Episode 94

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Ace was walkie around the town.
Old man: Oh, youngster! I haven't seen you before! Is this tour the first time in Alabasta? What do you say? Check out this solid-gold apple! Hold on. Don't tell anyone, but this is an incredible treasure I found in some ancient ruins. It said one bite of this magic gold apple will let you live 1000 years!
Ace: Sorry, I'm not interested in lining a thousand years. I just need to live today. He continued to walk
Usopp and Chopper were there.
Chopper: A solid- Gold apple
Usopp: 1000 years of life? For real! Did you find it in some ancient ruins?
Old man: You, sure did! It's a legendary artifact of an ancient civilization!
Chopper: One more we can love to do 1000 years?
Old man: Yep! It's the truth! I have you my word
Both: Awesome
Old man: I see you have a very sharp eye! In that case, I'll part it for the one-time price of 1000 Berries!
Both: 1000 berries! You got yourself a deal! Nami the both of them.
Honestly, now! What are you thinking?
Zoro: I wouldn't take him so seriously if I were you. He revealed a man painting the Apples gold.
Nami drags the two.
Usopp: Het let go. I was just about to live 1000 years for only 1000 berries!
Nami: Quite wasting time. And look for Stella and Luffy! We're done shopping, so we leave for the next town, the minute we find them!
Zoro: Where did Luffy run off, to anyway?
Nami: Shut up you two!
Zoro saw Ace talk to a Woman
Ace: Just a quick question. Have you seen these people? Hs shows the old Man Luffy and Stella wanted posters.
Zoro: Money D. Luffy? And Stella!
Ace: they might be here in town. I've been looking for them for a while now.
Woman: Hmmm. Never see them. Oh, but if you looking for someone ask the restaurant to ahead. The owner there knows a lot of people.
Ace: Much appreciated. The restaurant, huh? I was just feeling hungry, anyway.
Chopper: Who's that? He looks incredibly strong.
Usopp: Why's he looking for Stella and Luffy?
Nmai: Maybe he's a bounty Hunter?
Zoro: No. He's not. He looked on his back. That mark... As a former pirate hunter, there is no way I wouldn't recognize it. He then saw Tashigi. No, it can't be! It's her. She was buying a sword. What is that woman doing here?
Tashisgi turned around. Zoro hid
Nmai: What're you doing, Zoro? Why are you hiding
Zoro: That woman spells nothing but trouble Dmit!
Smoker: Hey, Tashigi
Tashigi: Captain Smoker! He dropped some people. Small fry pirates.
They thought they could act like Big Shots around me, so I took care of them.
Tashigi: Even in such a distant land, your dictate for pirates is unflattering!
Smoker: If you have time for pointless Chit-chats have the royal army take them
Tashigi: Yes sir.
Smoker: That doesn't seem to be any word yet. Of straw Hat Luffy Or Bandana Scarf Stella having come to this country. But don't let your hard down. They will show up. I'm sure of it.
Nami: Smoker? That's the Navy Captain from Loguetown!
Usopp: Are you saying he followed us all the way here from Louguetown?
Zoro: It would seem so. And then there was that man... Things could get ugly quickly. Where is that idiot?
Luffy had a stick while walking
I'm hungry... That's want enough at all one bit. Where is the town? Where in the world is the food place?
Stella: We'll get there can down.
Luffy looked up and met.
Food! Food! He ran forward
Stella: Luffy we are going to talk about running away. When we get back.
A lot of people were around the restaurant. Spice beam.
Man: Hey! What going on? What happened?
Man 2: Oh it seems someone suddenly died in the restaurant.
Man: Suddenly died!.
Man 2: He supposedly dies in the middle of a conversation with the owner! He's a traveler.
We think he unwittingly ate a Desert Strawberry while traveling...
Man: A Desert Strawberry?
It was ace.
They're poisonous spiders that look like red strawberries.  Eat one by accident, and you'll suddenly keel over a few days later.  Contagious poison spreads through your corpus a few hours after that, so nobody can get close.
Man: In the desert, what you don't know can kill ya. Just look! The way still stuck holding the meat is proof of just how powerful the Desert Strawberry's poison is!
Ace gets up.
Man 3: He came back to life
Woman: Are you all right?
Ace used her dress to wipe his face.
Oh, whoops. I fell asleep.
All: You are asleep?
Man: That's absurd! You were in the middle of a conversation about a meal.
Man 2: And now he's eating again
Ace: What's all the commotion, anyway?
All: We were worried about you!
Ace: Does this restaurant do comedy skits or something
Owner: No, it's not like that but it's good you're alright.
Ace fell asleep again
All: Hey, now! Don't keep again
The people left
Smoker was at Spice Bean.
Ace: That hit the spot! Say, mister. Have these people been in this town he shows the posters. He is a pirate who wears a straw hat and she is a pirate who wears a Bandana Scarf.
Smoker: I'm impressed you're bold enough to eat out in public... Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates... Portgas D. Ace.
Owner: Whitebeard! The white beard pirates.
Man: That dimwit is one of the Whitebeard pirates?
Man 2: Come to think I have seen that Mark on his back before! That's the mark of the Whitebeard pirates! What's he doing here?
Smoker: What is a famous, big-shot pirate found in this country?
Ace: I'm searching... For my little brother! And my big sister!
A/n Ace is Stella's sister the search is finally over. After 70 parts and years for her. Yes. Stella is Ace's sister. The contest is over. But you can try to guess who Ava is. Ps Ace does not know that Luffy and Stella know each other. I'll explain in the future
Luffy: Food Place! He and Stella were running.
Luffy: What is that? There is a weird smell on the way! Oh! There's one! There's a food place!
Stella: Luffy.

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