Episode 203

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The giant explosion caused smoke all over the sea.
Drake: They're getting away. All ship at full speed!
Navigator: With all due respect we're in shallow water! If we sail headlong into that smoke, we run the risk of hitting the reef!
Drake: I said Full speed ahead!
Navigator: But sir!
Drake: Do you know what will happen if we let those pirates escape from us? This fortress and everyone who serves here will become the laughingstock of the Marines,  we'll be synonymous with failure
Nav: We will?  You really think so, Lieutenant?
Drake: I know so! And in fact, I'm sure this will be the last straw for Navarone! Those bigwigs at HQ have been waiting for an excuse to shut us down once and for all! Do you understand me, sailor? So tell me! Are you going to allow that to happen to Navarone?
Nav: No sir he went to the transmitter
Attention, all ships! Full speed ahead! Sail through the sea Gate!
Luffy: The open sea! Keep her a straight course, guys!
Both: No, turn around!
They look at both Nami and Stella.
Nami: We can't leave yet! Full reverse! Don't just stand here those lousy Marinea stole all our gold!
Turns us around! We have to go back to the fortress right now!
Zoro: Are you two nuts?;
Usopp: Mayhmbe you didn't notice Nami, Stella we almost got killed breaking out that place! Zoro right? You two are completely nuts!
Stella: We're quite sane right now, thank you! Look, what's the point in escaping if it's without all our hard-earned gold?
Chopper: Wow, whenever money is involved Nami and Stella get really serious.
Sanji: I love that side of Nami and Stella, Too!
Luffy: But we're so close to that big hole we made! All we gotta do is sail right through
Nami:Hey, aren't we supposed to be pirates?;
Luffy: mm-hm
Nami: Well, have you ever heard of pirates leaving the gold behind? Wouldn't that be the worst thing a pirate could do?
Luffy: Yeah, I guess.
Stella: So, it's decided then! Let's go get our treasure!
Nami: Crew, make a U-turn and take us back to the fortress on the double!
Chopper: got it
Sanji: aye! Anything for you two Captain Nami, Captain. Stella!
Chopper: right rudder turn
Sanji: U-Turn!
Usopp: Hold onto something!
Zoro: What are they doing?
Luffy: Hey! Be careful!
They made a sharp U-turn back
Nami: That's to keep it going, guys.
Bells chiming
Nami has her ears out. But thanks to Stella's devil fruit she has extra hearing
Luffy: You hear that?
Nami: Please be quiet, Luffy!
Luffy: Sounds like wind chimes.
Stella: They're alarm bells. You use them to signal your location to the other ships when you're in a fog!
Bell ringing
And those sound like they're coming straight towards us!
Sanji: How was that Namj? Should we keep her on a rightward course?
Nami: No! Let rudder, full! If er don't we're gonna crash into that big ship that headed right for us
Sanji: Anything for you my sweet Thing! The boat swings making the others slide
They were able to dodge it
Nami: Hah, that sure was close. To think we almost died without ever laying eyes on our gold again.
Chopper: How do things look up ahead is the cost clear?
Blee clanging rapidly
Luffy: Sounds like a lot more of them than last time!
Nami: I see one, two, oh, no! There's a whole flotilla of ships down on us
Usopp: We'rw dead meat!
Sanji: so nami. What'll it be, my sweet Left Rudder or right rudder?
Nami: Left! Quickly!
Both: Huh?
Nami: if we don't we're gonna get smashed to pieces!
Chopper: What's going on out there?
Sanji: I don't know! Just do what Nami says, Chopper!  She's the best navigator in the world!
Nami: Ah! I don't think we're gonna make it!
They just went past them.
We...we made it. Keep her head straight guys! We can't keep sailing blind like this! It is too dangerous here! We've gotta get out of this smoke!
Zoro: Won't they spot us if we do?
Usopp: Yeah we'll be sitting ducks once we leave this smoke! Those ships take aim and then boom! They'll blast us to the bottom of the ocean and we'll be fish food! I can't die yet.
Nami: Do you have any better idea!?
Robin: Miss Navigator.m.
Nami: Huh?
Robin: I was able to do a little bit of research. It turns out that this fortress used to station quite a lot more troops and warships than it currently does.
Usopp: Well, thanks for sharing, but this is not the time for a stupid history lesson, Robin!
Robin: It seems that this fortress has been a victim of military downsizing. As a result, many of its areas have been shut down and there are plenty of unused docks around the base.
Nami: Plenty of unused docks, huh? That's great! Wow! Thanks, Robin! You're a lifesaver! Okay, guys. Here's the plan! We're going to hide the Merry in one of those old docks!
Usop: Uh? How do we even know where to find one?
Nami: Just follow my orders and this map!
Drake ship was out. But didn't see the straw hats anywhere and went to tell Jon what happened through the transmitter only to find out that Jon planned for this and had a different idea for catching the Staw hats
They haven't gotten away from us just yet. Nor will they even try while we still have what they hold most dear in this fortress.
For the record, the dialog that happened Between Shepherd and Jom is being skipped. All shepherds are trying to sabotage Jon and report him to HQ while Jon is focused on his plan to capture them no point in doing that.
Usopp: Well? What do we do now, guys?
Zoro: If you ask me I think we should just head back to the gate and make a break for it while we still can.
Usopp: You've got a point there. The Marines mean business. It's too bad we have to leave the gold behind, but our lives are more important. 
Chopper: You two are the captains Luffy and Stella. What do you think?
