Stella & Chopper Adventure

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135-138 will be Skiped. It's a flashback of how Zro meets his Brothers Johnny and Yosaku and an old man Vinny and how he was a pirate in his past life. I don't want to do that.
Everything was going well until Sanji was mad at Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper for eating all the food.
Sanji: One of you will go to the next Island and get more food.
Luffy: I can't need food.
Sanji: You ate all the food.
Usoop: I can't either what happened if there's a monster on the Islands. I have to live on.
Chopper: I'll go
Sanji: Somome is reliable on this ship.
Stella: Sanji
Sanji: Yes Stella-sama.
Stella: You're going with chopper right?
Sanji: But Stella I have to keep you, Nami, Robin you fed.
Three: Hey what about us?
Sanji: You can feed yourself.
Stella: Unbelievable.Chopper how about I go with you.
Chopper: Oh you will.
Stella: will be fun.
Chopper smiled.
Sanji: But Stella-sama you can't leave me
Stella: You guys have Luffy he's a captain too so just listen to him while I'm gone. And no fighting with Zoro.
Sanji: Yea Stella-sama.
The crew docks for the next Island.
Chopper had his doctor's bag and Stella had some berries to do food shopping
Stella: We'll be back before noon. Look after the ship for us.
Sanji: Yes Stella-sama.
Stella: you can explore the island as well just one of you has to watch the ship. Okay.
All: Okay
Stella: Okay, Chopper lets go
Chopper: Right. He was in his reindeer form.
As they walked away.
Chopper: So Stella.
Stella: Yeah.
Chopper: Yeah.
Chopper: How did you get the 15 million bounty on you're head as a kid?
Stella froze.
Oh captain I'm sorry you don't have to say anything if you don't want to.
Stella: It's because of the devil Fruit that I ate.
Chopper: You ate a devil fruit.
Stella: Yeah. Do you remember how in Alabasta I was able to turn into Luffy?
Chopper: Yeah
Stella: I can turn into anyone I want.
Chopper: Really.
Stella Yeah also. I can turn into any animal want as well.
Chopper: Wow. Do you think you can show me?
Stella: Okay. Kumo Kumo Reindeer.
Smoke comes out. And Stella is now a Female reindeer.
Chopper-nosed switches. He thinks still looks cute as a reindeer but won't say it.
Stella: You think you can keep this from the others.
Chopper: Why.
Stella: I don't want to know all of this yet. They saw what I could do they must think I have the Copy-Copy fruit like Mr 2 has. Only You and Luffy know about this. The only reason why I don't want them to know is because. I don't want them to think differently about me.
Chopper: Why would they think that?
Stella: Because Chopper I lied to them about not having a devil fruit not as powerful as this one.
Chopper: So how did you get it?
Stella: The woman I told you about.
Chopper: Ava. 5 billion Bounty. With a broken Sword.
Stella: It's not broken. That's how it was made when it was given to her. She asked for it that way.
Chopper: But why?
Stella: Who knows? I never thought of asking her. I just used it for training when I didn't have my whip.
Chopper: So how does she come in all of this
Stella: She was the one who gave It to me. She has a whole book about all the devil fruits in the world and she gave that to me because it works with my personality. I think never asked her. But the reason why didn't use it was because I could never get Ace with it. I told Vivi this but not you guys I have Four brothers but I only grew up with two for half my life with each.
Chopper: So Luffy is one and the other.
Stella: I fell apart. I'm still searching for them as well as my other brother. I was scared chopper. I felt weak when using it. So I vowed to never use it again. But Luffy broke me out of it. And now look at me. I'm a reindeer.
Chopper: Yeah. His nose twitched.
Stella: What's wrong
Chopper: I smell food. Come on.
They ran to the smell. They hid behind a tree to see where the smell was coming from.
Boy: Oh come on Tokto you have to eat.
A baby boy with an older boy was out in the woods. The baby looks about 1 1/2 and the other about 10.
Mom will come fine us soon but you have to get to stay strong.
Stella turned back.
Chopper stepped on a branch.
Boy: Who's there? Come out I'm not afraid.
Stella and Chopper came out.
Stella: Hey it's okay. We don't mean any harm.
Boy: How can I trust you? He held his baby brother while holding a stick.
Stella: If I tell you my name will you tell me yours?
Boy: okay. That's all you're getting out of me.
Stella: My name is Stella and my Reindeer's name is Chopper.
Boy: My name is Akio. And this is my brother Tokto. I told you our names now leave. You're not our mom.
Stella noticed the cuts on him. And the baby as well.
