Episode 243

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Man: Tilestone! Kaku and Lucci should be there but they.
Tile: What? He went upstairs to find the two lying on the ground.
Title: Kaku! Lucci!
Man: Good grief, there's an end to this. No word yet.
Title: You bastard... How dare you...?
Man: What a noisy man.
Title: Iceberg had better be okay he ran to him with his hammer
Man: Come check it yourself. Iron body. He held his fist out for the impact of the hammer and only for it to break. He then grabs his arms
Tile: Let go you bastard.
Man: Are those muscles just for show?
He then punched him into the ground.
Two men ran out
Shave. He ran after them.
Man: We found them! It's Roronoa Zoro! And Banda Scarf Stella.
They showed up at last! Don't let them get away! They started to shoot at them...
Man 2: I saw that woman earlier too!
After them!
Nmai: Hey! Why isn't Luffy here?
Zoro: How should I know? I wanna ask that question!
They were all run from them
Chopper: What do we do?
Stella: Now that it's come to this, it's like we've caught in the act anyway. If we go on offensive there's a way to get in.
The two of them stopped
Nami: Hey? What? Stella! Zoro: What are gonna do?
Zoro: Running around the building won't get us anywhere. We'll openly plunge in front and look for Robin.
Chopper: Buy their shipwrights! They're not our enemy, you know!
Zoro: Don't worry. I'll use the back of my swords
Stella: Plus They are in our way we take them down we can Find Luffy and Robin faster. I promise no whip.
Zoro: Out of our way. The two of them charged at them
Both: But you're inflicting fatal wounds on them!
Stella: They'll live.
Ice: Well... I'm shocked. To be honest. I never thought I'd see you here...Nico Robin.
Robin: Have we met before?
Ice: No. We met for the first time last night. But I've wanted to see you all this time. I even put your wanted poster up in my room to ensure I never forget.
Robin: Do you want my autograph or something?
Ice: That would be nice! He held out a gun. Robin held out 4...
Robin: So you want to kill me?
Ice: That's right. Before you destroy the world! Why do you go searching for the pone glyphs? Since ancient times, the government has declared globally that it's a crime to seek and decipher the poneglyphes. I'm sure you know that much.
Robin: You too know of the existence of the poneglyhs
Ice: Just knowing about it wouldn't be a crime. But the only one in the whole world who can decipher these texts... is you. That's exactly why the government put a bounty on your head, even though you were only eight years old. It's because you are the only one in the world who can restore the ancient weapon!
Robin: I see....so, even you know about the weapon...
Ice: All things considered... I never thought the CP9 really existed. It does, it means you've already left the Straw Hat Pirates and have been helping the government. It's bizarre for a woman who's been pursued for 20 years to act like that, but. Well, that's not my concern. If the Poneglyphs are deciphered and the weapons get restored whether its owner is righteous or evil, the result will be the same. The weapon can never bring peace to this world. All it can bring is destruction. We mustn't call forth a relic of the past!
Robin: You're right. I do agree with you. But that is none of your business wherever I do to research history, you a stranger have no right to say anything to me
Ice: Well not quite...since you and I have more in common than you think. I have the blueprints of the ancient weapon Pluton. The blueprint of the weapon? Pluton is the name of a battleship built on this island a long time ago. The shipbuilding engineer who created this overwhelmingly powerful weapon had the blueprints passed down for generations. Because, if Pluton started running out of control, a force to counter it would be needed.  To get them the government had finally resorted to using force. To think that you're helping them without knowing that... I'm too shocked to speak. The man was named Tom. Who entrusted the Blueprints with me, has been concerned about a girl who was alone and was able to escape from the Ohara incident 20 years ago. He said that although she was small, she was dangerous since she had the same ideology as the Ohrar devils. I inherited the creator's will so I must stop you! Not that the government has come to know of the existence of the blueprints, essentially, it's better if I burn them. But I can't do that because you're alive, so there's still a chance that the weapon can be restored! He went to shoot only for Robin to stop the gun and hold him back she then got on top and pointed the gun at his head
Robin: Is that all you want to say before you die?
Ice:With all due respect, even if you killed me and stopped its restoration, if the Blueprints get stolen from you wouldn't it be the same thing? Well... let me tell you one more thing. You're the ones who got taken in by a plan.
Luffy was able to get out the crack but Paulie was shot a few times. The two masked people found Fale Blueprints and Luffy was stuck dealing with these two.
Snail: click.
It's me. A problem occurred. Our plan has gone awry. Everyone comes to the bedroom right away. Don't shoot Iceberg yet.
Woman: I wouldn't have mined playing with you all a little longer, but... something came up, so excuse me.
Lulu: What are you trying to run?
Woman: Not at all. She punches him.
Since something came up I gave him a finishing Blow. She jumps up.
The men went to check on Lulu
Pulie apologized to Luffy for blaming his crew. The two were chained to the ground and were trying to get out. Even though they were both badly injured.
Everyone came to the room
Ice: Go home. I have nothing to give you people!
Bull: That puts us in quite a bind.
Hat went on the bull's shoulders.
What should I tell you first... he took his mask off it was Lucci.
When you're about to die?
Ice: You disappoint me. Lucci!
Kaku:It's your own fault. He took off his Skull mask. You should've given it to the Government when they asked nicely.
Ice: Kaku!
Kalifa: I was hoping we could walk away from here without resorting to violence
Ice: Kalifa...
Blueon: It's a shame you, 're as hardheaded as your master.
Ice: Blueno, from the bar... You guys work for the Government?
Luccci: That's right. Going undercover was a pretty easy mission for us. In any case, your prudence leaves me at a loss for words Now, Iceberg...where are the blueprints of the ancient weapon Pluton? Please tell us, before more people get hurt.

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