Episode 8

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Buggy told him everything.
A/n You want to find out what happens in the episode yourselves.
Luffy: So Shanks Saved you?
Buggy: That's not what I'm trying to say because of him my plan in life was suddenly delayed 10 years! And then I had a Revelation! If underwater's no good I'll obtain the treasure on land! Using the Chop-Chop power. That's why I won't let anyone who touches my treasure live! Let's go...of my treasurer He has half of his body in the air. He went to attack Nami.
Nami: Crap! He spotted me!
Buggy: Don't think you can escape me, Nami! I'm going to flash chop up! He stopped right before he got to Nami.
Luffy kicked him between the legs.
Buggy: My balls...balls...
Luffy: You're still dealing with me!
The people were worried about their mayor.
Luffy: Hey! Leave that treasure and get out of here! He'll come after you again!
Nmai: No! Leave the treasure and go? Not! Why should I have to leave my own treasure behind?
Buggy: Your treasure?
Nami: Duh! I'm a thief who steals from pirates, and I just stole from one! Which means this treasure is mine now!
Luffy: Ah, I see!
Buggy: Nonsense! That's my treasure! Do you think stewling it makes it yours?! Honestly! What kind of upbringing did you have?
Nami: A criminal, trying to lecture another criminal? Ridiculous! I have fallen so low that I need to be corrected by a pirate!
Buggy: I hope you're ready to face the consequences, Nami... Chop-Chop... Festival! He spits every part of his body apart.
Just try and help your friend if you can, Gum-Gum!
Luffy: Damn, he broke into even more parts! He sees his shoes.
Buggy: Nami! Give me back my treasure!
Luffy takes out his feet and starts to tickle it.
Geez, you're stubborn! He then smashes it.
Buggy: Knock it off
Nami: No, you knock it off! She uses the treasure to hit him.
Buggy: Tanks for the transfer back!
Nami: Let go! That's mine! Let's go. This is my treasure!
Buggy went to stab her.
Luffy: I good you... you're dealing with me! He kicks him
The transfer bag ripped.
Consider that finishing move a kick from the old mayor guy!
Nami: Thank you, I owe you one...
Luffy: Yeah, no problem! Oh yeah! The map
Nami: Ny treasure--!
Buggy: This isn't over yet, Gim-Gum!
Luffy: He's still alive!
Buggy: How dare you flashily do this to me! You'll pay for this
Nami runs away. Assemble! Chop-chop parts!
He only had his head shows and hands.
Nami: Looking for these?
Buggy: My parts!
Luffy: Way to go, thief! Luffy stretches his hand back with words.
Buggy: Stop!
Luffy: Go flying, Buggy! Gum-Gum...Bazooka! Puffy throws him into the air.
I win! Laughs.
Luffy picks up his hat.
Nami: It's all from up now...
Luffy: Well, that's okay! I can still put it on, plus I sent Buggy flying, so I'm satisfied.
Nami: It's all right. I'll fix it for you later.
Luffy: Eh? What?
Nami: Nothing! Hey always ways, I can split it into two bags, so very half of it! It is too heavy for me!
Luffy: There are a lot!
Nami: If anything, Buggy does know quality treasure when he sees it! All this should go no less than 10 million berries! She looks at him. Here you go. It's the chart of the Grand Line. Didn't you want it?
Luffy: You're giving it to me?!
Nami: You did save me.
Luffy: Thanks, Nmai! I finally got a map of the Grand Lien! Hurray! Oh does that mean you'll join our crew now?
Nami: I told you I'm never going to join a pirate crew! But okay! Staying you guys seems profitable enough. But I'm only teaming up with you just so you know! Always remember that!
Luffy: Yeah luffy goes to Zoro & Stella.
Luffy: Hey! Zoro! Stella! Wake up! Zoro! Stella! We're going. He has his head.
Stella: Fine we're up.
Zoro gets up.
Zoro: Did we take care of everything?
Luffy: Yeah! We also got the map and a navigator! while you got to sleep with Stella.
Zoro looks up to see Stella.