Luffy: We need to get our gold back, but first I need something to eat!
Sanji: I heard ya. Gimme a second and I'll whip something up. 
Usopp: Um, the storerooms looked kinda empty.
Sanji: There's gotta be something left to eat around here?
Stella: They call themselves Marines telling us they let us live if we give up  and turn us in to be killed or we are able to leave they leave us with nothing so we can die of starvation oh yeah but Pirates get hated on
Nmai: Just so I understand you correctly, you guys are okay with us leaving this place without our gold?
[Chopper, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp] Mm-hmm.
Stella: Well, that's too bad cause you know, pirates' treasure is always divided up. Even after splitting up the loot, we'd all have more gold than we'd know what to do with. Just think of all the stuff we could have brought.
Usopp: Hey, wait! I wanna go and buy some stuff!
Nami: Like what?
Luffy: Ooh, I'll tell you what I wanna buy! A big gold statue!
Chopper: Ohh. Nami over here! I wanna buy a bunch of new medical books! Ones that'll teach me all about the latest medical procedures and operations!
Sanji: New pots, frying pans, silverware, giant mousetraps... wow, even after all that, there'll still be a lot left over.
Zoro: I could buy lots of booze.
Nami: Righ
All: Uh-huh.
Nami: But first, I take an extra cut of 80 percent!
All: Are you nuts?
Nami: It's not for me.
Usopp: Oh yeah? Then who. And why should they receive a bigger share of the rest of us, huh,
Nami: It's for a special lady we're going to set aside the gold to pay for the repairs we need to make. A
Luffy: A lady? Oh wait you mean the Merry?
Nami: That's right. Isn't it about time we paid her back for all she's done for us?
Usopp: Well come to think of it, the Going Merry has carried us for a long time now hasn't she? Ever since I joined up and left my village in the East Blue.
They talked about all the adventures The Going Merry went through for them
Chopper: Yeah I even risked my life to save it.
Usopp: and that person who fixed it that night.
They all looked at him
I saw somebody, I swear!
Luffy: When you think about it, this ship's gone through a lot for us
Nami: And that is exactly why we need to give her some tender, loving care.
Usopp: Good idea! The Going Merry's Great Repair!
Luffy: Let's do it! It's settled! And since we don't know how much the repairs be we'll just hold off dividing up the treasure until we do.
Sanji: Those goons took all the food from the Storeroom, but lucky for us they didn't touch the fridge. Here dig in
Zoro: Huh. I've been wondering how much longer usopp's half repairs were gonna last.
Usopp: Hey, I'm a sniper, not a shipwright! But yeah, Mechao said the same thing. I need professional repairs.
Sanji: Yeah, right. It's time we took the Merry to a real shipyard, and got some honest-to-goodness shipwrights to give her the repairs she needs.
Chopper: So there are people who can fix ships better than Usopp?
Stella: Yep! Sometimes when you need a job done right,  you've gotta go see a professional!
Luffy: That's it! We've gotta get shipwrights for our crew! Our journey's far from over right?
All: Mm.
Luffy: We really need someone with those skills.
All: Mm-hmm.
Luffy: And the merry isn't just our ship!; she's our home, too! So let's go to find us a shipwright who can keep the Merry safe! She sits down and drinks.
Sanji: Well I'm impressed whoa.
Zoro:He got to the point. That's pretty rare.
Usopp: Well, that sounds really good to me, Luffy! Let's go do it!
Luffy: That's what I just said. I just hope we find somebody good!
We should get a musician, too!
Sanji: Let's forget that one.
Nami:The shipwright's a great idea, but haven't you all forgotten something?
Chopper, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp: what's that?
Nami: we have to get our gold back first!
Luffy: oh. Yeah. Right. Well, do we have any idea where they might take it?
Usopp: To a vault, I bet.
Sanji: Well dud, genius! Where else, the problem is we have no idea where that vault may be!
Usopp: Hey, you don't have to be rude!
Robin: I'd say here. It's just a guess, if course but if I were going to hide gold inside Navarone this Multi-Lock storage vault seems like it would be the ideal place.
Sanji: You're so smart!
Nami: You're right! That does seem like the most obviuos place! All right guys! Lets go buat into that vault and get our gold back!
Usopp: yeah but what about the going merry. We can't just leave here here she's sure to get spotted eventually
Luffy: "Hide a tree in a forest and hid a big ship among big ships"
Zoro: So what's your big plan?
Sanji:I think I liked you better when you weren't so serious
Robin: I don't know if it'll help or not but weare at a dock where ships used to be constructed and repaired. Whe we sailed in just now I coudn't help but notice an abundance of abandoned materials lying around.
Usopp: Ya don't say! Well that gives me a great idea!
All: yeah! Well... whaddays think, guys? Not bad if I do say so myself! At least we don't have to worry about the Merry getting stolen again, right?
They made the Going Merry a marine Boat.
Zoro: Gluing paper all over the ship to disguise it... what great idea.
Sanji: I don't know. It looks like a three-year-old did it. You think that's gonna fool anyone for very long? 
Luffy: Yeah, of course it will! It looks just like one of the Marines Warship, no doubt about it!
Chopper: it sure does.
Zoro: Are you nuts.
Nami: Great. Now we all have to do is get our treasure back operation Gold Recovery commences at Midnight! Got it?
All:  Got it!
Chopper: Um, why don't we go right now?
Luffy: well cause super-secret mission are alwats better at midnight!
Chopper: Oh, I get it now!
Usopp: Um, you guys are joking, right?

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