Episode 100/101

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100 was A backstory about Vivi and Zoza one of Vivi's best friends who is now the Rebel Amry leader and they are going to the city Yuba the same city that The king gave him and his father Todo. They had a group called the Sand-sand Clan and they vowed to protect Vivi always even when she was almost taken away for Randsme and all of that. Go watch it to see it yourself.
Now they are going to Yuba to stop Koza. And his army.
There was a man on a rock. With an Ostrich that woke him up.
Man: What is it, Popo? He pointed out there. Smoke. He used his telescope to see the smoke. It was Luffy and Stella's crew. He saw Ace.
Is that--? The tattoo on his back... No question about it! Fire Fist Ace! He finally showed up! Portags D. Ace! How I've been longing for this day!
Usoop: This is all the breakfast we get?
Luffy: Second!
Sanji kicks the both of them.
Sanji: Don't act wasteful! You've had enough calories! Luffy takes some of Zoro's food!
Zoro: Hey! Luffy! Why, you--! Keep your hands off other food!? Usopp kept kicking Sanji
Usopp: C'mon! Gimme food. Sanji kicked him making him fall
Luffy: Don't sweat it!
Sanji: There isn't anymore!
Vi: Why does this happen at every meal?
Nami: Don't make eye contact.
Vi: Look! Ace-san And Stella-sama are cleaning their forks after their meal!
Nami: Yeah! They're completely different...
Zoro: Damn you! Give it back!
Luffy: No. Zoro was stretching Luffy's mouth.
Nami: From their incompetent little brother. But you'd never guess from Ace and Stella's Well-mannered personalities. That he has an immense bounty on his head.
Vi: Ace-san has a bounty.
Nami: I hear it such a large amount that bounty hunters around the world drool at the thought is it? Fire Fist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates... Pirates the world over feat the mere mention of that name.
Vi:Which means this Blackbeard pirate Ace-san is seriously chasing. Must really be something too...
Nami: Blackbeard... The traitor who killed his own crewmate... It like like Ace is going to keep chasing as long as it takes.
Stella: You okay
Ace: Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?
Stella: You seem a little down and as your big sister I care deeply about you.
Ace: Thanks but I'll be alright
Stella: Almost 19 years of looking for you. I thought you'd be happier to see me.
Ace: I am.
Stella: If anything is up you always have me to talk to you know right?
Ace: Always. He leaned his head in his shoulders.
Stella: My Baby Brother
Man: Fire Fist Ace! I'll stay if with a little gift from me! He had a Baozoka
No, I ain't gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna blow up that rock you're sitting on first along with the girl. He lit up the Bsozoka the smell got to the Oatrich and sneezed on it. Making it go out
I have my pride! do my aim is to capture you alive! Laughs.
Nami: Okay! Let's get going! Today--
Zoro and Luffybwere still fighting
Knock it... Off! She smacks them.
Boy: Here we go!?
Nami: Now hurry and clean up! They're leaving for Yuba! The meat started to fly
Luffy: Wow! Awesome!
Boy: Oh no! They saw us!
Boy 2: Hurry, big brother!
Luffy: This meat can talk.
Nami: What? What're you talking about Luffy?
Luffy: Oh! The meat! The meat's running away! Wait meat!
Name: Luffy! He ran after the meat
There were two little boys with a fishing rod.
Get back here, meat! Which way? This way?!
Boy: We did it, big brother! They are the meat
Boy: Is it good, Chip? It's our first food in 10 days! Eat it slowly!
Chip: I can't believe we get meat! Here, big brother!
Boy: Yeah, as never even had any in the Badlands!
Stella: Oh? You're from the Badlands?
Ace: From the rustic nowheresville?
They looked up to see the two
Boy: Who're you?
Chip:You can't have the food back!
The boy held out a gun.
Move and you two are dead.
Ace: I'm generally not fond of dangerous things, but...
