Episode 31

31 1 0

The Four of them are on the ship.
Stella, Sanji, fluffy, and yosaku
Luffy: The weather is great! Is the Grand Line far, far away that way?!
He moved around the boat.
Sanji:Your annoying, sit down, will ya?
Luffy: Sorry! Sorry but we finally have cook, so now we just need to get Nami back and then we're finally going to the Grand Line.
Sanji: Nami-san, huh? Just remember her beautiful visage makes me happy! How I can't wait to see her again
Luffy: Hey, Yoasku. We're almost to where Nami is, right?
Yoasku: You guys soft-mined! Too soft-mined! Don't you get it? Minute by minute are heading right for the infamous Arlong! Big Sis's eyes were glued to Arlong's picture when she saw it. She wasn't her normal self! Big Sis Nami plans to take down Arlong and collect his 20 million beery bounty! She may already be inside his compound as we speak.
Luffy: Well, let's have some food!
Yoasku: Don't tell me you guys never heard of Arlong.
Sanji: Arlong? Who's that?
Luffy: Never heard of him.
Yoasku blows his whistle
Alright, listen up! I guess I'll just have to fill you in about everything!
A/n Stella is in the back changing but she's listing.
Along is a freshman who used to rampage throughout the Grand Line
Luffy: A fisherman, huh I haven't met one yet.
Sanji: Say, I hear the mermaids on Fishman Island in the Grand Line are absolutely beautiful
Luffy drew a fish with leg
Yoasku: Can you guys say focused? Alright then. I'll explain from the very beginning.
Luffy: Shount you get Stella so she can listen.
Yoasku: Yeah where is she?
Luffy: Changing in the back go get her.
Both men ran to the back to see Stella change.
Stella had her pants on but not her shirt.
Snaji: Stella are you okay? We have some important information.
Stella turns around with her hand over her chest.
Both of the men blush.
Stella: I'm coming.
Both of the men left.
Sanji: She didn't have a shirt on.
Yoasku: Yeah only if she moved her hand it would've been better
Both: Yeah.

Yoasku: Yeah only if she moved her hand it would've been betterBoth: Yeah

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The outfit Stella is wearing.
Stella came back and listened to the Yoasku:The reason the Grand Line called a pirate Graveyard in the first place is because of the three powers that region over it one of which is the seven Warlords of the sea!
Luffy: Seven Warlords?
Stella: Simply put they're government-authorized pirates.
Sanji: What? Why would the pirates get garment approval?
Stella: By paying the government a cut of the loot they take from pirates, the seven Warlods are allowed to exist in another pirate's eyes, they're no more than government dogs, but they are strong! Even Hawk-Eye Mihwak, the Zoro lost to is a warlord!
Luffy: That's awesome. There are seven of those guys. The Seven Warlords are awesome
Yoasku: So, one of the even warlords is jimbei, a freshman pirate boss. The fisherman Arlon is a pirate right on par with him who used to commit atrocity after atrocity in the Grand Line. Along has ruled over 20 towns since coming to the east Blue! His strength is far superior to Don Krieg's
Stella: And those 7 warlords are the people that I'm after.
All: What
Stella: Before meeting Luffy and becoming King and Queen of the pirates as a dream. My dream is to defeat all 7 warlords in a fight. At least one Time.
Luffy: Ahh what dream you have.
Yoasku: You know how powerful they are.
Stella: Yeah and that's why I want to fight them with all my strength
Sanji: Who wants food
Luffy: Me
Sanji: What do you want?
Luffy: Meet things with bones in it
Yosaku: I want sauteed bean sprout!
Stella: Mizutake
A/n I love Japanese food so that's why.
Sanji: Alright! Leave it to me! I'll be done in on time. Meat, bean sprouts, and Mizutake.
Luffy: Having a cook really is great.
Nami made it
Nami: I'm back. My Home town.
In Arlong Park.
Along was making a deal with a marine. Nami made it to Arlong Park.
Zoro and the others made it.
Johnny: We're finally here at Arlong Park.
Usopp: So this is the hid out of the freshman Arlong, who is from the Grand Line! Is Nami really here?
Johnny: Big sis Nmai was on the going merry, so let's see if it's stopped on this island or not!
Usopp: Good idea.
Zoro get up. We're busting in
Both: why are we suddenly doing that
Usopp: Are you stupid? We haven't been found any clues yet
Johnny: We're dealing with those fishermen. You know!
Usopp: we got to have a strategy first!
Zoro: Forget that tedious stuff. Luffy told me to bring her back. I'm going on a do just that, no matter who we're dealing with!
The two look at each other
Let's go
The two knock Zoro out. u
Usopp: I found it it's going! Merry! It's over there!
Johnny: Big Sis Nami is here!
Zoro was tied up.
Zoro: What's the big idea? Untie me
Usopp: Were father east of Arlong Park cocoyashin village. But it's strange why the ship stopped so far from the village.
Zoro: Untie me
Usopp: You've been hurt so bad you're nearly dead. Take it easy just this to me!
Zoro: Mind I am going to chop him up someday.
Usopp: I'll bring the girl
Johnny: you're in high spirits.now that you know she's not in Arlong Park.
Usopp: Right rubber, full! Pull the boat to the going mary. All right! I nearby title this brave image of me about to try unknown soil, Captain Usopp Grand Adventure. He hid when he saw Fishman
Johnny: Are you alright?
Both; Fishmen. They went past them.
Johnny: Arlong has them under control what now?
Usopp: Alright! We'll just say we couldn't bring Nami back.
Zoro: Untie me, you idiots
The fishermen saw it and swam to them.
Usopp: Escape
Johnny: agreed
Zoro: wait a minute.
Both: Bye.
Zoro: Hey, at least untie me
The two fishermen went to the boar only to see Zoro and decided to take him back to Arlong
And Johnny and Usopp went to land only for the town to be destroyed.
Usopp: what happens to this town?
Johnny: I heard ranged it a few weeks back but... All the house flipped over. I heard Fishmen generally have ten times the strength of humans! In short, could this be how strong people from the Grand Line are?
Johnny saw a Fishmen and left Usopp
The Fishman ran after Usopp
Johnny: Please be safe, Big Bro Usopp! I'm going to wait here for Yosaku, Big Bro Luffy and Big Sis Stella!
Usopp: As if a fisherman can possibly catch me in dry land! I'm used to this! Just try and catch up to me!
A kid tried him
Kid: I found you, Fishman! You killed my daddy! And I'm going to kill you. He went to use a sword on him
A woman chopped the little boy's head
Woman: Don't mess with the fishermen! Have you forgotten? Everyone here in Gosa was slaughtered because just one village defied them! She looks at him.
You look like a fish man but you're human, just bearly.
The Fishman came to get him
Usopp went to attack but the woman hammered on his head and then she dragged him away. She tricked the Fishmen. 
Hurry! We'll take him to my house!
Luffy was watching Sanji cook
Luffy: That looks great!
Yosaku: Let me see!
There was a big sea Monster who smelled the food.
And Octopus was making food for the beast.
They were all eating
Yoasku: You're great, Big Bro Sanji! This is topnotch seasoning
Sanji: I'm just glad to be making Dinner for Stella-san the only things missing is Nami-san. Is it good Stella?
Stella: Amazing. I would for you to teach me one day
Sanji: Anything for you.
Yosaku: I hope you managed to get big Sis Namai to join again!
Luffy: We will she is our navigator she's going to the Grand Line with us.
The two fishmen boroughs Zoro to Aromg and Zoro found out that Nami was part of their crew and was just using them. 

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