Episode 49

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Luffy: I'm gonna see the view the kind the pirates saw before he died! Arling time to go up!
Smoker came threw
Man: Captin Smoker! Where are going
Smoker: The execution Platform.
Luffy: I want to see the place where the king of the pirates died!
Smoker: He will be there
Man: You mean the Monkey D. Luffy. We can mobile 100 men immediately, sir! And the entire battalion afterward.
Smoker: You guys don't get it. I'm more the enough only own!
Luffy was climbing up the Execution platform.
The people just watched him do it.
Smoker: Hey. Hey boy.
Luffy: What do you want I'm kinda buddy right now!
Smoker: Are you the guy with the second-biggest bounty in the Wasy Blue?
Luffy: I'm Luffy. My sister Stella is the one who has the highest bounty. Do you need anything?
Smoker: I'm Captain Smoker of the Navy I'm in charge of Loguetown. You're under arrest.
Luffy: Huh? Arrest? Forget it! I'm about to go into the Grand Line and become King of the Pirates with my sister. And I would never hear the end of Stella's mouth if I got arrested
Smoker: King of the pirates
Luffy: I refuse to get arrested in a place like this
Smoker: The. You'll have to beat me first. You don't get into Grand Like unless you can beat me. That's the rule of this town. That's assuming you're brave enough to fight me of course. 
Luffy: I can't get into the Grand Line unless I beat you. Then I'll beat you.
Smoker: Go ahead then
Luffy went to punch him but his legs were stuck which made him stretch his body out.
Smoker: He's mad if rubber? I wonder what that girl can do
Lufffy: Darn it! My legs are tangled
Smoker: just want the hell are you doing
Luffy: I'm not doing this 'cause I wnn! It's my legs. I'm unstuck. Gum-Gum Pistol
Smoker was behind him
Two slow. Then punched and kicked Luffy. Someone as pathetic as you, worth 30 million berries. I don't even need to use it. My Devil fruit power and my fist are enough.
Luffy wasn't to attack but missed and was punched to the top of the Execution Platform and then fell down
22 years ago, I saw his execution. His proud final moment we're
Worthy of the king of the pirates... You king of the pirates? Don't make me laugh! You can't even enter the Grand Line! There is no point in getting back up.
Luffy: There's no way to know that until I try! Here goes Gum-Gum.  Whip he went to use his Leg only to swing around the water fountain and fly into the air
Smoker: What's with the boy? Will the girl be the same as him? Luffy was flying in the air
Buggy was in the Bar with the old Man
Buggy: I knew it. The cards that detestable ain't are already in their town. The time for revenge has flashing come at last!
Alvida: Sonyou successfully took his life?
Buggy: Obviously. The one who does is. He flips over a card that shows him
Alvida: Oh it's you!
Mohji: Captain we just saw--
Luffy ended up fine
I sure flew a long way. What was with that guy? What don't do now? I guess I'll sleep. People surrounded him
Zoro and Stella we're following the woman
Zoro; where exactly are we going?
Woman: You broke my glasses
Zoro: I told you. I'll pay you back somehow.
Woman: You don't look like you would have any money! Something about two just seems off.
Stall: First you shouldn't judge people even though you are right.
Woman: Those wrinkles between your eyes! That look of having eaten nothing for days! Do you have a sick mother? Did your wife run out on you and leave you with I'm five babies to nurse
Zoro: Look at you.
Woman: I won't ask for details just come with me
A/n I don't like her. Like she
Stella: The navy?
The woman gave them water buckets
Here. The cleaning man just quit his job. If you two work for the navy you'll never need to worry about the money! You are very lucky people
Zoro: Screw that why should I work for the Navy.
Woman: You're just going to run off you're insulting a person's Kindness! Maybe your poor spirit is more of an issue than your money problem.
Zoro: Look you.
Man: Surgent Mary your needed
Woman: Just work
Stella: Surgent mayor.
Nmai was walking past the Navy seeing Luffy and Stella's wanted poster
Zoro: Damnit, how'd I get stuck doing this?
Name: Zoro working for the navy? Just pretend you didn't see anything.
Zoro and Stella we're mopping
Zoro: Damn it! I'm getting nowhere like this.
Stella: I have an idea.
She picked up four more mops and gave 2 to Zoro
They can get things after with 6 mops
Zoro: I guess 6 brushes are my best.
The two saw that the woman was training
Man: You two what are you doing here? The two looked at them
Hey, I know you your pirate hunter Zoro! And Stella With 35 million berries. Why the hell are you two cleaners?
Man 2: Intel has I you've teamed up with Monkey D. Luffy crew now.
