Episode 142

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There was a crash.
Akibio: What are you doing? Hurry and pick that up!
Rongo: All right!
Man: Shut up, would you? What's with all the noise?
Rongo: They're coming for us. We're going back to Luluka. He was away
Man: Wait, what? They? Who's coming here? Let me out of here!
Akibio: Hurry up!
Rongo: Okay!
Man: Hold on! He was crying. Let me go with you! Are you planning to leave me here all alone?
A/n Yes leave his ass. Ugly ass Boy. If you know you know
He walked up the stairs
Are you going to let me storage to death? Come on, please! Bring me the key! Don't abandon me!
Rongo: Okay, you got it.
Man: Thank you! I owe you! He was faking it
Luffy:Gum-Gum Rocket! He goes flying out.
Rapa pushed Henzo. The others held him down
Let go of me, damn it! Let me go!
Isoka: Stop this, Rapa Nui!
Akibio: There must be some mistake! HenI would never become one of Wetton's many
Rapa: You can't pass this off as a mistake!  It's Wetton who burned down Lukuka!
If he'd never forgotten the misery of that day if he had remained true to Luluka, then he'd die before doing anything setting told him to do! Or have those feelings faded over the last 50 years too? He went to punch him
What was 50 years for you was not long ago for us?
A/n How do you guys not notice that Rongo is not there? Fake friends
Stella; Hold on, Rapa Nui!  You are saying that because you don't know anything! Do you have an idea what professor here has had to live with for the last 50 year
Rapa: What
Stella: He's had the people of town criticizing him, calling him Wetton's dog,  and yet he put up with it, to continue researching the rainbow mist!
Isoka: Why?
Stella: Isn't it obvious? In order to save you! If I'm being honest if I were in Hezon those right now and went through all that pain just to get this reaction I would regret every decision I made for you all.
A/n Damn Stella. Good for you. Now say it to Nami.
Henzo: It's all right. Rapa Nui had nothing to do with you guys. Hit me Rapa Nui! I forsook my shame and my pride to live under Wetton's protection. I deserve it! Hit me, will you? Come on!
He went to do so. He started to cry.
Damnit! Why did 50 years have to go by? As bad as I want to, I can't bring myself to hit you! The others were crying.
Zoro: Okay anyone else feeling awkward?
Stella: No.
Usopp brought the two together.
Usopp: You see? You are still friends. A lot of time may have passed out you still understand each other in the end.
Rapa: Henzo...
Henzo: Rapa Nui... They went to shake hands when Luffy came and took Rapa Nui with him through the hole
Zoro: That idiot
Robin: No problem. The inside of the mist loops, remember? They'll be back soon enough.
The light was gone.
Or maybe not?
Both: Yeah. What now?
Henzo: Let's look for them. There's no telling what could happen in the mist.
They walk to find them
Zoro: He's more trouble them he's worth.
A/n I'm not doing them in the mist. It's them walking around in circles for a while. Rapa tells Luffy a story about his dad and how he died in the seas he found that out because he saw his boat in the Rainbow mist and he said all he wanted to do was go home now. So they walk until they see a light and go through it to the outside world they see what's happening and go back to tell the others.
Mayor: Hurry and pick me up!
Men: Yes sir!
Sanji and Chopper ran from the fish while Nami rowed the boat.
You've got to be kidding me!
Both: Hurry Nami. She went faster.
Sanji: would you do something already! And this rate, Nami will be devoted by--
The mayor his sanji. He goes down
Chopper: Sanji
Mayor: What do I care? That's what you get for trying to get the jump on us!
Lake: But Grandpa, we can't get into Ape's concert either with that monster handing around.
Mayor: I know. But there's nothing we can do about that monster.
Nami: I'm gonna die! The monster was close to bitting her but missed
Flip: I know! Miss, use the safety gear!
Nami: The safety gear?
Flip: It's something that Professor Henzo invented! He undoubtedly created or for just situation!
