Epsiode 121

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Young Koza: We're gonna make an awesome city and make this kingdom even Lusher! For sure.
Koza: Don't fight... Rebel... Army...
Man: Koza-san. How dare you shoot Koza-san? Get them
Viv saw on doing the Baroque workmen.
Koza was on the ground.
Man: You...! Why'd you shoot Koza?
Koza: Reabl Army... Listen to me...
R Man: Ahhh! What's going on? A sandstorm suddenly..!.
Koza: Rebel Army...!
Re Man: They started shooting at us! Those bastards...!
R Man: Rhats with this dust devil?
R man 2: We can't see ahead!
A man was shot
R man: Damnit! Those bastards...!
B Mna: Humph; there is nothing to wonder about since Baroque Work members initiated both armies.
Vi: No! They went back to fighting.
Please! Stop, everyone! Don't fight! Look! I'm here!
Koza: Stop... Rebel Army... This battle is... He was breathing heavily.
Things were blowing up.
Stop....! Stop already...  Stop...
Miss Sunday: You fought well, young lady... But...your voice will no longer reach them...
Cobra: So this is it... Run, Vivi! Get away from that man!
Vivi stood up. No. That dust devil. I'd your doing, isn't it? Not yet... If I stop the attack that's scheduled to happen in 15 minutes, I can still reduce the number is casualties!
Crocodile: If we do this, the rebellion will stop. He grabbed her neck. Wake up, princes. I can't stand how annoying your idiotic theory is.
Vi tried to get him to let go
If you wanna talk about ideals you have to be able to make them real.  You're not qualified to do that!
Vi: I don't care if it's annoying. I won't give up on my ideals, either! You could never understand! I'm the princess if this country. I won't give in to someone like you!
Crocodile: you really have no charm...
Vi:I won't give up... I will... Save this county...!
Cobra: Vivi!
Crocodile: 15 minutes until the Square is blown up.  More and more of the auxiliary rebel forces will gather here... One after another, all without realizing their own fate... He hung her over the edge. Had you let the Rebel Army know earlier about the explosion on the squar.... even if there had been a panic, you could've saved thousands of tens of thousands id lives...
Cobra: Stop! Please stop it, crocodile!
Crocodile: On the send your optimistic ideas about saving everything have resulted in the deaths of all the citizens you love so much. From start to finish everyone in this country...amused me. You did a fine job spying on our company for the past two years...
Todo: It's me! Don't you recognize me? I suppose I can't blame you. I did lose some weight.
Crocodile: But when all is said and done you guys couldn't stop anything. Shopping the rebellion... Saving the kingdom... Your worthless ideals..only created more unnecessary victims... Let me tell you something... You can't save this country. Goodbye, princess... His hands turn into sand and he lets her go. Laughs.
Something was flying out of the sky.
It was Pell and Stalla.
A/n My girl is back
It can't be...
Stella: Crocodile!
Vi: Stella-sama!
Crocodile: Bandana Scarf...!
Pell swops down and Stella catches her.
Stella: Just in time.
Vivi was holding onto her.
Vi: Stella-sama...! Pell...!  There isn't much time left before the square is blown up. Everyone is already down...  My voice no longer reachers anyone... At this rate, the county will...  She starts to cry.
Stella: Don't worry. Vivi looks at her
Your voice is heard by us.
Zoro: Again, I'm saying that my injuries are obviously worse than yours. You're a man, so too whining! My leg is injured! I can't stand!
Zoro was carrying Nami to the palace while cutting down people who got in his way.
Nami: In waiting this is bad
Zoro: You're lying!
Pell: Be careful... Stella-sama.
Stella: I've almost died plenty of times. Knowing me it won't be the last. I'll be fine. She is getting ready to fight Crordile again.
She had a barrel on her back.
Stella: I won't give up!
Crocodile: How did she get out of that quick and with those injuries...?
She was stretching.
Chopper: Stella's alive!
Vi: Tony-kun!
Stella looked at them
Usopp: What? Stella!.Vivi's here toon
Usopp: See? See? I told you! I knew it!
Sanji: You don't look like someone who knew! Stalla-sama. My love you okay. Ahhh! What the hell, Vivi-chan! Stella you're hurt so bad!
Vi: Usopp-san! Sanji-san!
Namiv Usopp! Nmai hit him with her weapon.
Vi: Nami-san... Mr. Bushido..
A/n Ahe knows that's not his name right? Everyone Alive
Namiv Whi asked you to create a prop for parties.
Zoro: Hey, yore Standing!
Sanji: Nami-san!
Usopp: It did have a powerful attack, didn't it?
Nami: I'll deal with you later! Vivi... So what's going on? What's with this dust devil?
Sanji: Hey you jerk! Why is Nmai-san injured? I'm gonna gut you!
Zoro: She's just fine, isn't she...?
Usopp: Ahh. Chopper, I have a favor to ask. Will you bury my body in a wasteland?
Chopper: He's already got a fatal wound.
Stella: Sorry, guys. I lost to him once...
I can't promise you u will win against him this time again. But I won't get up. But. She turns to face them.
Stella: I won't be needing any of these
All: What.
See all gives Zoro her whip.
Zoro: What are you doing
Stella: What I should have done a long time ago.
A/n It's time. Yes.
Stella takes off her Banadna revealing her hair to everyone.
All: Whoa.
Zoro was shocked. Mind I've seen that hair before.

 Mind I've seen that hair before

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Stella then takes Luffy's hat.
Luffy: Hey
Stella: Have to make it realistic.
Usopp: What does she mean?
Stella: Mind I can do this. Inu Inu No mi. Luffy
A/n please say if I'm using this devil fruit right.
A bunch of smoke comes from her.
Everyone was coughing. They looked to see Luffy. Two Luffy's
All: Stella
Stella: You mean Luffy.
Zoro: How
Stella L: I'll explain after I defeat him. I'll put an end to this... To all this!
Vi: Everyone. I still have this many friends...
Stella used Luffy Gun Gun to stretch her arm to get on top.
Crocodile was suck to see Luffy and a lot Stella.
Crocodile: It doesn't matter who comes to fight me. You can't even hit me. Looks like you wanna be skewered again.
Luffy went to punch him. Sprinkls of water came from the barrel.
Stella was able to land a hit on him. H
he landed.
A/n Mind you steal a is Luffy. So I'll just say he. For her and say Stella L.
Stella L: Gum-Gum...!
Cobra: Whis is that?
Stella L stretched her arms out and was able to spin her body.
Crocodile: Could he... Possibly...?
Buzz saw! She banged her head on his head. Kockikg him down
Cobra: He hit crocodile...!
Miss Sunday: Well, Well.
Stella L: Get up. The water that dropped on your hand... The water my sister for from Yuba. She told me. That's why you can't turn into sand once you touch water. She squeezes some water on her hand. You took the rain away because you're afraid of water,  right? Now I possibly beat you. Our fight starts now.

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