You're under arrest.
Zoeo knocks them out
Well, now what?
Stella: This.
Woman: What happened here?
Man: It seems someone attacked them and there's no trace of how they did it!
They won't pick up the money that was left.
Note For your glasses.
Zoro: Mind Man, that freaked me out. Damn, she looks way too much like Kuina! Not to mention she's a swordsman, of all things... The world sure is a big place but I doubt I'll ever see her again!
They went to a sword Place
Zoro: I'd like some swords.
Man: Yes, yes! Welcome! Have a look at anything you'd like. Our shop has been in business for 200 years you see!
Zoro: I got 100,000 Berries to sell me two swords.
Man: Eh? Two swords for 100,000 berries? Mind Damn he has no money
50,000 a sword only gets you some dull blades.
Zoro: I'll make do with whoever I just don't have any money.
Man: Man you'll make do with whatever Hmph! What an amateur!
He looks at Zoro's sword
The sword on his waste could it be?
O-Oh, hold on. L-Let me see that sword of yours!
Stella: What're you fidgety for?
Man: Just let me see it
Zoro gave the man the sword
This really is it! Mind Clam is done! This is your chance! An absolute a.ature waltzed right here with a legendary sword! You need to act cool!
Wow, that's not a bad sword. What do you say? I'll buy this for you for 200,000 berries. Then you'll have 300, 000 berries in total. You can get Three good swords for 100,000 a piece.
Zoro: Huh? What're you talking about?
Man: All right. A-alright! I-I can make it 250,000 No 300,00! 500,000?
Zoro: Look Raise the price of all you want, this sword isn't--
Man: Alright, then I'll buy it from you for 650,000 berries! Fine, you damn professional! How does 800,000 berries sound?
Stella: Look he's not selling his sword no matter how much more willing to pay
Woman: Hello. Did you policy my shigure? She looks over at the two.
Thank goodness! You two are safe. Some went on a rampage at the navy outpost earlier. You were gone too, so I was worried.
Zoro: Mind Shes a royal-class dimwit... Thanks Goodness! What a relief...
Woman: But the fact that you two here are safe and sound. Mean you two scoffed at my kindness and ran off! Hers your money back. I can't accept money from someone heartless. Besides I bought some new glasses! She looks down at the sword. Is that sword the Wdo Ichimonji? She takes the sword. Is the Wdo Ichimonji.
Man: Mind don't say it.
Woman: What a beautiful straight member line. I believe it's one of the 21 0-wazamono swords she held a small book. See look this is worth no less than 10 million berries. But what are you doing with the Legendary sword?
Man: Cusre you! You just had ro blurt it all out! I'm using for obstruction of businesses
Woman: Obstruction of business. I'm sorry I said something wrong
Man: You're here for your damn Shigure right now? I'm done polishing it! Take it and get the hell out of here.
He threw at her. She caught it and fell
Why did you run straight into those? That dumb girl saved you. It sure, that sword so legendary it'd be a waste for a guy who doesn't know the value to walk around with it. All the swords in that barrel are 50,000 berries a piece. Just take two you want.
Zoro went to the barrel
Woman: You must really like swords carrying three of them around! That's almost like the ones Bounty Hunter out there.
Zoro: Bounty Hunter, huh?
Woman: He's famous! His name is Roronoa.
Zoro: I heard. The name is a lot
Woman: Yes he's a famous swordsman all through the east Blue. But he's a notorious person! Using swords as bounty-hunting tools is unforgivable. Why is evil strong in the era? All the famous Maters era pirates bounty hunters... And almost all of the words legendary swords are in their hands.  It's a real shame
Zoro: I suno, maybe everyone has their own circumstance and stuff. All join need to keep up with the time somehow.
Woman: In any case with my shigure. I'm going to polish my skills as a swordsman! And someday a father of all the legendary swords that are in the in hands of criminals throughout the world.
Zoro: You ginn take these words too! The Wodo Ichimonji was it.
Woman: No, it's not that I want legendary swords. I'm just saying I don't like them being in the hands of criminals
A/n sorry but Zoro end up getting Two swords that are said to be cursed. It's too much talking
Luffy: What a nice nap. Alright! Time to go to the Execution Platform.
Buggy: Found him
Alvida: No, not yet. They went three ways
Buggy: Are you sure it was Straw had you seen?
Mohji: Yes it was
Buggy: Serch the place for him.
Luffy ended up getting help from Buggy without him knowing it.
The woman found out it was Zoro and Stella whom she met earlier the ones that attacked
Smoker was going to take them down.

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