Episode 147

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Nami: Luffy! Zoro! Stella! Why are you letting them beat you like that? Fight them! You can ask them with no problem!
Stella, Luffy, and Zoro's face were bloody.
Sarquiss: It's no use lady. They're realized that their opponent are way out of their league. Not fighting a stronger opponent it's a disgraceful move though.
Man: I guess he has no disunity as Co-Captains.
Sarquiss: The Marines are generous these days giving 30 and 35 million berries to the heads of tel worthless asses like them. Nami held onto Luffy Hat.
Come on. Fight back
Bellamy: The doctrine of nonresistance. Sounds nice, doesn't it? He drinks his drink. In addition to being weak, you have no pride. You can't get into a single fight. But your heads are full of dreams. You're A just like worms.
The men laughed.
I'm done here. Two weak-looking shorties worth 30 and, 35 million... And to think I wonder what kind of badass they were. This is just a letdown, it's boring! I've never met cowards like them before. He then. Drinks and spits it all over Stella.
Hey, get them out of my face. They eyesores. And the man then knees Zoro in the face.
The man laughs Bellamy and then Pushes Stella and Luffy through a window. E
There was blood on the glass
Nami: Stella! Luffy! Zoro! She looked at Luffy
Sarquiss: Hey, sweet thing! You won't be able to move forward unto the new Era If you're with them. What if I brought you? You seem cheap enough.
Nami looked at him
What was that? You're going to buy me?
Sarquiss: That's right. Join us. It'll be fun.
Nami: Hate to say it, but I'm too good for a team of small fries you!
Sarquiss: She has an attitude!
The man laughs.
Man: Their gang but dumbassess!
Man: They're hopeless!
A/n Why did they look so Lifeless in this episode?
Bellamy: Takes these three idiots and gets out of my sight! While you're still alone you worthless worms
Stella: No need. She gets up.
Stella takes out her whip and uses it on three of the men sitting done. Given them deep slashes.
Stella: You made fun of my friend. Nami let's go. She picks the boys up. And walks out.
Man: The sky island exists. They go over to see the same man who's asked for the pies
He was sitting down and eating them
The cherry pie here really is the best.
Both: You're that guy...
Man: Why so angry, Young ladies? You're the ones who won the fight.
Nami: what.
Luffy remembers Shanks and Ace's words
Shanks: Oh? You'll surpass us?
Ace: We'll meet again we'll all three be on top.
Stella remember Ava
Ava: Oh I can't wait to meet that future family of yours.
Stella: He's right.
Man: Your sharp retort was really something, too. You've got nerves of steel.
Luffy and Zoro stand up
Man: The new area they talk about is crap! The era where pirates have dreams will be over, they say. Laughs.
He slams his rum on the floor
People's dreams have no end! Isn't that right?
Man 2: What are you shouting about?
Man: outdoing others isn't easy! Laughs
The people are laughing at him.
Sarquiss: What's going on? I hear a ruckus outside.
Bellamy: Don't bother. Those guys might be going on a rampage case they're pissed.
Lily: How sad!
Man: They can go ahead and laugh at us. When you aim high, you sometimes come across fights not worth fighting. Isn't that right? Laughs.
Zoro: Let's go.
Nami: Right. Luffy! Stella! They continued to look at him.
Man: Oh look like I interrupted you. Are you in a hurry? I hope you can go to the sky island! The walks away.
The crew walked the opsista way.
Nami: He might've known something about the Sky Island. I wonder how he is.
Stella: I don't know. And it's not he.
Nami: What? It's not he? Then what?
Zoro: They probably
Nami: They. Do you mean there were others with him? Where? Hey!
Usopp and Chopper we're fixing the boat. Sanji was talking about getting rid of it but Usopp went on that it was a gift from Kaya. They saw Marisa Crew
The four of them came back
Nami looked at the three.
Usopp: Luffy! Zoro! Stella! Why are you wounded? What happens?
Sanji: Nami! Are you okay? What happens to Stella? You bastard didn't protect her. I knew I should have gone.
Chopper: Doctor.
Usopp: That's you.
Chopper: Right.
Usopp: So, what kind of Moguera Monster did you fight?
Chopper was checking Luffy
Luffy: Pirates. But that's okay, it's all over now.
Nami: Even if it's over for your guys it's not for me! What's wrong with you guys? You're men, right? When someone provokes you, you should go ahead and beat them all up! Actually, better yet, why not just blow up this whole annoying town?
Zoro: So what was the stuffy you said earlier? Nami looks at him. What's past is past! Don't talk about ancient history!
Usopp: What's gotten into her? She's not the one who got hurt.
Chopper: Oh yeah! Did you get any information about Sky Island?
Nami: Gave him a scary look. Sky... Island? Who cares? All I did was mention Sky Island and the entire bar broke out laughing. Did I say something funny? What's wrong with them
Usopp played dead and Chopper was in a Fluf Ball.
Robin: It's quite lively up there. Why are you so upset?
Sanji: Oh! Welcome back, Robin! Would you like to eat first or shall I prepare your bath?
Luffy: Oh, Robin, did you go somewhere?
Robin: Yes, I got some clothes and information about Sky Island.
Nami: That's right! You Robin!
