Episode 118

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Vi: Mind what's he talking about? What's pluton? What on earth is he...
Crocodile: I hear that one shot from Pluton will completely destroy an island. The world's most disastrous weapon from ancient times also called a god. I should be sleeping Somewhere in this county.
Vi: An ancient weapon! Such a thing exist isn't his country? And father knew about it?
Chaka: A sacred passed down with the throne...
Corodile: That needed my goal from the start. With it, I'll be able to build the best military state right here. 
Chaka To achieve that, all this time you've been!
Corodile: Once I become the king of this country, it is easy to bring pirates in this area under my umbrella. My influence will increase, and I will eventually gain more power than the world government. It'll be a dreamlike county.
Cobra: There is no way that the world Government would allow that
Corodile: They probably wouldn't. That's why I need it, the powerful pluton.
Cobra: I don't know where on earth to hear that name, but I don't know where it is and I'm not even certain such a time really somewhere in this country.
Crocodile: I see. What you say probably isn't a complete lie... I did think that was also possible... I do know, too, that its very existence is in doubt.
We were trying to get through the doors
What noisy flies...
Man: I heard that Corba-, same has been crucified by crocodile
Man2: Cabe Cobra-sama! We have to do our utmost to get inside somehow!
Man 3: But we can't do anything because of those hands coming out from the door!
Man: It's impossible unless we do something about these Hands
Corodile: According to my plan, the rebel army will reach that square within 20 minutes or so and start fighting. After that..in other words, at 4:30 pm, 30 minutes from now... I've ordered that a powerful cannonball be shot into the square.
Cobra: Are you insane?
Corodile: It's a special shall that can destroy anything within a 5km diameter. The view from here will completely change too.
Vi: If you do that...
Corodule: no one from the royal Arny or the rebel army will survive. Hence the ball will cease forever. Isn't it happy? After all, you wanted to stop them so badly... Instead of doing things round about way, like blowing up the palace, it'll be quicker if we just completely let blow up the armies.
Vi: How can you do such a thing? What on earth did they do to deserve it? You are... You are She went to attack but Chaka held her back.
Crocodile: Who cares
Vi: Stop it! What good will it do?
Coordile: Now, Mr. Cobra. Let me ask you another question. Where can I find the Poneglyph?
Vi: Ponegluph... Why are you...
Cobra: If I tell you where it is... No... I'll show you...
Vi: Daddy...
Corodile: Just what I'd expect from Wise King, Cobra. You're a clever man.
Chaka: Vivi-sama! I can't... take this anymore! He went to attack with his sword
Corodioe disappeared
Nami: No! She was running
Usopp: Listen, Nmai. His you use the Climw Takt come doemntonyiy head after all. Think frantically to survive the battle! That's our real weapon, right? Heat balls and cool balls.
Nami:All I have to do a take full advantage of their characteristics and combine them! That's the power is the clima Takt! She turned and used barrels to slow her down. She then goes over a brick wall.
She reads the paper
Usopp: And last thing... Tornado Tempo...! This is the centerpiece of this weapon.
Nami: Tornadi Tempo..
Uspp: As long as your enemy is human they won't be able to stand after being hit. However, this is the very last reset and you only get one shot.
If you miss consider it over.
Nami: If I miss it's over...
Miss DF: pay attention. She went to a total
Nami was able I dodge each of the spikes
Miss DF: it seems that you have an interesting weapon. But if It doesn't practical attack, isn't it just a toy? Whatever its purpose is you can call it a weapon... She used her face to attack
But Nami ducked. And she ran
When it can harm people...
Nmai: If I don't hurry up I'll be killed the last powerful technique... Tornado Temp... I have to do it now... She tripped. One of the pieces landed in Miss DF's hands.
Give that back that back.
Miss DF: You can't kill me with a toy like this m. She blows and makes an electric ball. A sweater and portable pride meter electricity than this.
Nami: We won't know until I try! Give it back to me! She went to attack Miss DF Flong the part away from her.
Nami was able to get it.
Think all I have to do is get her to stop her guard so that she can't dodge this one-shot attack, the Tornado Temp..! Maybe..! Somewhat I can do by using the three kinds of air bubble and the execrable dey weather of this country...! I wish there were a little more moisture in the air... Moisture... That's right! If I remember correctly, there is a rain technique.
Rain Tempo!
Miss DF: Wayer tricks, huh
Nami: Sprinkler!
Miss DF: you're Desperate, aren't you?
Nami: No I have a plan!
Miss DF: That's enough. I've had enough of your oaty tricks.  Her hair turns into spikes. The party is at its height. Let's call it quits. A sea urchin stinger.
Nami blew heat balls.
I'll make you Swiss Cheese. Nami moved out of the way as she coked throw a wall.
That's not what I'll call Swiss Cheese! It's even burnt!
Miss DF: in appreciation of your shoe wallet, I'll show you something interesting, too.
Nami: Now's my chance! Heat Ball! She blows more out.
Miss DF sticks herself with the spikes.
Got air goes upwards while absorbing moisture. When it collides with cold air that's descending it rapidly cools and the moisture gets frozen. Then..
Miss DF; Spike Spike Doping.
Her arms were bigger. She then has spiked arms
I said pay attention, didn't I! Stinger Flail! Nami ducked as she attacked.
