Episode 19/20

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The crew was
doing their own things.
Luffy dropped a box
Nami: What the hell is that?
Luffy: found it in the storeroom!
Nami: Those're cannonballs!
Luffy: We finally got a cannon so, I thought I'd do some practice!
Usopp: Then just leave it to me! I believe it was when I was three that I jumped on a cannonball flying my way and traveled halfway around the world!
Stella: Uh huh! And how'd you get back to your island
Usopp: Ugh
Luffy: Hey, Zoro! Do you know how to work it?
Nami: He's been fast asleep the entire time.
Luffy: He's no fun.
Nami: A Little further to the south is a reef that'd make a perfect target!
Luffy: For real? Let's go there!
Usopp: Hey, you're gonna fire a cannon without me. People used to call me cannon Master usopp, you know! Listen!
A/n With each new crew member I'm skipping their past. I know I'm sorry but I have to get through 18 seasons and 10 movies give me a break the only past I'm doing is Luffy & Stella I hope you understand and you guys know each of the crew's past already if not I will be be doing a short writing.
In Zoro's past, he knew a girl named Kuina and at first, he was fighting with her to be the best until he found out why she was training so hard and so they promised each other to work hard to be the greatest Swordsmen/woman. But Sadly Kuina died before she could achieve her goal and Zoro is still trying his best to become the world's greatest Swordsman for both of them and has the sword that she used with him till this day.
An explosion woke Zoro up after his dream about his past
Luffy: That was way off.
Zoro: What are you guys doing?
Stella: There just doing some Cannon practice!
Luffy: They sure don't fly well!
Usopp: I'm telling you, let me try!
He takes the cannon. Judging from the last flying distance... This should do it.
He hit the rock on the first try
Luffy: Awaeom! You hit on your first try!
Usopp: Whadya think! I'm awesome when it comes to aiming! Impressed!
Luffy: Yeah! It's settled! You're our sniper!
Usopp: What? I don't I get to be captain?
Luffy: Stella & I are the captains on this ship!
They were in the small kitchen.
Usopp: Well, whatever! I'll humor it for now! But if you do anything too cowardly I'm taking over immediately
Luffy: Yeah, that's fine Stella is amazing to work with
Stella blushes at the complaint
Aww Thanks Lufty.
Luffy: But anyway, I was thinking there's one other position we need to fill before going to the Grand Line!
Nami: Yeah, we have a fancy kitchen, too! If you pay me, I can do it.
Stella: Nami we need to save money not give it all away. Even if we do know you.
Zoro: An important necessity for long trips, right?
Luffy: Yeah, All pirates ahin need one, huh?! A musician
Zoro: A musician! Are you an idiot?!.
Nami: What do you see voyages as?
Stella: I'm surprised you didn't ask for a cook. You're always hungry.
Luffy: But pirates sung, you know!
Man: Come out you damn Pirates!
They open the door
Luffy: What the.. Who are you?!
Man: Shut up! Who I am doesn't amount to crap! He was destroying the ship
Zoro: How many are there?
Nami: One.. I think.
Zoro: Then leave it to him
Man: We've taken the heads of many pirates! Are you a nameless pirate wannabe trying to kill my partner?
Zoro' That voice.
Luffy: What do you mean partner? I dunno what's going in but stop breaking our ship! He grabbed his head and flipped him over
Man: Lost by a hair...
Luffy: What's going on?
Zoro: Hey! Is that you, Johnny
Johnny: Who's saying my name all familiar-like? Big Bro zoro?
Zoro: It is you, Johnny.
Johnny: What are you doing here, Big Bro?
Zoro: Whers Yuasku? Isn't he with you?
Luffy: what now? you guys know each other.
A man was raking his girl to dinner out on the sea.
Johnny: Why are you on a pirate ship like this?
Zoro: Is something wrong? Yosaku can't with you?
Johnny: well...
Usopp: What does Zoro know that guy?
Nami: Seems like it
Stella: I wonder what's going on?
Johnny showed Zoro an injured Yosaku on a small boat.
Johnny: Yosaku is...
Zoro: He's sick?
Johnny: Although he was full of life up until a few days ago, now he keeps getting oale suddenly and then fainting! I have no idea what's causing it...
Nami and Stella come down
In the end, his teeth fall out an his old wound opens up and starts bleeding. I don't know what to do anymore. So we were on a ricky island letting him rest quietly. But the... A cannonball came flying from this ship...
Luffy and Usopp were shocked
Both: We're sorry!
Johnny: Sorry doesn't cut it... Isn't that right, partner? Big Bro... Is he going to die?
