Episode 170

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Stella and Luffy got into a fighting stance.
Chopper was running
Robin made it to an Abandoned sacred place.
Zoro was just walking
The priests and guerillas here all use strange fighting techniques. Might be dangerous to my swords for the usual distance. But If I need to defeat enemies from a distance. I do have that. He thinks about how Stella told him about how she defeated the 100 men and women on the island before when they first met Vivi.
The other one might work against small fries, but...
A giant bird was flying over him.
And then went to attack only for Zoro to take out his sword and slice it.
Still needs work, but I guess I'll try it out. A flying slash!
Many Goat men were chasing Chopper.
Oh if Stella was there they would all be dead in less than 1 second for even scaring him a little
Chopper was speeding through the woods. Only for Shandorians to come in front of him ready to attack the Divine soldiers!
There was an explosion everywhere.
They were going down like flies.
Chopper: I... Should never have come!
Poor baby.
Robin: The forest has been quite lively... This is a house away from the city. As expected, it's been swallowed by the forest. I wonder if the ruins of the actual city are intact... she heard a goat noise a goat man came down and broke a piece off a building
A woman! This route leads to God's shrine going any further would be insolent!
Robin: Get down from there! You don't seem to realize the historical value that ruins have!
Goat: How impudent!
Robin: Do you have business with me? What do you want?
Goat: Simple! By the God's orders, I'n to chop the Shandians and yoy Blue Sea people into pieces with the axe dial!
Robin: Seis Fleurs! She had multiple hand grabs. Onto him Twist! Folds that goat Body up.
She picked up the broken piece
Just awful.
A man defeated another Goat.
That'll teach you, Divine Soldier! They've killed many of our allies! Damn! These Divine Sildiera mean trouble!
Zoro: Right. Right. Right....
Man: Is that one of the Blue Sea people Wiper Mentioned? He must be eliminated! He ran to him
Zoro: A guerilla! Seems he wants to fight!
Man: Die! He wants to use his spear.
Zoro: I don't know what brought this on, but..! Zoro only punched him and he was done
Who the hell are you guys?
Then a goat man came.
Goat: Please forgive me! I give up! Please don't kill me! He was then struck by something
Zoro: Another one? Hey, you! If you aren't a priest don't be attacking me! I'm in a hurry here!
Braha. shot at him anyway.
Zoro dodged the attack
Braham then jumps on trees to attack from the air. And shot multiple times
Zoro dodged them all
Zoro: Bastard! What the hell are those flashing pistols? Where did he go?
Braham was behind him and went to kick him. Landing a hit on his chest.
Zoro gets back up.
Braham: You're pretty tough. I apologize. I underestimated you Blise sea person.
Zoro threw his bag.
Zoro: No, I should apologize. I had you pegged as a small fry.
Braham's boots had an air dial in them so he went flying
Zoro: He didn't even step towards me!
Braham then shoots again.
Zoro ran backward.
They were both behind bushes.
They said there are all kinds of wavers... Are these skate things just another type? He's using Blast to make himself float! Ans those pistols that flash each time he shoots! Because of this, I lose sight of him every time! Where's he going? There were shots behind him.
He put his sword in his mouth. And ran to him.
Braham: Three swords?
...trap! He went to attack only to miss
Zoro: Bastard!
Braham continues to shoot him
Zoro ran up a tree and went to attack him.
Braham: A blue sea swordsman who can't even use wavers other dials... Anything you do is useless! He threw a dial at him full of clouds to ride on.
Know what this is?
Zoro: What the...?
Braham: A Milky dial! He pointed the gun at Zoro's face.
Zoro was able to bend back to dodge the flash
Aerial combat isn't just jumping around desperately!
Zoro: An eel? He simply cuts it in half.
And jumps on it
I bet this makes good eating, broiled...
Braham came behind and shot him again
Zoro jumped on the Eel to get away.
And then the trees.
Barham was now looking for him.
Zoro was hiding beinh a tree..
I really sxrewed up! Am I an idiot?
I'm already dealing with a nimble enough bastard here... but then I get my leg shot up! Isn't there anything I can do about those flashing pistols?
That's it! Those are some mighty nice weapons you got there! He came out with his goggles. But too bad! Look! I have goggles! Your flashing pistols won't work on me anymore! So just give up!
Braham: They don't look like sunglasses to me...
Zoro: He saw through it!
A/n Damn Bro you're better than that. I mean you did fight Mihwak. Sure you lost but you still
Brhama: You don't seem fond of these Flasg Guns. Close distance is vital to swordords man. You're no match for me. I don't know what you guys are here for. But as long as you are here You are still our enemies. Now die already! Your leg must hurt pretty bad, too.
Zoro: Mind your own business. It only grazed me. Mind Getting shot at whole gawking at an eel is proof I still lack vigor. Well then, this is the perfect situation to try out that technique. Shall I give it a try?
Braham Shot up. And then at him
Zoro ran fast. And then on the ground. He continued to dodge the flash.
Braham: Trying to run away?
Zoro: Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind... Those six roots of nan have good, evil, and peace.
Braham: What are you talking about?
Zoro: And each of those has purity and impurity in them. Thirty-six worldly desires in a lifetime. I now have the barrel of a cannon pointed at you. You have pistols, I have a cannon. Distances and power-wise My weapon is superior. You've done well, but now you die!
Braham threw a cloud dail. And slides down.
A cannon? Have you gone mad? Where is this weapon of yours?
Zoro: Have you ever seen a flying slash?
Braham: Nonsense! He had his gun held in his face.
Zoro: Single-sword style! He slices at Braham
Thirty-six pound Phoenix! He was able to slash Brahma in the stomach.
Sorry. Nothing personal, but I'm not the type of guts who'll die when told to. I accept this survival challenge.
Chopper: Darn it. I lost all sense of direction. Guys. Stella! Luffy! Zoro! Robin! Am I going to be left here to die? Will I go to heaven if I die? Will the doctor be waiting for me? He was walking in his regular from right past a priest. Ged.
No, I can't think like that! I'm a doctor! I can't think about death so casually! Crys. But I wonder what heaven is like... wait, isn't this heaven? Things turned all "ruin-ish" at some point. I womder if the otgers are here! I guess I really am great! Could I be the first one here? Yeah! My nose must've helped! I'm the first!
Ged: A raccoon dog...
Wiper shot at Luffy.
Luffy: Gum-Gum... Balloon! There was a giant explosion behind him.
Luffy: That doesn't work on me at all!
He shoots two
Gum-Gum ballon.
Sanji: Why, you...Bastard! He went to kick Enel
There was lighting from the boat.
Usopp: Sanji! His body was fried. Sanji! He fell backward. Sanji!
Nami and Usopp went to him .
Say something, Sanji!
What happened? Sanji!
Enel was on the boat.
Usopp: I can'y hear is heart!
Nami: No way!
Enel: What a foolish man. And I didn't even come here to bring you any harm.
Gan: Then why are you here?
Enel: What a cold-hearted Hello... it's been six years former God Gan Fall.

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