Episode 38

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Arlong: Arlong. My name happened to be Arlong
Luffy walks up.
Luffy: I'm fluffy.
Arlong: Luffy? So what are you?
Luffy: A pirate
Hachi: That's him! He's here! That guy who likes walking with his sister! Luffy continues to walk
Chew: Hold it. Where do you think you're going? You need to run things by us first, kiddo.
Two fishmen stopped him.
Luffy grabbed them by the head. And bashed their head together.
They were all shocked
Arlong: What does a pirate want with me?
Luffy grabs his hand and punches him. Making him crash into the wall.
Arlong: Who at hell are you?
Nami: Luffy Stella. Help me
Luffy: Don't make our Navigator cry!
Fishman 2: How dare you insult Arlong-san? They were all kicked at a fast pace
Sanji: Butt out, small fries.
He does to Luffy. Yeesh, you just had to run on ahead by yourself.
Luffy: It's not like I'd lose on my own.
Sanji: idiot! When did I say I was worried about you? I just don't want you to have all the prey
Usopp: I don't mind if you hog them all, through!
Zoro: You sure got some guys.
Hachi: That's him! He's the unknown swordsman!
Opp: It's rornoa Zoro.
Hachi: Yeah, yeah, I thought so! He tricked me! Look, sine and hinker.no! Hook, line, and sinker...right?
Stella: Yeah I'm not surprised that you got tricked.
Fihsman: It's Long-noes.
Opp: The girl was a traitor, just as I suspected
Stella: Oh yeah. Nami is so terrible in the situation and you guys are the best.
Hachi: Thanks.
Gen: Just who are those guys
Johnny and Yoasku used their swords to block the villagers
Doctor: He sent Arlong flying
Gen: No ordinary him could do that!
Yoasku: Do you still want to try to break in now?
Johnny: If you do you'll wind up putting a damper on this fight. You'll only get in their way!
Gen: But why are they fighting? What reason do they have to fight?
Johnny: Big Sis Nami was crying!
Yoasku: Do they need any more reason to put their lives on the line?
Arlong: A pirate, huh? I see... So that's what your guys' deal is. You were after Nami from the very start. But. What can your five inferior creatures possibly do?
Hachi: Foll! You're not worth a long time! He'll be more than enough. He calls out for his pet.
Nojiko: It's coming!
Usopp: What the...What going on?
Haschi: The whole lot of you will be food for him! Come out, Momoo!
Usopp: A monster! It's the Grand Line Mosnete that destroyed the Town of Gosa! It was the Sea Monster that Stella kicked before.
Usopp: It's here
Doctor: The Sea Cow, Momoo!
They saw Cow great closer.
Sanji: He's a friend of the Fishman.
Stella: Won't matter to us
The Sea Cow has Flashbacks.
Hachi: Wait! Momoo! Where are you going?! Come back here Momoo!
Arlong: Momoo. What are you doing? The Seacow stops.
Though, if you wanna run away. I won't stop you. Understand Momoo?
Stella noticed that Arlong's eye.
Stella: Mind okay going with the eye work. Hope I can do the same.
Momoo's eyes went white
Usopp: It's coming! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Zoro got his sword ready.
Luffy: I'll do it! This is a waste of time. He put his feet inside
the cement
Sanji: What's be planning now
Stella: If you have known Luffy for as long as I did. You would know Luffy doesn't plan things completely through.
Luffy then twists his body. He then grabbed mamoo horns
Hachi: His arm just stretched!
Arlong: He has a Devil Fruit power?
The Fishman went to attack.
Stella: we should run
Sanji: What? What's he doing?
Stella: Don't question it. Ugh. She grabbed the two boys and held them as she ran.
Luffy then starts to spin the Sea-Cow knocking some Fishman down and Flong the Cow into the ocean.
Luffy: I didn't come here to take on these guys. The one I want to beat up... Is you? He points to Arlong
Arlong: Tgata perfect then. I was just thinking of killing you now.
Sanji was kicking his head
Sanji: That was dangerous, you.
Usopp: Are you trying to kill us? Too?
Gen: What derive power...
Doctor: I can't believe a human exists who can throw a giant beast! Is this battle of this world?
A/n Stell can do that too. You will find out interesting details about her in the future.
Luffy was stuck
Opp: How dare you hurt our brothers. It would seem we need to fight, too.
Stella: But it's okay for you to treat Nami like that.
Chew: Looks like we need to teach them the difference between our species.
Zoro: The main forces finally show up, huh?
Opp: Arlong-san. Please stay there quietly
Chew: If you do a mad rampage you'll tear all of Arlong Park into pieces.
Hachi: We'll take care of these guys
Arlong: Yeah! So as you wish.
Luffy: Hey, There. There is something I...
Hachi started to suck in air
Zoro: Tha octopus is up to something.
Sanji: octopus is best with a little salt and sliced up. And some olive oil and paprika and it's the perfect snack while drinking
Luffy: Hey, I'm kind of in trouble. Hear me out.
