Episode 76

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Uspp saw that there was Green marking on Luffy's back while there was blue on Stella's back.
Mr5: It's all over for you. This is my ultimate ability. He blows in his gun
Usopp: Special Attcke: Exploding Star!
Mr 5 shot at the same time as Usopp.
The star came to Stella and Luffy's back causing a fire.
Miis V: What an idiot! He missed his target and hit his own friends
Usopp: Where'd his bullets go?
Mr 5: Breeze Breath bomb? The bullets went to Usopp.
I forgot to mention my breath explores
A/n I feel bad for whoever dates him.
Usopp: Damni! This is insane he had no bullets! Karoo you alright? Hey! You came to your senses.
Luffy: yeah we're awake now.
Stella: I'm tired of thins exploding on me.
Miss V: That attack was meant to burn off their clothes and the tarp on it! To undo the mental manipulation!

Miss V: That attack was meant to burn off their clothes and the tarp on it! To undo the mental manipulation!

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You know what time it is. The kind Stella I wearing seeing how her shirt was burned off. Yeah, that's like the chest size she has for how.
Luffy: I've had enough of that paint. I refuse to let anyone else die! Now I'm mad
Saji: It's definitely weird. Damn weird. Why hasn't anyone come back after all this time? Something must've happened to Nami-san, Vivi-chan, Stalla-sama, and the rest in which case this is no time to be getting ready to cook a lizard! He gets off the ship.
Nami-san! Vivi-chan! Stella-sama! He was riding on the saber Tooth tiger Hey! Say something! I love you. He gets off and sees Mr.3 hideout.
What this.
Me 5: So what if you're mad? Just look at your friends now!
Stella: So what! They'll still be alive!
Mr 5: Are they, now? All they need is some of Miss G's paint and they'll be exceptional wax figures! Your two latte Straw Hat and Banadan Scarf!
Me 3: That's correct. You're the only late, but now you can experience even more despair! His body was covered in wax. Move out! Chandle... Champion!
Usopp and Karoo we're screaming.
Both: What's that?
Mr 5: It's said he once took down a 42 million Berry bounty with this.
Miss V: It's Mr. 3 unlimited artistic talent.
Mr.3: Now, Miss G. Perform articles paint rob on me!
Miss G: Can I take a break after that?
Mr 3: yes, of course, I'd actually prefer you stay out of this! Like this. I am inevitable. This am or is as hard as iron and wrapped around me like velvet! From now on...jas no flaws!
Luffy: So cool!
Usopo: This is no time to admire him! Fight!
Stella: Luffy you got this right.
Buffy: Yeah. Alright! Gum-Gum...
Miss G; Paint job completed
Mr 3: Champ Fight! Harvest Fields. He used his Gauntlets to attack Luffy and Stella only to go to the ground while they were in the air.
Gum-Gum... Stamp
Mr 3 blocked it. It is no use.
Usopp: Not good! The guy sold himself no, attacks don't work.
They landed next to the three and went to fight more
Usopp: Damn! The wax haze. Wax. He looked up to see the piler fire still on
Yeah! Why didn't I realize it before? The fact it turns into a mist means it can melt. Stella! Buffy! Fire melts this guy's Wax! No matter how hard it is it's still wax! Zoro and the others hardened only moments ago! We can save the
Lefty: Really for real.
Miss G: Yeah, for real
Mr 3: Don't admit that to them. But even if you realize that now, you have no chance of winning. 30 seasons at most after that their hearts will completely stop! As we speak they probably withering in pain. With that little consciousness they have left they experience the terror of dying. laughs
Usopp: we don't have 30 seconds! I'll have them now! Special Attack: Fire--
Mr 5: Breeze Breath Bomb! He Shot Usopp.
Both: Usopp.
Mr 5: Did you not hear him say you have no chance of winning?
