Epsiode 211

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Tom: Our mighty Groggy Ring combatants have taken the field!  Opposing them, on the straw Hats team.
The Foxy crew was booing them.
Their meddlesome sidelined supporter from the first round. The savage Chef Sanji!
Sanji: I think you mean "stylish chef."
Ham: Laughs
Tom" And beside him, with a bounty of 60 million berries, pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro!
Pickles: Hardly worth our time to squash a couple of pipsqueaks like these! Hehehe. Right big pan?
Pan put his hand to his ear.
Ham: He can't hear you.
Sanji: Man what do those guys eat?
Referee: We'll start this out with a coin toss.
Ham: Tails
Referee: What about you?
Sanji: Uhh... Kind of has to be heads, right
Ref: Tails...laughs... Field or ball?
Ham: Ball, please.
Tom: You heard him Our Groggy Monster has chosen the ball! The straw hat's Ball men will now enter the other team's mid-circle!
Ref" Left or right?
Zoro: Doesn't matter
Tom: In case you were wondering, the ballmen are the players with the silly little hats on their heads. Knock your opponent's ball man into the ring on their side of the field and the game is yours!
Zoro: Hey ball man get in position already
Sanji: Now listen. I never agreed to the ball in the first place. You better shut your mouth unless you want a boot to the teeth. How am I supposed to look cool with this thing on my head?
Zoro: You gonna cry over a hat? Hey! That looks good on you!
Sanji: You think I'm gonna fall for that, stupid?!
Luffy: Zoro! Sanji! I'm counting on you
Usopp: I'm sorry we lost the last round, you guys! It's up to you guys. Please get Chopper back! You gotta!
Nami: Wow, would you look at that! It's a real wontan!
Robin: They aren't as large as pureblood giants but he's still pretty big.
Stella: We fought Giants before I will kinda be disappointed if they fail.
Foxy: Laughs. Don't bother cheering for your friends it's no use! Those guys are more than just muscle they're Groggy Ring experts!
Luffy: Oh hey Split head. Did you want something?
Foxy: He said it again?
Porche: Aw, poor Boss!
Oh yeah, every time he gets insulted I'm not doing that he's crying because of that.
Porche: Why would you be so cruel to this sweet gentle man?
Foxy: What's with the face? If you're afraid I'm gonna interfere again, then don't worry!  I won't even need to in this round! You babies!
Robin: Don't tell me you can butt in on this game, too?
Foxy: Yep! It all depends on how the captain feels. Natural some pirates like to fight fair and square so they can test the strength of their crew. Others will cheat in any way they can to make sure they never lose a match. But I just do whatever I want! I don't see what you're complaining about a little foul here and there if you're a real pirate, you should be used to these sorts of things, right? The sea is treacherous,
Nami: Oh yeah. You would know.
Stella: No wonder why you're not known by a lot of people laughs.
Foxy: she says people don't know me.
By the way, your team looks to be playing a game of their own. They do know the match is about to start, right
Nami: Laugh while you still can! They're just laid back, 'cause they know they can win! '
Sanji: I saw that, cheater! You went too early on that last one!
Zoro: Shut up! You're just mad 'cause you lost. Like you always do.
Sanji: What? I always lose, huh? We'll just see about that! Let's do best three out of five
Zoro: you'll just lose again.
Foxy: So is the chef your ball man or what
Nami: Is that what those idiots are arguing about? Sanji! That hat looks great on you!
Sanji: All right! Let's rock! Ball Man's here to kick some ass!
Zoro: Gotta admit; it does suit you. You look like a real prince. From the kingdom of lamenesses.
They started to fight.
Usopp: You're wasting time! Start the match!
Sanji: You suck
Zoro: No, you suck.
Ref: Hey hold it. No weapons on the field, pal! You gotta lose the swords!
Zoro: Hah those are the rules
Tom: Yep! Cause this is a ball game! Can't have you slicing each other up, now can we?
Zoro: Fine! My fists are all I need!
Sanji: You sure you're gonna be okay out there? A swordsman without his sword is just, well.
Zoro: what?
Sanji: A normal Guy. Only lamer.
They were fighting again.
Zoro was struggling to keep up
Usopp: That wasn't even a good burn! Get over it!
Tom: It certainly took long enough, but it looks like the straw Hats ball Man is finally making his way to the opponent's circle!
