Episode 143

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The men were taking everything. And loading them on the ship.
Flip: Father, it's an even bigger haul than we expected.
Mayor: Yes indeed! Take every last bit of treasure!
A man climbed the Going marry.
All: Charge! The kids went to attack and knock him off
Zoro: What know
Stella: Be careful
Akibio: This is the pumpkin Pirates' territory! Until Rapa Nui gets back, I'll job is to defend it!
Robin: Professor!
Henzo: I'm one of the pumpkin pirates too! I'll fight alongside you!
Usopp: I'll help you out, pops!
Henzo was shocked.
Henzo: They got me!
The kids tried to get him but they all ended up flipping the boat over
Lake: you guys actually need help fighting this bunch of brats?
Ioska: Wetton
Akibio: He's the same young sled
Lake: No, you see, I'm Grandpa Wetton's grandson, Lake. Do I really look like him
All: Yeah, just like him.
Lake: Really? My grandpa was as handsome as I am, was he?
Stella laughs loudly. They looked at her.
Stella: I'm sorry I wouldn't describe you as handsome. If your grandfather looks like that and you're father. I feel bad for your kids. If you have any. She laughs harder
Lake: Damn you. You guys hand over your treasure nice and easy, I'll teach that woman a lesson with this electroshock suit!
Nami: Watch out! His suit is electrified!
Zoro jumps on the boat.
Electricity, huh? Sounds interesting. I was hoping to have a little fun. I'll just cut your electricity in half with my sword. Sounds like fun.
Nami: No, electricity doesn't work that way.
Lake: Okay, just try. I dare you.
Zoro: All right, if you insist... He had his three swords ready.
Chopper: It sure is quiet.
Sanji: Yeah, real quiet.
Chopper: Do you think everyone is all right
Sanji: Don't know
Chopper: Don't know? You can't say that! Aren't you concerned about everyone?
Sanji: They need our concern. Instead, I'm concerned about that damn mayor coming back alive. If Luffy and the others take care of that damn mayor, then I won't be able to get him back
Chopper: Okay, I guess there is that.
Sanji: Coming
Chopper: Yeah. Let's go.
Luffy: Gum-Gum rocket. He and Rapa bounce through the Rainbow tower
And hits Wetton.
We stopped.
The man helped Wetton up
Mayor: How dare you? Nobody comes into the rainbow mist without permission! You'll have to pay 50 million-berry entering-on-your-own Tax!
Luffy: No way.
Mayor: What? Are you saying you won't follow Sir Wetton's order?
Rapa: Wetton's that's you?
Mayor: Yeah. I am Wetton, the most powerful man in the town of Luluka.
Rapa: You used to be a pirate! You are the mayor now?
Mayor: Yea! What is so wrong with that?
Man: Captain! That's him! He's the one who stops our ship
Mayor: What? You're that kid from back then?
Rapa: You're the one who burned down Luluka and now you're it's the mayor? That's wrong! After what you did, how dare you?
Mayor: You shut your mouth! He pointed the arm at him and shot fire at him
He dodged in time and went into the water
Luffy: Rapa Nui!
Mayor: Kid being the mayor is nice. I'm able to stay at my desk and rake in the money I swindle from those foolish citizens. No med to wander the sea searching for my prey or get hunted down by the marine. Every day is dealing and carefree! There's no job better in this world! The life I lead now is better than it has ever been before. I just wish I'd found This job sooner. There's no use going on being a petty pirate.
Luffy grabbed the plug that was attached to him and threw him. And broke the flue tank
Why, you! What are you doing?
Luffy has his hands on the face covering
You have no clue what a real pirate is.
Rapa: Luffy!
Luffy: Pirates don't need power. We pirates have a dream after all.
Mayor: A dream you say?
Lake shocks Zoro
My electroshock suit is invincible! There is no way you can escape from me.
Zoro: Escape? Me? Never..
I'm gonna cut electricity in half.
Usopp: Zoro didn't you hear what Nami said? You can't cut electricity!
Stella: We can cut it.
Lake: Thak this Rolling Thunder! Nothing happens. What's going on here?
Robin: The powerful power suit doesn't seem to be much use once the plug is pulled
Stella: Or the man Prudicing the power to it
Robin had a hand in The plus
Stella had her whip on the man.
I wonder how many fish I can get with you she says to the man.
Lake: Damnit! How can this happen?
