't hold back, drink up. He put down two cups
Nami: No, thank you. I'd rather not drink alcohol.
Stella: Me neither.
Mayor: Don't worry... It's a special drink made of prime grapes that are used to make prime wine. Its flavor is wine itself, but it doesn't contain alcohol.
Nmai: I see. She drinks a little. You're right! This is delicious!
Mayor: We had a good grape harvest again this year. Now, to celebrate the harvest, we'll have our usual toast competition! That is, you continue to toast and the last one standing is the winner. Please join in our competition.
Stella: No thank you. We can't drink that much.
Mayor: The prize money for the winner is 100,000 berries!
Nmai: Another cup, please! Zoro Stella! You guys have to participate too! You don't have money, do you?
Stella: I do have money.
Nami: Oh yeah well then I guess I can Tell Luffy the secret.
Stella: Okay I'm in
Man: Whoa! Amazing! He finished his 10th cup!
Man: This is it. I can't drink anymore
Man: The two girls are downing her 12th cup.
Stella and Nmai finished as two men feel down
Nami: take that!
Luffy' More food!.
Man: Whoa! The captain finished a meal for 20 people.
The cook is down!
Cook: please I can't go on...
Man: Whoa! This young man is trying to hit in 20 girls at the same time! What's this the gang!
Mayor: It's a fu... A fun night. I'm glad that you all seem to be having fun. Yes, indeed, I'm very glad...
Mr 9: For that reason, we failed our mission is securing food... However, we'd like to report we succeeded in leading the can't to Cactus Island. Baby. All right! If we submit this, we should be able to clear out names.
Miss W: Right. I'll drop it I'm the unluckiest Box immediately. They'll deliver it for the boss...
Zoro: This is It I quit. I'm gonna sleep.
Man: Whoa! The young man is finally down after his 13th cup.
Stella: what? You're hopeless, Zoro!
Before Nmai went down she told Stella to win it for the money.
A/n I know Nmai won lets just say that Stella wins for her
Man: There are only two left. They're at the 15th cup. She competed against Sister.
Sister: You would quite soon, too, far from your own sake.
A/n Stella is a little drunk. Just a little it takes a lot more for her to go down. And she's not partying she just acting.
Stella: Don't be silly! I definitely won't quit until I get the prize money for Nami. Laughs
Luffy falls. Ahh! Thanks for the find I can't eat any more.
Man: three cooks are also down!
Stella drinks more
Sister goes down
Stella drinks four more cups.
That's 20 in total
Stella: I won! Laughs. She goes down
Man: She is finally down. After 20 cups.
Usopp: What a nice town.
Sanji was on the laps of two woman
This is paradise.
They are all sleeping.
Mayor: So they wore themselves out partying and fell asleep... Sweet dreams...adventures... Again to light the cactus Rovks look beautiful, dancing under the moonlight
Mr 9! You're such a poet, lgarappoi--no,. Mr.8.
Mr.8v oh it's you guys...
Miss: what happens to them?;
Mr 8: They've fallen... To hell.
Sister: Geez... Since they were so stubborn, I added a little alcohol to their drinks. Otherwise, they might still be up and having a good time. He takes her scarf off. But was it really necessary to put on an elaborate act? For just Six weak, h, looking brats? We should've beaten them at the harbor. This town is already short of food. Also, we didn't have t out hopes up for the whale meat anyway.
Mr 9: You don't have to say it like that! We did try our best!
Mr 8: calm down. Look at this I've checked them out beforehand. He pulled out two wanted posters
Monkey D. Luffy. 30 million barrier
Stella 35 million berries.
All: Thirty and Thirty-five million Berries?
Mr 9: them
Mr 8: it's foolish to judge a pirate's ability based on their looks, Miss Mon... Miss Monday.
Miss M: Sorry.
Mr 8: but we've already settled. Looks like we can send a good report to the boss. Confiscate all the money and other valuables on the ship immediately.
Miss W: So what about them?
Mr 9: what do we do?
Mr 8: If we kill them, the bounty drops by 30%. The government was to hold public executions. Go! Capture them alive!
Stall: Hey... Sorry, but... Do you mind letting them sleep? They're all exhausted from the journey this afternoon.
They saw the shadow of Stella holding a sword.
A/n I know this was Zoro fight but these some information I want you guys to know and I can only say in this fight
Man: Mr.8! Miss Monday! The girl with the Bandana escaped from the room when we weren't looking!
Miss W: She's over there.
Mr 8: You bastard...! I thought you were completely asleep!
Stella: I learned Two things. Know your limits. 20 was not even close even if you did cheat and added Alcohol to them. And Second. Never let your guard down. She gets up. So, let's see if I've got this right. This is the nest of bounty hunters. You dupe pirates who are in high sports after having just entered the Grand Line. Looks like there are about 100 bounty hunters here. Just after me and My brother's head. I'll fight you all... Baroque Works!
Mr. 8: You bastard! How is it that you know our company's name?
Stella: Oh zoro told me. When he was similar to like lime do work he was recruited by your company once. Naturally, he rejected it. Employees don't know each other's identity and are called by code names. Of course, the boss's whereabouts and his identity are a mystery, even to them. Baroque Works is a criminal group that faithfully carries out its orders. Jump...! Was it a secret?
Mr 8: This is surprising. If you know our secret, then we have no choice but to kill you. Another gravestone will be added to the Cactus Rocks. Kill her!
She was gone
Miss W: She disappeared..!

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