Chip: Big brother! Have you shit for reals before? Will it really shoot bullets
Boy: Hell if I know! Hold on! I'm gonna-! He shot the gun
Chip: Stop. He went to stop his brother The gun went to Stella.
As it went to her Stella caught it with her teeth just in time and spit it back out.
Boy: What happens
A/n Stella has strong Teeth that's why. I mean did you forget when she broke the knife thrown at her by Buggy yeah. Is it because of her devil fruit who knows? I mean she never uses it.
Stella: Play your dangerous games in moderation.
Ace: Good little boys should brush their teeth before sleepy-bye.
Boy: She used her teeth to stop it.
Chip: I've never seen anyone so strong before!
Usopp: Who're they?
Boy: I have a favor to ask! There is someone I ask you guys to find a catch. If you catch him, I'll pat you a million berries!
Name: A Million Berries.
Boy: I can't pat right away, but I will pay it when I grow up! Please! Fine this man! He had a picture of the same guy they went to take out Acem
Scorpion: Scorpion-sama's ultimate weapon! One hit from this will demolish that entire rock! Then, while Ace is buried under the rubble, I'll capture him alive! Okay! Light'er up, popo
Popo ate the string.
Lufffy: Darn it! It's meat, but it ran away I'll make it pay!
The man chased the bird. And they end up dropping the weapon. The ball drops out as he tries to catch it.
Hey, boy! Run! If that blows up, it'll take half of Alabasta with it!
No! It'll blow the Grand Like to the moon! He covered his head. Hey boy.
Luffy: Yeah. He was on the rock
Scor: What happens to the bomb?
Luffy: This. Held it. He backed away screaming no
You're funny, old guy! Laughs
Scor: Hey, boy! Quit laughing and help me up! Luffy helps him up.
Where? Where is he? Where'd he go? I can't afford to be playing around at a time like this! Popo! We're heading out to where he was!
Stella looked at the pictures.
Boy: by northwest and I've followed him here from the Badlands.
Usopp: So, who is he?
Chip: Scorpion. A bounty hunter.
Nami: A Bounty Hunter? Hey, are you guys chasing a bounty hunter?
Boy: Well...
Ace:I have business with him, too. A man in Yuba defeated Blackbeard His name was Scorpion. My reason for going to Yuna this to meet him mm
All: Eh? He defeated Blackbeard!
Usopp: This guy did?
Luffy and Scorpion were on Popo.
So we're are going, old guy?
Scorpion: You're a very lucky boy! You get to witness me, the world's greater upcoming bounty hunter, locked in battle!
Luffy: your a bounty hunter, old guy?
Scorpion: Don't be scared when I say that I've been It may be a heart-pounding adventure! I've fought epic battles with everyone from Double Narrel Danny to Hellbattler Luther and they always begged me for their lives!
Luffy: Wow! For reals?
Scorpion: No, but someday it will be!
Luffy: Oh, someday!
They laugh
Scorpion: In any case, I'm going best Fire Fist Ace! Everyone else but him would be a cinch!
Lefty: You wanna beat Ace up, old guy?! That's funny!
Scorpion: Hey, now! Don't move me, boy! When I do something, I don't kid around! .yes! Men live for big ambitions! I have to show them that!
Luffy: Huh? Show who?
Scorpion: Here come Scorpion, the gallant man!
Usopp: I dunno, Ace. Did this Scorpion guy really beat Blackbeard?
Ace: I'm not sure. The only way to find out is to meet him.
Chip: Ace? You don't mean the real.
Both: Fire Fist Ace? See all stand-up.
Ace: What is it, Stella?
Stella: Two people. And a bird?
Chopper nose wiggles.
Nmai: What is it?
Chopper: They're coming
Scorpion: There you are, Fire Fist Ace! I'm Scorpion! The indomitable hero! I've come from afar to challenge you! Let's fight, fair and square!
Vi: That's Scorpion?
Luffy: Heya! Are you all here?
All: Luffy!
Sanji: What are you doing there?
Scorpion: Mind it's really him... This is Fire Fist Ace?