Put it back, you bastard, and put him down. You jackass! That is not fair! He fell into the water
Zoro: That wasn't fun.
Lake: Help!
Mayor: A dream? What is it? Tell me! Everyone knows what your dream is. You just want to obtain riches and Gold and silver. That will coke falling into your lap on its own if you have power.
Luffy: A pirate's dream is to be the greatest man on the seas. He breaks the face covering. I am the man who will be king of the pirates. Right along with my sister who will be Queen.
Mayor: Damn. He pulled the lever which made the part With Luffy and others fall into the sea.
No one has ever defied me and lived
I'll blow you both away.
Ian: Captain
Flip: Father, what about me?
Mayor: What do I care? He lit the Rainbow Mist tower on fire.
Which explodes the tower.
Sanji: What's happening
Chopper: The Rainbow Tower!
Sanji: It's Collapsing.
People were on the small boats
Zoro: Damn what's going on?
Ian: Damn he abandoned us. Weston you bastard! You're not the captain anymore! Damit! He was holding Flip
Stella: Luffy!
Isoka: Rapa Nui.
Akibio: He came back!
Usopp: He had me so worried!
Rapa swam to Zoro with Luffym
Zoro: Man how big of a pain can one guy be?
Henzo: What's that? It can't be! Robin:Professor?
Henzo: Ape's concert was maintained in a delicate balance to being with. If you set off a large explosion in place like this, there is no telling what might happen.
The two looked up.
Zoro: What's that?
Henzo: The warping of space is expanding quickly! At this rate, we'll be caught in it and all of us will die!
Sanji: How could this happen? The Rainbow Tower...has completely sunk.
Wetton was alive
Henzo: Tye sky is falling fast! There isn't much time. Maybe end hour!
Usopp: This is bad! We have to get out if here!
Nami: Yes but how?
Robin: The author of this book once visited Ape's concert. The way out must be written somewhere in here. She was surprised
Usopp: What's wrong?
Robin: It must be in the next volume.
Usopp: You have to right?
Robin shakes her head no.
Oh crap!
Rapa gasped
Luffy: What's the matter
Rapa: Luffy, that light! That light over there is the setting sun!
Usopp: The sun
Rapa:Yeah. The light of the sun is shining in through a crack in space! Luffy and I followed that light and got outside.
Henzo: Hurry! That light could disappear at any time!
Nmai: Unfurl the sails! Everyone man the oars as hard as you can!
All: Right
Zoro: Guys, come on too! Give us a hand! We're getting out of here!
Stella: Why the hell are you asking them? After all, they didn't
Zoro: The more help the better Stella.
Stella: I can't with you.
They all get their hands on a paddle
Nami blows a whistle. And they start to row. But they end up going in circles.
Zoro: What are you doing? Row right!
Lake: We are towing right! Thank you!
Zoro side paddle ends up breaking. And they the other side
Udopp: Look, guys. The light is starting to disappear!
Henzo: So this is the end...
Zoro: Guys get off and push us from behind!
Flip: You're crazy!
Luffy: If we all flutter kick, it might work
All: No way!
Stella: Why you're stupid Captain is the reason for all of this.
Nmai: What we really need is a tailwind to blow us.
Rapa: So all you need is wind? He jumps off the boat
Name: Hold on! What are you gonna do?
Rapa: Blow up our ship! It was originally a Marine ship, so it's fully loaded with explosives. If light those, the explosion should give you a powerful Tailwind.
Henzo: Wait, Rapa Nui! If you do that, what... Will happen to you?
Mayor: This is my treasure! Mine! This is why I can't give up being mayor
Chopper rams into him. Sanji then kicks him
Sanji: Hey, our friends were supposedly inside the mist. What happens? Don't tell me you're the only one who came back. How about it?
He blinded them with a plate. And he ran away
They ran after him
The kids jumped in after him
Usopp: Guys! Where are you going? Come back!
Pukua: We are pumpkin Pirates!
Akibio: We're friends who swore we'd stay together until we died!
Henzo: Rapa Nui dove in to have you guys! Don't let what's he doing be for nothing! Are you trying to get killed?
Ioska: We're not going to die! Henzo, I promise you we'll come back. Whatever happens, we're coming back to Luluka.
Mayor: Don't you go thinking you won't answer for striking the mayor! You're paying the hitting-the-mayor tax of 90 million berries! Are you okay with that?
Sanji: It doesn't matter to me. He kicks a small building. I'll just skip out on it.
