Episode 141

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Henzo wakes up. Breathing heavy. I was dreaming
Robin: You're concerned about your friends?  You were calling out their games in your sleep.
Henzo: These last 50 years have been a big waste. I spent all that time researching the rainbow mist only to find Nui and the others the way they were back then. And look at me now. What was it all for?
He got a drink of water.
Robin: It wasn't a complete water. You did get to see all your old friends again.
Henzo: I'm not so sure... The boat starts to rock. Is the ship moving?
Robin: Yeah, but it shouldn't be.
Luffy: Onword. Full speed ahead!
Zoro: Hey, Luffy, are you sure we're moving forward?
Luffy: Yeah! Straight ahead
Henzo: Where on earth are you headed?
Luffy; We're going out of the mist
Henzo: Don't be ridiculous. Once you enter into Ape's concert, there is no leaving it. It's a fiendish region of the sea.
Usopp: Hey, didn't we see that ship a little while ago?
Luffy: Don't let it bother you. Some ships look like everywhere you go.
Robin: No, this ship ran around in the very first place we dropped anchor. I remember seeing the goddess on the bow.
Usopp: Does that mean we've come back to where we started from?
Zoro: This is why I asked if you were sure were going forward! 
Luffy: I've been watching! We've been going straight.
Zoro: How can you see which way straight in this mist?
Stella: He can't.
Robin: Seis Fleurs! She had her hand on the cannon and shot it forward. The cannon came back to them on the side of them.
Zoro and Usopp got wet.
Zoro: What was that for?
Usopp: We shot forward but it landed right behind us!
Robin: As I thought.
Henzo The fabric of space is distorted.
Zoro: What do you mean?
Robin: I remember something written in the book.  The inside of the rainbow mist has twisted around itself like a maze.
Luffy: Gum-Gum...
Usopp: Hold on! No, Luffy!
Too late.
Henzo: He won't necessarily return to the same location
Luffy landed behind them and hit the sails
Luffy: It's a mystery mist! No matter which way you go, you end up where you started.
Both: Yeah, that's it, a mystery mist.
Henzo: Are you sure you understand?
Zoro: well, we get the part about not being able to get out of here.
Luffy: We don't have to get out. It's fun in here!
Both: Yes, we do! Usopp and Zoro hit Luffy!
Robin: Let's join up with Rapa Nui and the others.
Zoro: With these kids?
Robin: The best way to get ourselves put in Ape's concert is to convert the ones whose territory this is, right?
Usopp: That makes sense, but where are they?
Robin: Ask that boy over there
Boy: How did she find me?
Robin: It's no use in hiding. Uno Fleur. She has a hand to push him out of the hiding spot.
Would you be a dear and take you to wherever your leader is?
Rango and Akibio were down in the cell where they had the man that was with them
Man: Impossible! Henzo came back and he's an old man, you say?  What sort of joke is that?
Rongo: It's no joke.
Akibio: He fell into the sea to save us, and we haven't seen him since.  He's alive in the outside world.
Rongo: Hozon said he's been looking for a way to bring us back. He also said 50 years have passed since he came here.
Man: Fifty years? That's absurd. are you sure that the old man isn't playing a trick on you?
Rongo: Why would he play a trick on us?
Man: I wouldn't know why.
Akibio: Bit if what Henzo said is true, I wonder what happened to the town of Luluka.
Rongo: Mom, Dad...
Man: There's no use in worrying about it. You'll know if it is true or not once you go back and see for yourself.
Akibio: You know of a way to get back?
Man: Of course I do. I'm the raiding captain of the Wetton Pirates, Sir Lan
Rongo: Tell us the way to get back to the town of Luluka!
Man: Sure! Just bring the key!  If you let me out of here, I'll take charge of you and retire you to your homes.
Rongo: Okay...
Isoka: Rongo! Akibi!  Don't let him fool you.  She comes downstairs. Ian just won't to get out of there. Saying that he knows a way to the outside world is just a ruse.
Rongo: What? A ruse?
Man: You sure a tough one, Isoka.
Isoka: I haven't forgotten all those times you mistreated us.
She tells them how he used their hand and foot for everything that he wanted and treated them horribly and then a monster came and he almost had Rongo killed but Rapa was able to save him the only reason why it came was because of all the food they came him and they lost the ship seeing how the monster followed it out and they decided to make Rapa their leader and not him. End of flashback.
We're all fed up with you, ways shooting your mouth off and only thinking about yourself!
