Episode 131

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Everyone was sleeping. Nami was outside sleeping. She woke up. And saw an Island. Cooper was sleeping on the couch. Uospp sleeping under Luffy in the Hammock. While Luffy's body was on his halfway.
Sanji, Zoro, and Stella on the floor.
Stella was sleeping into of Zoro.
And Zoro and Sanji are facing each other
Usopp: I can't breathe.
Luffy and Chopper we're snoring
Zoro and Sanji we're face to face
Nami: everyone walks up!
Sanji: Good morning, Nami How about a passionate morning kiss? He was half awake.
Zoro woke up to Sanji trying to kiss him. He said nothing. Sanji was close. Sanji woke up. Their eyes went wide
You bastard! Don't give me that disgusting face
Zoro: That's what I wanna say!  They began to fight.
Nami: An island! It's an island
Luffy: What? An Island? He got up dropping usopp out of the hammock and pushing two. He ran up to try Pole
Stella: I can't wake up without someone screaming.
Sanji: Ahh! Stella-sama.
Luffy: Ah! Island? Where?
Name. over there. She pointed ahead.
All was off the ship but Robin
Luffy: Doesn't this island have a monster? I prefer Big and strong ones.
Stella: You know you're always looking to fight or put in your mouth
Usopp: Don't step on it.  Don't step on my life. He was fixing his nose
Nami: There doesn't seem to be anything suspicious, and it looks like this island is small.
Sanji: Look Nami! Stella! He held a fruit. This is perfect for making nonperishable food! It looks like this island has toma of these! He threw two at them
They caught the fruit.
Nami: I see. We should find as many as we can and load them on this ship
Sanji: Looks like other planets can be used for food. This island seems quite enjoyable for a cook.
Nami: Okay. You'll look for anything we can use as a source of food. As for the great of you, here. She held out 5 sticks
Chopper: What's that
Stella: Drawing lots? The four who draw the shortest lots will spend all day collecting these. The one who draws the longest one will stay here and watch the ship.
Zoro: Okay that seems fair
Luffy took them all.
Look! They're all short.
Usopp: Why'd you draw four of them?
Luffy: Isn't the one who grabs the most the winner?
Nami: I'm glad this ship has a captain who can give orders
All: Yeah. Us too
Luffy laugh. Am I that great
Three: You aren't! They all hit him
Stella: I should have mentioned this isn't he won't game you could have picked
Chopper: I drew the longest one. So'll be watching the ship?
Nami: Yes. Please look after the ship, Chopper.
Luffy: Hurry up! Let's go already! There are lots of fruits to pick from! You're coming with us, Nmai?
Nami: No. While you're gathering supplies, I'll measure this island. I'd like to put it on the sea chart. Now, let's get you work,!
Stella: I'll pick Zoro.
Chopper: See you later! Be careful! Have a good one!
Nami: You took! Look after this ship!
Luffy: The one who collects the most will win
Usopp: oh, what a pain,
Stella: Come on you falling behind.
Zoro: Coming.
Nami: Now here I go! Measuring!
Sanji: How lively is Nami when she carries measuring tools on her back? Nami! You're lovely!
Nami: Stop talking stupid and come already!
Chopper: I'll be alone today. When no one's around, the ship is really big somehow. He looks over the railing. He then gets up onto it. Listen up, guys. Today I'm in charge of the Going Merry. That's Captain Chopper to you hey, everyone! Looks this way
Luffy! Don't eat other food!
Usopp! Work harder
Snji! Prepare special dishes for me!
Hurry, Capatin, Chopper! Hurray!  He then falls. He was Robin sitting on a chair reading he walked down to her. How long have you been there? Being so quiet... How sneaky! Look! I still don't trust you. You were a Baroque works Officer Agent.  You were a rogue, and mean and stupid! I won't accept you. Even if Luffy accepts you as a friend, there is no way, I'll talk to you! He runs inside. Her special is assassination, right?  I hear shows are very smart, too. I have to be careful. He looked to see his work on the table. That's right, I want to bed after I had ten Rumble Balls last night. I'll spend the daakimf another ten! Rumble Ballsm I have to make the wham I can, Robin came in.
Since you never know when you'll run into enemies. Robin was making coffee.
But.. This brings back memories of the time Rumbles Balls was created.
Doctrine won't notice if these get reduced little by little, will she? He was mixing medicine in a bowl... She always mixes this and these rights. Was it this one? She doesn't put this one, did she
Kureha: Chopper! Do you know where my medicine bottles are? They have important medicine in them. They're all rare and valuable medicines you wouldn't be playing with them, would you? Eh ended up dropping some in the bowl
Chopper was mixing them in and is one. And his arms grew big. And then he grew Big.
I got a good scolding from Doctorine then.  I wonder how Doctorin is doing now. Maybe I'll write her a letter. His nose twitches. He sees Robin
Robin: They're called Rumble Balls?
He got scared and went into a barrel.
Are you trying to uncover the secret of the Rumble Balls and then assassinate me?  Not a chance. I won't be taken down by someone like you!  She gets up.
