Epispde 44

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A Man was running with the Arlong flag
Arlong Park has fallen! We're free!
People in town were celebrating.
Man: We've lived the past eight years for this! We've lived so we can smile today! We're gonna party till we drop even into tomorrow and the day after!
All cheering
Nojiko just finished her drink
Boy: Lady!
Nojiko: Chabo.
Chobo: I just saw Arlong Park myself it's awesome it's in pieces!
Nojiko: Pretty awesome, huh?
Chobo: Yeah! The guy who did that must be cool! Who was it? The guy who best Arlong is here, right?
Nojiko: Yeah, right over there.
Chobo: Which one? Which one?
Nojiko: The guy with the straw hat.
Luffy was eating food fast. He eats some meat but ends up swallowing the plate too.
Chobo: Are you sure he saved the island?
Nojiko: Unbalibale as it may seem.
Luffy ends up swolling the plate.
Meat! Is there any more meat?
Sanji and Usopp were together
Sanji was smoking
Usopp: he's still at it.
Sanji; Sounds like Zoro and Stella hurting
Usopp: Well, yeah. A normal person with those wounds would take two years to fully heal!
A/n Don't come saying Stella didn't go through what Zoro did. She did it's so bad that I can't explain how it is on her. I mean Porcupine spikes and a Bomb come on just think about it
Sanji: If only I was able to take Stella's place.
The doctor was stitching up Zoro and Stella
You fools!
Johnny and Yoasku were sleeping
Trying to take care of such a big injury on your guy's own...
Zoro: Oww.
Honestly! Are you folks really pirates? Don't you have a ship Doctor?
Luffy: A Doctor sounds good, too. He was over Zoro's head from a window.
Zoro: Luffy.
Luffy: But a musician comes first right Zoro, Stella?
Stella: Why that?
Luffy: Pirates sing, you two know?
Zoro: So why do they come first?
Luffy: Hey Doctor. Where Nami? She doesn't seem to be here.
Doctor! Nami, huh? If you can't find her around here then she's probably "there.
Nami was by Bellemere grave.
Nojiko: Nami? You're still here. Your friends have been looking for you know.
Nami: Say, Nojiko, Gen. If Bellemer we're still alive. Do you think she would stop me from being a pirate?
Gen: A pirate! Give me a break. Of course, she'll never let her precious daughter be a pirate!
Nojiko: She wouldn't stop you.
Gen: Nojiko!
Nojiko: Even if she did...would you listen to her?
Nami: Abousltly not!
Gen laughs
Nojiko: what with you Gen? You two are definitely Bellemere's kids all right. He walks away
Nami, you've already made up your mind, right? The ln love how you want! Just as your mother did! I'm sure that is what Bellemere wants too. It was night time and people were still partying
Zoro was drinking
Stella was just sitting next to him. Sanji came to them
Sanji: Whew, I'm stuffed. Sometimes it is nice to only eat. Are your wounds any better now, Zoro and Stella-san?
Zoro: That's nothing some food and drink fix it right up!
Sanji: yeah.
Zoro: But how long is this dumb party gonna last? It's the third day now.
Stella: What's wrong with that? When you want to celebrate you should go all out.
Sanji: I couldn't have said it better than myself Stella-san
Luffy comes to them holding five meats
Hey, Sanji! That mellon you just had! Was there something on it?
Sanji: What's with the meat in your hands? Sure was. It's raw Ham melon. So there was a raw ham on it.
Luffy: Raw ham melon? That sounds yummy! Where did you get it?
Sanji; Duno.. The whole village is a buffet party. So I dunno where I got it...
Zoro: He's long gone.
Sanji: He's been east in Non-Stop for three days straight! Now, then. I'm done eating. Now I think I'll... Pick up some girls he ran over to the girls.
Zoro looks at Stella
You okay
Stella: I'm fine why?
Zoro: You're related to Luffy I'm surprised you're not eating as much as he is.
Stella: I just don't do parties anymore.
Zoro: why not
Stella: It's nothing. You guys have fun. She walks away. Taking the booze with her.
After Stella was far enough Zoro then realized what she had taken and went after her
Usopp: I'm Captain Usopp...
Man: Way to go, kiddo
Usopp: Hero of love and courage
Woman: Can I have your autograph?
Usopp: who finished off the stronger Fishman boss? Here's an usopp support song! Who was it? Who beat the fishman?
Nojiko: Hmph. How boring.
Chobo: What is.
Nojiko: I thought you'd be more done in the dumps. Like, Why didn't this happen before my dad died?
Chobo: That's how I felt at first. But now I'm thinking about the future. We've been saved by that Staw Hat guy and his friends. But starting tomorrow, we have to start from scratch on our own. There's no way we can forget what's happened in the past, and I don't think we need to. But I think what's most important is what happened from now on! What we do know what things we need to do. We're the I'd who're gonna support the village now, so I decided to think that way instead!
Nojiko pulls his cheek. Cheeky kid.!