Luffy: What's wrong, old guy?
Scorpion: So sorry! Your luck's run out! Your heroic aga that told the sea ends today!
Boy: Don't be stupid! He is the real one!
Luffy: This is so exciting! Ace, it's a serious fight! Don't pull any punches!
Ace: I want planning to But there's something I want to ask him, too move aside, Luffy!
Scorpion: Mind. What's wrong with me? Don't wimp out now! This is nothing? I'm invulnerable! I won't die! Not as long as they're waiting for me! Here I come, Fire Fist Ace! He went down with Popo.
Ace jumped from the rock
He took out a weapon. Take this! There was a net
Ace burned it off him it landed back on Scorpion.
Owa! Hot! Hot!
Usopp: He sent that metal net flying back!
Scorpion: it would not be fun if we're that way to stop Fire Fist Ace!
Ace: Oh? You seem to have some skills.
Scorpion: Our hellish battle is just getting started! Popo! Compresses Extinguisher Gun! Popo cane with it. A compressed air gun filled with an extinguisher foam!
Zoro: What? Extinguisher?
Scorpion ran at him I'm gnn uses this to film you full of compressed extinguisher foam!
Stella: That is not comfortable at all.
He shot water at Ace but Ace dodged it ran to him and punched him.
Usopp: Sorry, but you never had a chance
Ace: I expected as much. You lied about beating Blackbeard, didn't you?
You figured using his name would get me to show up. Am I right?
Scorpion: That's right. Not too shabby of a plan huh? We've fought on even terms this far. Now I'm going to get serious!
Boy: No more! That's enough, Dad!
Luffy: Dad?
Scorpion: Dad? The boys went down to him
Dip! Chip?
Both: Dad!?
Dip: Stop! You don't stand a chance against Fire Fist Ace!
Scorpion: What are you two doing here? When did you leave the Badlands?
They were farmers before bearly living but they got threw. The boy never believed in dreaming so Their father wanted to prove to them if they worked hard in life they could their dreams come true. So he went after Ace to prove to them that he didn't give up his dream for them and the bits don't have to either.
The boys believed in the end. And understood what he did for them. They made him stop fighting Ace.
The three of them hugged but he dropped the weapon which made the Ball come out and explode on the rock and maybe some pieces came down
Luffy: Gum-Gim
Ace: I got this Fire fist he burned the rock and moved them over.
Dip: Dad! Dad!
Chip: Dad!
Ace: You all right?
Chip: Ace...
Dip: Dad protected us!
Luffy: Hey, old guy. Did you die?
Scorpion: Don't be stupid. As if I could really die and leave my adorable sins behind... Scorpion-sama is invulnerable! His boys hugged him
Thank you for coming to get this Lowly father of yours... Let's go home. To the Badlands!
Ace: Well, then...
Chopper: Are you really leaving, Ace?
Ace: Yeah seeing as Blackbeard isn't in Alabasta, I have no reason to be here.
Sanji: Where will you do next?
Ace: Acorpion says there's a man who saw him on the west. Guess I'll check it out. Stella. He throws her a paper. Always hand to the that.
Stella: Huh! It's just a scrap of paper.
Ace: That scrap of paper will bring you Luffy and Ma together again sometime.
Luffy: Yeah?
Ace: You guys don't want it?
Stella: After 19 years of looking for you. I'll keep it.
Ace: It's natural for a big brother to worry about his Bungling Kid brother and A young Bro to care for his caring Older Sister. They might be a bit much for you to handle but take good care of them.
Stella: I'm not that much to handle.
Ace: Luffy! Stella! When we next meet, we'll all be too pirates!
Luffy: Yeah!
Stella: And I'll be on top of both of you of course. She gave Ace a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
I love you.
Ace: Love you too
Chip: Hey!
Luffy: Hey!
They waved bye.
They look to ss Ace gone.
Zoro: Well, he's gone.
Sanji: Fire Fist Ace, Huh?
Stella: We'll see him again! I'm sure of it!

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