The two ladies walked to them
Stella: Are you all stupid?
Zoro: What'd you say?
Stella opens his mouth and eyes.
Johnny grabbed her arm
What're you doing? If you mock my partner's death, you'll pay for it--
Stella put her hand over his mouth
Nmai: Luffy, Usopp! Remember we have limes in the storage? They stood there
Stella: Are you listening? Bring them here. Now!
Both: yes Ma'am!
The two boys add the juice to his face...
Nami: It's scurvy.
Johnny: Scury?
Stella: If we weren't too late, he'd be fine I'm just a few days.
Johnny: Really, Big Sis's?
He was spitting in her face while talking
Nami: Don't call us that
Stella: I already have enough brothers in my life.
A/n can you guys guess Stella missing brother? If you can before I say it I will make An edit on TikTok for the first person to guess right first I will tell you privately. And don't tell the others keep it a surprise
Stella: In the past, it was a hopeless disease that accompanied sea journeys. But the cause was simply a decency of plant-derived nutrients. Ships in the past didn't carry fresh fruits and vegetables since they, weren't storable, so...
Luffy: you guys are amazing! Yiire like a doctor!
Usopp: well, I always thought you were good. 
Nami: Yells You should know at least that much you could die if you don't.
Yosaku got up and he and Johnny danced.
Stella: Yells. There's no way you can recover this quickly!
Both: Sorry for not introducing ourselves first.
Johnny: My name is Johnny.
Yosaku: I'm Yosaku.
Both: The pirate bounty hunter duo!
Johnny: We used to be colleagues of Big Bro Zoro glad to make your acquaintance.
Stella: You made quite the introduction when Johnny was destroying our ship here.
Johnny got quite embarrassed.
The three went to shake hands when'll Yosaku. Fell over
They were able to get him a bed to rest.
The others were in the kitchen.
Nami: When we think about it carefully it's a necessary ability...
Luffy: A necessary ability, huh? Okay, then! A seafaring cook!
Both: What?
Luffy: Let's go find a seafaring cook!
Usopp: Ahs! Then we'll be able to watch yummy food even on the ship!
Luffy: Exactly!
Johnny: if you're looking for cooks like that there's a perfect place for that.
Luffy: All right! Where is it
Johnny: But this place is close to the Grand Line, and...you hear rumors about the Hawk-eye man you've been looking for... Zoro grabs his sword.
Stella was also interested in what he had to say. we'll head.. Noth-northeast!
A/n Does Stella have Beef with the all-mighty Hawkeye or maybe she's like Zoro and wants to be great at something? Let's find out.
Johny: Our destination is...the sea Restaurant... Baratie!
All: Whoa!
Johnny: What do you think everyone?!.
Luffy: it's a huge fish!
Nami:How lovely
Usopp: Tgats pretty funky
Johnny: Right! Jay likebi told you, right?
There was a marine ship next to them.
Johnny: I place like this. A navy ship...
Usopp: Surly they're not going to shoot at us, are they?
Zoro: Huph! What an unpleasant bunch we've run into...
Nmai: When did they...
Johnny was walking back to go into the sleeping room.
Man: I've never seen that pirate flag before. I'm into Fist Fullboy Lieutenant at Navy Headquarters! Hey, who's your captain? Come out a state your name!
Luffy: I'm Luffy!
Stella: I'm Stella
Usopp: I'm Usopp!
Luffy: we just made our pirate flag the day before yesterday!
Uaopp: Ans I'm the one who drew it!
Iron hand: Hmph! Oh, you're just...Hmm? He looks at the two hiding. You two over there, I remember seeing you before. If I remember correctly, you're a bounty hunter duo going after small fish. 
So you finally got caught by pirates...
Johnny: We are...
Iron hand: That's a laugh.
Woman: Come, let's get going.
Jnhonny: you think small-time bounty hunters would go after these guys?! He threw  Bounty posters...
Iron Hand: Now, let's go to the restaurant. They're an eyesore sink them.
Men: Yes, sir
Nami: what is this...
Johnny: They're wanted pirates Big sis Nami--
Namu held the poster of a pirate named Arlong.
In other words, if we deafetvthem we'll get the reward money...
You: A very profitable business, don't you think, Big Sis?
The cannon was facing them.
Usopp: We are in trouble. They're aiming at us!
Luffy: Leave it to me! Gum-Gum... Luffy was able to catch the Cannonball. SlingShot! One of his hands slipped and the canon ball hit the restaurant.
Stella went to Luffy to check is he was okay.
Man: owner. Are you all right, Head Chef Zeff?