Stella: Damnit! There's no time!
Mr 3: Give it up! He used one of his Gauntlet to smash the siblings
Usopp: Listen... Take this rope...
Miss V: oh? Look like fun! Whatcha planning? Can I join, too?
Usopp: Karoo! Run! Run! Just run around all the Candlesticks!
Mr 5: Everything you try is pointless!
Miss V sits on Usopp
Pardon me. Crescendo stone! How many kilograms can you endure, I wonder.
Mr 5 was shooting at Karoo.
10 kilograms. 100,200,300,
Mr 5: Damn Bible bird!
Stella and Luffy we're dodging Mr 3 attacks
Give it up. They've become my work of art!
Stella: We don't think so! They jumped up. We won't let you have their lives.
Buffy used his hand to grab Mr 3 hair.
Buffy: If fire can melt them, then I'll use this fire!
Usopp: Luffy! That small flame won't do it fast enough! Light Karoo rope on fire!
Luffy: The bird's rope
Usopp: It's a special rope. Soaked in oil
Stella: Okay time for everyone to take up.
Mr 3: Hey stop it.
Usopp: It'll be a little, hot But endure it...
Luffy and Stalled burned the Rope making a big Explosion.
The Wax started to melt.
Mr 3: owe! Hot
Stella: What a big fire. Are they gonna be alright?
Mr 3: Curse your Straw Hat and Bandana Scarf. How dare you destroy my candle service Set? You'll pay for this! He ran away.
Luffy: I won't let you get away, you jerk.
Mr 5: Damn it! How can you mock us?
Miss V punched Usopp. Now you've done it! Playtime is over! She flips up
I'm going to shatter that neck of yours into pieces! Special attack: 10,000 kilograms Guillotine!
Usopp: This is bad.
Nami and Vi came out and locked her down.
Nmai: That was hot! Couldn't you have done it a different way? 
Usopp: Don't be fussy. Just be thankful you are saved!
Nami: You're right. Thanks!
Vi: This doesn't seem real... We're alive!
Mr 5: The Wax melted. What a pain! We can't afford to screw up our mission any further! He points a gun at them
Usopp: Mr 5: social attack; exploding Star! He shoots but Mr 5 eats it
Fool! I've shown you several times that explosives don't work on me! I'm an explosives man?
Usopp: You took the bait! Sorry! I'm a lair, you see! That wasn't an Explosive Star! It was a special Tabasco Star!
Mr 5: Spicy. He breathes Fire.
Usopp: I already proved its effectiveness the hard way!
Mr 5: Damn you, pirates. How dare you make a monkey of me! Time to blow up in a full-body explosion! There won't even be bone fragments left. He had Usopp in a chokehold
The girls were ready to attack
Usopp: I'm sorry! I won't do it anymore!
Zoro: Flaming Oni... Girl! He left Mr 5 burning. Flaming swords aren't too shabby.
Nami: Zoro. Broggy get us
Zoro: yo. Good to see you're alive.
Broggy looks at Dorry.
That makes two foes left.
Luffy, Stella, and Katoo are after Mr. 3
Luffy: Birdy. Dono, 5 let them get away with this! Real man don't spoil people's fights!
They stopped when they saw clones of Mr 3 everywhere.
Mr 3: How good for you to come welcome to my Wax-Wax manor!
Luffy, v What's is this?
Mr 3: Well, then can you tell where I am? Laughs. It would appear you picked a fight with the wrong people!
We're the most intellectual team in all of Baroque works! A brute-force bufforn like you tell who acts on instinct cannot catch us! I am Mr 3. I carry out assignments given to me flawlessly. Now, then! Step forward! The moment your back is turned to me, I'll stab you two... Right through the heart of
Stella whispers in his ears. He's right in the middle kick there.
Luffy: Okay. Gum-Gum Stamp! He kicks Mr 3.
Mr 3: How...did you know... I was here? He falls down
Luffy: Stella told me. Miss G was trying to walk away but Karoo saw and ran to her.
Sanji was able to get some information about Mr 0 by pretending to be Mr 3 and ended up taking out the Unluckiest Theres no to write for no reason.

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