Man: You can heat me all you want, but what if I really do know a way out of here?
Isoka: I'll never trust you!
Man: Go ahead, try me. See if I'm lying. Aren't you at least a little concerned about what happens to Luluka? All we have to do is take the treasure out of Ape's concert and we won't have to lift a finger never again!  We don't have to live as pirates here in this hazy mist. Well? Come with me back to the outside world.
Isoka: Our only true leaders Rapa Nui. None of us are going to follow you.
Man: I can see you're a tough one to win over. Well, take your time and think it over, look
A bell went off she went to see what's happened
What's going on?
Rapa: There's a ship coming all hands prepare for combat! Florist our defenses!  How did they know where we are? He looked through binoculars
Is that? Pukau
Luffy: That ship is so cool
Robin: That's a wrecked warship, right?
Pukau: Yeah. But right now, it's our hideout.
Rapa came down. You cowards! How dare you hold Pukau? He took out this sword
Luffy: What are you talking about? He was hanging upside down from the sheep's head
Rapa: No more talk! He went to swipe at him but Luffy dodged him.
Release Pukau!
Luffy looked at Him.
Man: Mayor! It's the Talislisin
Mayor: My dear old ship
Lake: But, Grandpa, why is this ship coming home now?
Mayor: Hits him I told you to call me "mayor"!  Look there. Fifty years ago, my ship disappeared inside that mist. Since the ship has returned, it means the doorway to Apr's Concert has been opened.
Nami: In other words, it's now or never if we want to get the treasure inside there, right?
Mayor: That's right. But how do you know that?
Nami: Well, you're grandson there told me so.
He kicks him. You bonehead. And after everything I said about the treasure being a secret!
Lake: I'm sorry, Grandpa... I mean mayor.
Nmai: It sure must be trouble having dimwitted family members.
Mayor: Ain't that the truth? And why are you acting sympathetic towards me?  For whatever reason, now that you know the secret of Ape's concert, I can't afford you leaving
The men pointed guns at the three of them
A/n Damn Nami just keep your mouth shut sometimes.
Sanji: You're going to silence us?
Mayor: No, you're going to pay the I-Found-out-the-secret Tax, of ten million berries.
Sanij: Is this a joke?
Nami: More to the point, that's too much
Chopper: More to the point, what kind of tax is that
Mayor: Are you saying you can't pay the Tax?  Tax collection squad!
Flip: You called. Mayor Wetton?
Lake: Daddy!
Three: Daddy?
Mayor: Take them to the Rainbow Tower and condemn them to hard labor.
Sanji: What's that
Mayor: That's the Rainbow Tower. He points to Hanzo's Unfished Tower. You are going to keep working at that tower until you die.  Hellish, heavy labor from motions until night. You'll be off to the next world in no time
Go on, Flip take them away
Flip: The rainbow mist has appeared! Hasn't it father? Now is our chance to get the treasure from Ape's concert!
Chopper: He just said everything.
Sanji: Screats sure don't mean that's much to them
Sanjj: They're three generations of idiots.
The mayor had him in a chokehold.
Call Henzo and have him investigate the Rainbow mist!
Lake: Right! Bring me the transponder snail!
Man: yes sir!
Rapa went to attack Luffy again
Luffy: Hey, calm down a minute
Rapa: Shut up! You took Pukau hostage and forced him to tell you where our base is! He went to swing again only for the sword to get don't out our his hand. Into the water
Zoro had taken out his sword a little. That would be disgraceful.
Pukua: Rapa Nui, I'm not a hostage. They just asked me to lead them here so I brought them.
Rapa:They threaten you to make you say that! He walked to them. But Pukau stopped him.
It's the truth! These people aren't bad! I tell you! He went to stretch Luffy's face
Look, he doesn't even get mad even when I do this!
Rapa: It's not true! This is all a strategy to get us to let our guard down!
Robin: You misunderstood. We just want to know how to get out of Ape's concert.
Rapa: And once you find out? You're planning to take all the treasure out of these shipwrecks and run off with them!
Henzo: Believe me, Rapa Nui, these guys wouldn't do that.
Nami would.
Rapa: How can I believe the words of a grown-up? Of course, they're after the treasure!
Zoro: This a going nowhere.
He went to walk until Usopp came with food.
Usopp: Look! Usopp's very special lunch is ready! Do you guys want some too?
Pukau: Yeah
Zoro: I can't vouch for the taste through.
Usopp: Don't listen to him.
