Epsiode 166

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I skipped a little of the fighting in the beginning. It made no sense. The three of them were called by god so they left to meet him.
Chopper looks around.
Zoro: What is it?
Chopper: Those sounds seem to be getting farther away.
Zoro: Yeah. The guerillas and priests are probably going home for the night
We have to hurry and get back, too.
Chopper: Wait for me, Zoro!
Zoro: Hurry, or I'll leave you behind!
Chopper: You don't know the way back!
Sanji was cooking he had three heart-shaped carrots
While Luffy watched the water boiled.
Luffy: Man, this is boring!
Sanji: Who told you to stare at it?
Your only job is to put the distilled water that collects in the container into the canteens so that we'll have drinking water for tomorrow!
Luffy: Still.
Chopper: Sanjj! We got lots of Things!
Sanji: Good work what'd you fine?
Chopper: walnuts, aloe, bananas, and garlic.
Zoro: And rats and frogs.
Sanji: Great! Toss it into the stew!
Nami: Hold it! There were some weird ingredients just now!
Sanji: You're right! How careless of me! No garlic?
Nami: No! I wasn't talking about that!
Robin: What's wrong, Navigator?
Nami: Wow! Robin! What's that blue thing? A gem?
Robin: Pretty, isn't it? But no, it's not a gem.
Sanji: Oh, a salt crystal, huh? That's a great fine Robin!
Robin: I found it on the lakeshore I thought it would be useful to have.
Sanji: It sure would! Salt is vital to surviving in the wilderness! He cuts up more fish.
Chopper: I'll take half the garlic and aloe! I can use it to make burn medicine and antiseptic for the Sky Knight!
Zoro: Yeah. What about the frogs?
Chopper: No frogs
Sanji: Hey, Zoro! You're not doing anything. Help out.
Zoro was using his sword as a source of Fire for the salt rocks
You know, my swords aren't meant to be used like this.
Sanji: Quiet! Disobey the cook and you'll go without dinner! He puts the salt rocks in the pot
Luffy: we're eating the rocks, too! Are they any good?
Sanji: Get real. This is stone stew the heat from the cooked stone boils the stew.
Chopper: oh.
Sanji: Stew is great! You get all the ingredients and nutrition without any waste!
Chopper: I see!
Luffy: Ah! We're having stew... he went to take off the lid
Sanji kicks him
Don't open it!
Luffy: Sanji! I'm hungry!
Sanji: It's not even cooked yet! Besides, didn't you roast and eat an entire sky shark?
Luffy: Stella ate one too. But that was just to tide me over.
Nami: Geez, what kind of stomach does he have?
Robin: How uneconomical...
Stella: You have no idea how many late nights I was up making him food whenever he wanted food. Luffy you have learned nothing while I cooked, did you? You just ate the food and slept.
Luffy: Yup. Your food was yummy.
Zoro: What're you doing, Usopp? Dinner's almost ready.
Usopp: Yeah, just thought I'd start hauling the wood for the ship's repairs...
Zoro: You planning to swim across?
Usopp: Huh? Yeah
Zoro: Those big sharks are in there.
They looked
Usopp was ready to leave
I can fix it tomorrow! Let's get dinner, Zoro! He left
Zoro: Yeesh.... he picks up Usopp's shoes
Nami: Alright! Finished!
Sanji: Gave Chopper three bowls.
Ladies first. Got it?
Chopper: Yeah.
Sanji: Alright! Everyone in your seats!  I'll come around and serve it so eat before it gets cold!
Nami: Alright guys! Let's begin our strategy meeting to decide what to do tomorrow!
Chopper gave the food to Robin and Stella.
Stella: Thank you.
Usopp gave Nmai a bow
Nami: Guys! Thanks. We can do this while eating so listen!
Usopp: oh! Hear-shaped carrots! You're really meticulous, Sanji!
Sanji: How is it, huh? Do you like my love stew?
Usopp: What
Nami: Everyone ready? First, let's review Noland's picture book! It was 400 years ago when Noland first discovered the city of Gold.  But when he returned to Jaya years later, the gold ruins were gone!
Luffy: this stew sure is good! Just like-- Sanji smashed the lid on his head for eating bowl after bowl.
Nami: Hey! Are you listening?
Sanji: I'm sorry, Nami! But he was. 
Luffy: These Sky Island boxed lunches are great, too!
Nami: Back to the story! Basically, during those few years, this island, which is part of Jaya, came up into the sky!
Chopper: You mean rode up to the Knock upstream?
Nami: Yeah. That's the only possibility I can think of. Cricket said the sea floor explodes at different places each time. could see an island flying after an explosion like that!
Zoro: But it's hard to believe that the forest on Jaya is the same as this one...
Robin: That's probably due to the composition of sea and island clouds. It appears the environment around the sky island allows animals and plants to develop unusually quickly. That also explains the civilization that was swallowed up by the forest
The Sky Knigt pet had a heart-shaped as well so did Luffy but just ate it without seeing.
Sanji: So dejected.
Chopper: Say, the south birds that saved us at the lake were this big!
Zoro: Yeah, they probably got bigger over those 400 years
Sanji: But it's strange... He tossed the stew at Zoro. Why did those huge south birds save you?
Chopper: yeah I'm not sure. But they called the Sky Knight God...
They all looked over at him
Luffy: God? Does that mean we should beat up this old man?
Usopp: Of course not, you stupid loudmouth!
Stella: Alright, that's enough! Sir down Luffy
Usopp: Yeah sit down
Luffy: Who's this loudmouth?
Usopp: It's you!
Nami: Anyways, remember what Noland's log said about the city of Gold?
Luffy: I know! He saw gold!
Nami: Obviously you loudmouth! Quit saying whatever comes to mind!