Nami: Professor Henzo? I don't know who you are, but please help me. She went to open the box.
A lifeline?
The fish came in front of her.
Sanji: Nami!,
Nami: No stay away!
There was a coin flicked into the fish's eyes which made it retreat
Mayor: What was that just now?
Nami: Chopper! If you, please! She threw part of her BO. At him for him to catch.
Chopper: I can't catch that thing.
The BO hit a man behind him but he got the Lifeline.
Okay, I've caught it!
Nami: Here I go into the mist, when
I give the signal, and pull the role back in!
Chopper: I've got it.
Mayor: She's got guys, Donest she? Not a single person has ever gone into the rainbow mist and then come back out of it.
Sanji: She'll be back, that's for sure. After all, Nami is the best navigator in the world. Chopper we're not letting anyone lay a finger on that rope until Nami returns.
Chopper: Got it.
Mayor: This should be investing.  Let's let her do this. We'll watch to see if she's come back out of there safely. He snaps.
Man: The mayor will now change outfits!
Sanji: What is this?
The mayor changed into a suit
Mayor: Flame Suit!
Man: Commencing element flailing! Internal tank pressure rising!
Man 2: Sfetly mechanism released!
Mayor: I'll burn you right down to your mind marrow!  He lifted his arm and shot at them.
Zoro: Did you find anything?
Usopp: No, I didn't see them anywhere. They went back on the ship.
Stella: Usppp
Usopp: Yeah
Stella: Wanst there 5 kids.
Usopp: yeah. He must have gone off somewhere 
Henzo: It's possible that both of them might have been flung beyond the mist.
Akibio; What do you mean? Rapa Nui isn't here anymore?
Henzo: Quit possibly.
Robin looked.
That is a gallon from 200 years ago. I've never seen a ship like that before.  That may be inside Ape Concert, the course of the time itself is...
Nami: Hey guys.
Zoro: Oh it's you, Nami.
Nami: What do you mean, 'oh, it's
You. After I came all the way here just to rescue you! How rude of you!
Usopp: You ain't the least bit convincing
Stella: Yeah I mean. Sanji would have never let you do it. You would have never offered to do this unless Treasure was involved. And by the looks of your boat. I'm right.
Nami: Pay no mind. She gets on the boat. Huh? Who are these children?
Where did Luffy go?;
What's the matter you look so glum?  Has something happened?
Usopp: They've gone beyond the mist.
Nami; What?
Usopp: They're gone, they're not here anymore.
Nami: What do you mean?
Zoro: Just what he said. You went here for it, so there's no way to explain it to you.
Nami: Okay, we're withdrawing!
Zoro: Just a minute!
Usopp: What about Luffy?
Nami: I'm not sure what happened, but they're not way he's dead, is there? Just leave him be, no problem. Come on, we're heading back!
Robin: Is there a way to escape?
Nami: Of a sort. She held a lifeline.
Usopp: That's just a rope isn't it?
Man: You're the one who can form Luluka, are you?
All: Huh!
Isaok: Ian!
Zoro: Who's this guy?
Isoka: One of Wetton's buddies.
Usopp: What is that guy doing here?
He came down to their ship.
Ian: Why don't you give me that rope?
Nami: Why? If you're looking for a way to get out of the rainbow mist, you can just come along with us.
Ian: Don't you care what happens to him? He had a gun to Rongo
Stella: Mind. I knew it.
Nami: No, I don't.
Ian: What?
Nami: Who is that kid, anyway? In not good-natured enough to help out a kid I've never seen before.
Ian: Yeah, can agree with that. What! You're a jackass! I'll shoot him! I really will!
Rongo: You murder!
Isoka went to her.
Do what he says!
Nmai: Who, me? That's silly--
He held a knife to Nami's neck
Usopp: Hey, cut that out!
Isoka: I don't want to lose any more of my friends! Please do want he says
A/n Henzo is right there you didn't lose him
Stella used her whip to get the knife away from Nani's neck
Stella: If want help you shouldn't threaten to ask the person you want help from.