Chopper: Jumpin Point! He jumps into the water
Nami: This happens because you and Stella started to talk about Sky Island if it doesn't exist
Chopper lands in the ocean.
I'll see you and Stella to a watery grave!
Stella: Hey Chopper. jump in after
Usopp: Leave her alone for now! You'd better not get close to her guys don't rock the boat.
Robin goes to put here things way she has hands on the railing.
Here captain.
Luffy: Oh! It's a treasure map!
Usopp: isn't it an ordinary map? Where is it?
Robin: it's this island. The town on the left is Movk Town, where we are now. And the side you see an X on the other side, right? I heard that a man who doesn't blend in Jaya lives there.
Three: Doesn't blend in?
Robin: His name is Montblanc Cricket. A man who talks about dreams and was driven out of town. You might have something in common to discuss. She goes inside
Luffy: Why don't we try going there?
Usopp: Hey, wait Luffy. I'm not sure we should go for it because... Hey choper to saw it earlier, too, didn't you?
Chopper was breathing heavy
Stella was rigging her shirt
Usopp: What are you guys doing
Chopper: I thought I was a goner
Stella: You're lucky you're cute
Sanji: Stella-sama. My you're all wet
Stella: It's not the first and it won't be the last.
Zoro: Here. Take it.
Sanji: No take mine. It's better.
Stella takes both. She hands a towel to chopper.
Man: Big Boss! Undersea preparations complete!
Man 2: The mic is ready
Boss: Alright! Starting the search sonar! He has a microphone and yells into it. There was a bigger one in the water making vibration.
There were men in the water listening to it.
A man came up
This is Utan Diver Number 27 sonar repones confirmed! School of Fish detailed at 9 o'clock!
Boss: Alright! We'll have them roasted whole for dinner!
Man: This is diver Number 4 sonar response confirmed! The small failing vessel detected on the sea
Boss: What? A vessel? Determine the exact direction
Man 4: let's see. I'd sat it's 12 O'clock!
Boss: It's already clear enough to see! Stop the search and return to the ship, uran Divers!
They do so.
Luffy: Didn't take long for us to come across something weird. But donest lol like the same guy from before, Usopp.
Sanji: Well, whether that's a good thing or bad it's just another story.
Usopp: In any case, we did see them! Right?
Chopper: Yeah. As we thought that salvaged is from this island! We saw his ship coming back!
Luffy: I see. But I don't mind seeing him again.
Boss: Hey you guys! Quit mumbling over there! Ha! Honestly, I got all word up and wonder who you guys were!
Luffy; That's quite a reckless face you've got. What spaces are you in?
Boss: I'm Human, you moron!
Man: You punks! Don't you know Shojo? He's the boss of the Shojo pirates and the king is the undersea search!
Man 2: Don't make our boss angry!
Boss: Hey. Looks like you're pirates. Did you know that Crocodile, one of the Eight Warlords of the Sea was defeated? When you consider my abilities, that post may come to me. So I've been. Getting all worked up waiting to be contacted.
Luffy: I see. Then you want to become one of the eight Warlords of the sea?
Boss: Well, I know case the great part about me is that I have had my hair cut in all my 25 years of life. Now aren't you surprised?
Stellar is a little jealous. But not really.
Boss: Whoa! I'm surprised!
Man: Hey watch your mouth!
Boss: Now.. What you say really gets me all worked up. Listen. You will come out of the tunnel that is my anger into a sea of blood.
Stella: Okay whatever. There are places we want to go. So move aside.
Boss: Idoit! This area is my turf! If you want to pass through, pay the toll
Usopp: What does he mean by his turf? He's talking like Masira.
Luffy: Huh? Did Masira say stuff like that?
Boss: What? Masira? What about Masira?
Luffy: We kicked him off our boat, but.
Boss: What! He was kicked off? How dare you do that to my brother! This is revenge for Masira!
Luffy: Hey hold on a sec. We did, but he was still alive!
Boss: Sounf wave! Havoc Sonar! He yells in the mic.
Luffy: The ship is...! He was breaking his own ship
Sanji: What are they doing
Luffy: Who knows? But it's amazing.
He's destroying the ship with his voice.
Nami: Now, everyone! Stop gawking and let's get through here while we can!l
Luffy: Hey Nami, not a daemon anymore.
Then their ship starts to mess up
Hey! Hold on! This isn't good! The waves made or to this ship after all! The ship starting to fall apart, particularly the repair area! The ship's body is worn out enough as it is! If we stay here the ship will be torn apart!
Nami: Full speed ahead! To someplace out of his voice reach! They were able to get away.
Man: And I was really surprised. This pretty woman says. Tell me where cricket lives!
Man 2: What a bold woman!
Man: Bold? Wells, she was strong! She had these mysterious hands popping out everywhere, and they knocked me done everyone in the bar. It wasn't funny!
Mna2: But what does she want with old geezer Cricket?
Man 3: the sea around there is the drug of the big Monkey brothers. Also, if you have something to do with that old geezer, you'll catch his stupidity.
Man: That'd be a problem. What that woman is after is gold bullion, no doubt about it.
Man 3: Gold bullion?
Man 2: Yeah. I heard some were found recently.
Man: where
Bellamy: Hey guys. What did you say about gold bullion? That cricket guy... I'd definitely like to meet him, too. Tell me about him! Laughs.

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