Episode 113

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Sanji: Usopp, you go help chopper.
Usopp: Chopper
Sanji: Get to the southeast gate!
Usopp: Didn't Stella say not to leave Chopper alone again
Sanji: Don't mention that to her.
He leaves.
Vivi-chan, hand in there a little longer until I get there! Arrows were coming at him. She dodged them all
Man: Irsva revel soldier! They're here!
Sanji: Rebel soldier? Me
Man: Is a royal soldier shoot him!
Sanji: Hey, now, I'm neither rebel army nor royal army! They shot at him
I'm on the side of the ladies! He took them all down.
Chopper was alone. They've disappeared... Where are Mr 4 and Miss Merry Christmas? He looked back to see something coming at him
He dodged it there was a hole in the ground. And another one.
He sat down and one came under him
What is this? Just who are these guys?
Merry C: Who are you? You talk as though you know everything. Let me introduce you to our number-four batter
Mr 4 came from the hole
Mr 4 had a metal bat
Chopper: Number-four...batter...?
Mr 4 swings his bat.
Whatever I can do... Right now I should just do whatever I can do.  I am... I am a pirate!
Merry C die. She came in front of Chopper
Mr 2: Princess Vivi. Straw Hat Luffy this desert will be... Your graves! He went to kick them. They dodged
Karoo and the other bird came and took them away.
Mr 2: Hmm, hmm... Still, you're not getting away! Swan Dash!  I told you, you won't get away! Come on, wait, I say! I'm going to gobble you two up!!
Vi: Karoo...
Luffy: Duck... They remember when they saved them.
Luffy: You two are in shaped to be running.
They two quacked.
Vi: No, if you go straight we'll a cornered on the stairway!
Mr 2: Hold it, I'm telling you!
Vi: Let me off, Karoo I'm going to fight him.
Luffy: Me too.
The ducks turned to the right.
Vi: Hold on, that's Way is the cliff!
Mr 2: Hunh! That's ridiculous!;
The ducks went up.
Mr: What is this? Those ducks are scaling the sheer cliff of Alubarna!
Luffy: Way to go ducks.
They were almost at the top when they couldn't go up anymore.
They flapped their wings
Mr 2: You dummy! Now, fall back down here and fall prey to my Ballet Kenpo.
Karoo remembers what Luffy said
Luffy: It's a sign of our friendship!
Usopp: Oh, what are you trying about Karoo?
Luffy: Leave it you us! Vivi is our friend.
They flew and were able to hold on to the edge of the cliff
Mr 2: What's going on?
Vi: Karoo! That was amazing! You just flew
Luffy: You too duck.
Vi: Mr 2 can't follow us after we've come this far.
Mr 2:: That was sassy of you, duck! We were climbing up. Nothujs is impossible for me! Not with the relevé of my kenpo's blood, sweat, and tears!
They were able to get on the cliff they saw the fighting.
Luffy: Come on we have to go
Vi: Right! Karoo, can you get through this battlefield?
We can't find Koza in all of this confusion, so we'll go to the palace, to find Chaka. Before the rebel army reached the center of the city.
Mr 2: I caught up to you!
The ducks moved.
There was a gunshot.
The ducks were able to make it through the fight. And run away
Mr 2: It's no use.
They ran as long as they could until they fell
Karoo I was talking to them
Vi was crying a little
Mr 2: you stay out of my way, I'll deal with you, too!
The ducks yelled as they both hit mr 2. Making him fall down
Vi: You guys
There were two more ducks.
Sanji: Nice work, Captain Karoo. You're the man.
Luffy: Sanji.
Vi: sanji-san!
Sanji: you guys can stand down to you have a rebellion to stop right, Vivi-chan?  I'll take care of him. Are you the ridiculous transforming man?
Luffy: Yeah that's him.
Mr 2: you stay out of my way. Who are you?
Sanji: Go on.
Vi: Look after them.
The two other birds took Luffy bird and Karoo and Vi left
Mr 2: She getting away. You've got to be kidding me! You get to die!
A/n Luffy will be watching the fight seeing how I don't know how to put him in a fight he's not supposed to do.
Sanji: Why don't I start by having you retire our sharpshooters... They blocked each other kick with their feet. Prized goggles to me? I won't be done in like he was.
Mr 2: You're in league with Straw Hat?  Well, then, are you the fabled Mr. Prince?
Sanji: Nope. My name is Sanji. I'm a first-class cook of the sea.
Mr 2: A cook? I happen to be a super-first-class one myself. Cook shouldn't underworld organizations?
Sanji: That underworld organization bit more for both of us. I'm a cook and a pirate.
Mr: An eye for an eye, is that it?
Sanji: That's what it is you keep your hands off this county
Nami: Go! Go! Zoro! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and pound them
Zoro: You guys shut up and go hide somewhere!  Would you guys make this fun for me?
They walked past him to Nami
Nami: Hurry up and finish off...those.. ugly-looking...
Zoro: What do you think you're doing? Huh.
Mr 1: First of the guide to killing; Eliminate the weaker targets first.
Miss DF: Let us show you how a pro works.