Zoro: Hey cook, I hope you get trampled out there.
Sanji: Up yours.
Tom: The crowd is hungry for action today
Pic: Big Pan, are you ready to make some grown man cry?
Pan: Huh
Ham: He can't hear you
Pic: Eh...laughs.
Tom: What can I say?  The Groggy Monsters are always up for a good laugh! Now why don't we go over a few quick rules?
All know that.
Zoro: so all we gotta do to win is knock Jumbo's head into the ring on their side. Simple enough.
Mindm Hard part is gonna be stopping them from planting the cook's haad in our ring.
Tom: Can Team Straw Hat win back the Reindeer they lost in round 1, or will they lose another member? As you can see Foxy's returning champs are laughing in the face of their competition. But will they be the ones to laugh last? The whistle is about sound!
Let the games begin! We start with Ball Man Sanji deep in enemy territory! Will he be ready for attack?
Pic: Let's do this.
Tom: Tackle Machine Pickles takes off with a heavy charge!
Sanji: Okay, just gotta for their ball man, and finish them off.
Pic: Sling Tackle!
Sanji: Get out of my way! She jumps on his back. To get to pan
Let's see what you got, big man. I hope that fat head of yours fits in the goal. Collier...! He slides on his arm.
Hey! What's going on here? His skin is all slimy!
Tom: After all, Big Pan's a Loach Fish Wotan! They have slippy skin!
Zoro: What the heck are you doing? Stop scerewing a round!
Ham: Laughs. He was running to Zoro
Get down here!
Sanji: You better watch what you wish for, sword man!
Pan: Punk Pass! He slaps Sanji off him
Tom: This is it! Big Pan's super-long pass!
Stella, Luffy: Sanji!
Tom: Team Captain Hamburg races onto the scene for the catch! But Zoro is in hot pursuit as well!
Zoro: If that stupid head of yours makes it anywhere near the goal, I'm gonna chop it off!
Sanji: You talk big but just wait till I get down there!
Pickle: Now, my sweeping Tackle!
He attacks Zoro and Ham goes to get Sanji. He was able to get him
Gorilla throw!
Pic: I got it!
Zoro: Get back here, damn it!
Pic: Spinning Tackle! He spins so fast Zoro was pushed back.
And Sanji fell into the Tackle. And heads heading to the goal
Usopp: Sanji.
Pan ran to them and pushed Sanji up to Ham's hands.
Ham was going to put Sanji into the goal
Zoro: You can't go down that easy!
Zoro goes to Pickle and picks him up.
Usopp, Luffy: Hurry, do something! Zoro! Sanji!
Zoro: I know, I'm on it. You don't need to remind me. It's ain't over I won't let you score! He swings Pickles and throws him
You will never understand how much I hate the Foxy crew.
Sanji: All right, you've had your fun. Time to put me down, fat head! I can't let Zoro bail me out of this! I've never heard the end of it. He kicks down Ham
And stay down!
The two smash into each other.
Tom: No goal! Ball Man Sanji is back on the ground, and looks like he's ready for some more action!
Luffy: Awesome! Kick that guy in the face some more!
Sanji: I can take care of myself just fine Got it?
Zoro: If you can stay on the ground Ball!
Tom: It seems our Groggy monsters have finally found some worthy adversaries in the ring! This one will be a match to remember! The Straw Hats prevail but can they do it again? We've seen pigs fly once today, so anything can happen! The challengers seem to be discussing their next move. Let's get ready for round two!
Sanji: You're crapping my style. Go back to the sidelines Moss's head.
Zoro: Is it your "style" to get pounded like a punching bag?!
Foxy was shocked.
Stay outta the way, and I'll win this.
Sanji: I can't stay out of the way. I'm the ball Man the only one that matters!
Zoro: Listen you good-for-nothing playboy cook, you better get! Those fancy eyebrows outta my face in a hurry!
Sanji:No, you listen you dumb oaf.
If you don't get your meat-head off the field right now I'm gonna fry it up!
Tom: What is this? The Straw Hats team seems to be having some sort of disagreement with each other. Both ball men are still in play, so let's hope they can channel some of that aggression I'm a more productive direction!
Luffy laughs. Those two sure are funny, aren't they?
Usopp: You idiots! Now's your chance!  What're you doing?! Their ballman's all alone! Gang up on him and knock him in the ring while those other guys are still out of the game!