Zoro had a little tint of red on his face. He then looks at Nami.
Zoro: No good...out of blood...I don't think I can walk...
Nami: of course you can't you wouldn't be human if you could walk!
Luffy: why am I included?
Nami: You're the most suspicious of all! Anyways, we don't have the mayor.
Stella: I can carry you zoro if you can't walk.
Zoro: Thanks.
Luffy: Oh yeah! We gotta wake the old mayor guy now...
Man: You there. Are you an outsider?
Luffy: Yeah... Who are you?
Man: We're this town's citizens! Did the pirate have a falling out or something?! If you know anything tell us!
Mani: Oh, it's just the citizens! I thought they wrecked off the pirates...
Man 2: Ok, Mayor! Oh no! Say something! Hey! Mayor!
Woman: he's out cold! The pirates definitely did this!
Man: How horrible!
Luffy: Sorry! My friend Stella kicked that old man's Ass!
They all look at him.
Stella: Hold on! They didn't need to know that!
Luffy: You did.
Stella: Yeah but I had a reason.
The town people were in front of them
Man; Why did you guys do this to our mayor?
Man 2: Don't give us your excuses!
Man 3: Who are you? Are you with those pirates?
Nmai:Mind they're really bloodthirsty...if we accidentally say we're thieves or pirates.
Stella: Mind. They would be able to fight for anything.
Luffy: We're pirates!
Everyone looks at Luffy.
All: Just as we thought!
Zoro laughs
Both: You idiot!
Luffy: it's the truth!
Man: Pirates! How dare you ravage our town? We won't show you mercy just cause you're kids!
Luffy walks to Zoro
Zoro: What now? Doesn't look like they'll heat us out...
Luffy smiles at them
Stella then picks up Zoro
Luffy: Run!.
Man: There is no escape! How dare you hurt our beloved mayor.
One of the men stayed with the mayor.
Nami: Ugh! Why did you make things worse?
Luffy: This is a good town! Everyone is so mad just for the old mayor guy! I think they'd get mad at any excuse we give! We're turning here!
Man: They ran into the alley!
The four of them jumped over Chouchou!
Nami: Chouchou
Luffy: Dog!
The people when to turn to get them but Chouchou barks at them.
Stella: Good Dogy.
Luffy: Later, dog.
Nami: That was scary! We managed to escape thanks to Chouchou! Why do we have to put up with this?
Luffy: Does it matter now? We're done here anyway...
Nami: maybe so, but... Hey, is this your boat?!
Luffy: it's great!
Nami: I don't think it's so great. Stole it from for. I don't pirates.
Man: That's a big mouth ya got!
The three men got up
Been waiting for Ya, a thief girl!
Man 2: Never thought you'd run to us here, did you?
Luffy: You know them?
Nmaj: yeah...sort of!
The man goes to Stella & Zoro
Man: Not sort of! We're bound by fate! So you had friends, huh? Guess we hafta punish you, too! You are gonna learn how bad it is to steal other people's stuff! Hey you! Quit ignoring me! He hits Zoro's head.
Zoro looks up.
They all screamed.
The Mayor woke up and ran to the dicks and thanked them.
Luffy: Don't worry about it! Take it easy!
Mayor: I have no words... The mayor sees a bag.
Nami: What? Did you leave one of the treasure bags?
Luffy: Yeah.
Nmai: Just one if with 5 million Berries, you know!
Luffy: But they need money to fix their destroyed town, right?
Nmai: That was my treasure! Do you know how much suffer trying to steal it? She then dumped his head in the water. Why did you do that?
Luffy: Stop! I can't swim!
Nami: That's the whole idea!
Luffy: If you want it, go back and get it then!
Nami: I can't do that! You go get it!
Luffy: No! What, that's dangerous I could die, you know!
Nami: Die once!
Stella & Zoro were laughing.
Zoro had his arm around Stella.
Stella blushed.
Nami: Do that again and I really will throw you into the ocean!
Zoro: Well, for better or worse, looks like a navigator's joined our journey.
Stella: let's hope it lasts.

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