Stella: I've been waiting to get some action
Both: No
Stella: What.
Zoro: you use back on this one
Sanji: Yeah stella-san we got this.
Hachi: Take this! Zero vision. Hachi inkjet. He splashes Ink and throws them
They all got out of the way be sued Lufty.
Zoro: You idiot! Why didn't you dodge?
Luffy: Screams. I can't see.
Stella had a little on her.
Not the first time this happened.
A/n No don't think about I'm not being dirty.
Hachi: Now to finish you off! He picked up a piece of wall
Uspp: Hey, Luffy! Run
Hacbi gies to luffy
Luffy: Yeah, that's the problem. I can't seem to move!
Sanji: Huh
Luffy: My feet are stuck!
Usopp: You're the one who stuck them In the ground!
Zoro: What does he have to be so-
Hachi: Hachi ink Jet on the rocks! He then drops the Wall on Luffy.
The rock breaks in half
Stella's leg was up in the air all the way doing a perfect Kick.
Stella: I thought you guys were doing all the work
Luffy: Stella! Great.
A/n sanji wishes she had a skirt on.
Sanji: Look like I followed One he'll of an idiot of a captain. Stella-san I was talking about Luffy not you
Zoro: agreed.
Usopp: They are awesome.
Sanji: But he's 100 times better than a damn gang that hurts a lady.
Opp: Lady. To think you'd bust in here just for one lousy girl. You really know how to make us laugh.
Sanji: Lousy Girl. Just try and insult Nami-san one more time. I use a buttered dying pan to turn you into Meunier, Fish Man.
Opp: You seemed somewhat scared for a human. Any sort of chivalry for a pirate is obviously half-hearted.
Sanji: Go ahead and see if my chivalry is half-hearted or not. I was raised by an unbeaten pirate for half of my life.
Opp: It appears you don't know the true level of the Fishman species.
They got ready to fight
Usopp and Stella were trying to get Luffy unstuck by pulling him
Luffy: They're really stuck. Yup, they are still stuck. I get the feeling that just pulling me won't get them unstuck
Stella: Are you even trying to do anything to help?
Hachi: where are you playing around Arlong Park for? I'll kill them he lifts a rock
Usopp and Stella were running with F
Usopp: Hey, you get unstuck already!
Zoro: Hey, octopus. They're busy right now. I'll take you on.
A/n and I'll take you on. I'm joking. Kind of.
Hachi: Roronoa Zoro! Yeah, I forgot! He threw the rock at him. How dare you trick me. Zoe jumps out of the way Yeah and you cut down tons of my brothers!
Zoro: I'm not interested in the old series. It doesn't matter what reason you have for waiting to kill me. The situation's changed now! You're not trying to destroy us. We're trying to destroy you!
Usopp: All right, Zoro! That octopus is all yours! Nice.
Stella: You can't leave everything up to them.
They both let go of Luffy.
Both: Luffy.
Luffy ends up bumping into Chew
Luffy: I'm stuck
Stella: Sorry.
Chew: Seems like you really want me to kill you.
Usopp turns and starts to run while Chew runs after him.
Nojiko: Mind why are these people, pirates?
Arlong: You are all pathetic. Move. I'm sick of watching this.
Opp: Arlong-sam we told you not to go on a rampage
Arlong: I won't. I just thought up a fun game.
Luffy: I'm going to beat you up he went to punch him. Arlong caught his hand
Arlong: Do you really think you can beat us?
Sanji: So want if we do?
Luffy: We do, stupid-head let go!
Zoro: Sounds like he has something to say.
Arlong then lifts up Luffy's rock out of the ground
Arlong: People with devil fruit power can't swim! Though, Eve
People without powers would skin in this situation!
Zoro: He's going to throw him into the sea.
Stall: You just had to say something like that.
Luffy: Gum-Gum Piatol!
Arlong caught him with his teeth
Oww!  Luffy them bits him
Arlong: Darn you.
He then throws Luffy into the water.
Both: Luffy
Sanji: Damm you.
Sanji went to save Luffy and Stella stopped him
Sanji: I'm coming to save...
Stella: Idoit! Don't get worked up! They want us to go into the water! The Fishman would obviously have the advantage in an underwater Fight!
Zoro: There is only one way to save Luffy! Take these guys down I'm an instant, then go into the water?
Let's do this there is no time
Sanji: Yeah.
Arlong: Just how many seconds will Rubber Man hold out?
Hachi: Oh, so that's the game. Laughs
Zoro: You can bust the fish.
Sanji: You can cut and trim the octopus
A/n tell will be sitting out until later
Luffy: Mind This is bad... I'm out of strength.
Luffy bubbles stop
Arlong: To think they can't even breathe underwater. Humans are pitiful creatures. Laughs
Zoro: Brink it on! I challenge you, Oct-man. I'll take care of you in five seconds
Sanji: No three seconds.
Opp: Don't be in such a rush. No matter what happens, none of you have any hopes of surviving.
Luffy went to the bottom
Stella: Just hang On a little bit longer. Luffy.

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