Episode 92

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Man: Out of our way! There were pirates. Taking the town treasure.
Men on horses were getting the town
Woman: Crocodile-sama...
Man: Crocodile!
The pirates looked up.
Man: Crocodile. Don't tell me it's the crocodile, one of the seven Warlords...
Shut up,
Crocodile: Shut up ignorant people! I just came here to get that pirate head
Man: That's what to always say, but you always save us. Hurray for crocodile! Alabasta's Guardian Angle! Crocodile! King of the desert! Crocodile!
Crocodile: Well, call me what you will. Anyways, pirates honestly cause a ruckus in this country.
P Man: Hey, hey! Aren't you underestimating us?
P Man 2: Are you planning to take on all of us yourself?
P man3: Uiurecteh government's dog one who sold his soul to authority! Who do you think you at acting like a hero
Crocodile: Those who don't wanna die, lay down on the ground.
P man: Is he an idiot or what? He's a perfect target for us! Get him! The money and valuables in this town are ours! Crocodile came down in the middle of the group. The pirates used their sword to stab him in the chest.
So this is what the famous Seven Warlords are like? The pirates tried to take their swords out. But it didn't work. Crocodile created a sandstorm around them. Once he was done all the pirates were old and dried out.
I'm a pirate on a different level, you pig. He was on his way. He let the town of destroyed a little.
The people were happy chatting about his name. The men on the horses made it here but it was too late.
Man: Crocodile again...
A man was at a king's home
He was one step ahead of us. By the time we got to Nanohana, it was already...
King: I see. Either way, it's fine as long as the citizens are okay. He does a lot for us
Nami: There's no mistake. This ship a heading to Alabasta.
Vi: I'll be there soon... Tell me what you know.
Sanji: Luffy don't lie. The two girls looked down
Her, why are you looking away? Look me in the eyes!
Luffy: Well, seriously... I don't know anything.
Sanji: Then let me ask you something. How did enough food for 9 people, which I carefully divided so that it'd last until we got to Alabsata, disappear during the night? Stop fighting, it's pointless! You've got a horrible poker face
Luffy: Burp.
Sanji: Hey, you have something around your mouth.
Luffy: Ah! Shoot! Food crumbs?
Sanji: See, it was you! He kicks him.
Ahhh, Nami-san... You saw it, right? The large trap is no longer good enough. Please buy a lockable refrigerator.
Nami: I'll think about it...since it can be a life or death issue...
Usopp,  Chopper, and Karoo were also eating food.
Usopp: Well..! We'd better catch something for Sanji-kun...
Sanji: Hey any lunch fishing?
Usopp: Well. Sanji held Karoo's and Usopp's heads and smashed them together including the chopper.
A/n poor chopper.
Sanji; Serioult, I can't take my eyes off these guys are a moment...
Luffy: Ahh... I'm starving... The fish aren't hitting at all.
Usopp: Luffybita your falt! It's because you even ate the bait!  If we don't have bait the fish won't bite.
Luffy: You are it too
Usopp: Well. I only ate the stuff on the bait box cover.
Vi: Luffy-san. Usopp-san. Have you caught anything? She looks to see Karoo was bait.
Karoo! Oh no!
Luffy: I wonder if we can catch a shark or something...
Usopp: I wanna catch a sea king.
Vi: What're you two doing to Mario? She smashed their head together. As they fell Karoo came up. What's that?
She sees clouds.
Luffy: I won't of ira cotton candy
Vi: I'll go get Nami-sam! She ran to the kitchen to see Nami Stella Cooper and Sammi. Nami-san, there's a problem! Come right away!
Nmai: Ahh...don't worry. It's nothing it's just steam
Chopper was small so Stella picked him up so he could see it.
Vi: Steam is come up for the sea?
Nami: Yeah it's a hot spot
Luffy: What the heck is that?
Nmai: It's an area where magma is produced. There is an undersea volcano underneath that area
Chopper: A volcano even though it's undersea?
Stella: That's right. There are more under volcanoes than above-ground ones.
Luffy: I don't care since it's not food
Nami: With volcanoes like this a new island will be born here over thousands or tens of thousands of years.
Sanji: You're so cool, Nami-san!
Luffy: Tens of thousands of years I wonder if I can live that long.
Usopp: Well, you're a human. So you should die trying something before that...
Sanji: Have you caught anything?
Luffy: Oh hey, Sanji. I'm hungry Cook something.