Nami: Me? Just a minute! There's no need in getting rid of me. my face and style might be outstanding, but I've got no skills. I'm a non-combatant
Miss DF: Didn't we just say so? Starting by getting rid of such is the fastest way to work
Nami: Well, sure! Of course, you're right. I'd do the same, myself. She starts to run
Zoro: I told you to shut up and hide somewhere. I wished Stella didn't go off.
Usopp: This is the southeast gate that Sanji meant, right? It looks like the fight is over. Where is chopper? He sees Chopper on the ground.
Hey Chopper! Wake up! Hey! Come on!
Chopper: Usopp.... Thank goodness you're all right...
Usopp: Don't be silly! Are you all right?
Chopper: It's nothing serious.
Usopp: this is what remains after Mr 4 pair left, is it? And here, I came to help you out. That's too bad I, the champion of the seas, the world's greatest hero. Captain Usopp-sama, wanted to show off my fighting powers!
Chopper: They're still around here somewhere. Be careful.
Usopp: What? Tell me that part first!
The broken building starts to go underground.
What on earth is that? Nobody even there!?
Chopper: They're under the ground. Miss Merry Christmas is a mole-woman thanks to the mole-mole fruit. The other one, Mr 4, is a fourth-batter, together with his dog.
Usopp: Huh? That doesn't make any sense at all. What do you mean?
Chopper: Here it comes! Look out! A baseball cake at them just for theme to duck in time.
Mr 4 came from the hole to swing his bat to hit the ball in Usopp's direction
Almost hit his nose. Usopp ducked seconds before.
Chopper: are you okay usopp?
Usopp: That was close! You saved me! Thanks! What exactly was that just now?
Chopper: Like I said, Mr 4 is a fourth-batter, together with his dog.
Usopp: And I said that doesn't make any sense at all.
Chopper: Ah, it's him! He points at a canon Dog.
Usopp: What is that?
The dog's nose was running
Chopper: Oh, no!
Tye doh sneezes and an exploding baseball cane out
Here it comes again! They moved out of the way.
The ball goes. Mr 4 came out of the hole and hit the ball again it went after Usopp
You have to run far away,
Usopp ducked but the ball exploded on top of him.
Chopper ran to him.
Are you alright, Usopp?
Usopp: Like I said what exactly was that?
Chopper: It's a time bomb. It explodes even if it doesn't hit anything. They can calculate the time it will take and then hit them. Or to put it the other way, they don't explode until their time is up, so I thought it I could catch the bomb up and this it back at them, but the ball was heavy as a wrecking ball, and isn't the sort of thin you can catch. To be a le to hit it with a bat, especially at the speed that he does,  r 4's strength is extraordinary.
Mr 4 put his bat down but it broke the wall.
Usopp: Just how many toons is that bat he swings around?
Merry C: hey, Mr 4! You bastard,  you! You 'tard, you! She hits him on the head. What are you just standing around for? Let them have it, already!
Chopper: There she is! The mole-woman!
Usopp: She's a model
Merry C: I haven't even transformed yet "ba! You " ba!
Usopp: Chopper, you'll have to take it from here. Bury my body at sea when I'm home, would you?
Chopper: You just got done saying you came to help me, you dumb jerk!
Usopp: Noe, look. What is that dog-looking thing over there? You expect me to fight against a mysterious life form as inexplicable as that thing? I'm human! Get it?
Chopper: I'm a human, too!
Usopp: Fool! You're a monster!
Chopper: What about you with that long nose?
Usop: You shut up, bluenose
Chopper: Now you've said it, longnose!
Merry C: Is this any situation for you to be arguing like that? Eh, you look at her. And stand up.
Both:Sorry about that.
Merry C: His name is Lasso. He's a gun that ate the Dachshund model of the Mutt-mutt fruit.
Both: A gun?
Chopper: Are you saying that a gun is a devil's fruit?
Merry C: It's a new technique in the Grand Line. Even things can eat Devil Fruit.
Usopp: Ha! Don't be ridiculous! If he was originally a gun, how could move? Devil fruit doesn't have a wild of our own! And how does a gun eat something in the first place?
Merry C: Shut up! What good will it do for you to learn that if you're gone? To die here always? Something can't halo if it moved you know, you "ba,! Ba! Isn't the right Mr 4?
Listen up. You guys can't escape this place anymore. Not now that you've entered our territory. you'll enjoy this. The territory name is Molehill, Block 4. She turns into a mole
A/n Like she wasn't looking like one already.
Usopp: she trying into a mole-woman!
A penguin
Merry C: I'm a mole, I tell you! She goes underground
Usopp: She went underground. All right, now's my chance! He runs off
Chopper: Wait
Usopp:you can take it from here!
The dog came out from the home and shot at Usopp.
Chopper: Watch out
Usopp: It's missed! A curveball?
Mr 4 hit the ball.
Chopper: No. It's above you, Usopp! Fly ball!
Usopp: Ha, no big deal! I guess their clear-up natter can't even hit. 100 huh? I can avoid this one with my eyes closed! He ran. The ball dropped on The ground
Chopper: Spin! Look out behind you
Merry C: If he was just a fourth up he would be called Mr 4!
The ball exploded.

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