Epsiode 181

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Wiper was talking about how the warriors fought for their lives to find their homeland.
Nami: Robin. Gan Fall! Oh no...
They all saw a spark.
I can't be.  He's restarting his own heart!
Enel was back up.
Wiper falls to his knees.
It's not that people fear God.  Rather, it is God who is fear itself.
Zoro: Mind. What the hell is this guy?
Enel: Wiper. I warned you did I not?  I warned you of the consequences. And now look where you are. How pitiful. You call yourself a warrior
Wiper: Don't address me... as if you know anything about me! Eight hundred years ago,  proud sandorain warriors fought for the fate of this city. They fought to their death to protect it. I am a descendant of those warriors. One day our homeland was taken away from us. For 400 years we've carried The great Warrior Kalgara's injured pride. We've sought to return our homeland to its rightful place for generations. And now that... I've finally made it... you're standing...in...my...way.
Enel use his staff to swipe wiper of his feet.
I must admit you landed a good blow. But what a cheap trick using the Sea Prism Stone.  And on top of that, using a Reject dial should easily kill the ordinary user. But you shot it twice and you're still breathing.  Quite impressive. However, you're still no math for me. He bangs on the symbol on his back Drum
A/n Don't know what it is called so work with me
Nami: Is that bird?
Thirty million volt Hino. He points it at wiper.
Zoro: So this has a sea prism stone in it huh?
He ran to attack
Enel: And now it's your turn swordman of the Blue Sea.
Zoro: The only choice now is to kill or be killed!
Enel: kiten. It attacks Zoro
He falls.
Name: I can't believe it! Even Zoro!
Everyone has fallen to him. Enel walks up to Nami.
How could he? She sees Wipetlr still standing
Unreal. Even as hurt as he is he still instead to fight
Enel: What do you hope to prove?  You're going to die why make it easy on yourself?  Did you say it's been 400 years? For all the time you and the Shandorians have been fighting to take back your homeland? And yet, you are the only warrior who managed to make it here. No wonder this nation will soon fall to the Blue Sea and be lost for all eternity.
Nam: How can he do that?
Enel: You're fighting for a lost cause. Can't you see that you, 'll never regain your homeland? 
Nami: He's unstoppable.
Enel: So why get back up?
Wiper: For my ancestors.
Enel: I must confess I was hoping for a better answer than that. But then again I doubt you're even completely conscious.  He gets ready to attack
Nami: Lookout.
Enel: El thor! He attacked from up.
Enel: Of all who stood before me, you are the only one left.
Nami: I just hear me out. Whimpers
I want to go with you. She raises her hand
I always wanted to go to Endless Vearth. To your dream world. She smiles. Can I come with you?
Wiper had a flashback of the chief talking to him.
Nami held him.
Enel: What's the matter? Are you having second thoughts?
Nami: I haven't changed my mind. I'm coming. Hold on! She took the waver
Enel: That thing? Are you sure you want to bring it along?
Nami: Uh, so... you don't think I'll need it?
Enel: Honestly, I'm not certain you'll be able to use it where we're going.  It's up to you. Do as you please.
Nami: Thanks for letting me bring it.  I just really like this thing.  She looks  back to see the others lying on the ground
A/n Honestly I don't feel like doing them talking so skip to the part where at the boat.
The snake was still alive
Luffy, Stella, and Aisa were in the eye part. It started to get teary and Stell had to help them both from drowning.
After a while, the snake's mouth opened
Pierre held Aisa as they all fell.
Aisa: We're outside. The ground is made of stone. Where are we?
Luffy and Stella yell.
Aisa: What is going on, Luffy? Stella? She ran after them she ran up the tomb.
Both: We're free!
Stella: Woo-ooo! What are these buildings? It looks like this place that hung the Golden Bell is supposed to be
Aisa: What is this place? Wait could this be our homeland?
Luffy: Your homeland? Hey, not bad! But where'd that big hole come from?
Stella: I wonder what it looks like at night.
They saw something.
Gasp they jumped down.
Aisa: Stella! Luffy! Wait! Where are you going this time? Stella and Luffy ran.
Luffy: Hey, Zoro! What's wrong with you? Cine on, say something!
How could this have happened to you here?
Pierre checks on Wiper
Stella: Chopper.
Luffy: Nami! Where's Nami? She's not here!
Aisa: Wiper no!
Luffy: The Bazooka guy was really strong. But he even fell in this fight.  Who could have possibly done this?
Aisa: it was Enel. He was the only one who could do something like this.
She tries to climb out of the hole.
Luffy grabbed her up.
Enel! Huh? The God Guy?
Aisa: Hmm-hmm. My Mantra didn't work all the whole time we were in the snake. So I don't know what happened here.  But I do know that It was Enel who did this.
Luffy: Robin!
Robin: Our navigator went with him.
Luffy: Just hang in there. It'll be okay.  So you're saying Nami was taken away from here by that God guy? Where
Robin: I don't know.
Robin: listen carefully. If we don't do something, Skypeia... will disappear.
Luffy: What? Will it disappear?
Aisa: My Homeland will be completely gone?
Robin: Everything will fall. He said this nation in the sky was unnatural. He said he'd be crashing to the ground
Luffy: Enel is definitely going after the Golden Bell. He won't destroy this place until he's found it.
Robin:Right and you and Stella have to stop him. But you must hurry because there isn't much time left. You can't let Enel find that bell.
Aisa: Don't worry. I know where they are. There are why voices are left on this island.  It has been Nami and Enel.
Stella: Aisa. I need you to take us to the right now.

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