Navanroe Saga ends.Episode 206

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Luffy: Guys! I can't wait to get outta here, can you?
Zoro: Well our navigator doesn't feel the same way.
Sanji:Nami's not happy. You okay, Nami something's wrong?
Usopp: Crap, I sure don't like the sound of that
Bell ringing.
Chopper: Look! The marine Warship! And they're headed right for us!
The Marines put their sails up
Hey, wait! It looks like they're stopping!
Nami: They dropped their anchors?
Zoro: I guess they gave up.
Robin: It seems so.
Usopp: Of course they did! They must've come to their sense! They'll never catch us! [Laughing].
Robin: Why aren't they firing on us at least?
Usopp: Oh, no. Have they set another trap?
Nami: That's what's worrying me. I don't know.
Sanji: Man, Nmai's even beautiful when she's worried.
Drake: Commander. The time has finally come, sir.
Jon: Right. Just maintain your position.
Shep: Maintain? That's Drake, isn't it? Then order him to pursue those pirates this instant! They can't just drop anchor and sit there like lumps!
Jon: There's a reason why they dropped anchor where they did, Mejor. The time is now 9 PM.
Shep: Yeah, so?
Jon: The fans of Navarone's water would devore them.
Shep: What are you talking about?
Stella: What's that sound?;
Chopper: It sounds kinda like a river flowing.
Luffy: There's a river on this island? I didn't notice it when we were walking around.
Robin: This should shed some light.
[Nami gasps]
Sanji: Nami, what do you see?
Usopp: The rudder isn't working!
Nami: The tide. It's rushing out taking all of the water. It's too late! We're reapped!
Shep: Devoured by the water's fang eh?
Jon: They can have the best navigator in the world onboard and it wouldn't matter. Anyone ona ship in that part of the bay at this time of the day gets caught in the net. Like I said with a little patience, you can hook the wiliest fish.
Nami: Yeah. I knew it!
Usopp: Why are you patting yourself on the back?
Sanji kicks him.
Nami: I knew there had to be a reason why the Marines would use a shallow bay full of reefs as a port. I wonder that the first time we tried to escape.
Now I have the answer. This is a shallow bay but they can let more water in regulate its depth with the sea Gate. However, they can also use it to let water out at low tide when they need to. For instance to stop a fleeing ship. Which makes trying to escape a low tide impossible!
Robin: Oh, so that explains why no ships can enter or leave the base during certain times of the day.
Sanji: Nice work. I'll say! You're a genius, Nami!
Usopp hits himm
Zoro: so what do we do?
Luffy: Duh! We head for the Sea Gate!
All: we can't stupid!
Luffy: Full speed ahead! Yeah!
All: Didn't you hear us?
The Merry tips over.
Nami: Ah! Oh, no! We're running aground!
Usopp: The ship can't take this kind of abuse! He went to the bottom.
Oh man, this doesn't look good. Somebody help me! Quick! He was trying to stop the water from coming in.
Chopper: Oh no! Water!
Sanji: That hole's huge!
Zoro: You think we can plug it up?
Chopper: Yes a plug. That's what we need or we're gonna sink!
Sanji: Hey wait the water is draining.
Luffy: Somebody helps! I'm drowning!
The four of them looked at Luffy on land.
Usopp: With all the water gone, there's no way we can sail!
Sanji: And that means.
Zoro: we can't sail outta this place either!
Nami: We're trapped we played right into their hands.
Luffy: Help! I can't swim! Hey over here! Somebody throw me a line
Sanji: I'm really getting sick of these traps.
Zoro: I say. So do we ditch the ship and run?
Luffy looks up to see no water.
Sanji: We could make a stand here.
Usopp: No we can't when the tide rolls back this ship's goon sink! The gold to we need a plan here!
Luffy: I got a plan! Gimme some food first! If you can't save one of your captains from drowning, you should at least make him some dinner!
Four: Growl
Usopp: Wait. An impact Dial! Oh, this could help us.
Robin; On the bright side the water's low we don't have to worry about the ship sinking until the next high tide.
Nmai: That's true, but we can't escape either.
Luffy: since we can't do anything else, let's eat.
Nami: We've got more to worry about than your stomach! Look
There were lights and Cannons on them
Mar D: It's them.
Jon: Attention, Straw Hat Luffy. Bandana Scarf Stella and your fellow crewmates!
Kobato: Uh! Dad! You shouldn't be out there in your condition! You're still sick!
Mec: Hush up! I'm fine! Besides, I told you I was feeling better. For his sake that long nose better not've ruined that beautiful ship! If he did, I'm gonna go kick his butt!
Kobato: Mr. Deer!
Jon: All of you have fought valiantly against one of the Marines greets fortresses, and for that, I salute you. You may be the enemy, but You've impressed me greatly. However, it's time we end this game. This is checkmate. You've got nowhere to run and you're surrounded, so don't even think about trying to escape. You put up a good fight, but accept it, you've been beaten. Now listen. Surrender, and as a commander of this fortress, you have my Word that you and your crew will be treated with the utmost respect. Give up quietly and I'll even make you a deal
Nami: Luffy! Stella!
Jon: You and Roronoa Zoro and Stella are the only Straw Hats with bounties on your head, so I have no choice but to hand you over to headquarters. However, I promise to let the rest of your crew go free. But if you attempt another escape, I'll get mad.
Shep: Take them!
Jon: In case you've forgotten I'm the commander. You're a visiting inspector. Be quiet and inspect.
Shpe: Mind. At this rate, the only thing I've accomplished is to get in the way of this old badger! I came here to shut him and his fortress down, but if he catches Straw Hats...
Excuse me for a moment.
Jon: Heh.