Both: Hmm?
Loud crash.
Pan went to step on them
Pan: Too Bad Dance! He had spikes on the bottom of the boats
Usopp: Don't run from the ball! How are you supposed to score?
Zoro: Hey we're doing our best but that guy's got knives on his shoes, if we don't run away, he's gonna make mulch out of us!
Sanji: Hey ref! I thought you said we couldn't use weapons!
The ref turned his head.
Usopp: What? He's not even trying, is he? And look how much he sweating
Foxy: You can't expect him to catch every little thing can you?
Sanji: Stop screwing around! He kicks off his shoes to his face.
Nami: Sanji, what were you thinking?
Sanji: You saw the whole thing. I see you sweating over there, you little cheater!
Ref: No way, I didn't see anything. Not a thing.
Sanji: You lair.
Usopp: Hey! That's the ref, Sanji! You're gonna get in trouble!
The ref gave him a yellow card Yellow card to Sanji of team Straw Hats!
Sanji: You want another boot to the face?
Usopp; Whoa! Hold on. You're only gonna make it worse!
Tom: And there it is! A yellow card for Sanji! Just one more of those and the chef will be ejected from the gqme and for all, folks!
Sanji: Shut up! I'll eject you!
Tom: With the foul mouth. What is he a gangster
Sanji: why don't you come down and I show you. Worry about the boot the ref can wait. Wait, an axe? You can't miss that!
Ref: I didn't see. Are you sure?
Sanji: Of course, I'm sure! Look! He's using a giant axe you cab see for yourself, stupid!
Usopp: Give it up. You're gonna get a red card if you don't shut it!
Sanji: Why are you siding with them all of a sudden? We're gonna get julienned out there!
Usopp: I know, but yhey're trying to make you do something stupid!  You're playing into their trap !
Sanji: who cares
Usopp: if you won't do it for me at least do it for Chopper!
Luffy: Okay stand back and let me handle him!
Usopp: No! We don't need the Captain butting in and complicating things!
Nami: Sanji, please win the match for me!
Sanji: I won't let you down!
Usopp: That was easy.
Sanji: All right, now back to the game!
They were both running from Pan.
Usopp: if you're gonna do that again, why even bother?
Sanji: Running around like this is getting us nowhere!
Zoro: Yeah, but now that we know their game plan. We can come up with a counterattack!
Sanji: Get ready big man. It's payback time!
Zoro: Go back to the sidelines! This bastard is mine! They both went back to attack Pan
Stella: There's plenty of him for the both of you!
Sanji: Mind. If I attack him where his skin's exposed I'll just end up slipping around like last time. That leaves his hands,his feet. His mask, and his underwater.
Pan: Loach scooping slide! He dives down sanji jumps while Zoro slips on on skin.
Loach Racing circus!
Sanji: Bring it on! Who's afraid of a little skating, right?
Pan was in a circle as the two of them slides in the circle all over.
Usopp: come on. Pull it together guys! Really!
Pickle and Ham were back up and they had weapons added to them
Stella had to hold Luffy back from fighting the ref who was doing stretches.
Pic: Time for revenge my friend. You ready?
Pan lets Sanji and Zoro go un front of the two.
Zoro: Won't stop spinning.
Pickle: Now we'll bring the pain. Spinning Tackle!
Ham get on him and goes into the air.
After Zoro.
Hambuger Hammer! He smashes Zoro into the ground. It wasn't done pan went into the air to help Ham do a more brutal Blow with his weapon into Zoro.
Pan: Punk Attack!
The metal Brass went into Zoro stomach.
Stella: No!!!
Sanji: Just dizzy.
Pan: Human...Cannon! He shoot Pickles out of him mouth to Sanji as he had his spikes come in contact to Sanji
Luffy: Sanji Move!
Pickle: Sling Tackle! Sanji was blown back.
Ham: Size Attack:S! He punches Sanji.
And pan Slaps him into the ground.
The two get up.
Only to fall back down.
Crowd cheers
Usopp was crying, Stella and Nami had their hands over their mouth.
Robin: Such a cruel way to win.
Luffy: Get up. Zoro! Come onn Sanji!
Tom: It looks like two wins for the Foxy Pirates!
Zoro: Hey, Let's work together for ten seconds
Sanji: Okay, fine but no longer.

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