Mayor: What? Paying taxes is a citizen's duty!
Sanji: How is a pirate obliged to pay taxes?
Chopper: Sanji the rainbow is disappearing!
Sanji: What?
Chopper: What will happen to Luffy and everyone else?
Mayor; Now, one of them can come back! Not ever! No matter how hard you guys try, my power is unshakable! Laughs.
There was an explosion.
Chopper was the Rainbow mist behind them in the sky.
What's that?
The shop came down into the water.
The sail broke off. And the sheep head.
The Going Merry!
The rainbow Mist was taking the Mayor's house. And then disappear.
Chopper: Guys
Usopp: I do not get it! My precious ship
Stella: It's okay I'll help fix it.
Usopp: You will
Stella: Yeah
Luffy: Sanji, long time no see!
Sanji: My sweet Nami!
Nmai hits his head.
Sanji: what was that for?
Nameper was scared
Nami: I'm so annoyed I could scream
Usopp: all of the treasure she left in the deck got blown away. Best not to get too close to her right now.
Chopper ran to Stella
Stella picked him up
Cannon explosion
Man: That's far enough pirates
Sanji: The Marines
Usopp: And it's the same ones who were chasing us!
Flip: Help us, sir! These guys are terrible criminals. They've taken every last bit of the mayor's property!
Stella: I knew we would have left them.
Pasqua held his hand. Let see. This is the ring of the Princess illusia. It was stolen by pirates years ago and here it is on your finger now. why do you have this?
Flip: Well, you see...
Pasqua: You didn't steal it, did you?
Flip: No, of course not! This was a treasure that was resting inside Ape's concert!
Lake: Yes we just pulled it out of a shipwreck!
Pasqua: I see. What you're saying it doesn't belong to anyone.
Woman: Major, we've discovered a large pile of treasure that we believe was carried out there.
Pasqua: All right, the Marines will confiscate all of it.
Mayor: Hold it! You're not laying a finger on my treasure! It's mine! All is mine
Pasqua: Any treasure without an owner belongs to the World Government. If it's been obtained illegally it will be considered an act of piracy!
Mayor: Fine with me! I'm a pirate to be with. Whatever I want, I'll take it by force! He went to attack.
Pasqua stopped the axe with his finger.
I will take that as your confession.
Is that okay with you, pirate wettin'? He used his other hand to flick his head.
Henzo: No. No, it can't be!
Pasqua takes off his glasses.
Henzo: Rapa Nui
Both: No way!
Isoka: I promised we'd come back didn't I?
Henzo: Isoka.
Rapa: Take all of Wetton's gang into custody.
Isoka: Yeah Sir.
Usopp: You are all alive? But how?
Rapa: At the moment of the explosion we were thrown into the outside world. However, it was the world 50 years ago.
Robin: Sure enough, the mist warped the axis of time as well.
Henzo: Then why didn't you come here sooner?
Rapa: We knew we needed to figure out a way to defeat and punish Wetton. I thought we would need help, though, so we decided to enlist with the Marines and use their power. but gatherings that high rank to have the authority to come here took more time than I'd expected.
Henzo: It makes sense now.
Rapa: I man be wearing a marine uniform but in my heart, I'm still a pumpkin Pirtae. And Henzo, I'm still your friend. Forever under the same flag. Henzo was crying
The crew smiled.
Also, I forgot to mention this to the Straw Hat pirates, but you're under arrest too.
All: What?
Usopp:You're heartless. Have you forgotten you own me for feeding you jerk?
Rapa: As a member of the Marines charging up with upholding justice. I can't just let a pirate who has a bounty getaway. He says everything that can happen.
I give up I can't do anything about it he runs away
All: very convincing, right?
The crew left
They were able to get the sail the sheep head.
Henzo: We can't do any permanent repairs right away, but we can make sure some emergency adjustments, to keep the water out. Thank you Luffy and friends. He watches them leave
The Marines passed them and saluted them.
The crew waved back.
Rapa was the one who made the Book The Rainbow Mist in the future
Luffy: That place was really awesome wasn't it?
Nami: Really? I've had enough of the ships graveyard
Luffy:it's not like I wanna love there, but I'd be nice to visit
Nami: I can't bekie. You actually enjoyed that.
Stella: Nami is just mad she lost all of her treasures
Something fell down
Usopp Rain?
Sanji: It's not raining.
Usopp: hail
Sanji: interesting. That looks like a... They all look up.
All: screams.

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