Episode 198

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Jon told Drake to integrate Zoro
Zoro was in wooded handcuffs and in a cage.
Zoro yawned. Oh come on are you guys gonna sit there and stare at me?
Well nothing to do but get some shuteye
Drake: Open the gate
Man: But, Lieutenant Commander!  The prisoner is extremely dangerous.
Drake: I am under direct orders from Vice Admiral Jonathan to interrogate the prisoner.
Mar AB: Yes, sir! Please be careful, sir!
Cell open
Zoro: Huh.
Drake: Roronoa Zoro. Known far and wide as a pirate hunter, until you turned traitor and joined the scum you used to hunt.
Zoro: You didn't come all the way down here just to tell me, did you?
Drake: If that's you want to play it. How many of them are there? And what exactly is your purpose in invading this fortress? It was a clever strategy to invade a base like this from the sky. How did you do it? Did you build a launch pad?
Zoro: Nope we just came down from the sky.
Drake: Don't mock me!
Zoro: Clam down, big guy, I'm not mocking you. I'm just answering your question.
Drake: I won't hear any mode of your lies. Pirate!
Zoro: Like I said we came down from the sky.
Zoro:If you want to get specific, we rode down on a floating octopus.
Are you happy now
Drake: Well. I guess We'll have to do this the hard way. You're gonna be sorry. He squshed his face
I'll find out the truth no matter what!
How is he a marine? Man, they are just letting any who hates pirates know.
Nami was told to clean a giant Gym
Chopper found out that Zoro was captured! What do I do now?
Nami took a new outfit for her and
Chopper ended up being transported to the medical Room because he was hiding in a box full of antlers.
Woman: Let's see. Make a vertical incision with the scalpel and if it begins to bleed...blood. She fainted.
Ugh, it's just my luck that all the other doctors got called away at once!  Oh please don't let there be any surgery patients today!
Clereky A: Doctor
Kobato: Yes?
Clereky: We brought the crate of deer antlers for the medicine you're going to make.
Kobato: Of course. Right over there will be fine.
Chopper: Where am I?
Nami: I look pretty good in this if I do say so myself, and I bet the work won't be near--- [gasps] She was dragged by another nurse to bring her surgery
Woman: Doctor we have an emergency
Kobato: So, what kind of emergency is this?
Nurse A: Critically injured sailors from the stan Marey need immediate attention!
Kobtao: um well, I'll leave these patients to you since that isn't my area of expertise.
Nurse: Thia isn't really your expertise? Well last time I checked, you're the only doctor on this entire base right now! 
Kobato: I don't know anything about trauma! That's outside of my specialty!
Chopper: I see. It's a medical room. But I wonder if that doctor can handle those patients.
Nami: wow, these guys are all in really rough shape.  Did they get hit by a cyclone?
Woman: Don't just stand there, treat the wounded!
Nami: right. [Mind] I don't have time to play nurse with this bunch! I need to be searching for the Going Merry so I can get us outta this place!
Marine H groans
Oh, I'm sorry!
Nurse: Don't just stand there! Doctor, what do we do?
Kobato: okay. Painkiller--he needs 50 milligrams of painkiller.
Nurse b: Should we prep the O.R.?
Kobato: That's right operate I have to operate... he faints again
The nurse picked her up and onto a chair
Nurse 2: Tell us what to do! Doctor please. You've got to wake up.
Chopper: I gotta help. I'll be directing treatment today!
Nurse: Huh?
He was bigger and was in disguise
First, administer this patient a dose of both phenicol and cardiotonic, then prepare some ticarcillin. Respond if you understand!
Nurse: Yes Doctor!
Chopper: Now cross-match every patient's blood type! Begin pre-op treatment for everyone who requires an operation! Get this patient on antibiotics to treat tetanus and any other infections he may have!
Nurse: Right.
Chopper: What's the stause of the O.R?
Nurse: The operation room is ready sir!
Chopper: Then move patients there! Start with those in critical condition!
He went to Kobtao:
Come one snap out of it.
Nami: Chopper?
Chopper: Nami? What in the world are you doing here?
Nami: I should be asking you that!