Rumble! He eats one
Guard point!  He turns into a fuzzy Ball. Heavy point! He turns big. Jumping Point! He jumps only to crash into a barrel of water. Horn point. You see the power of the Rumble Ball? You're no match for the Rumble Ball! It gives me the ability to find your weak point! Brain Point! Scope weak point. Where is your weak point
Robin laughs. She goes to him. What do you find so funny?
Rabin: Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. She smiles at him. He has her hands on Chopper and begins to tickle him. He started to laugh.
How cut you are! I like you.
Chopper blushed
Copper: Cute. He started to dance. Give me a break! Even if you like me, that doesn't make me happy about anything there's no way I'm happy you can't fool me!
Robin: Well then, shall we go? She gives him a barrel. Don't we need to refill the water you wasted? I'd like to drink a cup of coffee... On the deck while reading. What's the matter? You go draw the water. You were the one who spilled it.
Chopper: Yes. He walks out. With Robin.
Usopp: Geez! How could I even contemplate working on such a fine day? He was lying down.
Luffy was climbing trees
Hey, lots of monkeys. A monkey came in Luffy's face and started making noise
Luffy did the same and stretched his mouth which scared the money
Luffy was just copying. And laughs at the monkey's reaction which leads him to fall down
Usopp got up from the noise
He got me! That time, I thought "This is it. This is the end of Captain Usopp" he falls back. I was attacked by a huge condor and I couldn't breathe. Sorry. Because of that, I couldn't get even a single fruit. I'm sorry. That's okay. Don't worry about me. I'm dead.
Zoro and Stella were walking
Zoro: So captain.
Stella: Yeah.
Zoro: What did you do to get a 15 million bounty on your head?
Stella: Why don't we collect the fruit and then I'll tell you.
Zoro: fine. He put his basket down
And took out his swords. Three-swords style: Dragon Twister
Stella was out of the way for the wind made the fruits fall down and Zoro went to collect them but it was too much and he got covered with them.
Stella laughed at this but helped him up at the end.
Nami and Sanjj were on top of a cliff Nmai was measuring the Island.
Nami: The Contour Line should be like this.
A/n I don't know what she was looking through. But yeah
The right ridgeline is 42 degrees, maybe?
Sanji got in her way.
My love for you is also 42 degrees please measure the height! Of my new feelings towards you too.
Nami: You're in my way! Move she punches him. And she continues to write on the paper. Man I should have asked Stella to come with me
Robin and Chopper were walking uphill while Chopper was carrying the barrel
Chopper: Mind. I'm the only a who's going to draw the water why is she coming too?
Robin: What a fine day!
Chopper: What? He got scared and fell
So what?
Robin: Nothing. It's a fine day. That's all. I just wanted to take a walk somehow. I haven't felt this way for quite a long time. I was constrained every day for a long time, so I never smiled either. They made it to the water.
Chopper: Water!
Chopper used a bowl to fill the barrel up. Robin was sitting down.
Chopper: If I remember correctly, you said you've always been alone since you were eight.
Robin: Yes. By following pirates I nearly survived. Your captain was lucky to have a different experience.
It's your turn. Tell me about this Doctorine person. You were talking about that person earlier. She's a doctor, right? Is she your teacher?
Chopper: Yes. But Doctrine is someone whom I'm deeply indebted to. People call her Dr. Kureha. Dr Kureha. What kind of person is she? She really loves alcohol. I'd describe her as a woman who's like a pirate who's a doctor. He told how he tried under her for 6 years. He always wanted to do more them learn medicine and wanted to help people. But she never allowed it until one day she caught a disease from a patient and it was up to Chopper to save her. She wouldn't help or anything it was her test to him and he passed and praised him for it. That was the only praise he got from her the last time he was working. He told Robin he'd be able to cure any disease and become a great Doctor for her to see one day.
Oh no! I said too much! He looked for her. She was walking off.
Robin: The sun be stealing soon, we should go. I wish  I had someone that I could write a letter to. Like you do
Chopper got the barrel of water. And walked Down the hill
It was sunset and the crew came together and started a fire.
Nami: So, why weren't you able to get even a single fruit?
Luffy: That's a good question.
Usopp: I thought I was being attacked by a huge king condor! He fell off the log. Sorry, everyone. I tried risking my life to get fruits. I wasn't good enough. I'm dead. He uses a star as blood.
Nami: On the contrary Zoro, Stella you two did a great job!  Keep up that momentum and stay up all night and get more!
Sanji: How lovely Nami is, even when she's yelling at everyone.
Zoro: Shut up you moron
Sanji: want to fight moss-head!
Stella was in between them
Stella: Oh stop it your two.
She hits their head
They were all laughing
Nami: Today was the first peaceful day in a while!
Luffy: What about your chopper? What did you do on the ship?
Chopper: Noting special. But it was a pretty good day.
Robin had the flower she picked.
If I'm being honest I shouldn't even be doing season 5. There's nothing special happening so the character get their own episode and I'm skipping the rest.

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