Sanji: You guys are hopeless. I don't know how Stella lived with you for all those years. I'll go search the storage thoroughly to see if there is anything left. They went through the smoke
Vi: Ahh! It smells of sulfur!
Nami: We can't see anything! There is stam everywhere!
Stella: Bear with it. We should be through it soon.
Man: Mr. 2, Bon Clay-sam
Me 2: What is it?
Man: There is smoke at noon!
Mr2: It doesn't matter! Cut through it! At any rate, unless we take care of Mr 3. I'll be in danger!
Man: Yes sir! We're going in!
Me 2: What's this foggy thing?
Man 2: We can't see ahead!
When they went past Mr 2 was gone.
Both: What
Mr 2 was on Karoo
Mr.2: Why did j jump on the duck that I suddenly came across?
Luffy: Is he human?
Usopp: Dunno...
Mr. 2 fell I'm the water. Help me! Please! I can't swim--- he went underwater
Both: Stella.
Mr 2 and Stella both came out with
Zoro had a towel over Stella
A/n Aw so cute.
Mr 2: I thought I'd die... Well... I'm really swanny. To think I was saved by total pirate strangers. I will never forget your kindness for the rest of my life! Also, may I have a cup of warm soup?
All: We don't have it! We are the ones who are hungry
Mr 2: Oh, hey you! What a cutie. You're my type! I want to eat you! Smooch!
Vi: Such a weirdo...
Luffy: So you can't swim, huh?
Mr 2: That's right. I ate a devil fruit.
Usopp: Really? What kind of fruit
Mr 2: Well...since there is no need to run until my ship comes to pick me up... Instead of entertainment, I'll show you... This is my power! He smacked Luffy's head.
Zoro and Stella got out their weapons.
Both: What are you?
Mr 2: Wait! Wait! Luffy voice I just told you that this is entertainment!
Zoro: What.
Mr 2: Gimme a break! He showed the Luffy face on his body.
Luffy: That's me!
Mr 2: Surprised? If I touch my fave with my left hand. See? I'm back to myself. This is the power of the Clone Clone fruit I ate!
Nami: The voice too..
Usopp: His body was also the same.
Luffy: Amazing
Mr 2 touches all the faces.
Well, for that matter I don't have to kick you down... No look! Usopp face All I have to do is... Zoro face touch faces with my right hand. Chopper face. As you can see, nami face I can mimic anyone! Stella's face For as long as I want to. And boddiea too. He opened his shirt to reveal Steall's body
Usopp and Chopper's eyes were wide open
Luffy: That isn't how Stella's body looks. I should know I've seen it multiple times.
Zoro didn't dare to look
Stella puch Mr 2.
Ouch. stop it.
Luffy: Hey are you all right?
Mr 2: Ow, ow, ow... Well sorry, but I can't show any make of my power.
Luffy: You are amazing! Do it more!
Mr 2: Ahh. Well...if you insist... I guess I'll show more...
All: Yeah! Show it! Show it.
Nami: Gee, he's actually into it!
Mr 2: Well then, I guess I'll show.
All: We wanna see!
Mr 2: Furthermore, I'm equipped with a memory feature!
Three cheering him on. He chanced to a boy. A man with a big nose. A man with a mustache. The King. A woman with Red hair.
The man caught Vivi's eyes. The woman caught Stella's eyes
Three: Spin! Spin!
Zoro: How stupid
Mr 2: How was my secret talent? I usually never show it to others.
Vivi and Stella wondering the same thing. The four of them were dancing
Luffy: Give me a beak he's amazing
Nami: Oh whatever
Mr 2: That's my ship. He jumped on the railing.
Mr 2: It's already time to say goodbye. What a shame.
Usopp: What. Please don't go!
Mr 2: Don't be sad! Journeys are always accompanied by farewells... But don't ever forget this. Friendship has nothing to do with how long we've known each other. Don't cry he leaped onto his ship
Luffy: I'll never forget you.
Mr 2: Now let go
All: Yes sir! Mr.2, Bon clay-sama. And they were off
Usopp: Mr 2?
Vivi: So he is. Mr 2, Bon Clay...n
Luffy: Vi! You didn't know his face
Vi: No... I've never met Mr 2 and Mr 1 as well as his partner. I don't know their powers, either. Though I've heard of rumors Mr 2 is... A ballerina with a large frame who talks like a woman... He always wears a swan coat that has "Bon Clay" on the back...
Three: You should've noticed!
Stella: That could have been so good information beforehand.