Usopp: Oh.. these words are nothing... Everyone is fighting for their very lives. Usopp was holding on to Chpper in his Reindeer form
Even if my arms get torn off or even my nose gets broken, I Will...
Chopper: if you talk too much you'll cause internal bleeding
Usopp: I know!
Sanji: So you're still alive for now
Luffy: Usopp! Chopper! Hi
They turn to see the two.
Both: Sanji! Luffy
Usopp sits down. So how'd the battle with Mr 2 I'm out?
Sanji: Of course! Here...
Usopp:Ahh! My goggles! So you took them back from him! Thanks, Sanji. You are such a...
One lens broke
Ahh! Hey, wait a second! They're broken! You bastard! This is the newest in ye North Blue! Do you know how valuable the goggles are?
Luffy: You still got it back
Sanji: Hey, look at that
Usopp: Listen to me...
They look
That must be the auxiliary force for the rebel army
Chopper: So there'll be more of them?
Samji: Look like it. I guess Vivi-chan couldn't stop the rebel army.
Luffy: Ah, damnit! Hmm? Lashes make a sound Vasa? He turns to him
Hey, where have you been hiding, lashes?
Sanji: Let's hurry to the palace. We might still be able to help Vivi-chan.
Chopper: Okay
Luffy: And then get meat.
Sanji: Hey, Usopp! Let's go already!
Usopp: Yeah! Ah, hey, lashes! Let me get on! Lasehs walks. Look! Can't you see these wounds? Lashes! Stop! Let me get on!
Miss DF:Gez, at least you're a first-class expert at tuning away...
Nami: Oh, yeah! The air bubbles!
There was a small cloud.
It's formed! It's small, but it's still a cloud!
Miss DF: What on earth are you talking about?
Nmai: Not enough...! I'll let it grow more! Cool Ball! She spins one staff part. Heat ball. She spins the other.
Miss DF: That's enough! She ran to her.
Nami backs away.
You bitch!
The cloud gets bigger.
Stinger... Flail! She went to attack. But Nmai blocked it. Only for her to fall back.
So, are you prepared to die yet?
Name: How about you?
Miss DF: Stp bluffing...
Nmai threw an electric ball at the dark cloud.
The cloud went under her.
Take that!
Miss DF got electrocuted
She was still fine
You won't get away with this!
She turned her hand into a Spiked fist and attacked Nami. Once again she vanished. Nmai was walking behind her
Nami: it'll be a fine day today with stable humidity and wind as well as a high-pressure system. However, in one particular area, you need to watch for Emirates and cyclones. She stopped. Please be on the lookout for tornados.
Usopp: Tornado Tempo... This is the centerpiece of this weapon. This is the very last resort and you only get one shot. If you miss it, consider it over.
Nmai: The weather forecast is tornado! I'll make it work...the last attack...smoke I wanted to four won't my own hands...for her..!
Sometimes, it calls forth clouds...other times, it makes rainfall... Yet other times, it produces winds....! The miraculous Clima Takt! I'll make it work! The last powerful technique! For Vivi! She stumbled a little.
Miss DF: Are you okay? Your left leg has taken a lot is injuries... You can't actually keep standing anymore, can you? Her hair turns into a spike. Sea Urchin Stingers! She went to attack.
Nami stood there and held her back. Even using her feet as it priced through the spike. She screams.
This is...nothing. It finest hour of all! Do you have any idea what Pain she's going through? Compared to bet pain... A leg or two, or three. I don't give a damn! She kicks her off. Take this... Tornado Tempo!
Her weapon has Blue sparks as it has little clockbirds come out.
Nami was surprised.
The bird goes around Miss DF's arms and legs. As the weapon starts to turn.
What? What? What?
Miss DF: the dove's tangles. Up on me..! Making her spin. Around in the air. And getting thrown into the buildings.
Nami saw this. She looked as be she had gone through another wall.
Nmai was on her knees. I did it. I did it. Usopp... Vivi..!
Fight Against Miss DF
Winner Nami.
Zoro was attacking Mr 1
And dodging the attacks from Him.
Zoro: Oh yeah. Now I remember..your face. It's in my fuzzy memory. if I'm not mistaken, you were a famous Bounty Hunter I'm the West Blue...right?  Also known as an assassin... But look at you now... What do you fight for? You're Crocdile's Dog! Are you doing it to at least get some nice scraps by licking his hand?
Mr 1: You son of a Bitch.
Zoro: I'll show you the difference in pride. He has his Bandana On and his Wado. In his mouth. Between your swords and mine...! Three swords style... Bull... Needles!
Mr 1: Spider...
Zoro ran to him. And attacked. But it led to nothing.
So basically, your body is as hard as steel. Unless I'm acavplenof citing even steel, I can't cut you down, huh?
Mr 1: That would be correct. Smashing and cutting attacks don't work on me.
Zoro: I see. This bites. Since I'm not able to cut steel, I can't defeat you now.
Mr 1: Then what are you going to do?
Zoro: Well,  I'll sympathize with you. I've been waiting for a difficult situation like this. I've been thinking that it's about time for me to go to the next level. When I defeat you, I'll be the man who can even cut steel. he got into his stance.

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