You're hurt let us help you.
Akio: No once we let our guard down you'll take all our food for yourself.
Stella: We won't. I promise. We just want to help. You seem lost.
Akio started to cry. We are lost and scared and I don't know what to do.
Stella: Hey it's okay. We can help my reindeer here is a doctor.
Akio: You don't have to lie. He's a reindeer he can't be a doctor he can't even talk
Chopper: Hey I'll be the best doctor in the world
The boy screams and backs away
Stella: Chopper! I'm sorry he didn't mean to scare you. He's a doctor and he can help you and your brother okay
Akio: Promise
Stella: I promise
After some time Tokto and Akio were bandaged up. And eating the food they had left over.
Stella held Tokto in her lap.
Awww you're so cute.
Tokto was giggling. She played with his cheeks.
Chopper was jealous but smiled.
Akio: Do you want some?
Stella: Oh No chopper deserves the food. He did help you out.
Chopper: Oh it was nothing.
Stella: My handsome Reindeer helped you guys out.
Chopper started to dance
Cooper: Oh shut up. It doesn't make me happy when you say that.
Akio: He seems happy.
Stella: He doesn't know how to take kindness. So he does that.
So can I ask you how you and you're brother get out here?
Akio: Well me and my mom and Tokto were fishing when a giant fish found us and attacked us and we got split apart. I was holding Tokto and we landed here And she was out of sight and we were here for three days.
Both: Three days.
Akio: I was able to find some fruits and gave to to Tokto to eat while I had little.
Stella: You're a great brother.
Akio blushed.
Stella: Me and Chopper would love to help you find your mother.
Akio: Really.
Stella: Yeah and then we'll be on our way.
Akio: Oh thank you so much. This means a lot to me and Tokto.
There was a rumbling noise.
They looked to the sea.
There was a giant fish.
Akio: Oh no. That's the fish that attacked us before.
Stella: Oh I see. She gives Tokto to chopper
Hold him until I get back. Okay, I have to teach this fish a lesson.
She walks away.
Akio: She can't do that. That fish is dangerous he's been taking people's lives over the past 10 years we were barely able to make out a alive
Chopper: Oh don't worry. Stella is strong she will never lose to a fish.
After some time Stella came back with the fish in her hand
Stella: I think you'll be happy to eat him now.
Both: Wow
Stella: No one messes with cute children like you two. Now let's get you back to you're mom.
Akio: okay. Stella held Onto Tokto and the fish as Akio Rod Chopper in his Reindeer form.
Stella: Now you can go back home with a gift for you're mom. I hope she likes it.
Akio: We love fish.
Stella: Even better.
They were walking until they saw a woman looking around
Woman: My babies.
They gave each other hugs
Chopped brought Tokto to his mother.
The woman hugged him and kiss all over his face.
Woman: Thank you two for bringing my babies home. You deserve a reward I can tell the Navy about you guys.
Stella: No, that is not needed
Woman: You deserve to get rewarded
Stella: You'll be keeping us safe if you don't.
Woman: Why not?
Stella: Were pirates after all.
The woman Smiled
I see. But you should at least take some food for the road.
Chopper: We'll take that
Stella: Chopper! We can't
Woman: Come on you gave us this fish we can eat for a whole month thanks to you. I'll pack some food for you guys
As the woman was making the food
Chopper and Stella played with the boys.
It was Time for them to go
Stella: Thank you for everything.
Woman: Glad to do anything for the people who saved my boy's lives.
Akio walked to Stella.
Akio: When I grow up I want to be a pirate just like you guys.
Stella: Are you sure you can handle the danger?
Akio: yeah I'm ready for anything.
Tokto: Pirates.
They all looked at the baby boy.
Woman: His first words.
Stella: Awww so cute. We must be going now.
Woman: I understand. Have a safe journey.
Chopper: We will.
They left.
Akio: Thank you Stella and Chopper.
The two were back at the ship with Lot of food for free.
Nami: you seemed to got a lot. How much berries did you spend
Stella: Nothing at all. She gave the rest to Nami.
Nami was happy.
Zoro: Did you two steal? Didn't know you had it in you
Stella: Never.
Chopper: We got it from a lady.
Usopp: Why would she give you food you're pirates.
Stella: Chopper and I saved her Boy's lives so she gave us food as a reward.
Robin: You seem more joyful. Is anything on your mind? Captain
Stella: happily. I just can't wait to have babies of my own
Robin and Nami smiled
The boys were shocked and blushing
Luffy: Who's having a baby?
All: Luffy!
Aka Stella aka the best Mom

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