Epaisode 197

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The marines were getting ready.
Sanji: I think I know where we are, and it isn't good. If I'm right, and I hope I'm not, then we have landed in the middle of an invincible fortress the Marines call Navarone. So what's our next move, captains?
Luffy: [snoring]
Sanji: As usual, our captain couldn't care less. Stella-sama, what should we do?
Stella: Our best choice is to stay hidden until we can get a chance to find out the others. And protect Luffy. If we can't stay hidden, we can be discreet about how we go along this.
Sanji: Anything for you, Stella-sama.
Drake: We'll move the pirate's ship to Dock 88 and run a full forensic sweep.
Man: We have a situation! Sir, some Marines vessels outside the sea gate are demanding entry!
Drake: Demanding?
Marine: Since we're in a state of emergency, I advised them to stand by, but...
Operator: Sir, we barely made it out of the storm in one piece! Please allow us to dock! I don't know how much longer we can stay afloat!
Drake: I don't care how badly their ship is damaged. There is a possibility that pirates have infiltrated this fortress! So they'll have to find help elsewhere. If we let them in now, It'll cause confusion that-
Jon: Open the gate.
Drake: Huh?
Jon: Permit their entry. And immediately assign a medical team to them as well.
Marine: Yes sir.
Drake: Commander!
Jon: What a terrible thing it is to be helpless in the middle of the Grand Line. Even someone like you can understand that feeling. Can't you, Lt. Commander?
Drake: Of course, I understand.
Jon: To tell you the truth, it's been quite some time since I've gotten this riled up about anything. They can't get out of the fortress, so the problem becomes finding them. But why did they even come to Navarone in the first place?
Monkey D. Luffy. Stella.
Okay, so I really need you guys to help. I don't know if Stella should have "Portgas D. Stella" or if should I leave it as Stella when the bounty goes higher. Please, I need to know what I should do.
Zoro was just walking around.
"This base is huge. Anyways, where the hell am I? I'm lost!"
Nami: "Who decided that this fortress should also be a maze? It's so big I can't map it out. We have to get out of here and soon. But the more time that passes, the more lost I get. Now where have all the others gone?"
[Gasps] "No way!"
She was on a balcony and saw a bridge.
"What in the world is that thing? Jeez, it's enormous! Hey, where's the Merry? The Going Merry is gone. What did they do with our ship? And where's our gold? All our precious gold is gone! And after all, we went through so much to get it. Battleship? They weren't here before."
"Hmm. If there are new ships coming in, it means that place isn't a gigantic lake after all! It is connected to the open sea! All right, now I gotta find the guys and take back the Going Merry! If I could somehow go undercover as one of them, I could find the guys and gather more information!"
Murray: "Where is it?"
Nami: "Luffy, Stella, and Zoro are known by almost everyone in the Marines. But nobody knows what I look like."
Monty: "I bet this is it."
The door opens.
Nami looks back to see two men.
Monty: "This fortress has a terrible layout. It's like a maze."
Murray: "Excuse me. Do you know where the kitchen is?"
Nami: "What? Oh, the kitchen, of course! I know right where it is!"
Monty: "We just arrived at the battleship down there."
Murray: "And of course, the first thing we do is get lost!"
Nami: "I'm sorry to hear that. I got lost a lot when I first came here, but that must've been at least five years ago."
Monty: "Five years you say?"
Nami: "Mm-hmm!"
Murray: "Please take us to the kitchen. We beg of you. It would be such an embarrassment if we had to ask any of the cooks here for help."
Nami: "Maybe I can just say no."
Monty: "We just came from Marie Jois. It wouldn't hurt you to do us one little favor."
Nami: [Mind] "Well, it wouldn't help me either!"
Murray: "Please say you'll help us."
Nami: "Oh, sure, no problem!"
"So, do you two know anything about our little fortress?"
Monty: "My brother and I know much of the culinary arts, but nothing about this fortification."
Murray: "As a matter of fact, we are Marine chefs of some renown."
Nami: "Wow! Celebrity chefs?"
Murray: "My brother and I have been assigned to take over as head chefs of this kitchen."
Monty: "On Marie Jois, we satisfied the palates of a general who expects nothing but the finest. We brothers are far from the kind of cooks who excrete insignificant meals on a boat in the middle of nowhere. And we must prove to them that we are in a different league."
Nami: [Mind] "Oh, gimme a break. I gotta ditch these guys and find a disguise right now, or we'll never get outta here. Well! I guess that attitude makes you guys the best! Now all you have to do is go straight ahead and take a right, then take two lefts and your first right, and you'll be there."
Monty: "Merci."
Murray: "Okay."
Nami: "See ya!"
Monty: "Wait, is this the first right? Hm?"
Murray: "Huh?"
Nami was gone.
Nami: "This'll do just fine."
Officer A: "Roronoa Zoro."
"That so-called ghost ship actually belongs to the Straw Hat Luffy, Bandana, Scarf, Stella, and their crew. We have been given a secret mission to track down."ood looks good
Jessica: Keep your hands off
Cook:of course, we normally prepare 1,000 servings of each meal.
Cook 2: And we're fast like sharks darting for prey!
Cook 3: That is the essence of being a chef here!
Sanji: How terribly waste you all are.
Stella: Ava or Ryō would never like to waste food.
Stella and Sanj were using the leftovers.
Cook 3: No way. They're using all our leftover parts. Whoa.
Stella: Pulverize the tuna's bones along with its head.
Sanji: Next mic in the guts.
Stella: Add veggie scraps and roll the paste into balls. Then they'll deep-fried
Sanji: Boiling fat trimmed from the meat until it becomes soft and tender... provides the perfect to a complement. Sauce made from shellfish.
Stella: The bitterness of the guts whets the appetite. And the powerful flavor gives new life to a tired body.
Sanji: This brings us to the preparation of the vegetable dish. The skin of burdocks roots and potatoes. Contain more vitamins and minerals than their insides, which makes them an ideal nutrient source.
Stella: Finally, broccoli stems can be used to create a soft, sweet-scented dressing.
Sanji: Volia Cuisine, a la carte! This is a battlefield, right? It's important that the food tastes good.
Stella: But also it is making sure your food stores last. It doesn't matter if you spend 1,000 Berries or a million.  You should never waste even a single scrap of food.
Sanji: It is our duty as cooks to utilize every bit of our ingredients with love and skill. Just like loving everything about a lady. A wise old geezer once taught me that.
The marines ate Luffy and Stella's food over the other marines
Luffy ate all 100 of the marine's food.
Cook: Are you okay?
Shin: What's wrong
Luffy: So good! Man, I'm stuffed!
Stella: Let's go.
Luffy: Yeah. I guess it is about time we leave huh? Thanks for all the food Sure was good!
Sanji:If it had been up to me, I never would have battled a woman as beautiful as you. Until we meet again mademoiselle.
Jessica: Hold it.
Luffy: Did you think of something else for me to eat?
Jessica: Were you planning on leaving me humiliated like this? I won't stand it. I like your guy's spirit and your appetite. As of right now, you three are part of the team.
Sanji: My sweet Jessica oh thank you.
Stella: Oh brother!
Jon was able to able to catch Zoro while fishing

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