Sanji: I recall there being a giant gold bell and that there were south birds...
Robin:There was an incomprehensible line on the last page of his log. Just before he died Noland wrote a passage that said he saw gold in the "skull's right eye"
Nami: That's it! Look at this! I matched the size of Robin's Jaya map with the old Skypiea map! It's just an approximation, but when you put their locations of the beach house together! See! This is how Jaya looked 400 years ago!
Luffy: Whoa! It's a skull!
Nami: Well
Luffy: Awesome!
Sanji: way to go Nami!
Chopper: We did it!
Usopp: Then, the skull's right eye is...
Nami: Right here! Noland was referring to the shape of the entire island. But only had half of it is left now, so nobody can solve the mystery
Usopp: I see! That's why...
Zoro: Interesting...
Luffy: Treasure!
Nami: So we just need to go straight to this spot! We can't leave the boat, though so let's split into two teams tomorrow! No doubt about it!  There's an enormous amount of gold waiting for us here!
Gen: Wiper...
Wiper: Gen! How are Kamakiri's wounds?
Gen: They're tending to him over there right now.
Wiper: Are they deep?
Gen: yeah. It's hard to believe he would have been beaten...! Ohm really is formidable
Laki: I'm sorry... it's. my fault!
It was night and the Straw Hats were cleaning up
Luffy: what a meal. We get gold tomorrow!
Usopp: That's right!
Luffy: Do you think it'll be sunny tomorrow, too?
Usopp: well, we are above the clouds
Robin: It's gotten pretty late we need to put out any unnecessary fires.
They'll only reveal our location to the enemy.
Luffy: How foolish! Did you hear that Usopp? She wants to put out the fire!
Usopp: it's not her fault. She lived in darkness until now. She just doesn't know
Robin: What do you mean?
Luffy: You're always supposed to have a campfire!
Usopp: The desire to have a campfire when camping at night,even if your're on your last legs is what makes one human!
Nami: You're the stupid ones! Will you cut the crap already? You know how dangerous this forest is!
Luffy: Do not!
Nami: There are priests! There are guerrillas! And even without them, forests at night are dangerous anyways! Who knows? There could be wild animals or montsters ouy there!
Zoro: Hey luffy. Is this woodpile good enough?
Nami: You guys are serious about this, too?
Sanji: It's all right Nmai. Wild animals are actaully afraid of fires. He lit a stick and behind him were green glowing eyes
Nami: Behind you! There'e already something behind you!
Usopp and Choppef screams.
There was a wolf.
Sanji: It's saying something! Come here, Chopper!
Wolf growls.
Chopper "you ousiders are being too damn loud! Get to be you dumbasses"
Both: say what?
Chopper: I'n not the one saying it!
"Don't tell em you bastards are thinking about trashing our turf"
No, we were brought here against our will!
"This is our land! Who said you jerks could cook here?"
"This forest is ours! The tress,the grass everything" Next thing you know he was knocked out.
Nami and stella was standing there.
Nami: I won't let you have our treasurs
Stella: you think i'm going let you insult us without taking action.
There was more
Usopp: Hey, look! Thing seem worse now! What do we do?
Nami: Do something
Usopp: Me?
Chopper "Forget it,guys. You ain't no match for rthem even, as a pack..." Girlies! You guys pack a mean punch! I like you two!
Stella Nmai and the wolf looks at each other with a smile
Usopp: Did we just work things out?
Zoro: Seems that way.
Luffy: Then let's have a camfire togther!
All: Yeah
Tye logs that Sanji and Zoro collected was on fire and everyone was dancing.
Luffy: Lets get this part started. It's the night festival before hunting!
Luffy was howling like tye wolves.
Nami: what is this? It's delicious! Did you guys make this juice? It's delicious! More please.
Stella: Me as well
Zoro was drinking with a wolf.
Nami and thw wolf was huging and lauging
Luffy: Let's get that treasure!
Chopper: Gold!
Sanji: Gold!
Gan: They even tamed the cloud wolves...  no one else living on this Enel' land would have such a wild party...
Robin: Oh,you're awake! Should you be moving?
Knight: I apologize for trying to help but causing trouble insted...
Zoro: what are you talking about? You helped a lot! Thanks
I hear you saved Chopper and out ship.
Gan : It was nothing..
Robin: There's still some stew would you like some?
Gan: No,. I thank you. But I'm afraid I can't right now.
Thwy sit down.
Luffy: You're ylup weird old man! Thank for yout help!
Chopper:Lets dance! Sky knight!
Gan: You're supposed to be a doctor!
Snaji: Old man! How is conis? Is she all right?
Gan yes. She an her father are at my house.
Sanji: Really? That's great! Inwas so worried!
Usopp: That's great! They're both safe!   Alright! Lets toss Chopper into the air
Chopper: What for
They did ls Chopper was laughing.
Gan smlies at the sight.
I heard yoh talking earlier... so this island was originally know as Jaya?
Stella: Yes.
Gan: I take it you don't know why this place is now known as holy ground?Shandia were going to attack again but Laki was told to stay behind is she was going get distracted again. Kamakirir was good enough to attack.
Gan: For you blue sea people, the ground here must see. Quite natuarl.
Zoro: Yes.
Gan: I see. But this is something that dose not noramlly exist in the sky. Island cloids do raise plant life,but they do nkt give birth to it. Neither greentmy nor soil is naturally found in the sky... we call this "Vearth" it is the very object of eternal admiration for those living in the sky.
Kamakirir: Once we defeat Enel, we won't need to revere a single bag of Vearth. Right, Wiper? We're going back to the 400-year-old homeland of the shandians!
Everyone was still parting and having blast before their big adventure.

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