Luffy: What the matter vici
Vi: Among the faces that he shows his memory... From his memory... I saw Father's face... The face of Alanasta's king Nefertari Cobra...
Zoro: if, for example, you could mimic a king... You'd be able to do quite bad things, too.
Usopp: We let a troublesome guy slip away, huh?
Chopper: Then he's our enemy?
Nami: He's certainly quite a problem if he's on our enemy side. If he realizes that we are his enemy... If he transforms into one of us using his memory from earlier...
Stella: We won't be able to trust our friends
Luffy: Really huh
Name: Listen Luffy
Zoro: Wait hold on. It true that's his opinions don't have any basis, but he's right about us, not Gavin's to be scared of him. We should consider ourselves lucky that we got to see him now...because we can figure out counter-measures.
A/n I don't want to hate this is why I also don't like Vivi she keeps remembering things at the last minute that could have been good information for them. She forgets a lot in the future episode and that's just annoying to me you'll see.
Man: Mr 2, Bon Clay-sama is in a
Mr 2:Un, deux, trios.
Man: very good mood for some reason
Mr 2: How do you say 4? I found a small friendship!
The Straw Hat ship was moving around
Nami: Something came out.
Vi: Sea cat m!
Both: It's a sea monster
Zoro: It's the first meal in 4 days
Luffy: it's a meal!
Nami: We're on the right track. 
Vi: I hope we get there pretty soon
Luffy: it's a meal
Zoro: Whoa it backed away
Luffy: Have the ahuo go back!! Go back!
Vi: We can't
Sanji: Ah! Don't let it get away! Capture it without fail! How should I cook you, cat monster?
Vi hit them with a broom
Luffy: Vivi! You jerk m! What're you doing
Sanji: Why... Vivi-chan?.
Vi: You can't eat it! Sea cats are a sacred animal in Alabasta!
Luffy: You should have told us sooner!
Chopper: there sure are lots of creatures in the sea!
Usopp: Being scared of things like that... You've still got a long way to go... Okay then! I'll tell a story when I fought Sea King on the Calm Belt
Chopper: Fought The Sea Kings!
Usopp: Big ones! They were this big!
Luffy: Our food got away.
Vi: But don't worry. You'll be able to stuff yourself soon.
Lefty: Reall? What cat will apparel this time?
Nami: Vivi! The wind and weather seem to becoming stable
Vi: Yeah we've entered Alabsta's Claimate area. A sea cat appear d also the proof
Zoro: And what we see behind us... Is probably all's proof of Alabasta being close. There were ships
Lefty; There are so many ships! When did that happen?
Usopp: Hey...! They all have the Barque Works Symbol!
Vi: It's employees have stars gathering. They're probably Billions...the Officer Agents Subordinates.
Stella: Which means that our enemy is at least 200.
Vi: On top of that, they are the 200 elites of Baroque Works. They're far from those bounty hunters in whiskey peak
Luffy: Should we fore at them then we can?
Usopp: Let's get won't already! It's quicker if we go there and beat them up!
Luffy: No, wait! We have to eat first!
Zoro: idiots! Don'f bother. They're small fries
Sanji: He is right. If we lose our real target, that is it. There are only 9 of us.
Everyone was tieing their arm up
Stella helps Chopper.
A/n It's too cute
Zoro: Anyways, tie it right. Our enemy this time has too many mysteries.
Nami: I see if we check this, we don't have to doubt our friends
Sanji: Does this Clone Cline Fruit guy tea become so similar when he transforms?
Chopper helps Luffy
Usopp: You've no idea! It is not similar. It's the same! It's too bad! You should've seen it. We even danced with him.
Samji: I'm not interested in a male ballerina
Zoro: Knowing some like them is among our enemies, we can't careless act alone.
Chopped: Heys what should I do?/
Usopp: Ahh... Do what you can do. You don't have to do anything more.  It is okay to run away from the enemy you can't defeat
Sanji: Art you telling yourself that.
Chopper: What I can do huh? Got it!
Vi: I can see the island. Let's stop at the town called Nanohana. We have to hide the ship.
Luffy: All right! At any rate, no matter what happens, the thinking on our left arms is the sign of our friendship!
They put their hands tougher
Well then, we'll land! To a restaurant! Oh, and to Alabasta. It's a side note
Nami: He wnmty this time is an assassination gang, Luffy. Be careful about acting on instinct,  okay
Luffy: You're right, I got it. Yeah, that's right got it.

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