Pukau: This is delicious! Did you really make these
Usopp: Yup! There is nothing can't do. Slow down luffy! Those are all for you
Luffy: They're not as good as Sanji or Stella's but they are still yummy.
Robin: some children over there look like they'd like some.
Usopp: You guys! Come down too!
Pukau: These are amazing!
Stella: I won't eat unless Choppers here.
Akibio: Can we really
Rongo: All right! They come down
Rapa: Do't take it! They're tricking you! Have you forgotten your pride as a pumpkin pirate?
Henzo: Rapa Nui. Pride won't fill their stomachs.
Isoka: You guys come from the East Bule?
Zoro: Yeah
Akibio: which means you might have gone past the Revrse Mountain on the way.
Rongo: You've got guys!
Usopp: Yeah we've got gone through many adventures up to now. We fought giants and goldfish that swallow, island, and even save a country from a secret crime organization.
Akibio: Really
Isoka: Incredible!
Usopp: The only reasons we got through that predicament were my bravery and wisdom! Because of this great attribute, I'm known as Captain--
Zoro hits him
What was that for
Zoro: Stop sputtering when others are eating.
Henzo went to give food to Rapa Nui
But ye plate drops. Everyone looks
Papa Nui, forgive me! Forgive my shameful self! I spent 50 years researching a way to save you from the rainbow mist. I finally managed to get myself inside the mist, but thanks to my carelessness, we couldn't get out. I'm a failure as a pirate professor! But I will endure my shame to ask you. If you know a way, please tell me! We must find a way back to Luluka! Then once we're out of here we can retire home together.
Rapa: There is no way out. And even if  I did know of one, I wouldn't tell you. I don't trust you guys, it's not like you've given me a reason to.
Stella: And you call yourselves friends.
Rapa: What!
Stella gets up from the rail.
Nevermind us, professor her is your friend, isn't he? Tell me, if you can trust your friends who can you trust?
Rapa: You stay out of this! You expect me to just Neil's days 50 years have suddenly gone by?  She walked to him and grabbed his shirt. The others are to stop them. But the crew stopped them
Stella: Believe it. No matter how much time has passed or how different he looks, he once marched under your same flag so he's still one of your friends!  The color of your flag may fade, but true friendship is forever! You know how lucky you are to have him as a friend at your age. You know how much I wished for a friend like that around my age instead of being alone and having to rely on myself for 10 years.
Everyone was shocked.
The Transponder sail rings
Henzo: That's me. I'm coming. Luffy takes the snail
Yes, hello
Zoro: What good does it do if you answer?
Lake: Well, well, Professor Henzo?
Luffy: who are you?
Flip: Who is this? Sanji takes it.
Luffy is that you?
Chopper:Where are you
Nami: You guys just took the ship on your own and out the rest of us in a big fox!
Luffy: It's make
Usopp: You connected to Nami and the others
Robin: Hold on, if we can talk to her...
Henzo takes it back
Is this the outside world? Flip? Flip are you there?
Flip: Yes, this is Flip! Professor Henzo, where are you?
Henzo: aim inside the rainbow mist. Currently, we are unable to get out. I'm sorry, but could you come rescue us?
Pukua: Someone's coming for us?
Rongo: We can go back to Luluka now?
Isoka: Isn't that great Rapa Nui?
Henzo: There's no time. Tell wottton to equip the safety search gear I invented. And to come inside the mist. Also
Rapa takes his hand.
What are you doing
Rapa: That name you just said! Weston! He's the same man who burned done Luluka, right?
Henzo: Wait! I have to team up with that man to save you all!
Rapa; Now it's all clear. You are not the Henzo we know! If you were one of the Pumpkin priests there's no way you'd become one of Wotting a Plans!
Henzo: Rapa
Rapa: Don't you dare say my name. You traitor!
Sanji: My, my, so they really are inside the mist, are they?
Chopper: What do we do
Nami: Isn't it obvious? We go inside the mist.
Mayor: Just a minute! I told you, aren't allowed to go into Ape's concert without my permission. Disobey me and you'll retreat it.
Nami: say, where is that safety gear that the professor was talking about?
Lake: In here!
Nami: Thank you!!
They run away
Mayor: You fools! Seize them at once!
Man: Yes sir! They ran after them
Sanji: And here I was about to mar a wisecracks about eloping.
They stopped at a small can't.
Chopper changed. Get going Nami
Nami: Yeah! Leave Luffy and the others to me, I'll take care of it and treasure.
The men got scared. They all saw a giant fish.

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