Usopp: Hey guys. I think I've got the answer to our predicament, and It's right in my hand! Ta-da! This impact Dial! While escaping from the fortress I kept using it to absorb impacts when those troopers tried to stop us! There's so much inside, I bet we could blast the Merry Out of here with it.
Chopper: Oh
Nami: Supper and if it could just get us over the cliffs, then we could reach open water.
Sanji: Yeah, but one of the frying pan and into the fire. With that big hole, we'd sink right away.
Robin: What if we could make that octopus balloon fly again?
Zoro: Hey, that's a good idea!
Nami: Yeah, we could use The Flame and Breath Dials to re-inflate it!
Chopper: It would have more hot air than Luffy!
[All laughs][All groan]
You guys can skip this part I switch out Luffy for Stella having the Octopus in her pants. It was difficult to write this simple part. But I mean they all saw her naked so.
Usopp: Too bad we lost it.
Chpper: Uh-uh
Nami: I'll say.
Sanji: Where did it do
Robin: The Octopuses?
Zoro: Yeah.
Stella: I have it
Usopp: Stella has it.
Chopper: She does
Nami: That's what she said.
Sanji: Who has it?
Robin: Stella
Zoro: She has it
Luffy: Yeah she sure does.
Others: What? Where,
Stella goes in her pants and takes the octopus.
Nami: Do you mind telling us why that thing was in your pants?
Stella: Well helped us out when we fell from the sky, and I couldn't trust Luffy to hold him. He would have asked Samji to cook him.
Usopp: Wasn't that gross
Stella: Not really. It's not the first time something was in my pants before
Sanji: The octopus must have been so lucky.
Chopper: What does Sanji mean? Zoro
Zoro: Absolutely nothing.
Robin: It seems that your life was interesting growing up.
Stella: I mean I do have 4 brothers so life was interesting.
Robin: Now that he's back. We should inflate the Octopus again. Heh. Right, Long Nose?
Usopp: Sure. Now if I could just find my Flame Dial. Somehow, it's gone missing.
Luffy: I was playing with it in the Kitchen. It's spiffy. He used it on him
Usopp: Stop it! Or I'll give you a taste of this impact Dial! Speaking of which who's gonna fire it?
Everyone looked at Usopp.
[All chuckling]
Usopp: What gives?
Luffy:Who does that impact Dial belong to?
Zoro: It's Usopp
Robin: Right long nose
Sanji:Then it's only fair we let the ower do it
Nami: You're the best, Usopp.
Chopper: Good luck, Usop!
Stella: Caption Usopp to the rescue as always.
Zoro: Hey, don't worry, old buddy. We'll give you a hand.
Luffy: It's decided then!
Usopp: No!
Jon: Sergent! Prepare to open fire!
Serg: Prepare to fire!
Marines: In position, sir! Give the order!
Chopper: Hey, all set up here!
Nami: Roger! Everything's ready! It's all up to you guys now!
The guys were on with Usopp.
Usopp: No! I don't wanna do it! Using this thing's gonna hurt like crazy!
Sanji: Three!
Jon was going to order his man to fire
Shep: If anyone's going to take you Straw Hats down, it's going to me! Headquarters will probably give me a medal and a promotion for crushing the lot of you.
All: And lift off!
The ship whet up
The boys were pushed back.
Jon: They can fly!
[All gasping]
Mec: I knew it!
[Both gasp]
Shep: What the---? No, it's not possible!
Luffy: Hmmm. I don't know how to put this, but--
Chopper: Robin! Hurry! Now
Stella: well. Let's do it.
Robin: Cien Fleurs! She has her hand holding each of the tentacles of the Octopus from under the boat.
Nami used the air dial.
Luffy: We're still falling!
Stella: Luffy! The flame Dial!
Luffy: Gotcha! Inflate!
The octopus blew up bigger
Chopper: Go Higher!
Zoro: Come on, Usopp. We need you to do one more.
Usopp: No, please. Not that anything but that.
Sanji: Tell ya what do this and I'll make you something special for dinner something, okay?
Usopp: But I won't be alive to eat it!
Stella: Come on! Please fly, please fly! Come on, fly!
Luffy: we said fly, so do it now!
Chopper: You can do it!
Zoro: Oh crap
Sanji: Water's flowing in!
Usopp: All right! I guess Usopp will take one for the team. Support my shoulders and arms again, Kay
Sanji: Attaboy.
Usopp: Just gotta think of the Going Merry's pain as my pain!
Chopper: Now Fly!
The Octupus get bigger
All: Impact!
Mar G: Ah! A giant Octupus!
Jon: I told you not to try anything. You leave me no choice then. Sergeany, the minute they're in range, you may open fire.
But target the balloon not the Ship. I want them taken alive.
Serg: Easier said than done.
Fire a warning shot. If they don't syop. Aim the second shot for the balloon understood?
Mar f: Yes, sir!
Shep: Oh, no. I won't let you get away that easy, Straw Hats! He aims at Luffy and Stella
Serg: Steady. Remember, the first one's just a warning shot.
Shep: Say, goodbye! He shoots only to hit the cannons.
Jon: Should'a know. He interfered. He just can't resist.
The crew made it out.
Shinpachi: The cooks. They're gone.
Kobato: They can really fly. Amazing.
Mec:Now do you finally believe me? They did fall from the sky!
Luffy: Whoa! Would you look at the size of this place?
Chopper: I thought it looked big on the inside!
Luffy: Well, so long old fortress Guy!
Sanji: Adieu, Jessica
Usopp: Um, guys,not complain or anything, but why aren't they shooting at us?
Robin: that base was designed to repeal an attack by sea. It's cannons can't target this high.
Jon told jessica that all he was happy that his team was working together
And thats it doesn't matter that they got away because it was Shepheard's fault so they would still have a job. And Jessica ended up Punching Shephead in the they had a good laugh.

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