Iron hand: hmm? What happens? Is our reservation okay?
Man: Head Chef Zeff, are you really okay?
Zeff: Never kind, just get back to work at the restaurant already! Get to work!
Man: but Owner, you're...
Zeff: Yiu idotlit! Do you want me to get angry?! Feeding the customer is a cook job!
His head was bleeding. Are you fools trying to put my restaurant out of business?
The men grabbed Luffy
We brought him. He's the one responsible
Luffy got on his knees. I'm very sorry. He noticed that Zeff was missing a leg
Ahhh! Your leg...
Zeff: Idoit.
Iron Hand went inside with his girl.
Zeff: This didn't happen just now.
Luffy: Ooh, then it was like they from the beginning.. Zegg kicked him
Zeff: But you have me bruised all my body. The medical fees and repair charge for the ship will cost you a lot!
Luffy: I won't ask you to reduce the charges. But. I don't have money!
Zeff: You're very candidly. Well, if you don't have any money, you have no other choice but to work here.
Luffy: Yeah, I'll make proper amends.
Zeff: you'll do chores unpaid for a year.
Luffy: Okay, Chores unpaid for a year!
Zeff: I'll let you off the hook with that.
Luffy: A year? A year... Do you mean a year?
The crew was on the boat.
Usopp: What's taking Fluffy so long
Usopp: Maybe they'll make him do chores for a month or so...
Name: He should've made it the Navy's fault instead of being foolishly honest.
Stella: Oh I do feel bad for them. Luffy is terrible with chores. I should know I always did everything for him. She smiled at the memories she had with Luffy younger.
A man gave the marine drinks and the woman.
Woman: it's amazing. Everyone's looking at you.
Iron hand: Well, they're admiring you. They drank the wine. Gus is good! This flavor...Hmm. This scent... The people are looking at him This may be the scent of the oil of Micqu of the North Land... Bitter with plenty of body, a tad sour... This wine is... Iturutz Burger Stein! Aren't I right, waiter?!
Man: That's... Damn wrong, sir he gave him the spoon. Yire sup is getting cold places eat it while It's hot. He walks away. By the way, I'm Sanji, the sous chef. All the waiters ran for as of yesterday
The woman laughed and drank her wine.
Do you know a lot...about wine?
Iron H: yes although seems my senses of taste aren't working well today.
The woman laughs...
Luffy held up one finger
Zeff: What do you mean by that? Please reduce it to a week.
Zeff: Youbtalj vert candidly.
Luffy: Two weeks!
Zeff: Hey, you wrecked my restaurant and injured me, the head chef, seriously. You can't battle that with one or two weeks of unpaid work.
Luffy: I've decided! There weeks!
Zeff: Don't talk so...candidly! He kicked Luffy.
Luffy: No. Me and my Sister have waited ten years to become pirates. I don't want to be stuck here for a year!  I've made a promise to her and I will not fail her. Okay, I've decided. I'll get you to let me off the hook in a week. So I've decided
Zeff: If you value your sister so much, I'll Tell you what you can do to settle it quickly. He steps in him with his peg leg. Leave one of your legs here. He held a sharp knife
The brothers were done fixing the ship...
The rest rest the crew went to the restaurant.
A/n Stella is wearing something Zoro picked out. You'll see soon
The man didn't take a bite of the soup Sanji gave him he saw a bug and stepped on and put it his soup
Sanji: Hmm. Didn't I tell you that? I'm not a waiter? He looks at him and the woman. But my how beautiful you are! Say, Miss would you like to have some wine with me over there?.?
Iron H: Hey! Do you serve soup with bugs in it to the customers?!
Sanji: Bugs?
Iron H: What the hell is this bug?
Sanji: I'm sorry, sir, but I don't know...since I don't know much about insects.
The laughs
The people laugh
Iron H: Don't mess with me. He broke the table
The crew was about to the active when they heard the noise.
Sanji: You could've eaten if you took the big out, couldn't you? It took three full days to cook it skimming the scum... The man steps on his hand.
Aren't you acting a bit too big for your britches? I'm a cluster! I'm paying you!
Woman: places stop, Fullbody-san!? She grabbed him to stop him. He pushed her off.
Sanji: can money...satisfy your hunger? I'm asking you, can it...satisfy your hunger? 
Zef beat up Luffy.
Zeffy: Don't that you can survive in this work by repeating "No" Kid.
The crew went in.
Woman: Fullbody-san
Man: Sanji...
Sanji held Iron H by the cooler of his shirt. And he's was bleeding.
Don't... waste food. At sea, provoking a cook is the same as committing suicide. Remember that.

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