Kobato: Excuse me, but could you tell me what's going on? Where is everyone? I seem to have fainted. Wait you're a doctor! I don't know who you are or where you came from, but I'm glad you came along. You sure saved us with your expert instructions.
Chopper: No one is saved yet, Doctor.
Kobato: What?
Chopper: The situation doesn't look good. Without emergency surgery, many will die.
Kobato: Yeah.
Chopper:There's no time to lose. You must operate on the critically injured now!
Kobato: Yes. Operate. Shw faint
Nami: Hey, what's wrong with you?
Kobato: I can't do it
Nami: Do it
Kobato: I can't stand to see people in pain or bleeding or worse. Honestly, I can bearly even administer a shot. So the thought of putting stitches in, or cutting someone is just...
Nami:oh, just perfect! This is a marine base, you know. How can you call yourself a military doctor if you can't stand the sight of a little blood?
Kobato: My field of practice is children's medicine. All the other doctors were called away on business. You see. I was the only one left in charge as a temporary substitute.
Chopper: Substitute or not, you're in charge of the infirmary right now, aren't you?
Kobato: Uh, yeah, seems so.
Name: Hey Chopper, don't you think it's time we get out of here?
Chopper: Yeah, but...
Nmai: I found out that this isn't a lake.  It's connected to the open ocean. We just have to find the Going Merry and we can escape from this stupid fortress!
Chopper: I can't go yet! You're a doctor. It's your duty to preserve life, isn't it?
Kobato: That is what I have sworn to go. But still. I have limits. Even the best doctors have things they just can't do.
Chopper: The man who taught me medicine used to tell me a story.
He talks about the cherry blossom and that gets her right up.
Then Will I... be able to see the cherry blossoms, too?  No. I will show them the Cherry blossoms. One of those suffering people in the operating room
Chopper: That's the spirit! I'll even stick around to help!
Nami: Hey! We don't have time for this!
Chopper: Yes, that may be true. But my first priority always has to be helping those in need! I'm a doctor, Nami!
Nami: If that's your decision then, I'll have to leave you behind.
Chopper: If that's what you have to
Nurse: Doctor, the operating room is prepped and ready to go!
Chopper: Good! I'm on my way!
Nami: Chop-- I mean, yes Doctor!!
Kobato: Right, let's go!
Nami: Hey chopper!
Chopper: You can leave me behind if you need to, but I have to stay. If I didn't, I'd be abandoning everything Doctrine taught me to uphold.
Nami: Jeez! Well, I'm not just gonna leave you here all by yourself!
They were ready for operation
Drake: What? An unidenifmtfued doctor is performing surgery?
Mar I: Yes, sir!
Drake: That could be our Straw Hat of the day.
Zoro: Chopper.
Drake went to stop the operation but Kobato told him to get out and let them work. He did so
After they were done and Chopper even revealed himself self but She didn't even know.
Jon: Humming.
Sanji: Really, what are we still doing hanging around here?  We don't even know if Robin and Nami are out of harm's way.
Stella and Sanji were cutting onions
Sanji: Ahh. But I can't just abandon a task that the lovely Jessica gave me!
Luffy was about to put a dial on the oven
Stella: What are you doing Luffy?
Luffy: I don't know. Have you seen how awesome this glow thin is?
Sanji: Yes, I've seen how awesome your thing is Now help us figure out how to get out of here
Liffy: Oh yeah. How come we're still sitting around this stupid kitchen? Stella:We're still here because we haven't figured out a way to escape!
Luffy: Hey. Sanji? Stella?
Sanji: What now?
Luffy: Do you think someone can eat raw octopus?
Stella: What does that have to do with anything?
Jessica: How's it coming? Are you done yet? If you don't hurry, we won't be ready for the next hundred soldiers.
Sanji: Oh, my sweet Jessica! We just finished the onions!
Luffy: Well, looks like it's just about break time. I'm beat!
Sanji: But you haven't done anything! Yet!
Jessica: Since you are so eager to help I got another 300 onions here for you
Luffy: More? You gotta be kidding me!
Sanji: I am ever yout humble servant, sweet Jessica!
Luffy: Hey, I think I know why we're stuck in the kitchen. And it's all your fault!
Stella: [Mind] I am going to kill both of them when we're back.

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