Ian: Nice, Isoka! While you're at it, attack life into the boat.
Isoka and Ian get on the boat.
Ian: Isoka, why don't you come with me? With this much treasure, we'll never have to work again.
Isoka: Don't get me wrong! Raap Nui is the inlet leader we have! I have no intention of following a pantywaist like you!
Rongo uses his head him him
Run, Isoka!
Ian: Damn you! He kicks him into the water.
Isoka: Rongo!
Ian: Mess with me, will you?  He pointed a gun at her.
Robin used her hands to get ahold of him
Isoka jumps into the water
Robin held a tattoo on his arm and del to the ground.
Zoe: Hey, what's the matter?
Robin; Sea prism stone...
Zoro: What.
Ian goes away
Usopp went to attack but he was too far.
Mayor: Burn!
Chopper and Sanji ran
Chopper; It's no use! I can't get out of the way like this! Rumble! He turned skinny and ran to jump over him.
Man: Sir Lake, there he goes!
Lake: Electroschok suit! Maximum output! Chopper jumps
You're not getting away! He stretched his arm.
Dragon Spark.
Sanji: Chopper!
Flip: You should always watch your opponent! He shot a net at him.
Sanji: What is this
Mayor: Sliever Barbecue! He shot at Sanji. Do you think you so do whatever you please here? Think again. We'll show you your place
The lifeline pulled
Lake: Granpa, it's pulling!
Flip: That girl really coming back from inside the mist?
Mayor: Pull her back to shore!
Lake: sure. He went to grab it. Chopper moved his hand and grabbed his leg.
No way. I promised that until Nmai came back, no one would lay a Finger on this rope!
Mayor: Ridicule. He kicked Chopper. Promise only words! You just want the treasure! But do you really want it bad enough to die?
Sanji: We don't want any treasure, he it his cigarette. Joe's shoot! He went to kick him but was shocked.
Mayor: This play at friendship disgusts me
Flip: Mayor! There's a boat coming back!
Mayor: All right, pull the rope and lead the can't straight to us.
Sanji and Chopper saw the man
That's not Nami!
Lake: Who are you? He went to salute him
Ian: Sorry to be away so long! I am I am! Captain Weston, you are looking better than ever
Lake: Me? I am doing very well, thank
Maroy: Ian you say?  The same Ian that was under me?
Ian: Captain, who is this geezer?
Mayor: I'm the captain! I'm Wetton!
Ian: Then who's this?
Mayor: my grandson Lake. His son, Flip.
Ian: You're kidding! You're that bed-wetting pipsqueak Flip? You've got a kid of your own? That's absolutely astounding!
The man laughs
I wanted to know the woman who Mary each of them.
Mayor: Tell me, I am, what's it's like ismfe of the mist.
Stella: Here drink up
Both: Thanks
Henzo: It's no use I can't get through. It must have been a temporary thing.
Robin: Of all the bad luck. It has a piece of jewelry with sea prism stone in the boat...
Isoka: Sea prism stone?
Stella: It's a sea crystal.  It has the power to cancel out devil-fruit abilities. Nami why did you put sea prism in the boat
Nami: I didn't know. There is no point in having this much treasure if we can't even go out of there with it.
Usopp: You're the navigator right? Do something.
Nmai: Nothing I can do. This absurd area of the sea is the first for me.
Zoro:We are out of options then.
Henzo: No, he'll be coming back.
Usopp: Wetton
Henzo: Wetton's ultimate goal is the treasure inside Ape's concert. Now that his man Ian has returned alive, he'll be heading up a large force and charging in here.
Nami: You've got to be kidding me let's fight I won't hand over this treasure to anyone!
Stella: I don't know who's worse. Wetton or Nami when it comes to treasure.
Zoro laughs
Rongo: I wish Rapa Nui was here with us.
The Rainbow Tower came in Wetton and his men came out of the tower and were told to take every last bit of treasure.

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