Chobo: owe! Why're pinching in me? I don't understand why. Nojiko let's go
And here I was hoping to harass you some more for good measure!
Chobo: You've harassed me plenty you dumb tattoo punk girl!
Nojkio looks at home and the laughs
Punk" will do just fine!
Nami ends up getting a different tattoo to replace Arlong's it's a Pinwheel and a Tangerine together to Represent Gen and Bellmere.
Gen and Luffy talked about Nami.
Now let's get to Stella and Zoro.
Zoro found Stella on a cliff.
Stella: Took you long enough
Zoro: I um got um lost on the way.
Stella: All I did was walk straight.
Zoro: Luffy told me otherwise.
Stall: Luffy is terrible with direction. Why did you listen to him
Zoro: I don't know.
Stella: Well if you want the booze you can take it.
Zoro: I did come for that. And to check on you. He walked over to her.
Stella: In the Captain, I don't need you coming to check on me that's my job.
Zoro:So what I want to know is why the hell you weren't having fun.
Stella: Because this is Luffy's moment, not mine he took one Arlong, not me.
Zoro: Yeah but you did take out his Two right hand Man
Stella: Sightly yells It doesn't matter. Zoro this is for Luffy and I'm happy for him why the hell do I need to celebrate?
Zoro: Because you did just as much as him. There is no reason not to celebrate.
Stella: There is a reason
Zoro: Yell And what's the damn reason.
Stella: Yell I haven't celebrated since I lost my brother.
Zoro was shocked.
Stella: I haven't celebrated my birthday for the past 14-16 years. She starts to cry. I miss him Zoro. That's why I'm on this journey with Luffy. I have other dreams than becoming queen with him. That's Fighting the 7 Warlords and finding my brother.
Zoro holds on to her.
Zoro: I'm sure you will find you're brother.
Stella: How do you know he could be anywhere in the world?
Zoro: Look you need to stop worrying about all that and-
He was stopped by Stella kissing him
A/n I'm do I sense a Ship going. You guys tell me.
Zoro had his eyes open for a few and then closed them as he held her neck.
Stella pulls away.
Stella: Thank you zoro.
Zoro: No problem. Just get some rest damnit. He had a sheet.
A/n don't ask.
And he laid her on him
Nami was in her house and she had her 100 million berries in the bag and left it for the village.
In the morning
Stella was gone.
Zoro went to the ship to help the crew pack...
Usopp helped Zoro hold a Crate.
This is the last of it.
Zoro: yeah
Usopp: Alright.
Luffy: Are you Finsied loading it all?
Sanji: Now, then. We have lots of previous ones now. We're good to go.
Usopp: We were only here a few days, but this island is full of memories, huh?
Luffy: Yeah.
Yoasku: We owe you a lot for everything you've done. We're gonna get back to our profession of bounty-hunting again!
Johnny: This is goodbye for now, but we look forward to the day we meet again somewhere!
Zoro: Take care!
Both: You guys, too!
Usopp: Well, we should get going, too!
Stella: Hey Hold on! What about Nami-san? Stella-san?
Zoro: Maybe they're not coming?
Sanji: why not? You! You made another pass at Nami-san again, didn't you and now you did Stella-san!
Zoro: Why would I do that?
Sanji: No, you definitely did!
Usopp: Oh, yeah she did achieve her goal but not Stella. Well Stella is the only other woman here so maybe she decided to stay sotu Nami for her happiness
Sanji: what about my happiness? I Nami-san and Stella-san aren't on this boat, then 98.72% of my random for being on the boat is gone!
Luffy; Hey, you I couldn't find the raw h melon anywhere!
Gen: What do you mean she's leaving all the money behind? 100 million berries?
Nojiko: She left it in our house, along with a letter.
Doctor: She planning to bounty without her money? But she's the one end risked her life to earn it!
Nojiko: She says it's okay because she'll just steal some more. Once that girl says something there is no changing her mind.
Gen: That fool! We're the ones who still haven't thanked her enough!
Nami and Stella walked forward
All: Nami-san Stella-san!
Stella: Get the ships moving! Are you ready for this?
Nmai: I was born ready.
They both start to run.
Usopp: Huh? They started sprinting!
Luffy: Stella said to get the ship moving
Usopp: But
Gen: Are they planning to leave without letting us say thanks or goodbye
Luffy: Set sails
Zoro lifts the Ancor
Man: wait we still need to thank you.
Sanji: Hey, is it okay to let them leave like this?
Luffy: Why not it's their decision
Nami went left while Stella went Right of dodging the people.
Nojiko: Nami.
Stella held onto Nami as they both jumped into the boat.
They made it.
The Ship went further into the sea.
Stella and Nami lifted their Shirt to reveal all the people's wallets and small purses.
The people went to check their pockets. To find it all empty.
Gen: they didn't.
Nami: Take care, everyone!
Stella: Thanks for all the berries
All: You damn brats!
Usopp: She hasn't changed at all
Zoro: She even had Stell help her
Sanji: Nami-san stella-san! Good!
The crew set sail as the people watched them go on.

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